Monster summoning question - any edition

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Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
Monster summoning question - any edition

In 4E only the Pit Fiend has a summons ability (so far), and I noticed that it didn't specify where to place the summoned allied devils on the grid (i.e. which squares, how close to the Pit Fiend, etc...) This got me to thinking about summoning powers in general over all the editions of D&D. I don't remember ANY edition specifying where the summoned creatures in question (of whatever sort) arrive in terms of position. I assume that this issue MUST have come up in somebody's game... how do YOU handle it? Put the summoned monster right nest to the summoner? Or anywhere on the grid (I know some of you don't use grids with 5' squares, but for the sake of argument....)?

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Summon Monster (n) is

Summon Monster (n) is typically a Close range spell, meaning the monster can show up anywhere the summoner desires within 25 feet of the caster plus 5 feet per 2 effective caster levels.  Most 3.5e demons and devils that could summon others had spell-like abilities for which they were given a caster level (the pit fiend had caster level 18), so perhaps you could use that as a model.  In the case of the pit fiend, summoned devils could show up anywhere within 25+9*5=70 feet, or 14 squares.  Including flanking the poor schmucks fighting him.

Just a possibility.  :^)

Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
That'll work... I forgot

That'll work... I forgot about checking the spell range! Embarassed

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Just to add, this is in no

Just to add, this is in no way a canonical solution to the problem that I know of.  No need to be embarassed about missing anything, and I certainly didn't want to convey a dismissive air.  I just came up with it on the fly.  As a teacher, though, I'm glad it "looks" obvious!  :^)

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