Monster- weaver of souls

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Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
Monster- weaver of souls

Weaver of Souls
Medium-sized Monstrous Humanoid
Hit Dice: 4d8+4 (22 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
AC: 15 (+1 Dex, +4 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+4
Attack: Dagger +4 melee (1d4, 19-20)
Full Attack: Dagger +4 melee (1d4, 19-20)
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Charm, charisma drain, entrapment
Special Qualities: Immortal bond, alternate form
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +6
Abilities: Str 11, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 16
Skills: Bluff +9, Craft (any one) +13, Disguise +8*, Knowledge (arcana) +13, Listen +4, Profession (any one) +9, Sense Motive +8, Spot +4
Feats: Skill Focus (Craft), Skill Focus (knowledge- arcana)
Climate/Terrain: Any land (urban)
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 3
Treasure: Standard plus soul receptacle
Alignment: Usually Neutral Evil
Advancement: By character class or by entrapment (see below)
Level Adjustment: -
A weaver of souls is an evil, secretive, immortal being that prey upon the lonely, the alienated, and the despondent people of the world. Each weaver of souls has its own unique container called a soul receptacle to hold the souls it lives off of. To find its needed souls, a soul weaver poses as a honest peddler offering ordinary goods. When it comes across a craftsperson of skill that feels great emotional turmoil and alienation from society, the weaver charms its victim, mentioning its elite organization for skilled craftspeople. The soul weaver then offers membership if the would-be initiate can pass a test of their abilities, which is just a fabrication to weaken the character. Each time the dupe comes back with the finished product, the weaver fabricates some excuse as to why the product is inadequate and tells its victim to try again. The vile creature repeatedly does this every time its victim comes back with the task finished, slowly breaking down his will and making him obsessed with joining the club. The craftsperson goes into a complete character meltdown, losing personality and ignoring other duties and relationships. Eventually, the victim loses all sense of self-identity outside of joining the craft club. Then it is when the soul weaver “initiates” its victim into the club, forever imprisoning the fool into its soul receptacle.
A weaver of souls typically appears as a two-headed, hideously wrinkled humanoid creature. However, it can, at will, change its appearance with its alternate form ability. Note that while this creature is called a “weaver of souls”, it could have a skill in any craft where more than one person could work on a single craft project. An example of such a thing might such as a very large quilt where each weaver sews in a separate square or a large collage where each artist would draw a single part.

A weaver of souls is loathe to enter combat of any sort and avoids it at all cost. This is why it prefers to prey upon victims who will have nobody to notice their disappearance.
Charm (Su): A weaver of souls that finds a suitable victim corresponding to the weaver’s Craft skill and is able to size up his emotional weaknesses can charm the victim as if a charm monster spell had been cast by a 12th level sorcerer (Will Save DC 17 negates). This save DC is Charisma-based.
Charisma Damage (Su): Each time a weaver of souls poses its challenge to a charmed victim and the character returns, the weaver does 1d6 temporary damage to the victim with no saving throw allowed to notice or negate it. However, during each challenge, the victim becomes more and more obsessed with his craft, gaining a +2 enhancement bonus to all checks relating to making the object posed in the challenge that accumulates with each round.
Entrapment (Su): When its victim gets to 0 Charisma, it can absorb the individual into its soul receptacle through a ritual unique to each weaver. The entrapped character does not age or require nutrients, but he cannot think or perform any action. An entrapped character cannot be freed by any means save the use of s special releasing ritual or a Wish or Miracle spell. The releasing ritual varies according to the Craft skill of the soul weaver. The dark creature, when performing this ritual, can release any or all of its entrapped victims, but when another person does it, all of those entrapped are freed. This also entraps the soul weaver. Otherwise, this ability is similar to an imprisonment spell as cast by an 18th level sorcerer.
Immortal Bond (Su): A weaver of souls has a unique soul receptacle to match its Craft skill, such as a huge quilt if the creature had Craft (sewing). Through is bond with this powerful artifact, it does not age and has no need to eat or breathe. The weaver of souls is immune to normal disease and poisons as well. If slain or otherwise incapacitated, a weaver of souls rises again in 2d4 days if the soul receptacle has any souls in it. And for each soul it captures, a soul weaver gains +1 hp and a +1 enhancement bonus to its Craft skill. Entrapping large numbers of souls or entrapping particularly powerful characters may bestow additional benefits at the DM’s discretion.
Alternate Form (Su): A weaver of souls may take the form of any Medium-sized or Small humanoid or monstrous humanoid creature as if under the effect of an Alter Self spell as cast by a 12th level sorcerer, except that it can remain in this form indefinitely.
Skills: When using its alternate form ability, a weaver of souls gains a +10 racial bonus to its disguise checks.Weaver of Souls
Medium-sized Outsider (Native, Shapechanger)
Hit Dice: 4d8+4 (22 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
AC: 15 (+1 Dex, +4 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+4
Attack: Dagger +4 melee (1d4, 19-20)
Full Attack: Dagger +4 melee (1d4, 19-20)
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Charm, charisma damage, entrapment
Special Qualities: Immortal bond, alternate form
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +6
Abilities: Str 11, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 18
Skills: Bluff +11, Craft (any one) +12, Craft (alchemy) +10, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +11*, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (arcana) +12, Knowledge (any one) +10, Listen +7, Profession (any one) +9, Sense Motive +9, Spot +7
Feats: Skill Focus (Craft), Skill Focus (knowledge- arcana)
Climate/Terrain: Any land (urban)
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: Standard plus soul receptacle
Alignment: Usually Neutral Evil
Advancement: By character class or by immortal bond (see below)
Level Adjustment: -
A weaver of souls is an evil, secretive, immortal being that prey upon the lonely, the alienated, and the despondent people of the world. Each weaver of souls has its own unique container called a soul receptacle to hold the souls it lives off of. To find its needed souls, a soul weaver poses as a honest peddler offering ordinary goods. When it comes across a craftsperson of skill that feels great emotional turmoil and alienation from society, the weaver charms its victim, mentioning its elite organization for skilled craftspeople. The soul weaver then offers membership if the would-be initiate can pass a test of their abilities, which is just a fabrication to weaken the character. Each time the dupe comes back with the finished product, the weaver fabricates some excuse as to why the product is inadequate and tells its victim to try again. The vile creature repeatedly does this every time its victim comes back with the task finished, slowly breaking down his will and making him obsessed with joining the club. The craftsperson goes into a complete character meltdown, losing personality and ignoring other duties and relationships. Eventually, the victim loses all sense of self-identity outside of joining the craft club. Then it is when the soul weaver “initiates” its victim into the club, forever imprisoning the fool into its soul receptacle.
A weaver of souls typically appears as a two-headed, hideously wrinkled humanoid creature. However, it can, at will, change its appearance with its alternate form ability. Note that while this creature is called a “weaver of souls”, it could have a skill in any craft where more than one person could work on a single craft project. An example of such a thing might such as a very large quilt where each weaver sews in a separate square or a large collage where each artist would draw a single part.

A weaver of souls is loathe to enter combat of any sort and avoids it at all cost. This is why it prefers to prey upon victims who will have nobody to notice their disappearance.
Charm (Su): A weaver of souls that finds a suitable victim corresponding to the weaver’s Craft skill and is able to size up his emotional weaknesses can charm the victim as if a charm monster spell had been cast by a 12th level sorcerer (Will Save DC 16 negates), except that it lasts until the character completes the challenge. This save DC is Charisma-based. After each challenge is finished, the victim is subject to another charm effect, but the character gets another Will Save.
Charisma Damage (Su): Each time a weaver of souls poses its challenge to a charmed victim and the character returns, the weaver does 1d6 temporary damage to the victim with no saving throw allowed to notice or negate it. The Charisma damage begins to heal at a rate of 1 point per day after the Charm effect is removed. However, during each challenge, the victim becomes more and more obsessed with his craft, gaining a +2 enhancement bonus to all checks relating to making the object posed in the challenge that accumulates with each round.
Entrapment (Su): When its victim gets to 0 Charisma, it can absorb the individual into its soul receptacle through a ritual unique to each weaver. The entrapped character does not age or require nutrients, but he cannot think or perform any action. An entrapped character cannot be freed by any means save the use of s special releasing ritual or a Wish or Miracle spell. The releasing ritual varies according to the Craft skill of the soul weaver. The dark creature, when performing this ritual, can release any or all of its entrapped victims, but when another person does it, all of those entrapped are freed. This also entraps the soul weaver. Otherwise, this ability is similar to an imprisonment spell as cast by an 18th level sorcerer.
Immortal Bond (Su): A weaver of souls has a unique soul receptacle to match its Craft skill, such as a huge quilt if the creature had Craft (sewing). Through is bond with this powerful artifact, it does not age and has no need to eat or breathe. The weaver of souls is immune to normal disease and poisons as well. If slain or otherwise incapacitated, a weaver of souls rises again in 2d4 days if the soul receptacle has any souls in it. And for each soul it captures, a soul weaver gains +1 hp and a +1 enhancement bonus to its Craft skill. Entrapping large numbers of souls or entrapping particularly powerful characters may bestow additional benefits at the DM’s discretion.
Alternate Form (Su): A weaver of souls may take the form of any Medium-sized or Small humanoid or monstrous humanoid creature as if under the effect of an Alter Self spell as cast by a 12th level sorcerer, except that it can remain in this form indefinitely.
Skills: When using its alternate form ability, a weaver of souls gains a +10 racial bonus to its disguise checks.

Edit: Changed type from monstrous humanoid to outsider (native, shapechanger), switched Cha and Int, revised charm SA

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
Monster- weaver of souls

An interesting concept. I have some objections regarding the execution, though.

1) As far as I can see, there is no way a victim can escape its Charisma-draining challenge. A Will save against the Cha damage might be in order. On the other hand, what happens if the charm duration expires before the victim finishes the crafting, does it still return to the weaver later?

2) You don't say much about the creature's origin or nature, but the way it functions resembles an outsider more than a monstrous humanoid. If you want it as a monst. humanoid, you should elaborate on its background (preferably in separate habitat/society and ecology sections)

3) The DC for the supernatural charm ability should be 15 (10 + 1/2 HD + Cha modifier). If you want to calculate it as (10 + spell level+ Cha modifier), make it a spell-like ability.

4) The advancement. line in the stat block references the Entrapping section, but advancement is explained under Immortal Bond. Speaking of which, I'd suggest a HD advancement instead of adding +1 hit point and a Craft bonus.

5) Since its primary ability is charm, shouldn't its Charisma be higher than its Intelligence, and not the other way around?

Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
Monster- weaver of souls

Thanks for your input.

1) You make a good point here. I think I can fix it by giving the charmed character a save after each challenge and that each charm effect lasts until the challenge is completed.

2) I'd consider outsider, but I wanted the creature to be native to the prime material as immortal creatures that evolved side-by-side humanity. They feed on the dual nature of the pride that comes in crafting something as well as the isolated obssession that irrational focus brings. On the other hand, with 3.5 a native subtype could be applied to the monster to make it native to the Material plane. Should the Shapechanger subtype also be added?
As for origin, I'd considered them arising spontaneously from the emotions of a large, competitive working class or job market with little room for human contact. Or perhaps some individuals being so caught up with their work that they went through some dire transformation to keep working on their crafts forever. Either way, the soulweaver would be a product of dark obsessions.

3.) Thanks for the reminder. With the Charisma change to 18, the save DC will be 16.

4.) Corrected. I'll consider changing it to HD advancement

5) The Cha and the Int stats have been switched.

Edited for some fine-tuning

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