Magic Items in Source Material

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Stix's picture
Joined: 2005-05-09
Magic Items in Source Material

I'm working on a random magic item table for my 2e Planescape game. I've pulled the item lists from the following core books:

Tome of Magic
Fighter's HB
Ranger's HB
Paladin's HB
Druid's HB
Thief's HB
Bard's HB
Ninja's HB
Complete Book of Necromancers
Legends & Lore

...and from the following Planescape source material so far:

Planewalker's HB
Guide to the Astral
Guide to the Ethereal

Can anyone think of other Planescape books with enchanted items in them? I'm specifically looking for stuff that could be randomly found (not the Dagger of Ra'than or the like). I'll end up looking through the entire collection eventually, I'm sure, but a nudge in the right direction never hurts. Smiling

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
If you're not opposed to

If you're not opposed to the suggestion, you might want to look up a list of items from the game Planescape:Torment. There are a lot of non-unique very planescape feeling items in the game from the slightly acidic tasting gems that make you cough up a Melf's Acid Arrow to the frozen lower planar blood sucking insects filled with Abashai blood that grant the eater a weak temporary regenerative ability when eaten. I've always liked sprinkling these things into planar games alongside potions and scrolls just to show that you can run into some pretty odd magics on the Planes.

Edit: This is a pretty decent list I blundered across. Many of the items are plot relevant, but that's easily stripped off.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Also there's a metric ton

Also there's a metric ton of items under Snail's Outfitters on the site here:


As well as the overall list of submitted items:


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