Modern Xaositects

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john's picture
Joined: 2006-07-05
Modern Xaositects

I'm working on putting together ideas to make these guys work. I'm thinking to model them after different early 20th century artistic and philosophical movements: dadaism, surrealism, existentialism, and that whole screwy lot. For a good example of the kind of attitude I want to get across read the Wikipedia article on the Situationist International.

I think it's important for the Xaositects to remain conceptually on the edge, rather than just a bunch of silly idiots running around playing frat-boy pranks (of course they still do that, but there must be something more). Most people consider modern art and intellectualism to be total bunk -- though not all of it is -- and it is that very attitude that I think most of the modern Planars and Primes and what-have-you would hold toward modern Xaositects.


Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Modern Xaositects

To me, xaocites always looked like fantasy wersions of '70s british punk rockers with a more diverse talent

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
Modern Xaositects

I'm working on putting together ideas to make these guys work. I'm thinking to model them after different early 20th century artistic and philosophical movements: dadaism, surrealism, existentialism, and that whole screwy lot.

Sounds pretty pretentious for the Xaositects. My interpretation is that didn't need any reasons to do anything. It's just Chaos. I don't think that Xaositects should be sitting around in coffee shops discussing the finer points of their philosophy. For them, it's pretty self-evident the multiverse is a pretty crazy place.

The SI is somewhat a bad model for the Xaositects. Remember, the Xaositects are NOT disestablishmentarians, they're as likely to shower the government with donations of gold and feces as they are to work against it. It's PATTERNS which they are against, they're not trying to make a social statement. Not all of them, anyway.

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
Modern Xaositects

In retrospect, the faction you described sounds more like the Bleak Cabal than the Xaositects. Maybe you should write on them?

Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27
Modern Xaositects

Actually, I'd argue that the Xaositects are far more random than any of the groups you mentioned. Discordians, SubGenii, and their ilk are where the Xaositects are at IMO.

Dadaists are more Anarchists than they are Xaositects. Existentialists are probably Sensates or Doomies. Surrealists are probably the closest, but Doomies, Guvners, or Sensates are still probably a better fit, with the exception of the Magritte-inspired surrealists, and even the Magritte ones could easily be Guvners with an odd view of the world for a Guvner.

Think Dada and Principia Discordia. Think Pollock. Almost all of the groups you mentioned were representationalist. Use abstract art as a basis moreso than representational, because representational art is indicative of order. The more openly randomly chaotic, the better. Honestly, none of the groups mentioned save perhaps the Dadaists could easily fit into the Xaositects IMO.

wgar's picture
Joined: 2006-01-10
Modern Xaositects

Well, you could think of an evolution of thought for the Xaositecs. There are many ways of spreading chaos, and surely art is one of them. I think that the Xaositecs could become an art-inclined faction, as long as you have an open-minded concept of art.

Opposing the Order of Being, who see in their pranks and street-performances one way of making people free themselves of their problems, the Xaositecs' art is just made to please their own desire of expressing the chaos they see in the multiverse or just the chaos that lies inside their own minds.

Their view of art is, of course, a practical one. "Let the sensates discuss art. I am art!", chaosman would say. So, I really don't see two Xaositecs, late-hour on a coffee-shop, discussing what's on and what's off. They just do what passes on their heads, and better if it's a breakthrough of something new.

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