Modron Art

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The_Basilisk's picture
Joined: 2008-01-04
Modron Art

I like how many people have thier own take on what a modron looks like. Let's see yours. I'll start:

I have to give thanks to Tony DeTerlizzi though, he definately helped the modrons be as unique and interesting as they are now. Down with formians! All hail the polyhedral paragons!

Duster's picture
Joined: 2006-06-14
Squaff's Modrons

Shazzam, thread ressurection!

Haven't been online for a while and I've returned for your viewing enjoyment.


I've scanned and edited a few of Squaff's modrons, so here you have them:






QUADRONE - I think this one is a rogue modron







ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Duster's modrons

Those are gorgeous, Duster. The tridrone is brilliant, and the quadrone looks lovely in its dress.

The_Basilisk's picture
Joined: 2008-01-04

wow, these are awesome. I especialy like the pentadrone and the octon.

Duster's picture
Joined: 2006-06-14
Well my favourite is Hexon

Well my favourite is Hexon because of its alien misproportioned look and a weird whale like head.

Unfortunately Septon is missing Sad .

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Artist comment

*sings* "...There was mowing metal madnes a programed to destroy..."

Ahem..., sorry about that. It is once again time for yet another "Artist comment" in wich I explain creative procces for these pictures. Essentialy, I love modrons. They are something that makes planescape memorable. I mean modrons are something that jumps right into someone's mind when they think about planesape. But alas, some of modrons were bit under developed so this just my humble vision of them. BDW I am pleased how I made "rusty metal" effect. Smiling

Duodrone - Main idea behind this one is that I took basic monodrone shape and I split it in two halves. If you look closely you will notice some elements from previous "incarnation".

Triodrone - main inspirations for this one where: "xorn" and "modron grafts" from Dragon magazine. So this triodrone has mouth on one top (like xorns do), and attached glider wings on its legs.

Quadrone - quadrons are something of trade marked symbol of Planescape that we all know and love, so messing with TD's design would be something like blasphemy. So I just put a robe (or "dress" if you like) Eye-wink on this rouge to make it more uniqe.

Pentadrone - they have allways described pentadrones as mechanical starfish so I have gone into extreme when I drew this one. If you look closely you will notce folded sword blades. I imagine that they balance on one arm/leg (or even levitate) when thy deliver their 5 attacks.

Hexon - I allways thougt that modrons become more complex (and more alien looking) as they go higher in their castes. You know clockwork are replaced by electronic components and basic metals by ceramics. Anyway face for hexon was inspired by thos white, grinning, mass produced,evengelions from same anime. (you know, those that canibalise Asuka).

Octon - Well, actually I never realy liked old "walking fridge" design. But recently there was Hellraiser movie on TV and I just thougtht to myself: "hey, that "Leviathan" shape (octohaedar I think) would be good for octon. Thats all modron lovers I gotta go, but fear not, more modron maddnes is on the way. Untill then enjoy. Laughing out loud


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

The_Basilisk's picture
Joined: 2008-01-04
More Modrons

I eagerly await more beings of ultimate law.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
(Edit: hmm, a line seems to

(Edit: hmm, a line seems to have gone missing!) 

Modron grafts?  Those sound interesting. What are they, a sort of cyberware for players to purchase? If they sound interesting, I might hop over and purchase a pdf of the relevant Dragon -- what issue did they appear in?

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Amazing pictures! I'm

Amazing pictures!

I'm particularly fond of the hexon - it's less polygonal than usual modron art but it has an exotic, alien, and somewhat intimidating look over it. Nice touch with 6 fingers on 6 hands as well.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Wow! If you drew a hundred

Wow! If you drew a hundred of these pictures, I couldn't get tired of looking at them. This is what I wish all modrons looked like: alien, unapproachable, and whimsically intricate.

 Please, please, please, don't stop here.


Funny that you mention Evangelion in your inspiration for the Hexon (also, my favorite of your pictures here). I get an Evaneglion vibe from modrons. Every time I hear the NGE characters talking about sine waves and synchronization figures and  A.T. field levels I think about modrons going to war, harnessing numbers and axioms to accomplish their goals.

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Jem wrote: Modron

Jem wrote:

Modron grafts?  Those sound interesting. What are they, a sort of cyberware for players to purchase? If they sound interesting, I might hop over and purchase a pdf of the relevant Dragon -- what issue did they appear in?

Sorry for the long wait, Jem. Sad It is in issue #241. Article is called "Modron Magic". 

Disclamer: unfortunatly "grafts" (they were more like magical items that were installed on to modrons) presented there are for modron use only, but it can still be used as source of waluble ideas.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Duster's picture
Joined: 2006-06-14
One of my favouriteshas

One of my favouriteshas become an anime tentacle monster.It's really fine but I didn't expect it. Anyway, all the gratitude for this picture goes to Squaff. -> again. I have to start doing my own art...



I guess Squaff will draw all of the modrons in the end. So if anyone wants to use bigger format pictures, just PM me.

Duster's picture
Joined: 2006-06-14
I haven't been posting here

I haven't been posting here for a while and I've been getting messages about missing pictures in this thread,

So without further ado and not to cause any more confusion here are those pictures:

I had to move them into their own folder so the photobucket shows that they were deleted. I tried  to edit my older message with most of the pictures, but I am unable to.

Duster's picture
Joined: 2006-06-14
Since I haven't been

Since I haven't been posting here for a while T haven't been able to post the latest picture, so here is


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