Would Minataurs be immune to The Lady of Pain's mazes? I guess if they were, she would just flay them instead. Just curious.
Minataurs and mazes
Sat, 2008-01-19 06:34
Minataurs and mazes
Minataurs and mazes
Amusing quote on the front page has a little to say on the matter (note, I didn't come up with it).
"I am Taazk! Albino minotaur of Krynn, slayer of fiends and celestials alike, no maze can hold me for long!"
-Taazk of Krynn, about to be proven wrong
The Lady can defeat gods, no mere minoataur is getting off that easy.
I'd say no, they wouldn't. A little special is no match for the power of an immensely powerful cosmic entity. Any ability that says: "Immune to all" or "Always immune" is logically flawed, in any case.