Mind Flayer vs Aboleth conflict influences Giths vs 'Thids dynamic

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Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Mind Flayer vs Aboleth conflict influences Giths vs 'Thids dynamic

The notes from Worlds and Monsters on new Mind Flayer vs Aboleth conflict in 4E just gave me some food for thought, in light of Azure's awesome githyanki game.

With the new Illithid - Aboleth conflict of whether to enslave or devastate the world, new tools come into play with the more pronounced Giths vs Illithids war. Namely, possible “the foe of my foe is my friend” relations. Imagine what crazy temporary alliances can form between gith races and aberrations, in order to bring down a common enemy.

Actually, in a way, the new elf races dynamic seems somewhat inspired by the old gith three-way war (even though elves and eladrin only war with drow, not each other... though the potential is there).

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Mind Flayer vs Aboleth conflict influences Giths vs 'Thids dynam

Az, can we have an alboleth? Pretty please? Laughing out loud I definitely agree, that'd be pretty interesting, as far as providing a "we kill you all!" sort of bunch with some more permanent allies.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Mind Flayer vs Aboleth conflict influences Giths vs 'Thids dynam

An aboleth showed up in my main PS campaign. Basicly, the PCs were able to make it flinch just long enough to escape with their lives ... and counted themselves VERY lucky.

BTW Gy-Nath was in on that, and at the end, so far as anyone knows it's still in the caves under Bedlam, running the underworlds of the lower gate-towns.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Mind Flayer vs Aboleth conflict influences Giths vs 'Thids dynam

I don't have a copy of that, yet. Which of the slimy monsters is trying to devastate the world?

I actually see the gith as too paranoiacally xenophobic that they wouldn't deal with aboleths. Other gith, conceivably. Even their hated enemies. But who really knows if an aboleth isn't just some bloated, even slimier illithid trying to get you to let your guard down? I feel like instinctual loathing of anything fitting the illithid profile has got to be practically genetic for the gith by this point.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Mind Flayer vs Aboleth conflict influences Giths vs 'Thids dynam


* are slimy and gross
* have tentacles (exactly four, actually...)
* like to eat people
* keep slaves
* may be psionic (depending on whether your DM uses psionics)

All of these would work against a Gith-Aboleth alliance. Not that one couldn't happen, especially on a very short-term basis, but mainstream githyanki probably wouldn't like aboleths very much.

I haven't read the article yet, but it makes sense to me that, at least, some competition would exist between aboleths and illithids -- if only because they're both apex predators competing for limited resources. Think of what the Lowerdark is like. In terms of food availability, it's like a desert where it hasn't rained for 400 years, or an Arctic ice shelf. Aboleths don't need to eat humanoids, but they like to, and thus cut into the food supply of the illithid, with its much more 'specialized' diet. The flayers won't be happy about that.


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2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Mind Flayer vs Aboleth conflict influences Giths vs 'Thids dynam

Now, this is interesting, because before, aboleth were one of the mind flayers' few allies, and vice versa. It was indicted that they were cool allies at best, but more likely to work with each other than with the humanoid races.

I think basicly, though the flayers might like to try aboleth brain, they can't get to them due to size and environment.

As for the aboleth, though no humanoid is worthy of respect, the flayers come closer than any other because they are smart, ruthless, and think more like an aboleth than any other legged being.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Mind Flayer vs Aboleth conflict influences Giths vs 'Thids dynam

Yep, I think the mildly positive Illithid-Aboleth relationships from Lords of Madness made pretty good sense, though I think the new conflict can also have its place simultaneously.

There might be individuals of either specie that value the Far Realm perspective higher and others who value alliance higher. Neither type of aberration generally seem inflexible about principles, in fact, integrity is hardly the defining value for either of them. A flayer in a bad position would likely not be quick to dismiss aboleth aid for the sake of propaganding Far Realm Politics (FRP, now there's a scary concept!).

As to Gith-Aboleth alliances, my thoughts were that these would be temporary at best, and almost always without the giths knowing the true nature of their ally. Basically, let’s say a FRP-minded aboleth had a bone to pick with a FRP-minded illithid, but couldn’t muster enough force to take it down.
It enslaves a suitable messenger and sends it to contact an enthusiastic yet not too resourceful githzerai organization. Relayed through slaves, the aboleth provides the giths with information so they can trace the lair of the illithid, and a rrakkma party is sent to do its thing. The aboleth withdraws its intermediaries, having its interests served, which happens to coincide with those of the giths.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Mind Flayer vs Aboleth conflict influences Giths vs 'Thids dynam

'Dunamin' wrote:
Far Realm Politics (FRP, now there's a scary concept!). .

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