My homebrew Shifter feats

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Law2's picture
Joined: 2006-08-10
My homebrew Shifter feats

I made these feats a while back. I know I can always make more. But these have always seemed to work well. Well so far anyway. I hope you like them. Well for those that like the shufter race anyway.

New Shifter Feats
Note: See Sragon Magizen #328 for shifters with the reptilian Subtybe as well as serton other shifter traits listed. Look at races of eberron for the rest.

Acidic Bite [Shifter]
Your dinosaur heritage has manifested unusually in your bite attack.
Prerequisites: Shifter, Reptilian Subtype, Longtooth shifter trait
Benefit: While shifting, your bite attack deals an extra 1d4 points of acid damage plus an additional 1d4 points of acid damage per two shifter feat you posses. The shifter is immune to its own acid.

Acidic Spit [Shifter]
You have learned to spit the acid that your body produces.
Prerequisites: Shifter, Reptilian Subtype, Longtooth shifter trait, Acidic Bite, Con 15
Benefit: While shifting, as a standard action, you can spit a glob of acid as a ranged touch attack at a target within 30-ft. On a successful hit, you deal 1d6 points of acid damage per two shifter feats you possess. You can spit a number of times per day equal to the total number of shifter feats you possess.

Action Shift [Shifter]
While shifting, you seem to have the ability to drastically change your luck.
Prerequisites: Shifter, Action Boost, any other shifter feat.
Benefit: While shifting, when you spend an action point to alter the result of an attack roll, a skill check, an ability check, a level check, or a saving throw, you roll d10s instead of d8s and add the result to the d20 roll.

Bestial Blessing [Shifter]
You have strengthened your lycanthope ancestry while shifting.
Prerequisite: Shifter
Benefit: While shifting, you gain a +1 bonus on Initiative checks and a +2 bonus on Handle Animal and Intimidate checks.

Broadwing Elite [Shifter]
Your broadwing shifter trait improves.
Prerequisite: Shifter with the broadwing shifter trait.
Benefit: While shifting, you gain a fly speed of 10 feet (average maneuverability). While airborne, you can’t use your hands for anything other than flying, though you can hold or carry objects. You can’t fly while carrying a medium or heavy load or while wearing medium or heavy armor.

Dream Sense [Shifter]
Your dreamsight trait has given you the ability to see the future one time per day.
Prerequisites: Shifter with the dreamsight trait, Dreamsight Elite, Wis 15+.
Benefit: Once per day, you can cast augury at a caster level equal to your character level. This is a spell-like ability.

Focused Shift [Shifter]
You have focused your shifting ability to counter charms and compulsions.
Prerequisites: Shifter, Wis 13+.
Benefit: While shifting, you gain a +3 bonus to your Will save against charms and compulsions.

Greater Gorebrute Charge [Shifter]
You know how to hit where it hurts with your horns.
Perquisites: Shifter with the gorebrute trait, +5 base attack bonus.
Benefit: When you charge your horn attack now has a critical hit multiplier of x3.
Normal: Without this feat, when you change your horn attacks has a multiplier of x2.

Greater Moon Fighting [Shifter]
You have learned to harness the tidal forces of the moon to improve its guiding effect on you while shifting.
Prerequisite: Shifter, Moon Fighting, Moon Shifting
Benefit: While shifting and in conditions of low light such as starlight, torchlight, or a light spell, you gain a +2 morale bonus to attacks. In moonlight you, you additionally gain a +3 morale bonus to damage.

Junglerunner Elite [Shifter]
Your junglerunner shifter trait improves.
Prerequisite: Shifter with the junglerunner trait.
Benefit: While shifting, your base lane speed improves by an additional 20 feet.

Moon Fighting [Shifter]
The power of the moon guides your attacks as its tidal forces surge through your body.
Prerequisites: Shifter, Moon Shifting
Benefit: In conditions of low light such as starlight, torchlight, or a light spell, you gain a +1 morale bonus to attacks. In moonlight, you additionally gain a +1 morale bonus to damage.

Moon Luck [Shifter]
The moon seems to strengthen your mind and body against harm.
Prerequisites: Shifter, Moon Shifting.
Benefit: While shifting and in conditions or low light such as starlight, torchlight, or a light spell, you gain a +1 luck bonus on all saves. In moonlight the luck bonus becomes +2 to all saves.

Moon Melding [Shifter]
In you have gained the ability to use the moon to help you meld into the shadows.
Prerequisites: Shifter, Moon Shifting, any other shifter feat.
Benefit: In conditions of low light such as starlight, torchlight, or a light spell, you gain a +5 bonus to Hide checks. In moonlight, you gain an additional +1 to Hide checks for every three shifter feats you posses.

Moon Shifting [Shifter]
The full power of moonlight lengthens the time of your shift.
Prerequisites: Shifter
Benefit: In conditions of moonlight, the amount in which shifter feats extend your shifting is tripled.

Moonrunner [Shifter]
In moonlight you seem to move supernaturally quick.
Prerequisites: Shifter with Longstride or Junglerunner trait, Longstride Elite or Junglerunner Elite, Moon Shifting, any other shifter feat.
Benefit: While shifting and in conditions of moonlight you base land speed improves by an additional 20 feet.

Shifter Reflexes [Shifter]
Your heritage of speed and agility has honed your reflexes and reacting time in combat.
Prerequisite: Shifter with the broadwing, cliffwalk, junglerunner, longstride, or swiftwing trait.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on Reflex saves and a +2 bonus on Initiative checks.

Shifter Toughness [Shifter]
Yours is a heritage of natural toughness.
Prerequisite: Shifter with the beasthide, truedive, widetail, or wildhunt trait.
Benefit: When you take this feat, you gain 2 hit points for each shifter feat you have (including this one). Whenever you take a new shifter feat, you gain 2 more hit points.

Shifting Luck [Shifter]
While shifting, you seem to have amazing luck.
Prerequisite: Shifter, Cha 15+
Benefit: While shifting, you gain 1 temporary action point. If you do not use this action point during your shifting, it disappears when your shifting ends.
While shifting, when you spend an action point to influence a melee attack roll, you also add the result of the action point roll to your damage for that attack.

Sixth Sense [Shifter]
Your dreamsight shifter trait has given you the ability to sense danger before it shows itself.
Prerequisites: Shifter with the dreamsight trait, Wis 15+
Benefit: When you would ordinarily be surprised, make a Wisdom check (DC 15). If you succeed, you may act in the surprise round as if you had not been surprised.

New Epic Feats

Beasthide Mastery [Epic, Shifter]
You have mastered the ability to toughen your skin while shifting.
Prerequisites: Shifter with the beasthide trait, Beasthide Elite
Benefit: While shifting your natural armor improves by an additional +2.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.

Enhanced Shifter Constitution [Epic, Shifter]
You can increase your constitution is like none other while shifting.
Prerequisites: Shifter with the Beasthide, Truedive, Wildhunt, or Widetail shifter trait, ten other shifter feats.
Benefit: While shifting your constitution improves by an additional +2. This bonus stacks with any bonus you have before.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you gain this feat, your constitution increases buy an additional +2 while shifting.

Enhanced Shifter Dexterity [Epic, Shifter]
You can increase your dexterity is like none other while shifting.
Prerequisites: Shifter with the Broadwing, Cliffwalk, Longstride, Swiftwing, or Junglerunner shifter trait, ten other shifter feats.
Benefit: While shifting your dexterity improves by an additional +2. This bonus stacks with any bonus you have before.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you gain this feat, your dexterity increases buy an additional +2 while shifting.

Enhanced Shifter Strength [Epic, Shifter]
You can increase your strength is like none other while shifting.
Prerequisites: Shifter with the Gorebrute, Longtooth, Razorclaw, or Raptorleap shifter trait, ten other shifter feats.
Benefit: While shifting your strength improves by an additional +2. This bonus stacks with any bonus you have before.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you gain this feat, your strength increases buy an additional +2 while shifting.

Epic Action Boost [Epic]
You have the incredible ability to alter your luck in dire circumstances.
Prerequisites: Action Boost
Benefit: When you spend an action point to alter the result of an attack roll, a skill check, an ability check, a level check, or a saving throw, you roll d10s instead of d8s and add the result to the d20 roll.
Special: If you have the action shift feat, while you shifting you roll d12s instead of d10s.

Epic Shifter Defense [Epic, Shifter]
By delving even deeper into your shifter heritage, you develop the ability to ignore even more damage from every attack.
Prerequisites: Shifter, Greater Shifter Defense, Shifter Defense, three other shifter feats.
Benefit: When shifting, your damage reduction improves by DR 4/silver. This stacks with the DR from the Shifter Defense and Greater Shifter Defense feats.
Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you gain this feat, your damage reduction while shifting increases by 4/silver

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
My homebrew Shifter feats

... I probably missed the memo, but how is this Planescape-related material again? Seems like an interest in Shifters would be best put to figuring out how and why they show up on the Outer Planes first and foremost, and only after that's established fleshing them out.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
My homebrew Shifter feats

They shifted to the outer planes, of course. Laughing out loud

Look, I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist. Do with me what you will. Sad

Law2's picture
Joined: 2006-08-10
My homebrew Shifter feats

I posted them since a few people have already started using them in there planscape games as far as I can see. Plus I also could make some beastland orentened feats since thats where shifters would most likely be found other then on the material planes.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
My homebrew Shifter feats

Also handy for Ortho's were-critter population... *muhahah* Mind if I snag and adapt some of these to that?

Barking_Wilder's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
My homebrew Shifter feats

'eldersphinx' wrote:
... I probably missed the memo, but how is this Planescape-related material again? Seems like an interest in Shifters would be best put to figuring out how and why they show up on the Outer Planes first and foremost, and only after that's established fleshing them out.

A little sarcastic maybe? But about, in the infinite possibilities of the planes the shifters evolved? We have shapeshifter and werefolk out here right? On the other hand, Elves/dwarves/orcs/halflings/gnomes etc all migrated to the various primes didnt they? Where does it say that the opposite cant happen?

To be fair, if even one person on any plane is a shifter character, these feats have a place Smiling Especially in the beastlands where im assuming lots of werefolk reside and therefore shifters might also be prevalent. I like them, always thought shifters needed something more doing with the race Laughing out loud


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