Mordrons as PC

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MadMacabre's picture
Joined: 2004-06-03
Mordrons as PC

Hi guys!

Have any of you implemented the Mordrons (euh, rogue mordrons) as PC characters? What would be their level adjustement (with the mordron traits and resistance they should have a level adjustement).

The only information I have for 3.0 is the following article.

Thanks guys!

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Mordrons as PC

Rouge modrons are the only ones who would be even remotely viable as PCs, as the rest of them never gain levels and rarely advance HD. Of course these deviants are a very interesting character type and the good folks at have already written up PC racial stats for them in one of their releases.

EDIT: Here is the relevent RTF file. It should load on most any computer without trouble.

MadMacabre's picture
Joined: 2004-06-03
Mordrons as PC

Nice! Thanks a lot for the link!

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