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Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11

So, anyone got any good names for these organizations that we have in the other thread? Githyanki names are excellent.

Just keeping the momentum up.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07

"Rhys" wrote:
1. Imperialists and monarchists who claim to have the next-in-line to Vlaakith.
The Ascendancy. They want the heiress to rise to power and it has a nice ring to it.
2. A cabal of generals trying to hold down a swath of Astral cities under martial law.
Evek'Tan, the Heartforce. Or else the Army of something... Army of the Void? The People's Army? Nothing about Vlaakith, they need people to forget about her if the generals are to take over.
3. A sect of Gith-worshipers who are searching for the lost warrior-queen. They are known as the Gith'etkri, or "Githites" by non-gith.
4. A group of githyanki scholars, not interested in warfare, study god-corpses and planar phenomena in remote Astral nebulae and isolated pockets of the Silver Void.
The Astral Searchers (A play on astral streakers) or the Silver Eyes,
5. Negative Energy Plane-based liches, former consorts of Vlaakith's, who are continuing with various nefarious plots.
The Court of Vlaakith, gives them an air of respectability by association.
6. Followers of Tiamat who have clung to the Dragon Alliance (the new term I have just decided) and are now loyal to that draconic power.
"Followers" doesn't have a githyanki ring to it, maybe the Cult of Tiamat or even the Dragon Alliance for the name of the group itself.
7. A strange prophet who believes herself the reincarnation of Gith.
Maybe a splinter group of the Gith'etkri. The Azzul'etkri, ("Reborn+ites" instead of "Gith+ites") called the Reborn Githites by foreigners.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11

I definitely like the Ascendancy.

I think "the Heartforce" is cool. Let's say it was the name given to an elite corps of githwarriors who held floating citadels surrounding Tu'narath. These forces eventually formed the core of the current militocracy, under the pretence that, as the supremely-charged guardians of the githyanki capital, they were the most qualified to take on its government. They held the city for a few weeks, until they were expelled by the Ascendancy, which had meanwhile formed.

I like the Astral Searchers and the Silver Eyes, so they can be called either. Maybe these guys should be small, individual outposts that have a loose sense of comraderie, rather than one unified group. They do not take large part in characteristic military heirarchies, and this costs them much respect in the eyes of their kin, but they remain mostly loyal to the race, and their research is usually used for the betterment of the githyanki as a whole. They have uncovered some illithid spies, who had infiltrated githyanki territory in order to search for weaknesses to exploit.

Speaking of the illithids, I always liked the plot hook in the Manual of the Planes regarding illithids taking over an Astral rift, a tear in the multiverse leading to an alternate reality in which the illithids still held their empire. They hoped to invert the rift and restore the empire. Maybe this idea could be incorporated...

"The Court of Vlaakith" is awesome.

For Tiamat's minions, I like the Dragon Alliance as their official name. It has a nice irony to it, since "alliance" is traditionally attributed to the "good guys" in the conflict (e.g. WWII, Star Wars). Those opposed to them (everybody else) will probably refer to them as the Cult of Tiamat.

I like the name "Azzul'etkri" but I'm not really sure what to do with this group. I feel like maybe having two groups centering around the idea of Gith returning without Gith actually returning may be going too far.

I definitely like these names. None of the "Black Hand of the Shadowy Eye of the Iron Flame of the Silver Void" that you'd want to name them.

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14

Speaking of the illithids, I always liked the plot hook in the Manual of the Planes regarding illithids taking over an Astral rift, a tear in the multiverse leading to an alternate reality in which the illithids still held their empire. They hoped to invert the rift and restore the empire. Maybe this idea could be incorporated...

Actually it has been done, and very well at that by Bruce Cordell. The Story is Dawn of the Overmind, which I have just started running our PCs through. The Illithids are using an artifact called a Star Leech to drain the suns of many crystal spheres, the power is being diverted towards that astral rift in ordert to invert it.

Like most of Cordell's work I highly recommend it. You can get it at this link for about $5 American. http://www.rpgnow.com/product_info.php?products_id=1391&


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