mazed adVentures

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snoeseven's picture
Joined: 2008-07-08
mazed adVentures

Has any DM here mazed a party before? Did it work out well, and what sort of things did they do in the maze? I was thinking about having the PCs incur the wrath of the Lady and get mazed.

I'm just trying to work up some in-maze adventures and, of course, a way out that's difficult for them to find but not impossible.



Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
snoeseven wrote: Has any

snoeseven wrote:

Has any DM here mazed a party before? Did it work out well, and what sort of things did they do in the maze? I was thinking about having the PCs incur the wrath of the Lady and get mazed.

I'm just trying to work up some in-maze adventures and, of course, a way out that's difficult for them to find but not impossible.



There's a novel called Pages of Pain (Troy Denning) that involves a party getting Mazed.


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Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
I haven't put a PC in one

I haven't put a PC in one of the Lady's mazes, because I figure to do it right, you should have a 90% chance of never escaping again.  I have, however, put PCs into a maze-like area created by an artifact controled by an enemy. 

In order to come to the end, they had to impose order on it, by choosing a fairly complex pattern of turns (left , right, right, left, right, left, left, right) and repeat it a few times.

Another similar one my brother did (yes, he stole my idea, with my blessing) his party had to keep going through three chambers (the limit one could go before the original turn was 'reset' and they couldn't back track) then keep on returning to the same room, until they had mapped out that small area around.  Once they did that, the center room became the center of the maze, with the demon creating it there and able to be confronted.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
The Lady's Mazes should be

The Lady's Mazes should be nigh-on inescapable.  One way to really push the boundaries of this might be to use Baphomet, the demon lord of minotaurs.  Minotaurs are naturally immune to the maze spell, and Baphomet might have some extra mystical oomph if it came to defeating such a construct -- his very layer of the Abyss is an enormous maze, for example.  So a plot that involves Baphomet might give a party just enough hook to escape a Maze.

Alternatively, consider a plot against Sigil that requires that some poisonous artifact be Mazed along with a fall guy.  After the dupe becomes enough of a problem, the Lady deals with it and realizes what she's just Mazed.  She refuses to let her prisoner out, though, since setting such a precedent would weaken the fearsomeness of her power to Maze.  The dabus, who cannot get near the artifact, hire the party to do a "Maze dive," offering them a substantial sum or some fascinating and curious artifacts tied to the nature of dabus and Sigil, in return for entering the Maze, retrieving or destroying the item, and being retrieved -- also agreeing to have their memories of the entire task wiped.

Evil's picture
Joined: 2005-11-12
Theres also this Githyanki

Theres also this Githyanki who roams the taverns of Clerks Ward at night, selling what he claims to be the maps of Her Serenity's mazes. He doesn't like to be refused, however, and he is known to have caused a few ignorant berks to get mazed by The Lady. It seems his method involves following the psychic trail that the residents of the Maze leave in the astral when they are mazed. He somehow enters the maze and maps it from the insaide, then gets out. You see, most mazes are tailored to a person, so it is easier for an outsider to get out. But this 'yanki fellow is a dangerous one, because if he meets others in the way he will attack them. Source: Faces of Sigil.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
There was a published

There was a published adventure in 2e (can't remember which one) where you had to enter a maze and recover a factols fabled sword (and then get out again). If anyone can remember which book this was in it might be worth a look.

[edit- just checked, the book was "Well of Worlds" and the adventure was titled - "The Mazes"]


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Evil wrote:Theres also this

Evil wrote:
Theres also this Githyanki who roams the taverns of Clerks Ward at night, selling what he claims to be the maps of Her Serenity's mazes. He doesn't like to be refused, however, and he is known to have caused a few ignorant berks to get mazed by The Lady. It seems his method involves following the psychic trail that the residents of the Maze leave in the astral when they are mazed. He somehow enters the maze and maps it from the insaide, then gets out. You see, most mazes are tailored to a person, so it is easier for an outsider to get out. But this 'yanki fellow is a dangerous one, because if he meets others in the way he will attack them. Source: Faces of Sigil.

The gith in question is a she, actually: Djhek'nlarr. [Obligatory joke about 'barbarians' being unable to distinguish between gith males and females.]

Incidentally, her entry in Uncaged suggests that she's a hr'a'cknir -- one of a small minority of githyanki who have a special ability to manipulate astral energies.  The Guide to the Astral Plane explicitly states that "Hr'a'cknir are always accompanied by retinues of other githyanki as escorts."  The fact that a hr'a'cknir is roaming around in Sigil (and the Mazes) alone is highly unusual.  My guess would be that she's either a renegade or (more likely) in Sigil on the orders of one githyanki big-shot or another, there to explore both the Mazes and how the Lady reacts to various annoyances (such as the Grixitt).


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
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