Made for Cable: D&D Book of Vile Darkness

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Agamemnon's picture
Joined: 2004-11-17
Made for Cable: D&D Book of Vile Darkness

Out of curiousity, how many of you were able to catch this film? It initially aired Saturday (Nov 24) at 9PM and again last night at 9PM. I'm guessing they're showing it late due to the handful of adult themed scenes with in the work.

For the record, I enjoyed the undead child the most as far as characters go. I had a hard time believing that evil characters are that gullible. Evil doesn't mean green. The leading character just didn't quite convince me as a believable double agent although the sorceror did his part in enticing him to perform evil acts. I don't want to speak too much so as to spoil it for those who haven't seen it, but I was really looking for some different perspectives from anyone else that may have seen it.

Most of the D&D movies have been kinda dry for my tastes. The scenes and the sets are great but the acting seems forced. Just because its a fantacy setting doesn't mean you can't be a believable character.

Well that's my two stingers worth.

Rolro's picture
Joined: 2012-09-12
Re: Made for Cable: D&D Book of Vile Darkness

3E shadar-kai from Dragon would be interesting, not pierced goth human shadar kai. I agree that the world and evil characters did not make much sense.

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