My Planescape Characters (SuicideGirls of Sigil)

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Maelora's picture
Joined: 2008-03-08
My Planescape Characters (SuicideGirls of Sigil)

Hi there. I've always loved Planescape, but I never cared much for 3rd Edition (and even less for 4th!), so I've never posted here before (although I appreciate the great work the authors have done in keeping this great setting alive!).

Anyway, I've just completed some portraits of the characters of my old gaming group (alas, that group is no more, but we had some amazing times!). It was called 'Rule of Nine', even though there were ten characters (long story!)

We were mainly guys, but we decided to play a group of all-female characters Laughing out loud . We were all White Wolf aficianados anyway, and loved the whole gothic-punk image. Our version of Planescape was very 'Steampunk' - lots of weird science and psionics as well as planar goodies, and a kind of 'Sin City' style 'film noir'/pulp image. Lots of double-dealing, mystery and sudden violence, lots of moral ambiguity and hard-bitten heroes.

Not all of us survived 'Faction War' (man, I hated that book!), but I've drawn the characters from their heyday. For reasons best known to myself, I've also drawn the girls without clothing :shock: Not to suggest that they are bimbos or victims; I was aiming for something with attitude, a Sigil version of 'SuicideGirls' rather than 'Girls Gone Wild in Planescape'.
There's nudity, but nothing sexual or really suggestive. There's a lot of tattoos and punky body-piercing though.

In some cases, we let our imaginations run riot (that was part of the appeal of Planescape for us). My character was the drow, but some of the others played a Goth Gith, a _female_ Rogue Modron (well, something similar!), and an alu-fiend who played in a punk rock band... One of us wanted to play the Tiefling Painter (from the books and Planescape: Torment) and she was probably my favourite character of all - certainly my favourite one to draw.

All of these characters were built using 2nd Edition 'Skills & Powers' rules, with the Planescape update from Dragon #235. Interestingly, none of the characters wore armour (we tried to make it as much as possible like Torment) but they did usually wear clothes! Smiling

Take a look if you're over 18:

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
My Planescape Characters (SuicideGirls of Sigil)

There's my DeviantArt Page which has many similar concepts.

Planescape, Dungeons & Dragons, their logos, Wizards of the Coast, and the Wizards of the Coast logo are ©2008, Wizards of the Coast, a subsidiary of Hasbro Inc. and used with permission.