Hello, cutters!
We figured it was about time for Planewalker to hold a new contest, and considering the time of the year, we had just the right idea. Every November for the past few years (since 1999) a novel writing contest has been held. Write one novel in one month...
Yeah, I know that look - that one *right* there. What on *earth* is this barmy going on about?
Well, it's something a lot of folks promise themselves: "One day I'll write a novel." Well, that "one day" has a habit of getting put off doesn't it? Hm? Yeah, I thought so. The solution? One month of utter insanity trying to keep pace with your neighbors. Forget the first draft. Forget going back and editting. Forget polishing your scenes. You don't have the time. Think of it as what would happen if a Xaosman joined the Sensates for a month.
One Month. One novel.
5o that's about 1666 words a day. That's doable, although I may stoop to making up words. Actually, I can almost guarantee that I will make up words. Starting with "whichaways."
Wait, is it breaking the rules to make up words that will definitely be in the story before November starts? Or do we have to wait for the month to start before we begin inventing the language we will use?