Mythic Inventors

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Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Mythic Inventors

In my home-brew, I made Bytopia (or at least half of it) the plane of creativity and invention. I'm not trying to push this as standard, I just need some help.

Because of my mythic bias (being more familiar with Greco-Roman than other pantheons), I can't think of a lot of gods or mortals that would populate this plane.
Please note, I'm not looking for gods of knowledge (as I put them elsewhere), I'm looking for mythic beings famous for their engineering and creative constructions

So far, all I can think of are:
-Hephaetus/Vulcan - blacksmith god of the Greeks
-Daedelus - designer of the Labyrinth and wings to fly
-Volund or Weylund - the dwarf/dark elf smith in Norse myth (also a maimed blacksmith and an inventor of flying wings)
-Ptah of the Egyptian pantheon
-Goibniu/Lucta/Credne of Celtic myth
-Da Vinci - not a myth but so impressive that he's almost mythic
-Tesla - similar to the Da Vinci cult

I'm also looking for famous fantasic inventions from myth, for example:
-Talos - a giant metal robot built by Hespatus to protect Crete. It would walk the circumference of the island three times a day watching for intruders

So what else should I add?

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Mythic Inventors

Some of Archimedes' legendary inventions wouldn't have worked in real life, but might be just fine for a fantasy world:

* The huge concave mirror to burn up approaching ships with concentrated sunlight.

* Crossbows and catapults that defended Syracuse from beseiging Roman invaders, so accurate and powerful that the Roman army had to camp over a mile away to avoid casualties.

* Giant iron claws, weighted down underneath the waves of the harbor, that when released by pulleys could tilt up and overturn incoming ships in a single thrust.

* A block and tackle so powerful and well-geared that a single man could, albeit very slowly, haul a laden cargo ship up out of the harbor and onto the beach.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Re: Mythic Inventors

There's also the FR deity Gond.


Pants of the North!

Jack of tears's picture
Joined: 2005-12-13
Re: Mythic Inventors

>>Some of Archimedes' legendary inventions wouldn't have worked in real life, but might be just fine for a fantasy world:

* The huge concave mirror to burn up approaching ships with concentrated sunlight.<<

I believe mythbusters actually proved that something like the Archimedes Death Ray was possible.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Mythic Inventors

Coyote belongs in the Amerindian demiplane connected to the Beastlands and Elemental Planes (if you also want to encorporate their 1E stats), but in Chinook mythology he showed the tribe how to build fishtraps, which mainly consisted of a massive square or rectanlge of wooden planks hammered into the riverbed with one side open. I can't remember for certain but I think he also gave them fire.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Re: Mythic Inventors

Zhuge Liang from "Romance of the 3 Kingdoms" was said to have invented things such as flyers, repeating crossbows and more, even though he was more renowned as being a strategist.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Re: Mythic Inventors

Zhuge Liang from "Romance of the 3 Kingdoms" was said to have invented things such as flyers, repeating crossbows and more, even though he was more renowned as being a strategist.

Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
Re: Mythic Inventors

Imhotep (Egyptian), known mostly for his architecture and pyramid design, but also did other things

Idran's picture
Joined: 2007-06-10
Re: Mythic Inventors

Jack of tears wrote:
>>Some of Archimedes' legendary inventions wouldn't have worked in real life, but might be just fine for a fantasy world:

* The huge concave mirror to burn up approaching ships with concentrated sunlight.<<

I believe mythbusters actually proved that something like the Archimedes Death Ray was possible.

Sort of. They proved it was possible in theory to make a solar "death ray" (which is kind of obvious since we have purely solar furnaces today that can melt steel), but that it was entirely unbelievable that Archimedes ever actually built one. It was just beyond the capabilities of the time for a variety of reasons: couldn't build a single big mirror because glass mirrors wouldn't exist for centuries and making it out of metal would have been impossible at the time, but couldn't use a lot of small mirrors because there just weren't enough mirrors in Syracuse. Plus it was almost impossible to actually focus it by hand with a bunch of small mirrors when they tried to use it.

Like Jem said, it'd be good enough for a fantasy world, but it wouldn't have worked in real life back in Archimedes' day.

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