Magical Movement To and From Sigil - What's Allowed?

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Tarion'sCousin's picture
Joined: 2006-10-13
Magical Movement To and From Sigil - What's Allowed?

If I recall correctly, Planeshifting and Summoning don't work in Sigil.

What about Dismissal and Banishment? Can you unsummon a fiend back to Hell if it stands in Sigil?

Is there any way to move into and out of Sigil except by Portals?

On a related note, in my campaign I have ruled that the Ethereal and Shadow planes co-exist with Sigil but don't extend beyond it. So movement through those planes is possible in Sigil. Also, you can teleport or dimension door within the city, but not to anyplace outside of it.

Thoughts? Rules? Suggestions?

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Magical Movement To and From Sigil - What's Allowed?

I am pretty sure that banishing somebody outside of Sigil is just as impossible as summoning them in. Everybody except for the Lady and her dabus (or the dabus and their Lady) are extraplanar in Sigil, so there is doubtlessly a reason for it. Maybe, just maybe, that is one of the reasons that the Lady mazes people in bits of Sigil rather than sending them outside.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Magical Movement To and From Sigil - What's Allowed?

Planar Handbook (pg. 142)

Furthermore, there's no way around the portals, no special back door to get into or out of the Cage. You can't call or summon creatures into or out of Sigil (even with a gate spell), nor can you use plane shift to get in or out. You can't use astral projection, though, strangely enough, the various teleportation spells work just fine within Sigil itself. Since the city resides on the Outer Planes, no connection to the Ethereal Plane exists.


Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Magical Movement To and From Sigil - What's Allowed?

It wouldn't make sense for Banishment to work and its against the flavor anyway, so yeah portals are the only way. As far as I'm concerned Astral Travel requires finding a portal to Sigil floating in the the Astral, which needn't be as hard as it sounds.

Tarion'sCousin's picture
Joined: 2006-10-13
Magical Movement To and From Sigil - What's Allowed?

Sounds good to me. Thanks, all.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Magical Movement To and From Sigil - What's Allowed?

'Tarion'sCousin' wrote:
On a related note, in my campaign I have ruled that the Ethereal and Shadow planes co-exist with Sigil but don't extend beyond it. So movement through those planes is possible in Sigil. Also, you can teleport or dimension door within the city, but not to anyplace outside of it.

That's how Shemmy handled it - and I think how he handled it in the PSCS chapter on Sigil as well. That Sigil has its own isolated 'sections' of the transitive planes - allowing Shadow, Astral and Ethereal reliant spells to function but *only* from within Sigil to within Sigil as trying to go outside of the city ran you right into the edges of the city that you couldn't pass.

Sucros's picture
Joined: 2007-01-04
Magical Movement To and From Sigil - What's Allowed?

I like that alot. It allows the usefulness of the spells and avoids the bogging down of all the spell restrictions, but preserves the flavour of the city.

Da'Hak's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
Magical Movement To and From Sigil - What's Allowed?


Wasn't it possible to perform elaborate summoning rituals in Ubiquitous Wayfarer? Just a thought that suddenly crossed my mind... ahem.

- Kris

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Magical Movement To and From Sigil - What's Allowed?

Yes, at least until the Tempest of Portals probably. I believe the idea was that you were standing in front of a portal that was practically right in front of whatever you wanted and you just dragged it across the portal to yourself though the Lady sanctioned open gate.

Da'Hak's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
Magical Movement To and From Sigil - What's Allowed?

I can't remember the exact specifics, but as you mention it was only possible to summon entities through the already provided portals, yes.

Luckily my characters are still breathing in the Pre-FW setting, so I can work with it. Cool

- Kris

Infernal Teddy's picture
Joined: 2005-07-21
Magical Movement To and From Sigil - What's Allowed?

How does Sigil affect the abilities of a Sha'iir's Gen to find spells for him?

Ordbyrht's picture
Joined: 2005-10-13
Magical Movement To and From Sigil - What's Allowed?

The sha'ir would have to send his gen through a portal to the appropriate Inner plane and provide it with a gate key so that it could return to the sha'ir.

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