Maps of Planescape

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Vaelka's picture
Joined: 2008-08-08
Maps of Planescape

I just recently found this page about 2 days ago, and it is awsome.  But I was looking for maps of sigil or curst other places on the planes.   I searched on google and found other websites with links saying there were maps here on this site and when I clicked the links it goes to this website correctly but there is an error saying page cannot be found.  I dont know if you folks had to take down the maps because of copyright etc... or if they have just been lost???  anyhow   any detailed maps would be great.   I'm guessing you can't post maps from the orginal box sets since that could lead to legal troubles?


Anyhow thanks for making a great site.   I'm a big Planescape fan for about 7 years now.   Been playing D&D since about the middle of second edition and played 3e for several years and some shadowrun on the side.  All my gamming friends have gotten married or have jobs etc...  including me so we haven't played a game in like 2 years now.   Kind of miss those late friday and or saturday nights of hanging out with pals.  


Good work on the site and hope problems get fixed soon.



elfinn3's picture
Joined: 2008-09-04
Me too. I was really hoping

Me too. I was really hoping to find that Venues List. Will it be back?

elfinn3's picture
Joined: 2008-09-04
Does anyone happen to have

Does anyone happen to have a saved copy of that Venues list (the one that goes with the "Sigil: City of Doors" map)? I'd be real greatful if you could email it to me.




Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
There's a number of last

There's a number of last cleanup bits that I need to take care of this weekend. This is one of them. Eye-wink And redirecting all the old links from our previous structure. So - as soon as I get that in you'll see links, and in the meantime I'll see if I can track down that file for you to get it out to you directly. My apologies for the hiccup in our systems here - but we're still settling into the new digs. Eye-wink

elfinn3's picture
Joined: 2008-09-04
Cool, thanks! This sight

Cool, thanks! This sight really is a godssend!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
There's a Lot of stuff on

There's a Lot of stuff on the site so feel free to wander about. There's also a lot of forum games going if you need to get your Planescape fix going. :)  

MalanisLeallow's picture
Joined: 2009-09-29
Re: Maps of Planescape

I'm very much interested in tracking down a copy of that list as well: I've been stuck with all map and no key for a while now, and while I'd certainly rather have the map than nothing...knowing what all those numbers correspond to would be reeeeal nice...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Maps of Planescape

Should be back up this weekend - the code is being tougher to work with than I expected. Sad But it *is* being worked on!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Maps of Planescape

The Sigil Resources page (Maps, Venues, NPCs) is back up - look under Resources on the main menu. Let me know if you spot any bugs!

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