of 'loths and horsemem

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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
of 'loths and horsemem

so the daemons in Pathfinder are NE fiends whose 4 lords represent the 4 horsemen. this made me recall something - didn't the altroloths all correspond to War/Plague/Famine/Death?


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Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
of 'loths and horsemem

They were mostly named after diseases like Anthraxus, Bubonix, Cholerix, maybe even Herpesix. Well if there wasn't a Herpesix there should be. And then there's Charon, and whatever Mydianchlarus is named after whether it's a disease or not.

Quale's picture
Joined: 2008-01-11
of 'loths and horsemem

which Pathfinder book(s) has the daemons?

Mydianchlarus I think was named after chlamydia

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
of 'loths and horsemem

'Quale' wrote:

Mydianchlarus I think was named after chlamydia

Even in the 21st century, I have trouble envisioning WotC naming yugoloths after "social" diseases. Laughing out loud


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2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
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Githyankee's picture
Joined: 2006-12-06
of 'loths and horsemem

Maybe Mydianchlarus was named after "midichlorians". They're a disease in my book. Sticking out tongue

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
of 'loths and horsemem

that's true - most of them were disease related. But typhus did represent war, fighting off the god of liches and all...Maybe the angelic one was famine?

i could have sworn someone did a horseman breakdown at some point...

the only place i know of where the daemons and their four lords are discussed is a blurb in Pathfinder #8: Crimson Throne 02. more should be revealed (i hope!) in august when the setting book comes out.

guessing Shemmy (one of the contributors along with Ed Greenwood and i think Elaine Cunningham!) can't tell us more until then either. Sad


Health Resources: Register family with 911 services, so providers will have info prior to emergency/disaster. Also mental health info & hotlines, articles, treatment assistance options, prescription assistance, special needs registries, legal aid, and more!

Quale's picture
Joined: 2008-01-11
of 'loths and horsemem

thanks, looking forward to it

Ed, Elaine and Shemmy, impressive

Darkness_Elemental's picture
Joined: 2006-01-13
of 'loths and horsemem

i could have sworn someone did a horseman breakdown at some point...

Here is an old thread from the Wizards boards on this subject. For some reason, the link didn't work for me, but I suspect browser trouble on my end. This is a link to the Google cache of the above thread, which worked fine for me.

Finally, here's my list, based on the above link (among other threads) and my own personal preferences. I don't recall where I stole the Descriptions from, maybe Rip wrote it? At least some of this info is from the Loth List hosted on this very site.

There are a LOT of altraloths of Plague, enough to make a whole nother set of four. So I did.

Name: Anthraxus
(former ultroloth)
Alias: The Diseased
Plague (death)
Desc: 10' tall man in a rotting gray suit and cape, ram's head grossly deformed by disease.

Name: Bubonix
(former arcanaloth)
Alias: Overlord of Carceri
Plague (plague)
Desc: 12' tall hideous humanoid covered in putrid black lumpy sores.

Name: Cholerix
(former nycaloth)
Alias: unknown
Plague (famine)
Desc: A dehydrated nycaloth stands, its wings withered into vestigial limbs, its face nothing more than a skull with sickly jaundiced, faintly green tinged skin stretched over it.

Name: Typhus
(former mezzoloth)
Alias: unknown
Plague (war)
Desc: A 12' tall misshapen yugoloth looking much like a hunch-backed mezzoloth with a limp. Beings within 10' of him catch a terrible fever.

Non-Plague altraloths:
Name: Xengahra
Species: Altraloth (former caste unknown)
Alias: Death-Bringer, the Fallen One
Desc: Were it not for the expression of utter despair that hangs upon this altraloth's haggard face, a blood might believe herself in the presence of a true solar, the most powerful of aasimon.

Name: Cerlic
Species: Altraloth (former marraenoloth)
Alias: Charon, the Stygian Boatman, the Ferryman
Desc: He appears as a large, skeletal marraenoloth standing just 7' tall with bright green eyes that glow malevolently.

Name: Taba
(former Skeroloth?)
Alias: Myriad
Desc: Taba is seen in any number of forms, most often female. She speaks all lower planar tongues with no accent and can radiate any evil alignment she chooses.

More altraloths, most of Plague
(former Yangoloth?)
Plague (famine?)

Name: Infestix
Alias: The Reaper
Species: Avatar of Nerule, I believe
Desc: Skeletal; red flesh, crawling with worms. Speaks in hollow rasp.
Operates: Former Oinoloth (preceding Anthraxus).
Source: Dance of Demons by Gary Gygax



Plague (death?)

Edit: tracked down the source of the descriptions, re-finding another nice thread (at en world this time) in the process.

The descriptions were here the whole time.

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
of 'loths and horsemem

'sciborg2' wrote:
the only place i know of where the daemons and their four lords are discussed is a blurb in Pathfinder #8: Crimson Throne 02. more should be revealed (i hope!) in august when the setting book comes out.

One of the Paizo guys (Jacobs IIRC) has said that yes, the hardcover in August will have some more on the archdaemons. Of course, assuming I know anything more than that, and not saying I do, I'm under an NDA.

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