Monotheism in UP

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Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Monotheism in UP

As I mentioned in an earlier post, monotheistic faiths began to spread from the Primes to the Great Wheel near the end of the Age of Pain. Faced with extreme odds of making any headway in Sigil and other planar hubs, these different faiths were forced to work together. This often proved awkward, since Prime 'monos' (as the Old Cant lumped them all into one category) had a tendency to get hung up on differences relating to the uniqueness of each Prime. Nevertheless, the monos managed to survive (with no small help from the Athar), and even prospered. In the second have of the Revelationary Era, the relationships built in the early days on the Plane led to the formation of 3 "Trans-Faiths", with seperate monotheistic traditions joining the organization that most closely fit with their beliefs.

The 3 Trans-Faiths, and the religions that join them, are as follows:

Church of the Universal Prophet: religions that looked to the Outer Planes for guidance. Typically, prophets are a recurring theme in these faiths-hence the name. In Cant, they are called 'Flockees' or 'Sheep', thanks to the frequent use of sheperds in drawing analogies in their holy texts.

Society of Ring-Walkers: religions that focus on the recurring cycles of life, particularly on the Prime Material. Lots of 'New Age' themes, but it takes itself more seriously, acknowledging the gritty aspects of life and the natural world as well as the sublime. Thanks to their focus on the Prime Material, they are called in Cant "Super Clueless."

The thrid one (whose name I haven't come up with) is a mixture of early Bhuddism and turn of the 19/20th Century philosophy, particularly Neitzche. Help in the name-department, along with the usual comments, would be much appreciated.

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
Monotheism in UP

I'm curious about the nameless religion you have there. Does it involve enlightenment? Maybe it can be called "The Enlightened" or "Children of the Enlightened"?

In the meantime, I'd like to add one more. "The Faces of God", a collection of henotheistic religions (one God but many aspects and names), typically mistaken for polytheism. This would cover Hinduism and many African religions. These religions, because of their nature, are quickly becoming a single religion as they each adopt each other's aspects of God into their own theology. Hinduism, as an example, has adopted both Jesus Christ and Muhammed as avatars of God!

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Monotheism in UP

Let me make sure I understand the nature of these three religions: the "Church of the Universal Prophet" is a bunch of messianic religions deciding that all the Messiahs of each world -- or, at least, one from each world -- were in fact sent by God? I can see such a religion teaching that the only path to salvation is through God's grace, via a mortal incarnation which bridges the gap between divinity and man; the actual selection of which incarnation's moral teachings you follow is a personal choice, though if you're a Prime your own world's messenger is preferred. That makes sense to me. Heh... they'd probably take "Sheep" as a name of pride. ;^)

Ring-Walkers: sounds kind of druidic, though since it seems to be based on neopaganism that makes sense too. Strikes me as a popular monotheist religion for planewalkers to start adopting in some subcultures. This one would probably prefer continual reincarnation of its worshippers. Instead of eventually freeing them from the cycle of reincarnation, since you mention it focuses on the Prime Material perhaps this religion holds that the world of present existence is perfectible -- thus, you achieve "heaven" by making this world heaven, since you're going to live in it forever.

The third religion I'd like some details on before we respond to your request for a name. What elements of Buddhism and Nietzschean philosophy will be employed? It sounds like it cound be rather nihilist and very contemplative, if its common elements are invoked strongly. Its goal would be the attainment of Enlightenment and Nirvana? Does it send petitioners anywhere? Does it sport bodhisattva "proxies" that have achieved Enlightenment but turn away to teach others?

They sound very interesting, and I'd be in favor of using these as new faiths for the UP project.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Monotheism in UP

The third faith is the one that is the least developed in my brain-box, so it could see significant changes. I was going for a "Rule of Three" effect by sticking with 3 Trans-faiths. As mentioned, the Church focus on the Outer Planes while the Ring-Walkers are Prime-focused. My idea for the third group would be a focus on the self, not as a way to step above mortality (as the Godsmen and Signers seek), but to instead embrace it (hence the reference to Nietzsche). Mabye a connection to the Inner Planes, as envisioned by Miyamoto Musashi's "5 Rings" Philosophy would be the way to go-the Inner Planes, in this case, are analogous to the Inner Self.

I'll get to your other questions about the Trans-faiths a little

wgar's picture
Joined: 2006-01-10
the dawn of idols

The name for the third church could be "Brotherhood for the Dawn of Gods", or something like it, to emphasize that these churches focus on the self-improvement. You could also use the german for god's dawn: "Gottendämerung", which is itself a very good name for almost anything.

Narfi Ref's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Monotheism in UP

That's Pantheism. Henotheism is the belief that there are many gods but the worship of only one. Early Judaism was henotheistic because it accepted that other people had their own gods, but only theirs was any good and worthy of worship.

'WithoutNationality' wrote:
In the meantime, I'd like to add one more. "The Faces of God", a collection of henotheistic religions (one God but many aspects and names), typically mistaken for polytheism.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Monotheism in UP

I'd think the Society of Ringwalkers would be so clueless it hurt, and only their high-ups would even visit the outer planes at all. Note that they need not be called "Super Clueless," because the term "Ringwalker" already exists in Cant, and already means one who is incredibly clueless (Only someone who didn't know a portal from a hole in the ground would try to walk across the planes). I think the Ringwalkers should be incredibly idealistic, new-agey, and more than a little naive, and even the simple act of visiting the planes would be enough to challenge the faith of more than a few initiates.

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