Lords Of Madness - Mind Flayers from the Future

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Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Lords Of Madness - Mind Flayers from the Future

There have, on other threds, been some criticizm of the idea that the Illitids are from the unbelivably distant future.

Personally, I like the idea. It makes the Illithid just that much creepier and more alien. I also loved "Illsensene: Psi and Omega" (kudos to Z. the Titan.) The idea that Illsensene is actually a super-elder-brain of godlike intellect residing at the end of time but so powerful it can project itself backwards throughout the timestream is also just really, really scarry (and the illithid SHOULD be really, really scarry, not just another enemy to hack apart).

So, before I pontificate on how this revelation affects the three-way war and the plots and strangeness surrounding the Illithid, I invite any and everybody to comment on "Mind Flayers from the Future." (ok... it does have a B-movie ring to it.)

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Lords Of Madness - Mind Flayers from the Future

I like the idea, and the general concept that distance in time is as alien as distance in space.

However, in the other threads the big issue seemed to be where the Gith race fit into this scheme. It's hard to believe the entire Gith history took place over just the last 2000 years (when the Illithids appeared from the future). That's simply not enough time for the Illithids to enslave an entire race, occupy multiple worlds, then for that race to develope psionic powers, overthrow their worlds-spanning masters and evolve into 2 separate species.

I see two resonable resolutions to this conundrum:

1. Change 2000 to 20,000 (basically assume it was a typo)

or my favorite:

2. Assume that the Illithids had ensalved the Gith race in the far future and after untold millennia the Gith race rebelled and in the course of overthrowing their master's empire the Illithids sacrificed their elder brains and hurled both the Giths and themselves back in time.

The second solution makes a lot of sense. The "unknown threat" to the Illithids would be the Gith's rebellion. The schism that divided the Gith race could have happened before or after they got hurled back in time.

It could be that the Giths and the Illithids are locked into some kind of repeating cycle in time where the Illithids create the means of their own destruction over and over. Who knows how long this has been going on!


ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Lords Of Madness - Mind Flayers from the Future

The problem isn't when the illithids came from, the length of the illithid empire, or the time it took for the gith forerunners to evolve. The problem is the Vlaakiths, who are a stable, unbroken lineage of 157 queens, one of which has ruled for 1000 years herself. Vlaakith I was crowned some time after Gith's rebellion, which means all this happened in the present chronology, not the future.

2000-1000/156=6.4102564102564102564102564102564, which means the average reign of a githyanki queen is slightly less than six and a half years. This is obviously ridiculous (I don't think it's possible for the queens to breed fast enough to replace themselves at that rate), contradicts the statements in the Monster Manual and the Planar Handbook that Gith rebelled "aeons" ago, and contradicts the text in the Illithiad and A Guide to the Astral Plane that the illithid empire was "before the crowning of Ra, when the Outer Planes were still in flux, when there were still beings who remembered the creation of then-bejeweled Sigil..."

I'm fine with the idea that mind flayers came from the future, and I also enjoyed Zadara's article. They might well have brought their gith forerunner thralls along with them, too (although that contradicts Dungeon #100's version of gith origins). But it happened a lot longer than 2000 years ago.

I think Lords of Madness was trying to differentiate illithids from aboleths, who it established as the unthinkably ancient aberration race. It made sense to make them comparatively recent, then. Illithids don't have to be millions of years old like the aboleths apparently are; they just have to be old enough so that the line of githyanki rulers makes sense. A githyanki generation is 40 years - that's 7240 years at minimum if young queens are going to get old enough to have children of their own. Now figure in the fact that old queens don't age or need to eat (so they can't be poisoned), and the presence of their fanatical bodyguards, and it's going to be very difficult to get rid of them. Each could have ruled for hundreds of years, though none have ruled as long as the Lich-Queen. Even assuming that each time a queen finally dies there's a civil war where many queens are killed in succession (although that doesn't fit with what we know about the githyanki), I think 20,000 years is a conservative estimate.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Lords Of Madness - Mind Flayers from the Future

Or, my personal favorite, is that what we have here is a combination.

You see, Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back when, the Illithids crossed over from the Far Realms and did everything that we think they did.
However, long time ago, a large number of mindflayers suddenly appeared in Ilkkool Rrem. It Turns out that the mindlfayers had this grand old plan to retake the multiverse. It failed. But, in the future, the Illithids with their big, beefy brains figured out how to jump backward in time.
They figured that a bunch of mindflayers from the future would have the knowhow to win the fight (and not make the same mistakes again) and the added forces would only increase the chances of success.
However, in order to do this, a lot of mindlfayers and elder brains had to join together to make a new being. One capable to the psionic power needed to thorw the rest of the Illithids back in time. Enter Ilsensene.
But, even their new god-brain didn't have the built up power to get the Mindflayers all the way back to when their empire was around. This was as far as they could go. (which is still damn powerful. I mean, think about how far the end of time must be in the future. A couple billion years, at least. Unless things get really bad and the Doomguard end the show early.)
There. A combination of the two.

Zenosaga's picture
Joined: 2006-06-23
Lords Of Madness - Mind Flayers from the Future

There are a lot of problems with the timeline. Like the illithids origin and the githzerai origin.

1. Illithids had an empire in the far future ruling over pre-gith forerunners and grimlocks, which rebelled and forced the illithids to sacrifice their god-brains and travel back in time.

2. Some recently freed from enslavement githzerai went into portals between Limbo and the Far Realm to fight, where they were infested with neothelid larvae, which matured into the first mindflayers, which came to the multiverse through time-space portals earlier than when their hosts actually left and then enslaved the forerunners for the first/second time.

3. Humans (known as Forerunners) living on Pharagos were enslaved by illithids twice, rebelled and sent the illithids back, were re-enslaved and became the gith races in the second and earlier timeline.

Think that over. There must be numerous time-space portals and paradoxes for the illithids and the gith to exist as they do. Does anyone else see problems when comparing all the different sources?

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Lords Of Madness - Mind Flayers from the Future

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
Vlaakith I was crowned some time after Gith's rebellion, which means all this happened in the present chronology, not the future.

Actually that doesn't mean anything. There is no reason that the rebellion couldn't have started in the far future. To the Gith races it would all still be ancient history, even if it hasn't taken place yet.

My suggestion was that the rebellion was the "uknown threat" that forced the illithids to sacrifice their elder brains. It would even make more sense if the giths had no idea they had been hurled back in time.


ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Lords Of Madness - Mind Flayers from the Future

'420' wrote:
My suggestion was that the rebellion was the "uknown threat" that forced the illithids to sacrifice their elder brains. It would even make more sense if the giths had no idea they had been hurled back in time.

Even so, that puts the rebellion at more or less the same time as they were hurled back in time, which means Vlaakith I would have been crowned after they were in our past - which still means there's 157 generations of Vlaakiths in the present timeline. The only way around that is to say that the githyanki ruled for thousands of years in the future before finally joining the illithids in the past without realizing it.

Also, note the pact between Gith and Ephelomon, which happened after the rebellion but before the crowning of Vlaakith I. This pact must have been in the past (it's doubtful that Tiamat would honor a pact that hasn't been made yet).

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Lords Of Madness - Mind Flayers from the Future

[evil chuckle] "Want to *know* the true dark of things cutter? Want to *know* the Illithid, and thereby *know* their defeat? The truth will drive you mad to no purpose, berk. Try to remember everthing you've heard, every rumor or theory of every Zerth who's ever survived a Rrakkma. Pure screed, all of it, yet at the same time all are true. Contradiction? The Illithid sneer at our petty comprehension of the timestream. The aboleth claim to remember the beginning, yet they do not remember a genesis of the Illithid. I do not know if the aboleth I encountered lied, but he claims the "first" empire was ancient, in a time before the Powers, and fairly long lived. Yet fall it did, and it's fall was mighty, nearly complete if not for dissention amoung the children of Gith. Soon (as aboleth mark time anyway) Gith herself disappeared and her followers made a pact with the dragons, beings as old as magic itself. The gith races took separate roads, the followers of Vlaakith and her heirs continued to lay eggs, but the followers of Zerthimon mixed more easily with the other races of the planes, eventually becoming The People we know now. How do I *know* this brother? I had contact with an aboleth that plotted against the Enemy durring my third Rrakkma. Now, forget the past, for that is not where the Illithid reside. The Illithid did not begin in the past. They will not come to an end in the future. Gith was right, every last one must be destroyed. No, brother I do not blaspheme. Think you the future set? Do you not *know* freedom, not *know* free will? I am neither a prophet nor a seer, and precognition is a foreign thing to me, but I *know* it is we who forge the future, even as it sharpens us. Every Illithid we slay destroys one possible future, a future in which the Illithids' cruel empire rules untill the end of time, bending all existance to its will, the combined overmind of the great elders becoming more powerful than the greatest of powers. All thinking beings culled and finally manipulated into a few servitor races. Even the end of time will not be their end, as they complete the circle and bring time itself under their domination. If we can destroy them all, then maybe, just maybe, we will have destroyed all their futures, and the fate of all existance is not as the dreaded ones desire. Maybe we can break their circle. Zerthimon's circle is said to be unbroken, but I have never met a Zerth who trully *knows* what that means."

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Lords Of Madness - Mind Flayers from the Future

I started this thread to hear everyone's theories and takes on matters Illithid, and as you may have guessed from my former post, I'm a big fan of the Enigma wrapped in a Conundrum. I think the Illithid are perfect for this kind of gaming, where you can drive a character to the barmy bin by sending the PLAYER on a metaphysical mind-f**k. So as the Zerth said "Pure screed all of it, yet at the same time all are true."

Now for 2 cents worth....

I agree that 2000 years for the "past" (as you subscribers to a linear theory of time percieve it) is total bunk. Two thousand? Not that the deviation of the gith races has to obey the time scale of evolution as we know it (or even to have taken place in the "past" as some have pointed out) but even so, I think 20,000 is much, much better for an Illithid empire of the PAST. True, in the past 20,000 years, humans on earth have gone from throwing spears with superbly crafted stone points to our present day technology, but we were still shooting arrows with superbly crafted metal points at each other a mere 2000 years ago. As a species we've evolved a little in 20,000 years, typicly becoming taller, but that's it. If you can't really count the Neanderthals, as it it happens, because modern genetic studies suggest we didn't, couldn't, interbreed, but even then, if you saw one of those guys today he'd be a bit ugly (but hey, in the eye of the beholder, y'know) and visibly thick, but he'd look as much like us Cro-magnon (which evolutionarilly we still are) as Andre the Giant did *Andre has a Posse!* The githyanki and githzerai are a little less outwardly different than we are to the hominids of 20,000 years ago, and their cultures still have some similarities, an agrument in favor of 2000, but it does kind of shaft the gith races' history, especially in the perception of immortal beings like dragons and exemplars. It also shafts the Illithid, which is why I'm a subscriber to the theory that Gith's rebellion destroyed the Illithid Empire of the PAST, and it was the imminant end of all that the Illithid from the FUTURE fled.

So...Brain Eaters form the Future arrive some 20,000 years ago and re-establish their fallen empire. Some time later (big questionmark here as to how much later, but I figure 10K years ago) the Gith rebel, bring down the Mind Flayers, and deviate soon after. Of course, estimates in actual lenths of time are going to be screwy, as the planes count time in a mutitude of ways.

The big upshot of it all, for me, is that the future is not set, there is no fate except what we make (or however the line goes, it's been awhile since I watched the original Terminator.) The Illithid are a creepy, un-natural enigma precisely because when you mess with time you create enigmas, contradictions, uncertainty principals, and other strange effects.

Keeping this in mind, read "Penumbra" and "Penumbra, Falling" for a further (murky) window into my mind concerning the Illithid.

BTW, plural of Illithid is Illithid, right? If so, another dark of the Overmind, Illsensene?

Invisig0th's picture
Joined: 2005-11-30
Lords Of Madness - Mind Flayers from the Future

The Illithiad uses the term "illithids" for the plural.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Lords Of Madness - Mind Flayers from the Future

Plus at a history count of 2000 - then that means there's some elves still hanging around that remember the illithid Empire on a personal level. 2000 is maybe, 2 elven lifespans? Maybe?

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Lords Of Madness - Mind Flayers from the Future

Elves have a lifespan of 700 years, give or take. So, that would be about three lifetimes, and about 20 generations.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Lords Of Madness - Mind Flayers from the Future

So roughly the equilivant of a century maybe? Still - aweful short for an acient empire. It's just one more reason to push it back to 20.000

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Lords Of Madness - Mind Flayers from the Future

As a General Timeline of the mutiverse, I came up with the following. There are no actual lengths of time associated with the epochs, but it does provide a conceptual framework for the planes, and so may be useful in that respect. Feel free to comment on my "history". The epochs are listed backwards, starting with the "modern" planar era (urban planescape nothwithstanding.)

The Acendancy of Humanity
The Ancient Empires of Dwarves, Mages, Elvin Kings, Kuo-Toa, etc.
The Rise of the Gods of Men
The Time of Titans
The Age of The Fey and the Rise of Elves
The Rise and Fall of The Great Illithid Empire
The Early Blood War
The Divisons in The Celestial Hosts, and the Beginnings of the Baatezu
The Great Law/Chaos Wars
The Formation and Diversification of the Outer Planes
The Formation of The Prime Planes
The Time of the Old Ones
The Multiverse Begins, the First Aboleth are Born
The Beforetime, which may be the same as The Far Realm

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Lords Of Madness - Mind Flayers from the Future

The Old Ones are said to have created the multiverse, so you should push them before the multiverse's beginning and the aboleths.

(Especially if the aboleth Elder Evils are draedens, since the draedens are creations of the Old Ones)

Zenosaga's picture
Joined: 2006-06-23
Lords Of Madness - Mind Flayers from the Future

Actually, this is how it goes:

1. The Supreme God (Azathoth) creates the multiverse via mindless noodlings on his flutes and drums while lesser outer gods orbit and prance around him and play hellish music.

2. The Outer Gods (a.k.a. Yog-Sothoth, Bast, Shub-Niggurath, etc.) (separated into the pseudo-evil Other Gods and the pseudo-good Elder Gods) rule the multiverse, battle it out, ignore the lesser races and gods, and occassionaly perform a "dance" to keep Azathoth asleep (his waking up will have dire results, by either cosmic war or the end of time).

3. The Great Old Ones (a.k.a. Cthulhu, Hastur, etc.) rule the multiverse, battle it out, ignore the lesser races and gods, worship and serve the Outer Gods, and very rarely influence (read: devour) the lesser gods and races.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Lords Of Madness - Mind Flayers from the Future

heh, and where does Ao fit into all this?


Zenosaga's picture
Joined: 2006-06-23
Lords Of Madness - Mind Flayers from the Future

'420' wrote:
heh, and where does Ao fit into all this?


What I posted was all the actually "important" stuff. Everything else is insignificant, save perhaps for the Blood War... nope, not even that.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Lords Of Madness - Mind Flayers from the Future

Nice, Z, i love it. I've been a Lovecraft fan since i was, like 8. Which is why the Illithid and the Tsocar figure heavily in my PS campaign. I like it creeeepy.

Now back to our feature film "Brain Eaters from Beyond Tomorrow"

The threat level of the Illithid goes through the roof when one considers that it is possible, nay likely, that the ultimate fate of the entire multiverse is as one big snak cake factory for the Mind Flayer overlords.

I doubt the truth would be comman knowledge to the 'Yankis and "Zerai. Some sages amoung those people probably have uncovered the secret, to be sure, but even then I don't see them going around telling others. What a let-down. "Our ancestors destroyed the cruel overlords, and we have been hunting down ther reminants for thousands of years, but the struggle is ultimately futile because they will eventually conquer the multiverse anyway and their reign will last untill end of time." (reply: "That Sucks!")

Even better, in my view, is that the Mind Flayers are from *A* future (linear view of time, people, lose it now.) The Illithid are constantly working to ensure their future will happen, and be better than ever! So, if the gith races COULD wipe out ALL the Illithid, then MAYBE they could prevent their domination. Which would mean the gith were never bred (I get around the whole were-gith-human debate by believing that the gith were human, or rather, the result of Illithid genetic manipulation of the remaining prime-planar humanoids.) No illthid, no gith, nobody to kill off the illithid....it goes round and round....right? Perhaps, but the illithid are already a contradiction having traveled through time once. Once? Even one time rift could have sent the Illithid armada back to any point in time. Some may have gotten scattered, making the job of their total eradication from the timestream nigh impossible.

The upshot is, the Illithid are wierder and creepier because they don't obey the rules of time as we percieve them. They are a loop, a closed circle.

Now, with that in mind, what exactly is the Unbroken Circle of Zertimon? Sorry, topic for another thread....

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