Modron Miniatures?

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darth_borehd's picture
Joined: 2007-05-10
Modron Miniatures?

I'm looking for a miniature for my Modron Outcast PC. Were any ever made? Or are there any 25-30 mm scale figures that just happen to look like a quadrone?

Zjelani's picture
Joined: 2003-11-24
Modron Miniatures?

Other than the obvious joke - "use a d6" I don't know of any modron miniatures.

Some googling around turned up this fan-made one (of course starting with a d6 and adding on some Warhammer pieces):

Also, this thread mentions another company making a fake modron miniature, but alas the link is dead and my Google-fu is failing me:

But I certainly would love to see a modron in some future DDM set or find some more info on the imitation one alluded to in that link.

darth_borehd's picture
Joined: 2007-05-10
Modron Miniatures?

Yeah, I get that response a lot. Just using a d6 is like using a socket wrench connector for my "shiny armoured paladin". Apparently a lot of non-planescapers hate modrons. Oh well. I'll try to contact that Rich Ken guy and see if he can give me some pointers on making my own.

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