NaNoWriMo Contest

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Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Apologies and Request

First off I want to say I'm incredibly sorry. The database got fouled up last night and I've been trying to reconstruct things since.

Second - if you could resubmit your NaNo chapters - things should eb working again. If Planewalker was the only copy of your chapters (though from the way you guys were talking it's not) Then let me know and I'll go diving to retrieve them.

Smeazel's picture
Joined: 2004-11-02
NaNoWriMo Contest

Resubmitted (with a slight title change). By the way, you were right; the chapters were getting cut off. I split them up this time and submitted them in smaller chunks.

Incidentally, not that this is a big deal, but when I save a draft, I end up with two copies saved, or rather one copy and one empty draft with the same title. Like I said, not a big deal; it's an easy matter to just delete the spurious copy; I just thought I might as well let you know.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
NaNoWriMo Contest

I know - I just noticed that about the drafts myself. I'm trying to figure out where on earth it's getting that.

Update: I think it's fixed. Let me know if I broke anything or if it creeps up again.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
NaNoWriMo Contest

*stealth bump*
Also - can the folks that had chapters up before things got fragged resubmit? Or let me know if I need to go a'hunting in the database?

simmo's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
NaNoWriMo Contest

I'll resubmit them either tonight or tomorrow. Am a little behind on word-count due to illness, but am now back behind the keyboard. Only after-effect seems to be drain on motivation to finish the story. Perhaps this is due to the fact that I have finlly figured out how it is likely to end.... Puzzled

simmo's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
NaNoWriMo Contest

Ok that is pretty much everything that I have written. Please dont ask me to submit it again Smiling Also, when this story is finished I want nothing more to do with it. I will think of it as a collection of 50,000 words and will probably never want reminding of it. Puzzled

suffering near burn-out

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
NaNoWriMo Contest

"simmo" wrote:
Ok that is pretty much everything that I have written. Please dont ask me to submit it again Smiling Also, when this story is finished I want nothing more to do with it. I will think of it as a collection of 50,000 words and will probably never want reminding of it. Puzzled

suffering near burn-out

*wince* OUCH. That rough? On the other hand - *gives big hugs* I'm loving the story Eye-wink It's *fun*

simmo's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
NaNoWriMo Contest

I have sumbitted chapters 17 to 22, but one of them may contain the two chapters accidently sumitted together rather than apart. I have submitted the latter chapter again by itself. Thanks,


Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
NaNoWriMo Contest

Check them - it looked like it got submitted right... but you'll know for sure on that. Smiling

Also looks like you win. Smiling

simmo's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
NaNoWriMo Contest

"Clueless" wrote:
Check them - it looked like it got submitted right... but you'll know for sure on that. Smiling

Chapter 18 also contains chapter 19, which was submitted again seperately. This means that the word count is higher than it should be. Please can I ask you to delete chapter 19 from the chapter 18 page Thanks,


Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
NaNoWriMo Contest


simmo's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
NaNoWriMo Contest

Thanks Smiling Have a fantastic weekend.

Jeranon's picture
Joined: 2004-11-28
NaNoWriMo Contest

Congratulations, simmo, on completing 50,000 words that you probably don't want to be reminded about. Laughing out loud

The question is, what will this do to the motivation of the other writers? That is, if they have any left... Sticking out tongue

Edit about 12 or so hours later: I just put mine in. I hope that's 50K+ words as that's what the word processor says. This NaNiWriMo thing is brutal. I'm happy I at least managed to finish. I hope I managed to keep continuity going.

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
NaNoWriMo Contest

"Jeranon" wrote:
The question is, what will this do to the motivation of the other writers? That is, if they have any left... Sticking out tongue.

I'm very far behind, but I'm still going. I don't know if I'll finish by December or not, but I'm slowly progressing - I've found it's faster to write in my sketchbook, where there are fewer distractions.

My motivation is as strong as ever. It wasn't about finishing first. I really want to do this; there's a lot of interesting ground to cover.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
NaNoWriMo Contest

Once November is over I think I'll shift the contest over to a fanfiction section and leave it up so all of you can keep working on it. *grin*

I think I'm going to be doing a lot of reading - and a fair amount of overseas shipping the way things stand. Glad to see more chapters coming up!

Jeranon's picture
Joined: 2004-11-28
NaNoWriMo Contest

"Kaelyn" wrote:
It wasn't about finishing first.

Yeah, you're right, it was about just finishing the mind marathon. This is the first time I've managed to get past 5 pages ever.

I'm with simmo about the reminding aspect though. Quantity over quality, right? Puzzled

simmo's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
NaNoWriMo Contest

"Jeranon" wrote:
Quantity over quality, right? Puzzled

Word count isn't everything...... it's the only thing :roll:

PS. accroding to my copy of Word, the word count is 50,308

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
NaNoWriMo Contest

Almost there - almost there!

And yeah - our word counter algorithm is off (it's less off than it was before at least!) Word counting is not what php is good at apparently. Eye-wink But everyones being scored the same on it - so it's at least off *evenly* amost everyone. I'll be working over the next year between now and next november to get it exactly matching.

Smeazel's picture
Joined: 2004-11-02
NaNoWriMo Contest

"Jeranon" wrote:
The question is, what will this do to the motivation of the other writers? That is, if they have any left... Sticking out tongue

Eh... having gotten a very late start as it is, and having had a terribly busy Thanksgiving weekend and not having been able to get anything done over it, I'm way behind. But I'm catching up. Though I'll have to do a lot of catching up to do to reach 50,000 words by midnight, since today is the last day of November. But hey... I've still got what, eight hours? I can still make it... maybe...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
NaNoWriMo Contest

Best of luck. Smiling

And don't worry - there'll likely be another next year (with more forewarning) - and I've heard from a number of folks too busy to do it this time that they'd love to do one come April... depending on interest this may be a very regular contest. Smiling

Besides - I've heard some rumors that there might be a fiction feature comeing to planewalker soon.... *wicked grin* And that will certainly love to gather late coming material.

Smeazel's picture
Joined: 2004-11-02
NaNoWriMo Contest

Whew. Well. It's midnight here, and admittedly I still haven't quite finished the story...I've got one chapter to go. But... I did hit 50,000 words, and as I understand it the goal was to get to 50,000 words before the end of the month, not necessarily to get to the end of the story; is that right? In which case, I guess I succeeded... though barely...

Anyway, though the month is now technically over, I'll go ahead and finish up the last chapter and submit it tonight. So the last chapter won't have been finished before midnight the last day of the month... but since the parts that have been finished total more than 50,000 words, I guess I still managed to squeak by...

Smeazel's picture
Joined: 2004-11-02
NaNoWriMo Contest

Phew! And there we go; all finished and uploaded. Certainly not my best work, but for something that was written over the course of only five or six (noncontiguous) days, and about half of which was written in one day, I suppose it's not too bad... next time, if there is a next time, I'm going to get an earlier start and spread the work out more, so I won't have to churn out twenty or thirty thousand words at the last minute.

Oh, by the way, Clueless, there are a few minor things I noticed in some of the previous chapters that were minor enough I didn't think it was worth resubmitting the entire chapters to fix them, but which might be worth fixing if it's not too much work...first of all, all of Chapters 7, 8, and 9 are in boldface; only the headings should be. (Don't know how that slipped by me when I previewed them...I could have sworn they looked okay then. Oh, well.) Also, Chapter 15 starts with an "IV" that should be a "VI". As I said, these aren't a big deal, and if you don't want to bother fixing them I understand, but it would be nice if it's not too much trouble.

(I also notice now that I've been horribly inconsistent with font sizes and how the "Continued"s are written... bleah. Oh, well.)

Anyway, at least I'm finally through. And home, and to bed, and to concern myself with other things.

simmo's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
NaNoWriMo Contest

"Clueless" wrote:
And yeah - our word counter algorithm is off

Sorry, I wasn't trying to complain :oops: You've done wonders for the site and I'm constantly impressed by all the hard work and effort that goes in to


Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
NaNoWriMo Contest

"Smeazel" wrote:
So the last chapter won't have been finished before midnight the last day of the month... but since the parts that have been finished total more than 50,000 words, I guess I still managed to squeak by...

Yeps! I just set it up and approved the last one this morn when I woke up. Smiling
Good going!

I think I'm going to leave the contest mechanics up for a little longer - for folks to finish wrapping up their stories. Smiling (I'm curious to see where Rip's going with his Eye-wink )

I'll probably go back through and do a little bit of final editting - at least for those parts that you've noted need correction - before I put all of it into archive, and shut the contest down. (By archive I mean keeping the chapters around on display in a new section.)

Which means - at this point it's winner time and prize time. Eye-wink simmo came in a good day before anyone else, so I'll be shipping something to london definately. But, if all the participants could PM me a shipping address, I can get some other goodies out the door headed your way just in time for the holidays. Eye-wink

Sarig's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
NaNoWriMo Contest

"Clueless" wrote:
Best of luck. Smiling

And don't worry - there'll likely be another next year (with more forewarning) - and I've heard from a number of folks too busy to do it this time that they'd love to do one come April... depending on interest this may be a very regular contest. Smiling

Besides - I've heard some rumors that there might be a fiction feature comeing to planewalker soon.... *wicked grin* And that will certainly love to gather late coming material.

We did this on another site, had a local nano in April. With 20k as a goal. Was quite a success Smiling

Smeazel's picture
Joined: 2004-11-02
NaNoWriMo Contest

"Clueless" wrote:
I'll probably go back through and do a little bit of final editting - at least for those parts that you've noted need correction - before I put all of it into archive, and shut the contest down. (By archive I mean keeping the chapters around on display in a new section.)

Hm... well, there is one thing I just noticed about the posting of my story that's inflating my word count by several thousand words... Chapters 17 and 18 are both duplicated. I did send out two versions of each of those chapters, but the second one was a corrected version of the first; they weren't both mean to be posted and counted. (The second version is the correct one in both cases.)

Also, there's a minor glitch that's been present since near the beginning of my entry to the contest but which I hadn't bothered to bring up before now, but while I'm on the subject... Chapter 4 is numbered with a 5 on the main Contest Progress page, so the numbering goes 1, 2, 3, 5, 5, 6... The chapter itself is correct in this case; it's just that the link to it has the wrong number.

One more thing I just noticed, if you do get around to editing... I guess this slipped by me in the preview, because I was just sort of skimming and making sure there were no blatant formatting errors and the end was in the right place, but... for some reason near the end of Chapter 17 "Religious Avenue" is italicized and on a line by itself. It shouldn't be. My guess is this is due to something weird Word does when it sees what it thinks is an address... there are also a few skipped lines later in the chapter that shouldn't be there, but those I don't have an explanation for. [Edit: D'oh! I also just realized that should be "Religion's Avenue" (both there and in Chapter 22), not "Religious". That's what I get for typing the story in too much of a hurry without keeping the source material at hand... Oh, well...]

Anyway, I know you've probably got a lot to do as it is, and I don't want to be too demanding; I'm just bringing these up as things to look for if you do get around to doing a little more editing, but if you don't get to them, no big deal. Eye-wink

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
NaNoWriMo Contest

"Clueless" wrote:
(I'm curious to see where Rip's going with his Eye-wink

Me too! I have no idea where it's going to end, but I know a lot more about the story than when I started (which was absolutely nothing).

Possibly this would be going a lot faster if I had known more in advance. Possibly not.

What happened to your story, Sarah? I know you had posted part of it earlier.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
NaNoWriMo Contest

Final exams actually. Smiling
I got started seriously late. And then ended up not getting more than 2 pages in before school and bug hunting took over my life. I'm debating between holding onto it for next year - or putting it up chapter by chapter between now and next year.

Narfi Ref's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
maybe next time.

I started out really getting excited about this, but between dificulty figureing out how to start it, not being able to think of enough unique major characters to my likeing, and having the most exhausting month of work I've had in my life (I work at an EB Games, and November is a bitch) there was just no way it was happening right now. I still have a basic story I want to do and have wanted to do for years, and I can probably make it a trilogy so as to honor the rule of threes, but why by the gods did they have to choose November for NaNoWriMo? Why not July? Nothing's going on then except for Independence Day; no retail craziness, school isn't in session; it would be perfect! Grrr. Oh well, maybe you'll get mine sometime next year.

Narfi Ref

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
NaNoWriMo Contest

I'll be opening up a poll sometime in the spring asking for when folks are wanting to do another Nano - this one *not* in Novemebmer. I had a lot of my friends doing the same hting re: school, retail and holidays.

Avenging Kobold's picture
Joined: 2004-12-02
NaNoWriMo Contest

I got maybe half of my novel done, which was my actual objective given the fact I started sort of late and had a bunch of distractions along the way, such as work and things like raves (it's hard to write while sketchy and burned out) and concerts (I thought tours were supposed to be in the summer). Though I do plan to finish what I started, and I intend for my novel to go all over the place.

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