NaNoWriMo Contest

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Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
NaNoWriMo Contest

Hello, cutters!

We figured it was about time for Planewalker to hold a new contest, and considering the time of the year, we had just the right idea. Every November for the past few years (since 1999) a novel writing contest has been held. Write one novel in one month...

Yeah, I know that look - that one *right* there. What on *earth* is this barmy going on about?

Well, it's something a lot of folks promise themselves: "One day I'll write a novel." Well, that "one day" has a habit of getting put off doesn't it? Hm? Yeah, I thought so. The solution? One month of utter insanity trying to keep pace with your neighbors. Forget the first draft. Forget going back and editting. Forget polishing your scenes. You don't have the time. Think of it as what would happen if a Xaosman joined the Sensates for a month.

One Month. One novel.


Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Wednesday, when the whichaways wander...

5o that's about 1666 words a day. That's doable, although I may stoop to making up words. Actually, I can almost guarantee that I will make up words. Starting with "whichaways."

Wait, is it breaking the rules to make up words that will definitely be in the story before November starts? Or do we have to wait for the month to start before we begin inventing the language we will use?

Sarig's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
NaNoWriMo Contest

You may have a 6000 page notebook detailing all your characters, the plot, the setting etc, as long as you haven't written the actual yeah, making up words is all good (:

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
NaNoWriMo Contest

*pokes the slowly moaning masses*
Just sharing the love. Eye-wink

Come on - I wanna hear who's participating and what sort of evil plot they have in mind for it!

simmo's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
NaNoWriMo Contest

Making up words sounds fine to me, the only bit of advise that I would give is to make up lots of small words instead of fewer big ones - that way you reach the target quicker.

Remember, it's about quantity not quality. Clueless has managed to twist my arm in to at least seriously considering trying for 50,000 words. The one thing that I can garuantee about it is that it will be utter drivel, but at least there will be more PS-related fiction.

Hands up if you are considering accepting the NaNoWriMo challenge?

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
the old main drag

"simmo" wrote:
Hands up if you are considering accepting the NaNoWriMo challenge?

Oh, I will do it, assuming nothing disastrous happens. Planescape is a huge playground, and it will be a lot of fun to play in it in novel-length form. Mine will likely have something to do with intrigue between the rakshasas and the efreet in the City of Brass, but Graz'zt will be involved somewhere, and probably the Lords of the Nine. And if I'm using the efreet, I've got to bring in the djinn, the dao, and the marids. And most likely the tssng. And the Chinese pantheon. And Sigil, of course - that goes without saying.

Winter's picture
Joined: 2004-11-01
NaNoWriMo Contest

I'm considering it, but i'm not entirely sure if i'll go for it yet.

For starters, that's a lot of effort to expend. And to publish i would have to go through TSR/WotC/Hasboro due to Planescape still being owned by them, at least AFAIK. (Cursed ownership of our culture!)

But so it goes.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
NaNoWriMo Contest

On the other hand it gets you into the habit of *writing* and actualyl producing something. Which is something that can be very hard to get into the habit of doing. The point of NaNoWriMo isn't nessecarily to produce a novel to be published Smiling It's to hone your skilla nd you discipline. More the discipline than the skill to be honest. Eye-wink And to be shared - socially and all...

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
NaNoWriMo Contest

And you could always remove the Planescape references in a later draft. And it's good to expend effort.

1180 words since shortly after Midnight, about three hours ago. It's going very well, and I like the story so far. I'm going to bed.

Rhapsody in Pink's picture
Joined: 2004-10-18
NaNoWriMo Contest

1180 words right after it begins. *sigh* You're a better man than I.

simmo's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
NaNoWriMo Contest

"Rhapsody in Pink" wrote:
1180 words right after it begins. *sigh* You're a better man than I.

Don't be too down on yourself. It's really a competition against yourself... kind of like playing golf Smiling

Starting is always the difficult part. Once you've got in to the swing of things it gets easier (or so I've been told).

All the best,

unofficial NaNoWriMo cheer-leader

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
NaNoWriMo Contest

Yep yep - heck, most of you area probably better off than I am - with my no-outline-yet self. Eye-wink

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
NaNoWriMo Contest

"Clueless" wrote:
Yep yep - heck, most of you area probably better off than I am - with my no-outline-yet self. Eye-wink

I didn't bother to outline. My outline was my previous post, up there, where I listed a few things I thought I might work into it. Already the story is taking turns I didn't expect. I used a character I had been trying to write up as an NPC in the City of Brass - she works much better in a novel than as an RPG plot hook. If I hadn't used her, I would have reused a character that I've used a few times in previous stories I've written, probably with some heavy modifications.

If I get stuck, I'll just rifle through a few books and find an interesting site, sect, or monster that would work well with the plot.

Rhapsody in Pink's picture
Joined: 2004-10-18
NaNoWriMo Contest

I wrote two outline drafts (with different storylines), and found that I didn't really like either of them. Now I'm just writing freeform, with whatever I think of while I'm walking or daydreaming. It's quite fun, really.

I'm eternally thankful that I'm addicted to role-playing. Rifling through my campaign setting books (or, of course, my own campaign settings) provides limitless inspiration.

simmo's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
NaNoWriMo Contest

Glad to hear that a number of people are going to give this contest a go. Now can everyone please start posting what they have written so far? Eye-wink Perhaps not every day, but how about at least once a week?

Anyway, all the best with your writing. Don't worry too much about a clearly laid out plot, editing too much (or even at all) - just keep on writing. I've made small start as well, but it's really just a planescape adaptation of another novel. Does that count? :shock:

Unofficial NaNoWriMo cheerleader

Anarch's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
NaNoWriMo Contest

I have a completely un-NaNoWriMo-related short story (well, it'll be about 30 pages when I'm done Puzzled ) that I'm planning to whip into shape in the week after the election. [One of my friends is even planning to illustrate it, the mad fool!] Shall I post it before the end of November to inspire, or should I wait and post it with the rest of you NaNoWriMo fools?

Rhapsody in Pink's picture
Joined: 2004-10-18
NaNoWriMo Contest

Obviously, do what you wish, but I'd rather wait until the illustrations are done before reading it. I'm a huge believer in the effectiveness of pictures in setting a mood.

Woohoo! 1682 words! Ugh. I still can't believe it's only four pages. I'ma go drink some tea.

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
NaNoWriMo Contest

"simmo" wrote:
Glad to hear that a number of people are going to give this contest a go. Now can everyone please start posting what they have written so far? Eye-wink Perhaps not every day, but how about at least once a week?

Here's what I have:

I've made small start as well, but it's really just a planescape adaptation of another novel. Does that count?

Sure. Especially if Planescamplification distorts it significantly.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
NaNoWriMo Contest

"Kaelyn" wrote:
Especially if Planescamplification distorts it significantly.

You seem to be making up words again. Still in NaNoWriMo mode? Eye-wink


Pants of the North!

Smeazel's picture
Joined: 2004-11-02
NaNoWriMo Contest

You know, I wasn't going to participate in this, because (a) I'm really short on free time at the moment, which is the reason I temporarily bowed out of PS3E work and have not been active on the Planescape and Planewalker lists lately, and (b) I'm just finishing the rewrites on a novel anyway, so the whole thing about NaNoWriMo encouraging people to write novels who might otherwise never get around to it, you know, doesn't exactly apply to me.

But I admit the temptation was there, because, what the hey, trying to write a Planescape novel does sound like fun, and the NaNoWriMo time restrictions mean I have an excuse for it not being my best work. Eye-wink

What decided me that I probably would give it a go was actually a post on the Planescape mailing list from someone who said that they weren't going to do it because it came out to almost two thousand words a day, which was a lot of writing. I hadn't actually done the math myself to figure this out before, but on reading that my thoughts ran something along the lines of Heck, two thousand words a day? Is that all? I'm writing thousands of words a day for some of the projects I've got going on anyway; another two thousand words should be easy.

So, while I'm not promising anything, there's a good chance I'll be writing something. I'm kind of behind, I suppose, since I hadn't been planning on doing this and didn't have any story idea in mind, let alone an actual outline, and I probably won't actually even start writing till some time next week (after I'm done with the rewrites to my aforementioned novel)... but what the hey, I'll give it a go.

I probably will not be posting my progress as I go, not all of it at any rate, because I tend to write better skipping around and filling in the gaps than from beginning to end, which means that if I post it as I go it won't make a heck of a lot of sense. I may post excerpts, however.

Actually, I'd been giving the matter some thought today, and I've come up with a basic story idea and a vague sort of outline. The story is tentatively called Walking the Rings. I didn't want to write a story set in Sigil for a couple different reasons I won't go into right now, but it is set in a city that's described in canonical materials. Anyone think they can guess from the title which city that is? Eye-wink

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
NaNoWriMo Contest

Hey, it's Smeazel! Long time no smee. Good to see that you're probably involved in this.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30

More writers! w00p!!
So - when you folks going to start posting your chapters into My Planewalker? We've got a word counter and a neat 'who's ahead' tracking device... Smiling

simmo's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Re: YaY!!!

"Clueless" wrote:
More writers! w00p!! So - when you folks going to start posting your chapters into My Planewalker? We've got a word counter and a neat 'who's ahead' tracking device... Smiling

I'll post my first 'chunk of words' this evening when I get back form language class. The book that I am adapting (quite a lot actually now that I have started writing it) is called... well, you should be able to guess it form the title:

"Around the Planes in Eighty Gates"

I'm a good few thousand words in to it already and they have yet to leave the Cage. This could take some time... probably around 25 days to finish :shock:

Actually I managed to get it off my laptop at work and to my desktop and so have submitted it to the web site.


Sorry for shouting, but I just wanted to set the record straight that this is more of a brain-dump-style-work' of keep writing for a month than a serious attempt at a novel.

simmo's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
NaNoWriMo Contest

Ps. will the chapters be visible to other people? Or do I have to set this up in my Development area? Thanks,


Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
NaNoWriMo Contest

They'll be visible to others unless you guys *REALLY* want to keep them hidden from each other- I figured part of the fun here would be being able to read through all of our entries chapter by chapter.

You can actually write your 2000 words a day on planewalker's site and post it directly if you want, My Development will save it for you till you're ready to submit it to the editors. Until then, we can't see it and it's your baby to play with.

Once it goes to the editors it's out of your hands and I put it up online. I will say this : *PARAGRAPH FORMATING IS A GOOD IDEA!* Eye-wink You should see a what you see is what you get text box, but if you don't - use HTML to format into paragraphs...

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
NaNoWriMo Contest

Are you sure the word-counter works properly? I have over 5000 by the count of Microsoft Works Word Processor, but only half that by Planewalker: My Development's count.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
NaNoWriMo Contest

Hmmm - it's passed the small test cases I've given to it. I'll check the system again... It might be that the poor thing is getting overwhelmed.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
NaNoWriMo Contest

Ok. I got it figured out. It's not counting the first word of every paragraph. I'll go fix that now. Smiling

Anarch's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Swear words?

Were I to post a story here, what is the policy on "four-letter words"? There are a number of instances when one of my main characters, a Prime, reverts back to the vernacular of his homeland and I'd rather not use "blexty" when other, more pungent, words are available...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
NaNoWriMo Contest

Re: language - we are a little easier on language than say WotC is, I mean you should see some of the snipe fests between me and Shemmie. I'd say generally aim for a PG13ish crowd. Provide disclaimers if you know it's going to get really rough so someone can avoid it if they want to. If someone objects to somethign in particular (like it hits a sore spot or something) then you may want to work it out with them. And overtly descriptive sex/violence you should probably save for submission to PlayFiend. Eye-wink

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
NaNoWriMo Contest

And yet another update to the word counter. I've fiddled with it to get it as close to the word count I see in word. However that was just one sample writing style. (I think the word count function in PHP has issues with quote marks.)

So in order to test this thing out - I need chapters to get submitted fully to the contest. Smiling

Oh yeah - wow.... weren't you guys supposed to be doing that? Eye-wink Go, scoot, write, I'm thinking of making sure there's at least coffee in the prize pack here, there's a place near where I live that sells some GOOD coffee. Smiling

Anarch's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
NaNoWriMo Contest

"Clueless" wrote:
And overtly descriptive sex/violence you should probably save for submission to PlayFiend. Eye-wink

No sex and very little in the way of violence. One whole hell of a lot of the description of the consequences of violence. We'll see, I guess Eye-wink

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
NaNoWriMo Contest

I can't get the submission form to work anymore. Before, I didn't have any problem submitting things (in Mozilla); I had to add HTML tags to make paragraphs, but at least something appeared.

Now I tried to edit what I had in My Development area, and it seemed to work at first, but every time I checked to look at what I had done after saving it all that came up was the previous version of the chapter.

So I tried submitting a new chapter and deleting the old one. Again, it seems to work fine, but after saving it and checking to see how it looks afterwards I get the title, but the text is entirely blank.

I'll try using Internet Explorer.

Edit: Okay, it worked perfectly in IE.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
NaNoWriMo Contest

*blink* *cusses* I thought I had that bug *fixed*.
It's a javascript thing that's not hanging together with Mozilla. I'm going to sit down and smack the ever loving heck out of it at this rate I think. You know how you can get that annoying twitch right beside your eye that just won't go away? This particular bug is like that. It's worth it to get the HTML editor working for Mozilla users. But *oh* it's annoying. What's happening is the change in text isn't getting passed along in the form b/c the javascript isn't happy with it.

[UPDATE: Ok, I think I've got it worked. Please test it again in Mozilla and IE? It *should* be working properly. If not then at least we're one step closer.]

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
NaNoWriMo Contest

"Clueless" wrote:
[UPDATE: Ok, I think I've got it worked. Please test it again in Mozilla and IE? It *should* be working properly. If not then at least we're one step closer.]

I sent three chapters in with Mozilla. I'm pretty sure it worked this time!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
NaNoWriMo Contest

From what I can see - yes indeed it did! Smiling

Anarch's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
NaNoWriMo Contest

For reasons that will become obvious once I submit it, I can't post any partial progress on my story. But don't worry! Some day, it will be complete! And then... yes, my pretties, such postings will I give... Eye-wink

simmo's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
NaNoWriMo Contest

My writing lapsed for a few days due to a visit abroad to relatives. However, the next couple of chapters should be posted soon.

Ps. the reason that I am able to post the chapter in consecutive order is that I have no idea what's going to happen in the next chapter. Planning? Bah, where's the fun in that :shock:

simmo's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
NaNoWriMo Contest

Quick question:

In the rules to the competition it states "...First one to hit minimum length in word count wins (Prize To Be Determined)..."

Will there be any prizes for the others taking part (aside from achieving the 50K word count)?



Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
NaNoWriMo Contest

Good grief - you two are making me feel guilty. Time to start writing as obsessively as I code, I think.

As few people as it looks like are participating I think I'll be able to pony up to getting runner up prizes. Eye-wink

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
NaNoWriMo Contest

I've got a number of future chapters done, but I feel like I can't post them until I "catch up" with myself.

I haven't really been planning ahead as such, but occasionally I'll get an idea that doesn't fit into this part of the book, but I think will fit into it later on. This is also a big help when I get frustrated or stuck with the part I'm working on - I'll just go on to something else, and come back to it later.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
NaNoWriMo Contest

True - I find that tends to help as well - what I've currently been working over, I know how it starts and how it ends - but in between is a little.... fuzzy. To say the least.

simmo's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
NaNoWriMo Contest

Clueless - Thanks for the answer Re: prizes. How far have you got with your writing? I.e. how many words?

Kaelyn - are you on track for making the 50K words in 30 days deadline? I'm currently quite a few thousand behind.

Anarch - hows' the writing going? I'm really curious now to see what you're working on, but I can wait until the final product comes out. As long as it's on the 30th November :twisted:

Rhapsody in Pink - I hope that the fact that you have been quiet for awhile is a sign that you are bust writing away.

Good luck everyone,


Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
NaNoWriMo Contest

"simmo" wrote:
Clueless - Thanks for the answer Re: prizes. How far have you got with your writing? I.e. how many words?
Er.... I um... er. Claim the 5th. Or something like that... :oops:

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
NaNoWriMo Contest

"simmo" wrote:
Kaelyn - are you on track for making the 50K words in 30 days deadline? I'm currently quite a few thousand behind.

I was on track, but I fell behind in the last week. I haven't gotten much done in the last few days, though I'm hoping to catch up over the weekend.

Smeazel's picture
Joined: 2004-11-02
NaNoWriMo Contest

Well, I finally got started--two weeks late, but I wrote over 5,000 words today, so I'm making up for lost time; at this rate even with my late start I'll be able to get to 50,000 words before the end of the month.

Unfortunately, I don't seem to be able to able to submit my writing to the site... I go to the My Development page, click on Add, choose Community/NaNoWriMo Contest, click Submit, choose NaNoWriMo Chapter, click Submit, paste in the text and write in the title, click on Step 2, and click Submit to Editors; I get the message "Your NaNoWriMo Chapter has been submitted", but nothing else happens...the chapter still doesn't show up under Contest Progress. I've tried it in both Firefox and Internet Explorer; same thing both ways. I can save a draft, and it looks fine, but nothing seems to happen when I submit it. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Or is there usually a time lag between the submission and its showing up on the page?

Yeah, I guess I could just wait and see if it's shown up by tomorrow, but eh, I guess I'm impatient... Eye-wink

simmo's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
NaNoWriMo Contest

Woohoo! Its great to hear that you have got started on writing Smeazel. I am looking forward to reading your story.

When you submit the story it does not immediately appear on the web site. I suspect that Clueless or one of the other editors has a quick look through it to see if it complies with the contest rules or whatever it is that editors do. It should appear on the site soon. All the best


Smeazel's picture
Joined: 2004-11-02
NaNoWriMo Contest

"simmo" wrote:
I suspect that Clueless or one of the other editors has a quick look through it to see if it complies with the contest rules or whatever it is that editors do.

Whoops... um... in that case I apologize to whichever editor ends up getting deluged by the multiple copies of my writing as I repeatedly tried to resubmit it...

simmo's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
NaNoWriMo Contest

It is not the end of the world. The main thing that I make sure that I do is to check that the title of the book is submitted with each chapter. As well as setting the correct chapter number.

Happy writing and have a great week,


Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
NaNoWriMo Contest

That'd be me - I'll sort it out - we do the editoring mostly out of risk of spammers Eye-wink there's also the occasional fellow who doesn't have the editor set up in his browser so we have to go in and add paragraph breaks.

Thankfully that's not been a problem with nanowrimo - just with a few portal entries.

richard_k's picture
Joined: 2004-08-08
NaNoWriMo Contest

Its the 17th and I have just found out theres a contest on, damn holidays. Time to write my fingers to the bone and then keep on goin'.

Planescape, Dungeons & Dragons, their logos, Wizards of the Coast, and the Wizards of the Coast logo are ©2008, Wizards of the Coast, a subsidiary of Hasbro Inc. and used with permission.