My Planewalker problems

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Anarch's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
My Planewalker problems

I'm not sure if this is a bug report but there are three oddities that have been frustrating me of late:

* The autologin of My Planewalker doesn't seem to be working for me. IE 6.x, WinXP Professional, cookies enabled &c. I have to log back in every hour or so. Not important, just irritating.

* The Planar Index doesn't seem to work for me. I can occasionally -- and I have no idea how -- get a listing of all the various planes, but it's a one-off and never lasts. I always end up getting "Other", which is code for the Far Realm entries.

* [Most importantly] A couple of the pieces I submitted to My Planewalker, that My Planewalker claims are located in particular places, don't appear anywhere in the listings that I can see them. F'rex, my (very short) story "A Prayer" should be located in Features/Chronicles, according to the listing in My Planewalker: My Posted, but it's not there. Likewise More expert Experts is nominally in Planewalker/House Rules, but I can't see it there either. Did I screw something up in the submission? Has the list not yet been recompiled? Or is something else going on?

Anarch's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
My Planewalker problems

OK, that was surreal: I just got a list of someone else's work in "My Submissions" (Ilsensine: Psi and Omega), although I was refused permission when I tried clicking on it. Any ideas?

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Re: My Planewalker problems

"Anarch" wrote:
* The Planar Index doesn't seem to work for me. I can occasionally -- and I have no idea how -- get a listing of all the various planes, but it's a one-off and never lasts. I always end up getting "Other", which is code for the Far Realm entries.

This is an acknowledged problem. (hint, hint, Clueless) Smiling

It's mostly a matter of how much time Clueless has to fix code, given her busy schedule. Why not assign one of the dabus-at-large to do it?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
My Planewalker problems

F'rex, my (very short) story "A Prayer" should be located in Features/Chronicles, according to the listing in My Planewalker: My Posted, but it's not there. Likewise More expert Experts is nominally in Planewalker/House Rules, but I can't see it there either. Did I screw something up in the submission? Has the list not yet been recompiled? Or is something else going on?

Don't forget - things don't immediately appear. They go through an editor before they go up. (Or trust me - we'd have spam links up in spades.)

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: My Planewalker problems

"Anarch" wrote:
The autologin of My Planewalker doesn't seem to be working for me. IE 6.x, WinXP Professional, cookies enabled &c. I have to log back in every hour or so. Not important, just irritating.
I believe the autologin of the forums works better - so you may want to try getting the autologin from that side of things.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
My Planewalker problems

"Anarch" wrote:
OK, that was surreal: I just got a list of someone else's work in "My Submissions" (Ilsensine: Psi and Omega), although I was refused permission when I tried clicking on it. Any ideas?

And that's just flat out disturbing as it implies that the server crossed user threads up and served you someone else's request. I'll take a look around.

Anarch's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
My Planewalker problems

"Clueless" wrote:
I believe the autologin of the forums works better - so you may want to try getting the autologin from that side of things.

The autologin of the forums does indeed work better... it just doesn't seem to have any bearing on my autologin to My Planewalker. In fact, if you hadn't told me I would have assumed the two were completely distinct operations.

Don't forget - things don't immediately appear. They go through an editor before they go up.

Wait -- even after they're listed in My Posted they still have to go through an editor? I thought the whole point of the transition from My Submission -> My Posted was precisely that they'd made it through the editor? Now I'm really confused...

[As of writing, one of the two pieces from My Posted has made it up but the other still hasn't. I'm assuming then that everything's proceeding according to plan?]

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
My Planewalker problems

*headscratch* AH!!!!
Yeah. That's a new add on - I need to go update that in the My posted listing. We have a system set up to allow an editor to do an entry line up for a week, if they're going on vacation or expect to be busy later in the week. They can put an entry on a delay to appear on a particular day. That's probably what's going on - I'll update the help on that.

Anarch's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
My Planewalker problems

"Clueless" wrote:
We have a system set up to allow an editor to do an entry line up for a week, if they're going on vacation or expect to be busy later in the week. They can put an entry on a delay to appear on a particular day.

Aha! That makes total sense now. Thanks! Laughing out loud

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