Modern Gods

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Terra Nova's picture
Joined: 2006-03-11
Modern Gods

I was just wondering if we could create our own costum Gods, that supposely reflects the modern culture of UP. For example, there could gods of computers, cars, television, e-mail, pop-stars, boy bands ect. As well as being gods of good and evil.

Any ideas or examples? Because in this thread you can post up your own "Modern Gods" for the rest of us to see.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Modern Gods

There's a part of Terry Pratchett's "The Last Hero" that mentions a god of squished animals, as a result of faster carriages and better roads ("Oh god, what did I just hit?!")

For myself, I have a few gods/cosmic entities that I'd like to work on, such as a Demon Prince of Rock-a manifestation of all the worst traits associated with real rock stars.

Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27
Modern Gods

I suggest checking out Neil Gaiman's "American Gods." It's a book about gods in modern times, and some of the ideas could easily work in Urban Planescape. Terry Pratchett's one of his friends, I think. They wrote a book together, and if you like one, the other will probably appeal. The plot's also very much in the vein of the OP, and could be mined for inspiration.

As for 'modern gods' I would actually find a god who works on the power of apparent NON-belief to be interesting. A god of atheists, if you will. I don't know how well it'd work, but imagining the Athar's response to finding out a god is using their non-belief to fuel his divine powers would be an interesting mental exercise. Other gods I could imagine are entities fueled by corporations, Wall Street, and politics.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Modern Gods

An "Atheist Power" would disappear in a puff of logic. Still, the dynamics between divine power and modernization is something I thought about. I'd imagine that there would be a shift in power away from actual deities (who gain power through active belief and ritual worship) towards cosmic entities (whose power comes through passive beliefs and everyday behavior, and is only supplimented by a smattering of cult followers). Dispater, the Lord of the Second, is a perfect LE patron for corporations. To balance him out, one could easily imagine a Seraph who is a celestial version of Carnigie Mellon (industiralist, philanthroper and author of How to Make Friends and Influence People)

Terra Nova's picture
Joined: 2006-03-11
Modern Gods

I was thinking of creating a greater power called Datalus, God of the Internet.

Anyone else got any ideas for gods/cosmic entities?

Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27
Modern Gods

I'm working up an idea for a NE cosmic entity of WMD. I don't know what to call it, though.

Domains: Destruction, War, Fire, Sickness

Sickness would be a new domain based around diseases and inflicting ability damage.

Home plane would be the Grey Wastes, and the deity's home area essentially looks like a desert after being bombed, with black obsidian and the like being prominent features. Petitioners would be even more sickened and twisted than in other places in the wastes. It would also be major area for Lower Planes arms dealers, as mercenaries and the like would be prone to congregating here, for obvious reasons. I would imagine 'loths would be strong supporters of such an entity.

EDIT: I am trying to decide on whether or not this should be placed on Acheron. I think it's very reasonable to go either way, but I feel the Grey Wastes are slightly more thematically similar, since the nature of WMD use can be either Lawful or Chaotic. The way they wreak destruction is Chaotic, but the resources to make them would be something more Lawfully inclined.. In the end I think there's a good case for both, but this is one area where I think the case for Acheron doesn't fit quite as well, even though Acheron is war- and battle-themed.

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Modern Gods

Classic gods could work well int he planescape setting. Not the perfect example but did anyone read "long dark tea-time of the soul" by Douglas Adams?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Modern Gods

Kestrel: Go with the Grey Waste - it really *does* fit better. And the disease theme works too for that area. As for a name? You could just make one up, I mean it's not like a lot of dieties aren't just made up. Eye-wink

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Modern Gods

'Kestral' wrote:
I'm working up an idea for a NE cosmic entity of WMD. I don't know what to call it, though.

Domains: Destruction, War, Fire, Sickness

Minor point of contention, cosmic entities, not being gods, don't grant domains. Ygorl doesn't have any domains associated with him, but he's a prominent CN cosmic entity.


Pants of the North!

Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27
Modern Gods

Well, as an aside, I was mostly imagining the being as a deity, and besides, clerics of cosmic entities would still have domains, so I'd much rather have extraneous domains than miss something needed.

I'm working off a limited amount of material though, so I could use some help fleshing out the sickness domain with appropriate spells. I was thinking a death touch-style domain ability.

Diseased Touch- 1/day, caster can touch a foe to induce a disease that does cleric levels/2 STR and CON damage for 1d4 days. To resist, characters would have to beat a 10+cleric level+cleric's CHA bonus Fort save. If the damage is resisted, all damage is negated.

Is that too powerful? at low levels, it wouldn't be more than 2-3 points of ability damage in total, but at high levels, it would seriously hurt. I am thinking an incubation time should be added, but I don't want to particularly gimp the ability for PC clerics. I don't want to give the clerics immunity to disease, just the the ability to induce it. It doesn't seem right to grant it in this case.

So far, based on the materials I have access to, I'm thinking the sickness domain should be:

Lvl 1) Doom
Lvl 2) Delay Poison
Lvl 3) Contagion
Lvl 4) Poison
Lvl 5) Inflict Light Wounds, Mass
Lvl 6) Harm
Lvl 7) Symbol of Weakness
Lvl Cool Symbol of Death
Lvl 9) Energy Drain

(Delay Poison seems to fit the insidious nature of the domain, where there are only a few spells to outright kill you via save-or-dies and direct HP damage, favoring ability damage and time-delayed effects)

Terra Nova's picture
Joined: 2006-03-11
Modern Gods

BTW, whats the difference between Gods, demigods and cosmic enties?

Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27
Modern Gods

OK, I've begun a workup on Kernobyr (the NE god I was working on) and due to some lines of text in the Complete Book of Necromancers, it's possible I could have a D&D version, as well as a d20 Modern version, of him. In a lot of ways, he wouldn't change THAT much in either incarnation, but if someone with the book could vet some things for me to ensure not stepping on WotC's toes, I'd like to make a version of him based off the deity found in that book for D&D, while making a d20 Modern version that sort of goes and sees how his power might have changed over the intervening time.

The God of Pestilence is the Complete Book of Necromancers reference, and while I don't have the book, I think that since the deity appears to be un-named, it would be a good fit to 'explain' Kernobyr's presence for standard 3rd ed. PS campaigns. The alignment and portfolios are right, but I'd need more information before I'm willing to go ahead and fully submit it.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Modern Gods

'Terra Nova' wrote:
BTW, whats the difference between Gods, demigods and cosmic enties?

A demigod is just a weaker kind of god. Cosmic entities are ancient, powerful creatures who do not sustain themselves off of belief - Asmodeus, Demogorgon, Primus - these are all cosmic entities. I know I got the term from Dicefreaks, who came up with the term and a mechanic - cosmic rank - to make the creatures the equal of deities without being divine.


Pants of the North!

bkdelong's picture
Joined: 2006-05-11
Modern Gods

Neil Gaiman's "American Gods" concept meshes VERY well with Planescape - when people emmigrate from their own countries to the US and modify their own beliefs to "fit in", new demigods or possibly avatars of the original deity area created and become more powerful/weak based on belief on them. I believe someon has done a Christian "pantheon" of sorts. It would be very interesting to see what it really looks like in Urban Planescape with all the various forms of Christianity with worshipping saints, different personas/perceptions of Jesus, worshipping of Mary Magdalene and Jesus' mother Mary......

And could you imagine the Pagan pantheon? A massive muting of all the other ancient pantheons of Egypt, Celtic, African (Santerea/Voodoo), and Lower Plane ala Satanism.

Unski's picture
Joined: 2006-05-11
Modern Gods

Combining modern age, science fiction and the planes can really open lots of options and inspiration for a Power.

For an example, could an independent super-computer with an ability to verbally communicate with people rise as a deity if some un-educated people would consider it's intellect and abilities as divinity?

Think about it - a metal god, made completely out of pure logic and no emotions. His/hers/it's agenda? To create order to the Planes and possibly fill out any other orders it had been programmed with. Think what would happen if it was the only supervisor of a large weapons factory.

And since mortals are consumed so quickly, an improvement must be created - mechanize all mortal races, and the rest will play out on its own since immortality, even mechanical, can broaden your perceptions.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Modern Gods

Modern religions have often assimilated older ones; Brigit, for example, was a Celtic fire goddess, and these days appears in the Catholic pantheon as a saint associated with fire. Consider the following chain of events:

(1) A mortal devotes himself to the principles he believes to be embodied in the perfect God. His devotion to his ideal is sufficient to grant him clerical abilities, probably from domains such as Good, Creation, and Law.

(2) Being a charismatic preacher, he begins collecting followers. These followers, carefully taught about his philosophy, can be clerics of the principles involved themselves.

(3) A religion springs up based on his teachings, carefully preserved and transmitted. A body of myth coils around the cleric himself. Compared to the other local religions, the religion requires less in the way of material sacrifices and is more of a social, philosophical affair. The religion rapidly spreads.

(4) The religion becomes missionary and begins pressing for converts from other religions. But what is a traditional god to do? There is no fellow deity to complain to. A bloody holy war is possible, but their clerics are just as good as his, and the new religion's adherents equal or outnumber his own. There is one solution: convert. Especially easy for minor members of a pantheon, you retain a share of your worshipers and gain access to a share of a few new ones; the worship of the "saint" or "celestial servant of the True God" is just as real, and, more to the point, life-sustaining.

So an Urban Planescape setting might still have some of the traditional gods -- though many might have died rather than convert -- as powerful entities claiming adherence to various monotheistic religions attached to charismatic personalities like Jesus, Buddha, and Mohammed. Zoroastrian-style dualistic religions would make refuges for devils, as well.

In addition, traditional religions still survive, sometimes with only the thinnest cloak of larger religions: Voodoun is basically African animism with a veneer of Catholicism, for example. Modern paganism directly venerates spirits whose native religions basically died out hundreds of years ago, as well.


A quick sketch to work out these ideas, off the top of my head:

Sample Urban Planescape Religion: Tollverism

The Pure Teacher Tollver, rest his spirit, was born in the First Great Miracle from the seed of a chaste man of pure heart, quickened in the Plane of Positive Energy. Throughout his life the Pure Teacher sorrowed at the pain and fear that have infested the mortal lot since the Breaking at The Beginning of Time. In his thirtieth year, mortally wounded, he and the Three Disciples made his way to the place of his birth. Moments before he could enter, the Pure Teacher experienced death, but unknowing of this, the Disciples bore his body in. Within that place, the Second Great Miracle brought the Pure Teacher back from beyond death in full knowledge of the pattern of all Creation and what must be done to overcome the death now inherent within it.

For centuries the Way made converts across the land and led many to the light of Creation. In time the spirits which had possessed the loyalty of the people became fearful, and many assailed the Students of the Way in the guise of devils, and mortals, and even angels. The final battle was fierce, and to the death, both of many men and even of great liars whose husks now litter the Astral Plane. But the devils were defeated, and the mortals made to surrender and shown mercy, and the angels who had been sent against the Students said, Surely we cannot do this thing. And when they saw this happen many of the heavenly spirits who had sent them knew the Way, and proclaimed their joy and their obedience. The word of the holy angels is truth, so the battle was over and the people gave praise to the Pure Teacher for the bringing of peace, and to this day the spirits who converted are honored as the Exemplars.

At this point a list of the Exemplars would follow; for a religion like this, big on light and learning, I would probably recommend a lot of Neutral Good gods who make a point of smacking undead around, and gods with teh Creation domain. Pelor and Ra would be good candidates to start with. Historically, of course, what actually happened is that the Students of the Way exploded in numbers and threatened to eat in to other gods' power bases. A good deity would typically respect the general code of behavior on the Upper Planes and stop that sort of thing, but Tollverism didn't have one; lacking the ability to destroy it, the local pantheons co-opted it and now ride its power. Maybe the main priests of the religion aren't *their* priests anymore, but the Missionary Students Of The Way As Blazed By Yondalla understand Yondalla as an embodiment of the very notion of exploration, both physical and spiritual, hold rites and feastdays in her name, and spread her fame along with those of the rest of the Tollverite pantheon, so she's happy.


Terra Nova's picture
Joined: 2006-03-11
Modern Gods

Well, it's very interesting. Any more ideas?

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Modern Gods

I'll point out that no d20 Modern classes grant domain selection, so assigning domains to gods/cosmic entities is pointless.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Modern Gods

'nick012000' wrote:
I'll point out that no d20 Modern classes grant domain selection, so assigning domains to gods/cosmic entities is pointless.

Yeah, about that...I was thinking of making a new set of Prestige Classes, which would represent Proxy Status that would use the associated power's domains to determine abilities. The only thing I have right now is their names-"Strong Proxy of...", "Fast Proxy of...", "Smart Proxy of...", etc. Each domain would have different class abilities, depending on which type of Proxy we're dealing with.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Modern Gods

That seems overly complicated. Why not just use the Proxy rules as they stand in DnD?

Also, I'll point out that there already is a Pestilence domain. No need to make a new one.

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
Modern Gods

Yeah, about that...I was thinking of making a new set of Prestige Classes, which would represent Proxy Status that would use the associated power's domains to determine abilities. The only thing I have right now is their names-"Strong Proxy of...", "Fast Proxy of...", "Smart Proxy of...", etc. Each domain would have different class abilities, depending on which type of Proxy we're dealing with.

That's a lot of prestige classes. Why don't we adapt the Cleric class into an MSRD Advance Class.

Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27
Modern Gods

I'm big on simply converting.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Modern Gods

There already is a cleric-like AdC. It's called the Acolyte.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Modern Gods

'nick012000' wrote:
That seems overly complicated. Why not just use the Proxy rules as they stand in DnD?

I don't think I've seen 3e proxy rules as such...or if I have, I didn't pay attention while reading the segment :oops:

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Modern Gods

'nick012000' wrote:
That seems overly complicated. Why not just use the Proxy rules as they stand in DnD?

While multiple proxy advanced classes is rather complex, the 3e proxy system is a drastic change from 2e Planescape. 3e proxies have divine rank. That makes proxies much less useful, because now proxies can't actually do anything their patron deities can't, either.


Pants of the North!

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Modern Gods

I think it was deities & demigods. IIRC if a deity gives one of his godly ranking points to a creature, it gets a divine rank 0 and becomes a proxy... Something like that Puzzled

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Modern Gods

Divine rank 1.

And the only thing 3E gods can't do is kill each other, and go into Sigil.

Terra Nova's picture
Joined: 2006-03-11
Modern Gods

Speaking of gods, what other concepts can you guys think of for a modern god?

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Modern Gods

(As I go through these descriptions, I want you to picture three people as examples of mayfly gods: Paris Hilton, Stephen Hawking, and Robin Hood.)

Mayfly Demigods -- the Famous

In modern times, everyone can get their 15 minutes of fame. With the advent of television and the Internet, it's possible for the most obscure niche-oriented hack to gain a loyal audience who believe him to be capable of great and bizarre feats. In a fantasy world, the most famous, most beloved or hated or awe-inspiring would garner the rapt attention of millions, and this focusing of attention could literally cause some celebrities to manifest traits of demigodhood... very, very briefly.

Most would not even know the effect they have on reality as they pass, and eventually fade back to normal human stature, literally when their "worshipers" begin thinking of them not as dead or gone, but as "only human." Many might be mayfly gods for but a single day, their fame flaring in the middle of a moment of crisis, resting upon them, and vanishing as quickly. This is a lot less traumatic than what happens to most minor gods, at least.

Some -- a famous arcanist who senses his state change, or a famous warrior who takes a lethal wound and lives -- might recognize their abilities and come to full awareness of them, and decide whether to make a play for permanent demigod status. Those who don't simply ride their power for as long as it lasts; fame is fickle, enjoy it while you can and remain comfortably human. Better to be a petitioner than a soul-corpse on the Astral.

For those who do, petitioning a pantheon for entrance and a share of the belief is probably the safest way, but bold souls might attempt to set up shop for themselves. Celebridemigods whose fame rests on the sharpness of their wits can sometimes manage to keep their status operational until the natural end of their mortal lifespan, turning their deaths into a legend of ascension that cements their worshiper base. However, any method is fraught with pitfalls. Pantheons generally say no; there's a finite supply of belief going around, and a new god needs to convince the pantheon he'll expand that supply. Lesser evil gods tend to be attracted to these minor deities, using every "legal" tactic possible to subvert their worshipers into their own power bases. Celebridemigods' portfolios often tend to fall under lust, wealth, and competitive achievement, so there are plenty of hooks available. In either case, accepting the power like this means more often than not that the infant demigod rapidly winds up a hulk on the Astral.

Not every celebrity, not even the biggest, becomes a mayfly god. Nobody knows what the deciding factor is, and there aren't that many examples to study yet. Maybe it's...


Fame: Intermediate Modern Goddess
Portfolio: fame, fads, fashions
Domains: Community, Charisma (see below), Domination, Chaos

For a goddess of middling power, Lady Fame sure has a lot of worshipers. Millions of people beg for her gifts, and sacrifice everything for her favor; millions of people give her priests their undivided attention for hours every day. Actual *priests* of Fame are pretty rare, and usually the position comes unexpectedly: to hosts of talent shows, judges of competitions, or obsessive fans. Lady Fame is just as unpredictable in who she bestows her gifts upon, or leaves.

Her favored are persons of influence all out of proportion to their actual abilities; those who can rise to the occasion and prove themselves worthy of real consideration may see their reputation survive the loss of her fickle attention.

New Domain: Charisma
This Domain is concerned with personal charisma and the relative rankings of individuals. Less direct than Domination, it is more concerned with making impressions. *Having* high Charisma generally magnifies the effect of all these spells.
Granted Power:
1) Remove Fear
2) Eagle's Splendor
3) Visage of the Deity, Lesser
4) Planar Ally, Lesser
5) Righteous Might
6) Eagle's Splendor, Mass
7) Project Image
Cool Planar Ally, Greater
9) Visage of the Deity, Greater

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Modern Gods

Two gods I came up with in my head

Levanicci-god of Invention, design, engineers, and natural forces. LN, lives in Mechanus. Based on Leonardo Da Vinci.

Daikaijusama-god of radiation, unfettered technological development, nuclear weapons, destruction, protection, giant monsters. CN, lives in Limbo. Based on Godzilla.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Modern Gods

'Jem' wrote:
In a fantasy world, the most famous, most beloved or hated or awe-inspiring would garner the rapt attention of millions, and this focusing of attention could literally cause some celebrities to manifest traits of demigodhood... very, very briefly.

Ah... like Chuck Norris?


Pants of the North!

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Modern Gods

Or vin diesel:

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
Modern Gods

I was going to develop the Animal Lords (since I developed the Beastlands), but I'm a bit fussed over a few details.

-Are the Animal Lords cosmic entities or gods?

-Are they going to be Neutral/Chaotic Good or not? I figure that most of them are still Neutral/Chaotic Good, but some of them have switched over, like the Spider Lord (LN), the Dog Lord (LG), and the Cat Lord (N).

There was another concern, but I can't recall it right now.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Modern Gods

(1) They seem to be a bit more accessible than cosmic entities or gods, really -- more like Taliesid or the Hebdomad. Not *very* accessible, but not gods.

(2) Surely they'd stay whatever alignment the Beastlands are, yes?

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Modern Gods

'Jem' wrote:
more like Taliesid or the Hebdomad.

I'm pretty sure those guys are considered cosmic entities.


Pants of the North!

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Modern Gods

'Bob the Efreet' wrote:
'Jem' wrote:
more like Taliesid or the Hebdomad.

I'm pretty sure those guys are considered cosmic entities.

Well, Dicefreaks puts out the theory that these cutters are more on the level of the Dark Eight, and that the real Cosmic Entities of the Upper Planes have stayed more in the background. Since WotC and the original Planescape material is rather scarce on details of the high-ups of the Upper Planes (as opposed to the Lower Planes), I've decided to go with DF's description. A more complete explanation can be found here.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Modern Gods

Oh, okay. I'm not entirely clear on what DF is doing to the Upper Planes, and I apparently haven't been paying enough attention to A Light from On High's progress.


Pants of the North!

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Modern Gods

A lot of the modern gods being proposed seem to be chaotic. How about a few more lawful and neutral?

Psukhes, Deity of Science (LG)
Intermediate God
Portfolio: progress, understanding, teaching
Domains: Law, Good, Knowledge, Mind, Oracle

Psukhes is commonly taken for a god of technology, but in actuality he represents something far more important: understanding. His priests are scientists and teachers more often than craftsmen. His philosophy is that the universe follows patterns which can be systematically perceived and understood; mastery of this knowledge allows beneficial action, while ignorance breeds fear and strife. Thus, the creation and dispersal of knowledge is a deed of worth that redounds to the benefit of all beings of good will. Psukhes does not reject magic, but prefers mundane knowledge that can be disseminated to all including those without magical talents. In the modern age, Psukhes' domain is pushing back veils of ignorance in all directions and in numerous ways as fields of study expand; his priests tend to act as if he is the underlying force behind *all* human progress, which will eventually culminate in the perfection of the world. (Psukhes' philosophy is similar to that of the Fraternity of Order, but he finds moral worth in knowledge, which the Fraternity tends to slight.)

Columbia, Goddess of Democracy (NG)
Lesser Goddess
Portfolio: democracy, liberty
Domains: Good, Community, Protection, Liberation

With the rise of the notion of democracies on the Great Ring came the rise of their protectrix, Columbia. Columbia regards law as the necessary undergirdment of freedom, and holds a steady constitution in equal veneration with a flexible social contract. She is constantly observing her worshipers, experimenting, and trying to strike the proper balance between such principles. Her priests run the gamut from flamboyant activists to buttoned-up senior legislators; they may have different ideas on how to go about it, but Columbia values their devotion to the good of society as they see it, and they learn from her the importance of letting everyone have their say. People who demagogue for wealth or politicians think themselves above the law particularly earn her ire, so while her portfolio is small she is popular where she appears. Any democracy with a state religion is sure to have enshrined her in its pantheon.

john's picture
Joined: 2006-07-05
Modern Gods

Lesser Deity
"You know, we have all these mail chutes, but I don't think I've ever met someone who worked in the mail room."
Portfolio: Standardized Responsibility, Bureaucracy, Hierarchy.
Domains: Law, Community, (Competition or Domination, someone else decide).
There's a lot of presumption in any political or financial body. If you don't get it done, somebody else certainly must have to. Somebody cleans the office, somebody mails you your check on payday, somebody keeps the web server running. You assume all these things work, and you don't give a toss about who's doing what. Of course, you could be the sort of barmy git that wants to do all the work yourself so you can own the means of production, but then you're just a sodding communist. The point is, organizations run partly because they're run by people, but also because people assume that organizations keep themselves up. Eventually, some canny bloke figured there must be a god with his fingers in the whole mess, which hailed the multiversal recognition of Conveyor.
Conveyor keeps it running. He works through you when you do your job, and he works through other people when they do theirs. He picks up after small blunders, and fills in all the little details that someone would miss. He's there when you follow your boss's direction, and he's there when you push your own busywork onto someone else. He's not that important outside the corporate environment, but for all the berks caught in the center lanes of the rat race there's nobody more important.
There are plenty of clerics and paladins of Conveyor, but rarely are they the adventuring type. Often, small businesses hire them on for blessings when they're starting up, and it isn't uncommon to find a small shrine or holy symbol affixed in a skyscraper lobby anywhere on the Planes.
Symbol: A white collar with a black tie, within a circle circumscribed with the words "Non mnia possumus omnes."

The Noise in the System
Lesser Deity
"What do you mean, there's a delivery? Wait, who ordered seventeen crates of ink cartridges?"
Portfolio: Clerical errors, Technical difficulties.
Domains: Chaos, trickery.
Things always slip through the cracks. You swear you sent your boss that fax the other night, you're sure you emailed that file to your office address this morning before you left home, how did the cell phone bill get this expensive? Certainly, all this nonsense happens so much that somebody or something must be responsible — well, somebody other than the Xaositects, we can't give those barmies that much credit. And you can't say that it's just how the universe works, ho hum some chaos here and some chaos there, berk. There's a specific force at work, and we call it the Noise.
Ever blame your email application when you know you simply forgot to get ahold of someone? Ever wander up to a printer and feign that it's broken, when honestly you just didn't know what you were doing? Every little white lie that suggests "things don't work the way they are supposed to" is a little prayer to the Noise. It's strong enough all by itself without a multiverse of worshippers, willing to blame technology or bureaucrats for their own failings; the Noise is an embodiment of all informational distortion in any otherwise organized system. Engineers refer to it as Johnson Noise, and it is visually imagined as a small gremlin twisting wires or scribbling on small pieces of paper.
Nobody necessarily worships the Noise, but we're not going to say there aren't a few priests or followers here or there.
Symbol: A square bisected diagonally, one side red and one side blue; bears a tangle of wires in the center.

deadone's picture
Joined: 2004-10-26
Modern Gods

Johny (CE)
Lesser Diety
"Whiny goths, reciting terrible poetry and indulging in moronic narcessism. Pencil neck pointdexters. Violent blacks, lazy mexicans, uptight suburban honkies. Fatties guzzling down McDonanlds. Indie fuckwits. Latte sipping elitiest whores. Them, not us."
Portfolio: Division, Sterotypes, Subculture
Domains: Chaos, Community, Evil, Hatred

Johny goes by a myriad of names, a myriad of faces. Whenever you view someone through the lens of sterotype you offer up a prayer to Johny, by whatever name you know him. He's the bit of you that looks down on the socially inept nerds, the bit of you that hates the dumb jocks, the bit that scorns the faggy goths and the bit that resents the preppy airhead cheerleaders. He's your inner misogynist, your inner femanazi.
Very few worship Johny under his true face. He attracts people who don't fit into easy sterotypes. All his direct worshipers are required to be smart enough and objective enough to recognize the power of sterotypes and twisted enough to exploit them to their own ends. Offerings to Johny usually involve creating opposed cliques and spreading sterotypes.
Symbol: A simple semicircle

Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27
Modern Gods

Ryph (CN)

Lesser Deity

Backbeats, solos, a new set of 'sticks... Casual relationships, adulation, that beautiful thing back in the third row... Parties, booze, things that poison you but make you feel so oh so great... I couldn't live without them. What's the purpose to life if you aren't living the life of a star? I mean, who doesn't want to live this kinda life?

Portfolio: Music, Fame, Travel, Theater

Domains: Music, Fame, Charisma, Desire

Travelin' in the tour bus, stoppin' at every city on the road. Eating fast food for every meal, except the ones that aren't. Giving the backstage pass to that girl in the third row who just happens to be wearing a T-shirt with YOUR name on it. Going to that killer party where you hear there's something you haven't tried yet that's supposed to make everything feel like time stopped. These are the things the followers of Ryph do.

Every gig, every downed beer or shot of booze, every pill, every injected drug and snorted line in the (usually short) lives of one of his followers is tribute to him. Every instance of being the one the girl in the third row wanted, every time you get a huge contract, every time your face gets plastered over every celeb-mag in the area is a gift from him. His worshipers are many, though few worship him directly. Even among those that worship him directly, his clerics are few; those that would worship him are rarely suited to the lifestyle. He has always favored those who have personal charisma and who seek the lifestyle of the star.

Symbol: A musical note inscribed into a circle which has two drumsticks in back.

EDIT: Yes, I've just made a god of sex, drugs, and rock n' roll.

mmxbass's picture
Joined: 2006-08-25
Modern Gods

Greater Deity
Lawful Neutral
"You've got mail!" (Apperantly this phrase is copyrighted by TimeWarner (AOL), someone may wish to change it.)
Portfolio: Communication, Information, Knoledge, Collective Thinking.
Domains: Community, Knoledge.
Every phone call, instant message, email, website, fax and page(as in beepers) is a small tribute to Defero. This self-appointed patron of the net sees to it that calls go through, packets get routed, and servers stay up. Clerics of Defero are often employed by buisnesses. Every major ISP and phone company has at least one employed full-time to bless and sometimes even directly service equipment. Clerics of Defero are also often trained in professions such as server maintenance and are often employed additionally as members of IT departments. Although Defero's clerics may be either good or evil (as communication can be used equally to help or to hurt) knoledge often frees people, so good clerics are more common. His holy symbol is often incorperated into the logos of various communication corperations. Since the advent of the net and ubitiquous computing, Defero has very quickly become an immensely powerful god.
Symbol: Globe with wires connecting various points.

Intermediate Deity
Chaotic Evil
"Get rich today! Hot sexy elves! Enlarge your... well... you get the idea."
Portfolio: Excess Information, Scams, Lies.
Domains: Chaos, Trickery, Greed.
Spam, scams, popups, chain letters, and rumors all serve Nimium's dark glory. The goddess of information overload, patron of all the garbage on the net. Clerics of Nimium are uncommon and public ones are even rarer, as worship of Nimium is outright banned in many jurisdiction. Nontheless, most career spammers and scam artists often keep tiny shrines to Nimium in their houses.
Symbol: Armada of letters (as in envelopes) converging on a single point.

Intermediate Deity
Chaotic Neutral
"404 Not Found"
Portfolio: Isolation, Disconnection, Freedom.
Domains: Liberation, Chaos.
There are some people that think the net is becoming all-pervasive, for better or for worse, those people may be right. Loginquitas and his followers aren't too happy about that. Clerics of Loginquitas are often people who have been victemized by followers of Nimium who vowed to tear down the system that allowed it. Others are ageless outsiders, reminicent of a time once passed when life was just plain simpler. The multiverse is getting too complex, say some of Loginquitas' followers. "The System" is watching out every move and destroying our liberties, say others. Good followers are often members who simply wish for a return to simpler times where people got out of the house and lived. Evil followers are often violent terrorists who wish for anarchy.
Symbol: Knife (or scissors) cutting a wire.

Terra Nova's picture
Joined: 2006-03-11
Modern Gods


mmxbass's picture
Joined: 2006-08-25
Modern Gods

My entry actually got put in the thing at [url]/node/].

If anyone has any thoughts/suggestions/spelling corrections, please let me know.

Kal's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Modern Gods

Nice work. The one suggestion is not about the work itself, but about where it is on PW...though it appears in the new article list, I cant find any other link to it, say in the UPS sections, which would be cool to keep stuff together on PW...


mmxbass's picture
Joined: 2006-08-25
Modern Gods

It's under Articles->PS3E Conversions->Gods.

Kal's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Modern Gods

Cool, cheers


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