make it easier for the guest, join in with ideas

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oldguv's picture
Joined: 2005-06-23
make it easier for the guest, join in with ideas

we want to grow right, well to grow you must attract people and get them to stay and come back. a guest post area where they can speak on a subject and have us answer them back. there are enough experts here to answer anything they might want to know and if not we can still point them in the place to look. your guilting is misdirected at posters its interaction people want, they'll post if they think you want them to be part of us.
chime in with ideas why did you stay, what will make you feel we are worth your time to get to know.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
make it easier for the guest, join in with ideas

... Huh?

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
make it easier for the guest, join in with ideas

'oldguv' wrote:
we want to grow right, well to grow you must attract people and get them to stay and come back. a guest post area where they can speak on a subject and have us answer them back. there are enough experts here to answer anything they might want to know and if not we can still point them in the place to look. your guilting is misdirected at posters its interaction people want, they'll post if they think you want them to be part of us. chime in with ideas why did you stay, what will make you feel we are worth your time to get to know.

Some questions.

First of all you seem to be trying to suggest improvements for Planewalker, and I would like to thank you for that (I'm not actually PW staff). However, could you please try to put your posts in better context and sentence structure? It is very hard to follow what you're saying.

As far as a forum for guests to post, I don't see why it would be needed. Anyone can create an account, all you need is a working email adress. Also for a place to post questions to get expert advice from this community isn't really built that way. There are no "experts" in the community; at least there are not official. Ideas are posted up and most of the time their accpetence is based upon consensus. Most questions that are posted to the boards get answered.

Your suggestions on makeing new comers feel welcome, are welcome; however I do not know if they are the way we should go. I've been here a while and there seems to be a fairly steady line of new posters coming on and I know from talking to some of the admins rl (clueless is in my gaming group) I know that the site's user base has been expanding. PW just doesn't seem to need the suggestions that you put out.

Now I might be misunderstanding you or missing what you are getting at. If you yourself felt like we are not welcoming to new comers please tell how come so something might be done.

I am especially curios about what you mean by "guilting"? The forums are divided up into specific sections and that is done to organize posts and make it possable for people to navigate through all the posts. If someone posts a topic that would be better posted under another section they are asked to repost it in the proper forum, or the admins move the post. It isn't meant to guilt anyone; it is just meant to keep things organized and navigable.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
make it easier for the guest, join in with ideas

Unless he didn't realize i was talking about submitting entries to the webpage as opposed to posting on the forums? Not everyone knows we take user submissions for our webpage content.

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