My material, or aspects thereof.

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Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
My material, or aspects thereof.

The unfortunate aspect of the submission process and the amount of material I have is that it doesn't help that when I sit down to design things, I work out the connections on paper before I start writing things out. Thus, the finished product is interwoven with other elements to give a greater scope.

I copied this from one of the comments I submitted concerning one of my feats. My question is how can I present my material in a cohesive manner that does not make it feel piecemeal and nebulous so people aren't left without the full context of how I work?

When I design a faction's initial templates/feats/prestige classes, I work from a master list of names that I write off the top of my head. Those names become the fractious groups operating under the umbrella of the faction, the names of the feats, and the prestige classes. Everything is on one sheet of paper. In this way, I can lay out the connections between feats and prestige classes so I may ensure that at least one or two of the feats work to enhance the niche a prestige class fills for the faction in question.

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
My material, or aspects thereof.

Perhaps we can make a section for Faction-related material? Then you could navigate to a particular faction, and material would be clumped there...

Clueless, is this workable?

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
Re: My material, or aspects thereof.

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
My question is how can I present my material in a cohesive manner that does not make it feel piecemeal and nebulous so people aren't left without the full context of how I work?

Compile all the feats, and then submit them as a "misc article". Then do the same with all the house rules.

Personally, I am interested in your material, but there's no way I'm going to page through 30 or so separate posted articles just to get a general idea of where you're heading.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
My material, or aspects thereof.

I was told to submit thiem as individual items as that's how everything else had been done.

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
My material, or aspects thereof.

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
I was told to submit thiem as individual items as that's how everything else had been done.

Yeah well, I'm sure the staff didn't have such levels of productivity in mind.

Another option - archive the stuff, upload to a public domain, then link here on the forum. You can submit to the site later, after we've all had the chance to comment.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
My material, or aspects thereof.

You do realize that I have roughly 100+ pages of material?

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
My material, or aspects thereof.

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
You do realize that I have roughly 100+ pages of material?

So? Isn't that why you shouldn't be posting it one article at a time? I know I'd rather read it as a single document...

See, I too have a couple hundred pages of PS-stuff stored *here*, but I am definitely not going to turn it into thousands of separate posts. It's waiting for Mr. Blitz of the Creature Codex to get back online and upload it all in .rtf format. Besides, this way I can still edit before anything goes up on

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
My material, or aspects thereof.

I agree with Nemui.

I enjoy reading through your material here, but it becomes rather tiresome to have to sort through most of the sections here in order to find it.

Free archives online are available. Just look to something simple like GeoCities. Personally, if you were to archive your complete series of submissions into one file, I'd be among the first to download it.

If that doesn't interest you or you don't want to create an account with Yahoo, then contact me privately. I'll be happy to archive your information (in a compiled form) on my site.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
My material, or aspects thereof.

"Nemui" wrote:
"Emperor Xan" wrote:
I was told to submit thiem as individual items as that's how everything else had been done.

Yeah well, I'm sure the staff didn't have such levels of productivity in mind.

And there you go... it's one thing to know there's 'LOTS' of stuff. It's another thing entirely to look and realize 'Holy SNOOKERS that's a lot of stuff'. It's the first time we've run into that much material all in one shot after all, there's bound to be mistakes in working on it.

If you *do* have entrying in a laid out format already - and you're willing to let us yank the entries out of the PW queue (and generally off the site as entries in that aspect) we may be able to offer space for download.

We'd ask that it be in PDF format (I can convert if you don't have something to do that for you) - and any obvious splits that you want to do (an Athar file for example, or what not) you may want to arrange that in advance. But that *is* a possible approach to dealing with this.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
My material, or aspects thereof.

Bump. Looking for reply re: PDF option.

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