Modern Revolutionary League

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Modern Revolutionary League

The Revolutionary League

The Revolutionary League is in trouble. For now, the Revolutionary League has has survived through cunning political manuevering which has transformed the face of the League. Smaller, less paranoid and more focused, nevertheless the Anarchists imagine the walls of conformity and authority are closing in ever further. There's a new sense of urgency: revolt now, or there'll be no chance to in the future.

Philosophy: In order for the truth to be discovered the chains of social order must be overthrown.
Headquarters: Pandemonium
Nickname: Anarchists
Majority Races: Chaonds, githzerai, half-elves, humans, tieflings.
Majority Classes: Fast Hero, Smart Hero
Factol: "Shadow" (unknown)
Prominent Members: Little Miss Tempest (CG Female Gnome, Strong Hero 9/Fast Hero 5/Archaic Weapons Master 5), Szelter Forsythe (CG Male Human, Smart Hero 5/ Mage 10/ Archmage 5)
Alignment: Any non-lawful.
Symbol: Conjuction of two-curving blade designs.


One plus one equals two. This supposedly simple information is taken for granted: we know it's true. You can prove it with a bunch of rocks, and you can't tell tell the barmiest leatherhead that it isn't. For it to be any other way is inconceivable.

We aren't saying one plus one isn't two, it's self-evident. But what've the other truths in the world, other "one plus ones" so to speak? There isn't any. We can't even agree that the universe actually exists. The only thing we got is the stuff we can see and touch and smell, but this could be still the construct of a lucid dream.

And yet, some people take the barmiest ideas and package them up as "truth". Everyone has their own ideas, and that's as right as rain. But allow me to illustrate an example: there's this culture on this prime world where chickens are holy animals. The priesthood has exclusive rights to these animals, for a fee the priesthood will communicate with the chickens as oracles. They'll also sell the eggs, to be eaten only on religious occasions.

Barmy, innit? Their "one plus one" is that chickens are holy, they've never questioned it. Now anthropologically we can explain their misplaced reverence as products of the significance of chickens as a source of food, blah blah. But it's clear that someone from that culture has thought "hey, why do we worship these stupid animals? Is that really a smart thing to do?" and never voiced their opinion.

Why not? Fear. For the same reason you don't tell everyone they're fat, you don't question authority: you're afraid of the repercussions. If you do, everyone thinks your barmy, dismiss your criticisms as conspiracy theories, and then plod along as if you don't exist.

There's this prime where the mortality rate of microbiologists is extremely high, even higher than their military. They keep dying in mysterious "traffic accidents". No one's ever bothered to bring it up. Then you've got this virulent plague killing millions of people on that very same prime world. Before this plague, everyone was dying of normal diseases, typhoid, malaria, dysentery, etcetera, but now these diseases have mysteriously disappeared and now everyone's dying off this plague. In the meantime you've got pharmaceutical companies making a fortune selling drugs that stave off the disease, not ones that cure it. Curious that, and very convenient. Of course, anyone from that world gets any ideas and they're dismissed as paranoid barmies. I can't remember the name of that world. Something thats sounds like "Oerth"... well, whatever, it'll come to me.

The point is that what you might come up with logical thought, a "one plus one", is being oppressed by the the powers that be. They won't let you think those thoughts, not the Harmonium or any other organization that pretends to have a monopoly on truth. It's in their best interests to curb your free thought. How, may I ask, in such a universe is it possible to discover the truth in an environment where you aren't even allowed to come to logical conclusions for fear of estrangement?

There's one answer: tear down the Authority, and allow free thought to reign. That's the only way to destroy the walls which imprison your thought, and once you do that, you can discover the truth yourself. See, we're not so barmy after all, are we?

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