Modron Revolution

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Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Modron Revolution


I've had an idea for a campaign. It revolves around a civil war of the modrons in mechanus, between Primus and a "council" of 16 secundi modrons. The former side fights for the status quo and holds the secundi council to be rogue modrons that somehow managed to ascend; the latter fights for the belief that the existence of a prime is harmful to the Modron race.

The campaign starts w/primus fighting the council of 16 as a foot note to the player's lives. At first Primus's efforts seem to be successful as it destroys several of the 16. However, as the fight progresses it is found that the 16 are building many small "temples" around the outskirts of mechanus each with their own small pool, similar to that from which primus springs forth.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Modron Revolution

But how would this happen? In the modron Hierarchy, there are only four (four?) Secundi.

I like the idea, all in all, but Im just confused as to how the Secundi ascended. Does this mean that there are other forms of rouge modrons higher than quadrones running around too? And could one of the secundi conceivably become the rouge modron version of primus?

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Modron Revolution

'Fidrikon' wrote:
But how would this happen? In the modron Hierarchy, there are only four (four?) Secundi.

I like the idea, all in all, but Im just confused as to how the Secundi ascended. Does this mean that there are other forms of rouge modrons higher than quadrones running around too? And could one of the secundi conceivably become the rouge modron version of primus?

I am still forming my ideas on how but here is what I have so far:

In the pre- or rather untold history or the modrons the great hiearchy was much larger than it is now, and ended not in primus but in two binary lords. The rule then was no modron could ascend so far as to be above all other modrons. There always had to be at least one other modron of as much or more power.

The first primus broke this law, somehow gaining more power than his other binary partner. As I have it now the binary partner goes off to limbo to examine the slaadi in order to protect the multiverse from their chaos, and inorder to keep its purity it shed layers of itself while on the chaotic plane losing them so that its core of being woudl be safe. When it returned the being to become primus feared that it had been tainted, or became tainted itself somehow and instead of giving of itself to the other to restore the balance of the two cast the other off to institute the order of the one, and the prime.

Of coarse after this law was broken the upper escelons of modrons were not pleased and wanted to restore the order. They had more independent capacity for thought and initiative in those days and the modrons we now know as secundi were actually some of the very least of the hiearchical modrons then. Primus destroyed most of the greater hiarchs and instituted a smaller more direct top down system of command in modron society.

However he was not able to destroy all of his binary partner and now it is returning. It has helped to raise the new secundi and is trying to rebuild mechanus back to the binary order it once had.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Modron Revolution

Interesting. I wonder if rouge modrons existed before the exile of the binary primus. Maybe that is one of the reasons that some modrons go rouge, they are drawn to the other half of the original powerhead, and rather than going rouge they just leave the part of the modron collective that Primus controlls. These so called 'rouge' modrons may not even know they now operate under the binary one, but now find themselves not as held down by the mdorn thought pattern, if the binary one is still operating under a more leniant system.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Modron Revolution

Another idea is that the reason that modrons are only made aware of the existence of the higher modron rankes as they rise in rank themselves is to hide the error in primus's system. Even the secundi might be working on the assumption that primus is just another level in the hiarchy, assuming that if they ascend to his level then there will be a greater level that they are currently unaware.

Of coarse then again Primus might infact be the right and proper order for modron society and the past put forth above might be the bonebox rattlings of a collection of rogue modrons that somehow found ways to make themselves ascend. Either way could make for a good campaigne.

Don't want to solve too many mysteries w/o leaving more behind don't cha know!

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Modron Revolution

'Fidrikon' wrote:
Interesting. I wonder if rouge modrons existed before the exile of the binary primus. Maybe that is one of the reasons that some modrons go rouge, they are drawn to the other half of the original powerhead, and rather than going rouge they just leave the part of the modron collective that Primus controlls. These so called 'rouge' modrons may not even know they now operate under the binary one, but now find themselves not as held down by the mdorn thought pattern, if the binary one is still operating under a more leniant system.

I would say that they did. It might have been the reason for the binary primus to go to limbo in the first place. Or it might not have gone to limbo at all but one of the other planes on the great ring. Order might be better able to understand and even come to be comfortable with chaos, but how does pure order understand good and evil?

Also there are probably multiple reasnos for going rogue. It might be a defence mechanism, in so far as if a modron finds that it is being tainted by chaos to seperate itself from the collective to prevent the spread of that taint. An early countermeaure perhaps that has since been found not to work.

Also as to the binary system being more lienent. I don't nessasarilly see it as such. I see it as giving the varios types of modrons more autonimous rule but with equals making decitions amoungst themselves, rather than individualy. So if all the modrons were monodrons then they would have full autonomy and capability collectivly that they do currently. However that capability woudl be spread out. Thus to be more efficient the monodrones would make duodrones, then the duodrones would make tridrones and so on. This development of ascending orders of modrons in and of itself may have been a responce to the chaos they have found in the multiverse; a defence mechanism to allow faster reaction. However with concentration of power means there are more problems if that power becomes corrupted.

Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
Modron Revolution

So you're describing a system where rule was initially more by consensus rather than orders being sent from on high? It would be interesting to see how this might work out organizationally. Would it start off with pure democracy at the lowest levels in early times with few modrons? Would it gradually change to a representative system and then into some kind of an autocratic structure in order to save efficiency in dealing with the exploding population of modrons?

For the record, it might be interesting to explore how (or if) bureaucracy has developed with modrons.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Modron Revolution

I'll put this little bit of food for thought here: Imagine what would happen if Regulus shifted to Archeron. The modrons are effectively invincible, and their armies undefeatable, thanks to their method of reproduction. So, if Regulus shifts to Archeron (probably as the result of being the site of a massive, wasteful war), the Modron Energy Pool will shift as well, and as a result, rather than feeding off of the power of pure Law, it feeds off of the pointless destructiveness of war that Archeron entails.

The result? An unstoppable war machine that only gets stronger and stronger the more it kills. The Blood War will be nothing compared to the power of the Modron Army (which will, in fact, feed off of the battles of the Blood War).

The only way to stop it? Shift Regulus beck to Mechanus. Good luck, bloods. You're going to need it.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Modron Revolution

'nick012000' wrote:
I'll put this little bit of food for thought here: Imagine what would happen if Regulus shifted to Archeron. The modrons are effectively invincible, and their armies undefeatable, thanks to their method of reproduction. So, if Regulus shifts to Archeron (probably as the result of being the site of a massive, wasteful war), the Modron Energy Pool will shift as well, and as a result, rather than feeding off of the power of pure Law, it feeds off of the pointless destructiveness of war that Archeron entails.

The result? An unstoppable war machine that only gets stronger and stronger the more it kills. The Blood War will be nothing compared to the power of the Modron Army (which will, in fact, feed off of the battles of the Blood War).

The only way to stop it? Shift Regulus beck to Mechanus. Good luck, bloods. You're going to need it.

Interesting idea. However I don't see it happening in this particular situation. Remember on the planes war, fighting and conflict are not in themselves evil. If they were Yssguard would have shifted a long time ago. The modron war over the question of if they shall be led by an order constructed by Primus or a binary based order is one which has a point and reason for fighting because what better way is there to prove which system is more suitable to defende order from incursions from other planes?

Also with the shift of the Mechanus would come other changes besides just the allignment of the modrons. The Modron Energy Pool as you said feeds off of pure law, but it also produces affects in line with pure law. If it fed off of pure destruction its effects would shift and my guese is that it would not be as able to replentish the Modron armies.

Don't get me wrong your idea could be a great one to run a game around, but you'd have to answer some of the above questoins with it.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Modron Revolution

It could be that the relocation the the energy pool would have more of an effect on the plane it shifted too, rather than the reverse.

For example- the war shifts Regulas, and the pool, to Acheron. Now, while the mdrons are participating in the war, the pool itself is still composed of the essence of law. You now have an intensly concentrated (possibly the most concentrated) area of law in an already somewhat lawful plane. What would keep it from shifting back to mechanus?

The city itself may shift, but I don't think the pool could come with it.
Also, while all this modron fighting is going on, what are the Formians doing?

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Modron Revolution

'Fidrikon' wrote:
It could be that the relocation the the energy pool would have more of an effect on the plane it shifted too, rather than the reverse.

For example- the war shifts Regulas, and the pool, to Acheron. Now, while the mdrons are participating in the war, the pool itself is still composed of the essence of law. You now have an intensly concentrated (possibly the most concentrated) area of law in an already somewhat lawful plane. What would keep it from shifting back to mechanus?

The city itself may shift, but I don't think the pool could come with it.
Also, while all this modron fighting is going on, what are the Formians doing?

In order to shift planes the pool itself would have to change alignment; well depending on what you view the pool as being. If you see it as the ultimate expression of true law, liquid order if you will, then the pool would not be able to shift unless it became tainted to be the ezpression of something else.

If the energy pool is not so much an expression of the plane of law but a construct of the modrons or artifact of some other creation then it might be able to shift planes with the modrons.

As I see it, the pool is the expression of the Mordrons' feelings or belief in law. Each modron is able to generate a little of the pool on their own and they have gathered all of the little pieces they generate into the pool. As the binary oposition comes into play the binary enclaves begin to pool their rescorces into their own energy pools.

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
Modron Revolution

liquid belief? is such a thing possible and to change it's view would have to like throw a slaad lord or something into it?

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Modron Revolution

'perro' wrote:
liquid belief? is such a thing possible and to change it's view would have to like throw a slaad lord or something into it?
Sure, why not?

If belief is concentrated enough in one location over an extended period... why can't it be possible that it might manifest in a physical form.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Modron Revolution

'perro' wrote:
liquid belief? is such a thing possible and to change it's view would have to like throw a slaad lord or something into it?

I don't see why not. Though that isn't how I thought about it when I wrote it up I suppose liquid belief could come into a campaigne. Though it would be extreemly powerful extreemly dangerous stuff.

Some Properties I'd imagine it to have:

A. Liquid belief would tend to migrate towards the plane that it is most atuned with. Thus to tansport it across planes you'd have to take some serios measures to keep it from evaporating.

B. Like liquid magic it is affected by the thoughts of any being touching it. Unlike liquid magic it has an equal effect on those thoughts.

C. It is extreemly powerful stuff. Even drops of it would be able to imbue items with minor artifact properties (especially artifact alignment shifting properties).

D. It is extreemly dangerous as likely to kill the sod foolish enough to try and use it as help them.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Modron Revolution

'Fell' wrote:
'perro' wrote:
liquid belief? is such a thing possible and to change it's view would have to like throw a slaad lord or something into it?
Sure, why not?

If belief is concentrated enough in one location over an extended period... why can't it be possible that it might manifest in a physical form.

Then agian that might be what the outerplanes are.

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Modron Revolution

'Gerzel' wrote:
C. It is extreemly powerful stuff. Even drops of it would be able to imbue items with minor artifact properties (especially artifact alignment shifting properties).
And what of those bloods who actually ingest liquid belief?

Depending upon its potency... perhaps those who take large quantities of liquid belief internally realise a fundamental shift in their perspectives as their core beings are overwhelmed by the underlying beliefs permeating the liquid.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Modron Revolution

It would be interesting.

Lets see you'd have liquid: Good, Evil, Chaos, Law, Neutrality (balance), Neutrality (indescition), even Liquid LG, CG, CE, LE, or the sub alignments.

Though still getting the stuff would be nigh impossable.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Modron Revolution

would ingesting liquid belief make you an exemplar of whatever alignment it's attuned to?

And I'm just wondering... good aligned liquid belief: the ultimate anti-fiend weapon?

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Modron Revolution

'Fidrikon' wrote:
would ingesting liquid belief make you an exemplar of whatever alignment it's attuned to?

And I'm just wondering... good aligned liquid belief: the ultimate anti-fiend weapon?

Possably, if you survived which I find doubtful.

astralsahu's picture
Joined: 2005-07-22
Modron Revolution

'Gerzel' wrote:
C. It is extreemly powerful stuff. Even drops of it

'Michael Palin and Terry Gilliam' wrote:
That's concentrated evil. One drop of that could turn you all into hermit crabs.

Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
Modron Revolution

What would happen to the liquid belief if converted to a gas, solid, or even plasma?

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