Looking for a very old piece of planewalker.com art

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ywhtptgtfo's picture
Joined: 2009-09-24
Looking for a very old piece of planewalker.com art

~ 9 years ago, I came across a set of high quality images depicting the Multiverse on this site. I believe they feature the section on the planes. The set includes a picture that shows the Multiverse as a ring (Astral - Outer - Ordial - Inner - Ethereal - Prime Material - Astral) and 4 pictures of the outer plane at different angles (when user clicks on different outer planes). I don't think the set included a detailed picture on the other planes. Anyhow, I would really like to see those pictures again. Is there some way to get it? Hopefully, it is stashed away in some planewalker.com archive.

More detailed descriptions:
- Transitive planes are kind of lines that connect the Prime, Inner, and Outer planes
- Astral looked like cyberish fibres
- Etheral looked like streams of smoke
- Prime material had a sun and a blue planet
- Mechanus was dominated by big clogs
- Background of all pictures were black


inkoia's picture
Joined: 2009-03-24
Re: Looking for a very old piece of planewalker.com art

I know of which pics are you talking about, I have 2 of them downloaded, but I haven't found them again...

ywhtptgtfo's picture
Joined: 2009-09-24
Re: Looking for a very old piece of planewalker.com art

Thanks a lot. It means a lot to me being able to see this again after all these years.

It's too bad that the original artist didn't do close-ups on any of the plane-sets. I suspect a zoom-in of the astral or inner plane would look gorgeous.

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