Modron Castes

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Joined: 2006-01-13
Modron Castes

Will edit for increased readability sometime tomorrow. Will also post what artwork I have (a scaling chart. I'm not an artist, so it's extremely simple, but I think it helps). Final submission will consist of this data in tables, arranged much like a character sheet.

Modron Traits
●Darkvision 60ft
●Immune to mind effecting effects, critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, and energy drain
●Exception to above: As an exception to the normal rules governing these things, modrons are vulnerable to precision based damage, such as that inflicted by a rogue's sneak attack. Chaotically aligned creatures may also deal critical hits as normal.
●Run at 3x base speed, can run during overland travel (remember, they don’t get tired).
●Energy Resistance: acid, cold, and fire(5, +5/2.5 levels, rounded up [i.e., after 3, then after 2, then after 3, then after 2, ect])
●Energy Immunity: electricity
●DR=HD, vulnerable to Chaos, Karach, Entropium, and Magic in various combinations. Changes every 3.5 Hierarchy levels, rounded up. So: Mono-Quadrones: Chaos, Karach, Entropium, or Magic. Penta-Heptadrons: Chaos, Karach, or Entropium. Octa-hendecadrones: Chaos and Karach or Chaos and Entropium. Decatons: +Epic.
●Natural Armor = HD
●All attacks count as Lawful aligned
●Recieves a masterwork bonus on natural attacks equal to ½ hierarchy level, rounded down.
●A modron is proficient with all weapons mentioned in its entry, plus all weapons mentioned in the entries of lower caste modrons. Weapons do not upgrade when a modron promotes, so a Quadrone promoted from a Tridrone mid-battle will be armed with a Tridrone’s three short swords rather than a Quadrone’s three long swords.
●Always receives max HP for first HD
●Mental Scores = to HD + Bonus
Bonus = 1-2HD +3, 3-6HD +6, 7-14HD +9, 15-30HD +12
≥31HD Mental scores = 46+1 per 4HD over 31
●Physical Scores = to 10+Heirarchy level

Monodrone (Single Function Laborers) it can carry out only one command at a time
Small Outsider [Lawful, Modron] CR 1/2
HD: 1d8 (8 hp) [8first + 0con]
Init: +1dex
Spd: 20ft (4 sqrs)
BAB: +1
Alignment: Always Lawful Neutral
Special: Modron Traits
Languages: Modron Tonal
Senses: Spot: +3; Listen: +3
Darkvision 60
AC: 13 (10 +1dex +1n.a.+1size)
SR: 11 (10+1HD)
DR: 1/Chaos, Entropium, Karach, or magic
ER: 5 vs. acid, cold, and fire
Immune: electricity, crits, nonlethal damage, mind affecting effects, ability damage and drain, fatigue and exhaustion, and energy drain
Fort: +2 (2base + 0con)
Ref: +3 (2base + 1dex)
Will: -1 (2base - 3wis)
Str: 9 (-1) 11-2size
Dex: 13 (+1) 11+2size
Con: 11 (0)
Int: 4 (-3)
Wis: 4 (-3)
Cha: 4 (-3)
Feats: Alertness
Attacks: Spear: +1 (1 -1str+1size)
1d6-1str Crit: 20/x2
Heavy Crossbow: +2 (1+1dex+1size)
1d8 Crit: 19-20/x2
●Ammunition: 10 bolts
Claws: +1/+1 (1-1str+1size)
1d3-1str Crit: 20/x2
Special Qualities: None
SLA: None
Spells: None
Skills: ((8-3)*4=20) Climb 4-1str, Craft (any one) 0-3int, Hide 4+1dex, Listen 4-3wis+2feat, Spot 4-3wis+2feat
Treasure: Spear, Heavy Crossbow with 10 bolts.

Duodrone (Bi Function Labor) interpreting and carrying out two commands at once, when given only one task at a time it has a limited ability to react to changing circumstances.
Small Outsider [Lawful, Modron] CR 2
HD: 3d8 (20 hp) [8first +9avg + 3con]
Init: +2dex
Spd: 20ft (4 sqrs)
BAB: +3
Alignment: Always Lawful Neutral
Special: Modron Traits
Languages: Modron Tonal, Planar Trade(one or two word phrases only)
Senses: Spot: +7; Listen: +7
Darkvision 60
AC: 16 (10 +2dex +3n.a.+1size)
SR: 13 (10+3HD)
DR: 3/Chaos, Entropium, Karach, or magic
ER: 5 vs. acid, cold, and fire
Immune: electricity, crits, nonlethal damage, mind affecting effects, ability damage and drain, fatigue and exhaustion, and energy drain
Fort: +4 (3base + 1con)
Ref: +5 (3base + 2dex)
Will: +2 (3base - 1wis)
Str: 10 (0) 12-2size
Dex: 14 (+2) 12+2size
Con: 12 (+1)
Int: 9 (-1)
Wis: 9 (-1)
Cha: 9 (-1)
Feats: Alertness, Rapid Reload(Heavy Crossbow)
Attacks: Long Spear: +4 (3 +0str+1size)
1d6 Crit: 20/x2
Heavy Crossbow: +6 (3+2dex+1size)
1d8 Crit: 19-20/x2
●Ammunition: 20 bolts
Claws: +5/+5 (3+0str+1size+1mwk)
1d3 Crit: 20/x2
Special Qualities: Superior Form(Ex): Claws +1 mwk
SLA: None
Spells: None
Skills: ((8-1)*6=42)
Craft (any two) 6-1int, Diplomacy 6-1cha, Hide 6+2dex, Listen 6-1wis, Search 6-1int+2feat, Spot 6-1wis+2feat
Treasure: Long Spear, Heavy Crossbow with 20 bolts

Tridrone (Tri Functional Laborers) Typically, a tridrone receives a general order, then divides the objective into smaller tasks that can be completed by duodrones. Tridrones are capable of reporting actions and observations, as well as actually planning limited objectives on the battlefield.
Medium Outsider [Lawful, Modron] CR 4
HD: 5d8 (31 hp) [8first +18avg + 5con]
Init: +1dex
Spd: 30ft (6 sqrs)
BAB: +5
Alignment: Always Lawful Neutral
Special: Modron Traits
Languages: Modron Tonal, Planar Trade(pidgin; can communicate well, but has a limited vocabulary and grasp of grammar)
Senses: Spot: +10; Listen: +10
Darkvision 60
AC: 16 (10 +1dex +5n.a)
SR: 15 (10+5HD)
DR: 5/Chaos, Entropium, Karach, or magic
ER: 5 vs. acid, cold, and fire
Immune: electricity, crits, nonlethal damage, mind affecting effects, ability damage and drain, fatigue and exhaustion, and energy drain
Fort: +5 (4base + 1con)
Ref: +5 (4base + 1dex)
Will: +4 (4base + 0wis)
Str: 13 (+1)
Dex: 13 (+1)
Con: 13 (+1)
Int: 11 (0)
Wis: 11 (0)
Cha: 11 (0)
Feats: Alertness, Whirlwind AttackB
Attacks: Mwk Shortswords: +7/+7/+7 (5 +1str+1mwk) see Superior Multiweapon entry for targeting info
1d6 Crit: 19-20/x2
Alchemical Darts: +7/+7/+7 (5+1dex+1mwk) see Superior Multiweapon entry for targeting info
1d4+1d6fire(alchemical)+1d6acid(alchemical) Crit: 20/x2 see Alchemical Darts entry for details
●Ammunition: 15 darts total
Claws: +7/+7/+7 (5 +1str+1mwk)
1d4+1 Crit: 20/x2
Whirlwind attack: One claw or Shotsword attack to all targets in range
Special Qualities: All Around Vision(Ex): With its three eyes, a tridrone can see in all directions at once. Because of this, it gains a +4 racial bonus on Spot and Search checks and cannot be flanked.
Superior Multiweapon Fighting(Ex): A tridrone does not suffer multiweapon penalties, each attack uses its full attack bonus. However, its arms are not long enough, and it can't pivot fast enough, to direct all three attacks into the same arc. A tridrone can strike the one target with up to two attacks, but the third attack must then be made against a target on the other side of the tridrone.
Superior Form(Ex): Claws +1 mwk
Alchemical Darts(Ex): The alchemical darts function in Antimagic fields and magic dead areas, but require a certain amount of liquid water to be present in target in order to be effective. Against dessicated targets like mummies, Skeletons, and Stone Golems, the darts do not deal their acid and fire damage. Not that the darts function just fine against undead and golems which are not particularly dessicated (like Zombies, Vampires, and Clay Golems).
The dangers of too much water: Taking a dart out of its sheath and immersing it in water ruins it. The holder must make a DC 10 Reflex save or suffer the dart's energy damage.

SLA: None
Spells: None
Skills: ((8+0)*8=64)
Craft (any two) 8+0int, Diplomacy 8+0cha, Listen 8+0wis+2feat, Profession (Engineer) 8+0wis, Search 8+0int, Spot 8+0wis+2feat, Survival 8+0wis
Treasure: Three Mwk Short swords, up to 15 Alchemical Darts

Quadrone (Managers) reports actions and observations, makes plans, reacts to unexpected occurrences, and acts to remedy such problems. First largely autonomous modron caste, and the caste most often seen outside Mechanus.
Medium Outsider [Lawful, Modron] CR 6
HD: 7d8 (49 hp) [8first +27avg + 14con]
Init: +2dex
Spd: 30ft (6 sqrs)
BAB: +7
Alignment: Always Lawful Neutral
Special: Modron Traits
Languages: Modron Tonal, Planar Trade, 2 additional languages relevant to its assignment.
Senses: Spot: +15; Listen: +15
Darkvision 60
AC: 19 (10 +2dex +7n.a)
SR: 17 (10+7HD)
DR: 7/Chaos, Entropium, Karach, or magic
ER: 10 vs. acid, cold, and fire
Immune: electricity, crits, nonlethal damage, mind affecting effects, ability damage and drain, fatigue and exhaustion, and energy drain
Fort: +7 (5base + 2con)
Ref: +7 (5base + 2dex)
Will: +8 (5base + 3wis)
Str: 14 (+2)
Dex: 14 (+2)
Con: 14 (+2)
Int: 16 (+3)
Wis: 16 (+3)
Cha: 16 (+3)
Feats: Alertness, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot
Attacks: Mwk Longswords: +10/+5/ +10/ +10/ +10 (7 +2str+1mwk)
1d8+2 Crit: 19-20/x2
Mwk Composite (+2) Longbow: +10/+5 +10 (7+2dex+1mwk)
Rapid Shot: +8/+8/+3 +8/+8
1d8+2str Crit: 20/x3
Point Blank Shot: +1 to attack and damage when within 30 ft (6sqrs)
●Ammunition: 30 normal arrows, 10 alchemical arrows (+1d6fire+1d6acid)
Claws: +11/+11/+11/+11 (7 +2str+2mwk)
1d4+1 Crit: 20/x2
Special Qualities:
Partial All Around Vision(Ex): A quadrone can see in all directions at once thanks to the array of mirrors and such that redirect its vision, but this is not as effective as actually having eyes on all faces. Because of this, it gains a +2 racial bonus on Spot and Search checks and if flanked its flankers gain only a +1 bonus rather than the usual +2 flanking bonus.

Superior Multiweapon Fighting(Ex): A quadrone does not suffer multiweapon penalties. Its arms are also long enough, and it can pivot fast enough, to let it direct all its attacks against one target if it so desires. A Quadrone armed with two bows may use its full attack progression on both bows.

Superior Form(Ex): Claws +2 mwk

SLA: None
Spells: None
Skills: ((8+3)*10=110)
Decipher Script 10+3int, Diplomacy 10+3cha+2synergy, Forgery 10+3int, Knowledge(the Planes; Mechanus; Arcadia or Acheron) 10+3int, Listen 10+3wis+2feat, Profession(Engineer) 10+3wis, Profession(Mathematician) 10+3wis, Search 10+3int, Spot 10+3wis+2feat, Sense Motive 10+3wis, Survival 10+3wis
Treasure: 4 Mwk Longswords, 2 Mwk Composit (+2) Longbows, up to 30 arrows, and up to 10 alchemical arrows.

Pentadrone (Police Forces) communicate, operate, monitor, plan, and manage.
Medium Outsider [Lawful, Modron] CR 8
HD: 9d8 (62 hp) [8first +36avg + 18con]
Init: +2dex
Spd: 30ft (6 sqrs)
Breath Weapon hover 20ft (4sqrs) flying (perfect)
BAB: +9
Alignment: Always Lawful Neutral
Special: Modron Traits, Breath Weapon
Languages: Modron Tonal, Planar Trade, 3 additional languages relevant to its assignment.
Senses: Spot: +18; Listen: +18
Darkvision 60
AC: 21 (10 +2dex +9n.a)
SR: 19 (10+9HD)
DR: 9/Chaos, Entropium, or Karach
ER: 10 vs. acid, cold, and fire
Immune: electricity, crits, nonlethal damage, mind affecting effects, ability damage and drain, fatigue and exhaustion, and energy drain
Fort: +8 (6base + 2con)
Ref: +8 (6base + 2dex)
Will: +10 (6base + 4wis)
Str: 15 (+2)
Dex: 15 (+2)
Con: 15 (+2)
Int: 18 (+4)
Wis: 18 (+4)
Cha: 18 (+4)
Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Great CleaveB, Power Attack, Track
Attacks: Slams(5): +13/+13/+13/+13/+13 (9 +2str+2mwk)
1d4+2str Crit: 20/x2
Breath Weapon(Ray): +11 (9+2dex) Ranged touch (15 ft range)
1d4+1 rounds paralysis, Fort DC 16 (10+41/2HD+2con) negates
1d4 rounds recovery

Special Qualities: All Around Vision(Ex): With its five eyes, a pentadrone can see in all directions at once. Because of this, it gains a +4 racial bonus on Spot and Search checks and cannot be flanked.

Breath Weapon(Ex): Usable once every 1d4 minutes. A Pentadrone rolls to see how many minutes it must wait before actually using the breath weapon. If it is not happy with the results, it may take some other action that round and try again next round. 30ft Cone of gas (paralyze 2d4 rounds, Fort DC 16 [10+4HD+2con]). Can't be used while the pentadrone is recovering from the use of its breath weapon ray.

Endure Extreme Elements(Ex): Pentadrones can survive in virtually any environment, withstanding temperature extremes from -100°F to 210°F without discomfort.

Breath Weapon hover(Ex): A pentadrone may use its breath weapon to hover. When used in this manner, the gas has no harmful effects. A pentadrone may hover indefinitly using this ability, but may not use its breath weapon to attack until five rounds after it stops hovering. Can't be used while the pentadrone is recovering from another use of its breath weapon.
Superior Form(Ex): Slams +2 mwk
Skills: ((8+4)*12=144)
Craft(Trapmaking) 12+4int, Decipher Script 12+4int, Diplomacy 12+4cha+2synergy, Forgery 12+4int, Knowledge(the Planes; Mechanus; Arcadia; Acheron) 12+4int, Listen 12+4wis+2feat, Profession(Engineer) 12+4wis, Profession(Mathematician) 12+4wis, Search 12+4int, Spot 12+4wis+2feat, Sense Motive 12+4wis, Survival 12+4wis
Treasure: None

Hexadrone (Scientist) Observe and formulate general laws to predict future observations.
Medium Outsider [Lawful, Modron] CR 10
HD: 11d8 (86 hp) [8first +45avg + 33con]
Init: +3dex
Spd: 30ft (6 sqrs)
BAB: +11
Alignment: Always Lawful Neutral
Special: Modron Traits
Languages: Modron Tonal, Planar Trade, Axiomatic (Decipher Script +19), 3 additional languages relevant to its assignment.
Senses: Spot: +21; Listen: +21
Darkvision 60
AC: 26 (10 +3dex +11n.a+2n.a. feats)
SR: 21 (10+11HD)
DR: 11/Chaos, Entropium, or Karach
ER: 15 vs. acid, cold, and fire
Immune: electricity, crits, nonlethal damage, mind affecting effects, ability damage and drain, fatigue and exhaustion, and energy drain
Fort: +10 (7base + 3con)
Ref: +10 (7base + 3dex)
Will: +12 (7base + 5wis)
Str: 16 (+3)
Dex: 16 (+3)
Con: 16 (+3)
Int: 20 (+5)
Wis: 20 (+5)
Cha: 20 (+5)
Feats: Alertness, Improved Grapple, Improved Natural Armor(2)
Attacks: Tentacles(6): +17/+17/+17/+17/+17/+17 (11 + 3str + 3mwk) Reach Weapon, Melee Touch
Improved Grab
Setting up
Grapple/Disassemble: +26/21/16 (11+3dex+4imp grpl+5racial+3mwk)
Constrict: 2d4+3str all creatures in grapple.
Special Qualities: All Around Vision(Ex): With its six eyes, a hexadrone can see in all directions at once. Because of this, it gains a +4 racial bonus on Spot and Search checks and cannot be flanked.
Endure Extreme Elements(Ex): Hexadrones can survive in virtually any environment, withstanding temperature extremes from -100°F to 210°F without discomfort.
Iron Tentacles(Ex): +5 Racial bonus to grapple
Disassemble(Ex): A hexadrone deals 2d4+Str damage on a successful grapple check to deal damage.
Constrict(Ex): A hexadrone automatically deals 2d4+Str damage each round to each creature it is grappling.
Superior Form(Ex): Tentacles +3 mwk
SLA and PLA: Caster/Manifester level 11 Saves 15+spell/power level (10+5int)
at will: Detect Magic, Detect Chaos, See Invisibility, Object Reading(10 minute duration(2 owners)), Detect Secret Doors

3/day: Legend Lore, Arcane Eye, Object Reading(200 minute duration (40 owners)), Sensitivity to Psychic Impressions (up to 1100 years in the past), Identify

1/day: Analyze Dweomer
Spells: None
Skills: ((8+5)*14=182)
Craft(Trapmaking) 14+5int, Decipher Script 14+5int, Diplomacy 14+5cha+2synergy, Forgery 14+5int, Knowledge(the Planes; Mechanus; Arcadia; Acheron) 14+5int, Knowledge(arcana) 14+5int, Listen 14+5wis+2feat, Profession(Engineer) 14+5wis, Profession(Mathematician) 14+5wis, Search 14+5int, Spot 14+5wis+2feat, Sense Motive 14+5wis, Survival 14+5wis
Treasure: None

Hexadrone Variant: Telepath
Medium Outsider [Lawful, Modron] CR 10
HD: 11d8 (75 hp) [8first +45avg + 33con-11racial]
Init: +3dex
Spd: 30ft (6 sqrs)
BAB: +11
Alignment: Always Lawful Neutral
Special: Modron Traits
Languages: Modron Tonal, Planar Trade, Axiomatic (Decipher Script +19), 3 additional languages relevant to its assignment.
Senses: Spot: +21; Listen: +21
Darkvision 60
AC: 26 (10 +3dex +11n.a+2n.a. feats)
SR: 21 (10+11HD)
DR: 11/Chaos, Entropium, or Karach
ER: 15 vs. acid, cold, and fire
Immune: electricity, crits, nonlethal damage, mind affecting effects, ability damage and drain, fatigue and exhaustion, and energy drain
Fort: +10 (7base + 3con)
Ref: +10 (7base + 3dex)
Will: +16 (7base + 5wis+4racial)
Str: 16 (+3)
Dex: 16 (+3)
Con: 16 (+3)
Int: 20 (+5)
Wis: 20 (+5)
Cha: 20 (+5)
Feats: Alertness, Improved Grapple, Improved Natural Armor(2)
Attacks: Tentacles(6): +17/+17/+17/+17/+17/+17 (11 + 3str + 3mwk) Reach Weapon, Melee Touch
Improved Grab
Setting up
Drain Thoughts(Grapple Check): +25/20/15 (11+3dex+4imp grpl+4racial+3mwk)
1 point each of intelligence, wisdom, and charisma drain. If drain is successful, target must succeed on a Will save to avoid transferring 1 piece of information, as per Mind Probe(a psionic Power)
Special Qualities: All Around Vision(Ex): With its six eyes, a hexadrone can see in all directions at once. Because of this, it gains a +4 racial bonus on Spot and Search checks and cannot be flanked.
Endure Extreme Elements(Ex): Hexadrones can survive in virtually any environment, withstanding temperature extremes from -100°F to 210°F without discomfort.
Wire Tentacles(Ex): +4 Racial bonus to grapple
Drain Thoughts(Ex): A hexadrone deals 1 point each of intelligence, wisdom, and charisma drain. If drain is successful, target must succeed on a Will save to avoid transferring 1 piece of information, as per Mind Probe(a psionic Power)
Superior Form(Ex): Tentacles +3 mwk
Mentalist(Ex): -11 racial penalty to hp, +4 racial bonus to will saves.
SLA: None
Powers: as 6th level Telepath (Saves 15 [10+5int] + power level) ML 11th, 50 pp (35+15)
3rd: 4 known; Hostile Empathic Transfer, Crisis of Breath, Telekinetic Thrust, Body Adjustment
2nd: 4 known; Read Thoughts, Brain Lock, Mass Missive, Id Insinuation
1st: 5 known; Mindlink, Deja Vu, Detect Psionics, Mind Thrust, Defensive Precognition

Skills: ((8+5)*14=182)
Craft(Trapmaking) 14+5int, Decipher Script 14+5int, Diplomacy 14+5cha+2synergy, Forgery 14+5int, Knowledge(the Planes; Mechanus; Arcadia; Acheron) 14+5int, Knowledge(arcana) 14+5int, Listen 14+5wis+2feat, Profession(Engineer) 14+5wis, Profession(Mathematician) 14+5wis, Search 14+5int, Spot 14+5wis+2feat, Sense Motive 14+5wis, Survival 14+5wis
Treasure: None

Heptadrone (Elite Soldiers, Swat Team)
Large Outsider [Lawful, Modron] CR 12
HD: 13d8 (101 hp) [8first +54avg + 39con]
Init: +2dex+4imp int
Spd: 30ft (6 sqrs)
BAB: +13
Alignment: Always Lawful Neutral
Special: Modron Traits
Languages: Modron Tonal, Planar Trade, Axiomatic (Decipher Script +22), 4 additional languages relevant to its assignment.
Senses: Spot: +24; Listen: +24
Darkvision 120
Blindsight 60
AC: 30 (10 +2dex +5armor+13n.a.-1size)
SR: 23 (10+13HD)
DR: 13/Chaos, Entropium, or Karach
ER: 15 vs. acid, cold, and fire
Immune: electricity, crits, nonlethal damage, mind affecting effects, ability damage and drain, fatigue and exhaustion, and energy drain
Fort: +11 (8base + 3con)
Ref: +10 (8base + 2dex)
Will: +14 (8base + 6wis)
Str: 19 (+4) 17+2
Dex: 15 (+2) 17-2
Con: 17 (+3)
Int: 22 (+6)
Wis: 22 (+6)
Cha: 22 (+6)
Feats: Alertness, Improved Critical (Katana, Warhammer, and Rapier), Improved Initiative, Power AttackS, Whirlwind AttackS, TrackS
Attacks: 2rd Degree Mwk Katana: +22/17/12 (13 + 4str + 2mwk-1size)
2d6+4str Crit 17-18/x2 19-20/x3 (slashing)
2nd Degree Mwk Warhammer: +22 (13 + 4str + 2mwk-1size)
2d6+4str Crit 19-20/x4 (bludgeoning)
2nd Degree Mwk Thinblade Rapier: +22 (13 + 4str + 2mwk-1size)
2d6+4str Crit 15-20/x2 (piercing)
Note: A heptadrone may chose which weapon to consider its primary weapon (and so receive the 22/17/12 attack progression when at the same time it commits to a full attack).

Unarmed Strike +23/18/13 (13+4str+3mwk-1size)
1d6+4str Crit 20/x2
Special Qualities: Superior Multiweapon Fighting(Ex): A heptadrone does not suffer multiweapon penalties. A heptadrone can also easily pivot and attack fast enough to direct all its attacks against one target.
Endure Extreme Elements(Ex): Heptadrones can survive in virtually any environment, withstanding temperature extremes from -100°F to 210°F without discomfort.
All Around Vision(Ex): With its many visual sensors, an octadrone can see in all directions at once. Because of this, it gains a +4 racial bonus on Spot and Search checks and cannot be flanked.
Blindsight(Su/Ex): With its diverse array of sensors, an octadrone has 60ft blindsight. Because of this, it gains a +4 racial bonus on Spot and Search checks and cannot be flanked and does not normally need to make Spot or listen checks to notice things in range of its blindsight. It can also sense invisible creatures. The octadrones' blindsight is dependent on magic, hearing, scent, and electrodetection. Interfering with any one of these factors reduces this trait to blindsense. Interfering with any two removes it. The Grell entry in the Book of Aberrations has some info on how to disrupt electrodetection.
Scent(Ex): As noted above, an octadrone has a very acute sense of smell.
SLA: CL 13 Saves 16+Spell Level (10+6cha)
at will: Greater Mage Hand(spl comp), Repair minor damage (constructs recover 1 hp), cure minor wounds (living creatures recover 1 hp), inflict minor wounds (negative energy, undead recover 1 hp)

3/day: Magic Circle against Chaos, Perfect Weapon (as Bless weapon, only Lawful)

1/day: Axiomatic Weapon (As Holy Weapon, only Axiomatic. Makes one weapon +5 axiomatic)
Spells: None
Skills: ((8+6)*16=182)
Craft(Trapmaking) 16+6int, Decipher Script 16+6int, Diplomacy 16+6cha+2synergy, Forgery 16+6int, Knowledge(the Planes; Mechanus; Arcadia; Acheron) 16+6int, Knowledge(arcana) 16+6int, Knowledge(mathematics) 16+6int, Listen 16+6wis+2feat, Profession(Engineer) 16+6wis, Profession(Mathematician) 16+6wis+2synergy, Search 16+6int, Spot 16+6wis+2feat, Sense Motive 16+6wis, Survival 14+6wis
Treasure: 2nd Degree masterwork Katana, Thinblade, and Warhammer.

Octadrone (Base Maintenance)
Large Outsider [Lawful, Modron] CR 14
HD: 15d8 (131 hp) [8first +63avg + 60con]
Init: +3dex
Spd: 40ft (8 sqrs) 120ft fly (24 squares, clumsy), 30ft swim(6 sqrs)
BAB: +15
Alignment: Always Lawful Neutral
Special: Modron Traits, Really Tall
Languages: Modron Tonal, Planar Trade, Axiomatic (Decipher Script 26), 4 additional languages relevant to its assignment.
Senses: Spot: +28; Listen: +28
Darkvision 60
AC: 27 (10 +3dex +15n.a.-1size)
SR: 25 (10+15HD)
DR: 15/Chaos and Entropium or Chaos and Karach
Regeneration: None
ER: 15 vs. acid, cold, and fire
Immune: electricity, crits, nonlethal damage, mind affecting effects, ability damage and drain, fatigue and exhaustion, and energy drain
Fort: +13 (9base + 4con)
Ref: +12 (9base + 3dex)
Will: +17 (9base + 8wis)
Str: 20 (+5) 18+2
Dex: 16 (+3) 18-2
Con: 18 (+4)
Int: 27 (+8)
Wis: 27 (+8)
Cha: 27 (+8)
Feats: Alertness, Power Attack, Deflect Arrows, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm
Attacks: Shred: +39 (15 + 5str + 16lots and lots of arms + 4mwk-1size)
1d8+6str Crit 20/x2 (Power Attack is really necessary. This is considered a two handed weapon)
Disarm: +39 (15+5str+8lots and lots of arms+4size+4improved+4mwk)

Special Qualities: Really Tall(Ex): An octadrone's long, spindly legs make it much taller than other creatures of its body size. An octadrone essentially occupies two 10 foot cubes (rather than the normal one), one on top of the other. An octadrone's legs have DR 25/Chaos and Entropium or Chaos and Karach, DR 10/-, and occupy the bottom 10 foot cube. Damage dealt to the legs is not subtracted from the octadrone's hp. Once 63 damage has been dealt to the legs, the octadrone falls prone (and takes up only one 10 foot cube) and its movement rate falls to 5 ft/round. Damage to the legs may be repaired by cure spells cast on them. If an octadrone is knocked prone by damage to the legs, at least 32 hp must be restored to the legs before it can stand up again. Area effects that include an octadrone's body do not damage the legs. An octadrone in flight or swimming tucks its legs up into the same 10 ft cube as its body. An octadrone cannot begin to fly if it is prone, unless it has some other means of getting itself at least 10 ft above the ground.

Endure Extreme Elements(Ex): Octadrones can survive in virtually any environment, withstanding temperature extremes from -100°F to 210°F without discomfort.

Shred(Ex): An octadrone's arms are too weak to directly attack; however, they can be used in concert to tear pieces off an opponent. This is considered a two handed weapon.

Reconfigure Lower Castes(Ex): An octadrone can switch lower caste modrons between caste variants. This takes one hour per hierarchy level of the modron being reconfigured. It is rumored that some Hierarch modrons can reconfigure modrons much faster.

Regulus Terminal(Ex): An octadrone in Regulus terminal mode is a spawnpoint for monodrones. A octadrone in this mode is immobile, unable to attack, and considered helpless. When a gap is created in the monodrone population, either through promotion or through violence, a new monodrone appears at the closest Regulus terminal. If there are no Regulus terminals on the plane, the new monodrone appears in the central energy pool in Regulus(new monodrones will also appear in the central pool if it is closer than any Regulus terminals). A Regulus terminal does not function in an Antimagic field or dead magic zone, nor in an area into which planar travel cannot occur. It takes five rounds (thirty seconds) for an octadrone to convert itself into a Regulus terminal or back again. A heptadrone always promotes to a normally configured octadrone, regardless of what mode its predecessor was in.

Mechanus' Cannon(Su): Casting time five full round actions (thirty seconds), damage 150 force, range 150ft line, the octadrone must chose the path of the line when it begins channeling the cannon blast, so enemies will have ample time to move out of the path of the blast. Primarily a siege weapon.

Superior Form(Ex): Arms +4 mwk

SLA: CL 15th Saves 18+spell level (10+8cha)
at will: repair light damage (1d8+5), cure light wounds (1d8+5), inflict light wounds(1d8+5)

6/day: Stone wall, Fabricate (Casting time increased by a factor of 10)

3/day: Mass Bull's Strength, Mass Bear's Endurance, Sonicly substituted Fireball (10d4), Iron wall, Transmute Rock to Mud, Transmute Mud to Rock, Crystalline Wall(as Wall of Ice, except as follows: Lawful descriptor rather than Cold, not affected in any special manner by fire, and deals lawful damage to creatures stepping through a breach rather than cold damage. 5th level spell)

1/day: Move Earth, True Creation
Spells: None
Skills: ((8+8)*18=288)
Craft(Trapmaking) 18+8int, Decipher Script 18+8int, Diplomacy 18+8cha+2synergy, Forgery 18+8int, Intimidate 18+8cha, Knowledge(the Planes; Mechanus; Arcadia; Acheron) 18+8int, Knowledge(arcana) 18+8int, Knowledge(architecture and engineering) 18+8int, Knowledge(mathematics) 18+8int, Listen 18+8wis+2feat, Profession(Engineer) 18+8wis+2synergy, Profession(Mathematician) 18+8wis+2synergy, Search 18+8int, Spot 18+8wis+2feat, Sense Motive 18+8wis, Survival 14+8wis
Treasure: None

Enneadrone (Transport and Logistics) Psionic
Large Outsider [Lawful, Modron] CR 16
HD: 17d8 (148 hp) [8first +72avg + 68con]
Init: +3dex
Spd: 20ft (4 sqrs), Fly 30ft (6sqrs) perfect
BAB: +17
Alignment: Always Lawful Neutral
Special: Modron Traits, Makes Will saves against all Psionic Powers
Languages: Modron Tonal, Planar Trade, Axiomatic (Decipher Script +29), 7 additional languages relevant to its assignment.
Senses: Spot: +31; Listen: +31
Darkvision 60
AC: 29 (10 +3dex +17n.a.-1size)
SR: 27 (10+17HD)
DR: 17/Chaos and Entropium or Chaos and Karach
ER: 20 vs. acid, cold, and fire
Immune: electricity, crits, nonlethal damage, mind affecting effects, ability damage and drain, fatigue and exhaustion, and energy drain
Fort: +14 (10base + 4con)
Ref: +13 (10base + 3dex)
Will: +21 (10base + 9wis+2feat)
Str: 21 (+5) 19+2
Dex: 17 (+3) 19-2
Con: 19 (+4)
Int: 29 (+9)
Wis: 29 (+9)
Cha: 29 (+9)
Feats: Alertness, Enlarge Power, Force of Will, Iron Will, Split Psionic Ray, Quicken Power
Attacks: Ranged Touch Attack: +23 (17+4mwk+3dex-1size)
Various Powers

Special Qualities: All Around Vision(Ex): With its three sets of three eyes, a enneadrone can see in all directions at once. Because of this, it gains a +4 racial bonus on Spot and Search checks and cannot be flanked.
Endure Elemental Conditions(Ex): Enneadrones can survive in virtually any environment, withstanding any temperature extremes without discomfort. They do not take energy damage from any source for more than one round. This includes environmental damage like that found on the elemental planes as well as persistent spells like acid arrow.
Touch to Ranged Touch(Su): Any powers with a range of touch are automatically converted to short range ranged touch attacks.
SLA: CL 17 Saves: 19+Spell Level (10+9cha)
At will: Telekinesis (DC 24) (can't be used to throw more than one object at a time [so in order to do a lot of damage, an enneadrone needs to find lots of heavy items]), Read Thoughts, Mind Probe.
Powers: As 17th level nomad 250+76bonus = 326pp
Saves: 19+level (10+9int)
9th: 1; Psionic Teleportation Circle
8th: 3; Psionic Greater Teleport, True Metabolism, Concussion Blast
7th: 3; Psionic Phase Door, Divert Teleport, Ego Whip
6th: 3; Co-opt Concentration, Psionic Contingency, Psionic Disintegrate
5th: 4; Baleful Teleport, Psionic Teleport, Teleport Trigger, Psionic Plane Shift
4th: 4; Psionic Dimensional Anchor, Dispel Psionics, Psionic Freedom of Movement
3rd: 4; Astral Traveler, Astral Caravan, Energy Bolt, Energy Burst, Dispel Psionics
2nd: 4; Dimension Swap, Psionic Levitate, Concealing Amorphia, Mass Missive, Ego Whip, Concussion Blast
1st: 5; Burst, Detect Teleportation, Force Screen, Inertial Armor, Energy Ray (1d6 energy), Astral Traveler
Skills: ((8+9)*20=340)
Concentration 20+9int, Decipher Script 20+9int, Diplomacy 20+9cha+2synergy, Forgery 20+9int, Intimidate 20+9cha, Knowledge(the Planes; Mechanus; Arcadia; Acheron) 20+9int, Knowledge(arcana) 20+9int, Knowledge(architecture and engineering) 20+9int, Knowledge(mathematics) 20+9int, Knowledge(psionics) 20+9int, Listen 20+9wis+2feat, Profession(Engineer) 20+9wis+2synergy, Profession(Mathematician) 20+9wis+2synergy, Search 20+9int, Spot 20+9wis+2feat, Sense Motive 20+9wis, Survival 14+9wis
Treasure: None

Decandrone (Arcanists and Generals), Wizardry
Large Outsider [Lawful, Modron] CR 18
HD: 19d8 (184 hp) [8first +81avg + 95con]
Init: +4 (+4dex)
Spd: Fly 40ft (8sqrs) perfect
BAB: +19
Alignment: Always Lawful Neutral
Special: Modron Traits
Languages: Modron Tonal, Planar Trade, Axiomatic (Decipher Script +29), 8 additional languages relevant to its assignment.
Senses: Spot: +31; Listen: +31
Darkvision 60
AC: 32 (10 +4dex +19n.a.-1size)
SR: 29 (10+19HD)
Str: 22 (+6) 20+2
Dex: 18 (+4) 20-2
Con: 20 (+5)
Int: 31 (+10)
Wis: 31 (+10)
Cha: 31 (+10)
Feats: Eschew MaterialsB, Alertness, (6 additional feats, typically metamagic. Often: Empower and/or Maximize, Quicken, Enlarge and/or Widen, Energy Substitution[Sonic; Damage dice reduced by one step, e.g: d6 → d4], Split Ray, Sudden Maxemize)
Attacks: Ranged Touch Attack: +27 (19+5mwk+4dex-1size)
Various Spells

Special Qualities: All Around Vision(Ex): With its five eyes, a decandrone can see in all directions at once. Because of this, it gains a +4 racial bonus on Spot and Search checks and cannot be flanked.
Endure Elemental Conditions(Ex): Decandrones can survive in virtually any environment, withstanding any temperature extremes without discomfort. They do not take energy damage from any source for more than one round. This includes environmental damage like that found on the elemental planes and persistent spells like acid arrow.
SLA: CL 19th Saves: 20+level (10+10cha)
At will: Telekinesis (DC 25) (can't be used to throw more than one object at a time [so in order to do a lot of damage, a decandrone needs to find lots of heavy items]).
Spells: As 16th level wizard and 16th level sorcerer.
Sorc Spells:
Saves 20+level (10+10cha)
8th: 1 4/day; Polar Ray (+18 rngd touch, 16d6)
7th: 2 6/day; Delayed Blast Fireball, Mordenkainens’s (or, Mage’s) Sword
6th: 3 8/day; Antimagic Field, Disintegrate, Greater Dispel
5th: 4 8/day; Hold Monster, Cloudkill, Cone of Cold, Dismissal, Teleport
4th: 4 8/day; Dimensional Anchor, Orb of Acid(Spl Comp), Orb of Electricity(Spl Comp), Orb of Sound(Spl Comp).
3rd: 4 8/day; Lightning Bolt, Greater Mage Armor(Spl Comp), Resonating Bolt(Spl Comp), Scintillating Scales(Spl Comp).
2nd: 5 9/day; Glitterdust, Fog Cloud, Touch of Idiocy, Ray of Fire, Spider Climb.
1st: 5 9/day; Shield, Magic Missile, Targeting Ray(Spl Comp), Spirit Worm(Spl Comp), Persistent Blade(Spl Comp).
0th: 9 6/day; Arcane Mark, Detect Magic,

Wiz Spells:
Saves 20+level (10+10int)
8th: 2+1; Greater Prying Eyes, Power word Stun, Polymorph any Object
7th: 3+1; Spell Turningx2, Greater Arcane Sight, Forcecage
6th: 3+2; Flesh to Stone, Programed Image, Contingency, True Seeing, Globe of Invulnerability
5th: 4+2; Waves of Fatiguex2, Wall of Forcex2, Telekinesis, Mind Fog
4th: 4+2; Enerviationx2, Resilient Sphere, Locate Creature, Black Tentacles, Solid Fog
3rd: 4+2; Hastex2, Keen edgex2, Ray of Exhaustionx2
2nd: 4+3; Baleful Transposition(Spl Comp), Portal Alarm(Spl Comp), Discern Shapechanger(Spl Comp), Chain of Eyes(Spl Comp), Slapping Hand(Spl Comp).
1st: 4+3; Portal Beacon(Spl Comp),
0th: 4;
Skills: ((8+9)*20=340)
Concentration 20+9int, Decipher Script 20+9int, Diplomacy 20+9cha+2synergy, Forgery 20+9int, Intimidate 20+9cha, Knowledge(the Planes; Mechanus; Arcadia; Acheron) 20+9int, Knowledge(arcana) 20+9int, Knowledge(architecture and engineering) 20+9int, Knowledge(mathematics) 20+9int, Knowledge(psionics) 20+9int, Listen 20+9wis+2feat, Profession(Engineer) 20+9wis+2synergy, Profession(Mathematician) 20+9wis+2synergy, Search 20+9int, Spot 20+9wis+2feat, Sense Motive 20+9wis, Survival 14+9wis
Treasure: None

Hendecadrone (Coordinator, Inquisition, Strategist)
Very little is known about this caste. Even in circles where detailed knowledge about the upper Modron castes is common, most people believe that the castes progress from Decandrone to Decaton.
The hendecadrones are a transition caste between the heirarchs and the base castes. They are extreamly telepathic and largely nonmotile. When a Decaton gives orders to a Decandrone, it often appears that the 'ton is giving instructions directly to the 'drone. In fact, there is a hendecadrone focused on the conversation, relaying the instructions in real time.

Large Outsider [Lawful, Modron] CR 20
HD: 21d8 (203 hp) [8first +90avg + 105con]
Init: +11 (+11wis)
Spd: -
BAB: +21
Alignment: Always Lawful Neutral
Special: Modron Traits
Languages: Modron Tonal, Planar Trade, Axiomatic (Decipher Script +31), 9 additional languages relevant to its assignment.
Senses: Spot: +33; Listen: +33
Darkvision 60
AC: 40 (10 -5dex +15exoskeleton+21n.a.-1size)
SR: 31 (10+21HD), 37 vs. effects allowing Ref saves
DR: 21/Chaos and Entropium or Chaos and Karach
Regeneration: None
ER: 20 vs. acid, cold, and fire
Immune: electricity, crits, nonlethal damage, mind affecting effects, ability damage and drain, fatigue and exhaustion, and energy drain
Fort: +17 (12base + 5con) {Imp Mettle}
Ref: SR+6 vs. effects allowing Ref Saves
Will: +24 (12base + 12wis)
Str: 23 (+6) 21+2
Dex: - (-5)
Con: 21 (+5)
Int: 32 (+11)
Wis: 32 (+11)
Cha: 32 (+11)
Feats: Eschew MaterialsB, Practiced Spellcaster(Sorcerer)B, Practiced Spellcaster(Wizard)B, Practiced Manifestor(Psion)B Alertness, (6 additional feats, typically metamagic or metapsionic. Often: Empower and/or Maximize, Quicken, Enlarge and/or Widen, Energy Substitution[Sonic; Damage dice reduced by one step, e.g: d6 → d4], Split Ray, Sudden Maxemize)
Attacks: Ranged Touch Attack: +31 (21+11wis-1size)
Various Spells
Phantasmal Claws(Su): +31 (21+5mwk+6str-1size) Standard Action. Penetrates armor as Brilliant Energy weapon, but can affect nonliving targets. Reach Weapon
5d6+6str Crit 19-20/x2
Special Qualities: All Around Vision(Ex): With its ten functional eyes, a hendecadrone can see in all directions at once, except bellow it. Because of this, it gains a +4 racial bonus on Spot and Search checks and cannot be flanked, however, any foe that gets bellow it is considered invisible.
Endure Elemental Conditions(Ex): Hendecadrones can survive in virtually any environment, withstanding any temperature extremes without discomfort. They do not take energy damage from any source for more than one round. This includes environmental damage like that found on the elemental planes and persistent spells like acid arrow.

Immobile(Ex): A hendecadrone is immobile. It has no dex score and uses a dex modifier of -5. Characters with sneak attacks or similar abilities may use these abilities against a hendecadrone unless it gains mobility through the use of a spell or power that allows flight. A flying hendecadrone still has no dex score and still uses a -5 dex modifier.

Partitioned Mind(Ex): A hendecadrone can take up to three standard actions per turn, in the following manner. A hendecadrone has two initiative counts. It may use one or two (maximum) standard actions on its first count and then at least one more on its second initiative count. The second initiative is equal to its actual initiative -11, with the exception that at least one PC must appear between its counts in the initiative order. If a situation arises in which this is not so, the DM should bump one count down below the next PC's initiative. (note this may lead to the count being wrapped into the next turn. This is ok. In fact, if a hendecadrone rolls abysmally on its initiative, it may not get to use its second count until the second round of combat. These initiative rules are to prevent the PCs getting slaughtered by a bevy of spells and powers without at least some chance to respond, as well as to make the fight more dynamic)

Surge Magic(Ex): As a standard action, invokes a surge of magic that allows the hendecadrone to make a caster level check against any antimagic fields whose area of effect the hendecadrone is in, in an attempt to disjoin the field. This ability may also be used to suppress the dead magic trait of a plane or area for 1d4 rounds, in a 120 ft radius from the hendecadrone.

Regulus Terminal(Su): Casting time: 2 standard actions, Duration: concentration. Allows the hendecadrone to act as a Regulus Terminal (see octadrone description for details). Note that maintaining concentration is a standard action, and so only one segment of the Hendecanedrone's partitioned mind needs concern itself with maintaining concentration.

SLA: CL 21st Saves: 21+level (10+11cha)
At will: Telekinesis (DC 25) (note a hendecadrone can concentrate on three spells at once, if it so desires), Greater Scrying, Read thoughts.

Spells: As 15th level diviner(wizard, bar evoc), 15th level psion(telepath), and 15th level sorcerer(w/ lots of evocs).
Note: The innate Practiced Spellcaster feats mean that caster level is 19th.
Sorc Spells:
Saves 20+level (10+10cha)
7th: 2 6/day; Delayed Blast Fireball, Mage’s Sword
6th: 3 8/day; Repulsion, Disintegrate, Greater Dispel
5th: 4 8/day; Hold Monster, Cloudkill, Cone of Cold, Dismissal, Teleport
4th: 4 8/day; Dimensional Anchor, Orb of Acid, Orb of Electricity, Orb of Sound
3rd: 4 9/day; Lightning Bolt, Greater Mage Armor, Resonating Bolt
2nd: 5 9/day; Glitterdust, Fog Cloud, Touch of Idiocy, Ray of Fire, Spider Climb
1st: 5 9/day; Shield, Magic Missile,
0th: 9 6/day; Arcane Mark, Detect Magic,

Div Spells:
Saves 20+level (10+10int)
8th: 1+1+1; Greater Prying Eyes, Power word Stun, Wall of Greater Dispel Magic(Spl Comp)
7th: 2+2+1; Spell Turningx2, Greater Arcane Sight, Forcecage
6th: 3+2+1; Flesh to Stone, Programed Image, Contingency, True Seeing, Globe of Invulnerability
5th: 4+2+1; Waves of Fatiguex2, Wall of Forcex2, Telekinesis, Mind Fog
4th: 4+2+1; Enerviationx2, Resilient Sphere, Locate Creature, Black Tentacles, Solid Fog
3rd: 4+3+1; Haste x3, Keen edge x2, Ray of Exhaustion x2, Arcane Sight x2
2nd: 4+3+1; Glitterdust*3,
1st: 4+3+1;
0th: 4;

Telepath Powers:
Saves 20+level (10+10int)
8th: 1 True metabolism
7th: 3 Crisis of Life, Divert Teleport
6th: 3 Overland Flight, Co-opt Concentration, Remote View Trap.
5th: 4 Mind Probe, Catapsi, Psionic Plane Shift, Shatter Mind Blank
4th: 4 Psionic Dominate, Wall of Ectoplasm, Trace Teleport, Intellect Fortress
3rd: 4 Hostile Empathic Transfer, Psionic Blast, Body Adjustment, Mindlink
2nd: 4 Read Thoughts, Brain Lock, Aversion, Concealing Amorpha
1st: 5 Telempathic Projection, Sense Link, Mind Thrust, Inertial Armor (+11), Deja Vu, Mindlink
Skills: ((8+9)*20=340)
Concentration 20+9int, Decipher Script 20+9int, Diplomacy 20+9cha+2synergy, Forgery 20+9int, Intimidate 20+9cha, Knowledge(the Planes; Mechanus; Arcadia; Acheron) 20+9int, Knowledge(arcana) 20+9int, Knowledge(architecture and engineering) 20+9int, Knowledge(mathematics) 20+9int, Knowledge(psionics) 20+9int, Listen 20+9wis+2feat, Profession(Engineer) 20+9wis+2synergy, Profession(Mathematician) 20+9wis+2synergy, Search 20+9int, Spot 20+9wis+2feat, Sense Motive 20+9wis, Survival 14+9wis
Treasure: None

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