Modern Planar spells and psionics

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Joined: 2005-03-11
Modern Planar spells and psionics

Ee-yup, everyone one knew it'd come sometime, and whaddya know, it did!

Reality imposition
level: telepath/ incredibly high(read: no idea, but somewhere high epic. Suggestions?)
range medium
target: one anything
save: opposed CHA check
manifestation time: full-round
duration: until manifester stops concentrating, or the target moves outside of range.
This power, developed on commission some twenty years ago for a splinter sect of the Athar, is possibly the most real threat to the dominance of the powers on the outers to ever exist. It, essentially, supresses all divine abilities of a power, proxy, or whatever(theories have been made about the Lady, but nobody capable of manifesting this power is stupid enough to try.) else posessing of divine power(game-wise, this removes all divine ranks, and their benefits). However, to successfully suppress the power, the manifester must make a CHA check+manifester level, opposed by the powers' own CHA check(+ nothing). If the caster wins, the power loses as many divine ranks as the manifesters check exceeded its own. This, however, rarely keeps the power and its minions from slaughtering whatever cast the spell, as the sect found out soon after the psion developing the power left. As such, there is only one(identity unknown) person who has been confirmed able to manifest it. Naturally, the powers and the Athar both are quite interested in information about him.
(DMs' dark: the first and foremost purpose of this power is not to destroy the powers, but to provide an adventure. Who created it? Has he taught others? Could the PCs use the thing for their own ends(perhaps they've got a power breathing down their necks)? Will applying the power allow a deity to enter Sigil?)´

Okay, I had another idea before this one, and I'm sure it'll come back eventually. You guys post something in the meantime.[/i]

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