Looking out into the void from Sigil

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Andyr's picture
Joined: 2005-08-21
Looking out into the void from Sigil

In the Cage mentions air in the Lady's Ward being clear so you can see the void outside (and even be unlucky enough to be cast out from it).

However, I was always under the impression (from descriptions, as well as the map from the aforementioned set) that Sigil was a solid torus--where do you go to see 'out'? Or is part of the Lady's Ward on the outside of the torus too?

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Looking out into the void from Sigil

Sigil isn't a completely solid torus. It looks like THIS:

A hollow torus with the inner surface removed.

Note, one of the most famous places to see out into the eternal Nothing is "Suicide Alley" one of the few places on the edge where the perimeter wall is short enough for one to easily climb it and tae that last final repetitive leap.

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Looking out into the void from Sigil

Wish I could see the pic ;D

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Looking out into the void from Sigil

Wish I could see the pic ;D

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Looking out into the void from Sigil


I can see it fine...

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
Looking out into the void from Sigil

It's a Tripod image - they block outside linking, throwing up a default "Hosted by Tripod" graphic instead. You've got the original image cached in your browser, Primus, which is why it shows up fine. :cry:

Other interested parties should copy and paste http://tds43.tripod.com/tds_sigil_ring.jpg into their browsers to see the image firsthand.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Looking out into the void from Sigil

What he said. Tripod (and many other groups out there like angelfire and geocities) are the same way.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Looking out into the void from Sigil

copy & paste still not working for me

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Looking out into the void from Sigil

Please add bug reports on either the bug report form or the bug report thread.

Andyr's picture
Joined: 2005-08-21
Looking out into the void from Sigil

'Primus, the One and Prime' wrote:
Sigil isn't a completely solid torus. It looks like THIS:

Ah, righto. I guess that explains it then, thanks... That seems to be the picture I was looking at in In The Cage but not taking in due to the street map nearby, heh.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Looking out into the void from Sigil

It looks like this:

That is, it's like the inside of a tire, or like a torus with the inner circle cut out about halfway out.

Someone standing in Sigil can see - on a clear day - the streets curve up in all directions, but they only make a circle in the one direction. There are very definite edges in the other two sides, and people can jump out in the void. No one knows what happens to them, but it's almost unthinkably rare for them to make their way back.

The void doesn't look like anything. It's nothingness, neither dark nor light nor gray. Perfect emptiness. It's not a vacuum like the Plane of Vacuum or a void like the Astral Plane. It's nothing at all - everything has been cancelled out, space and time and light and sound and color and magic and motion and entropy and thought, presumedly by the Spire. Somehow, impossibly, Sigil exists in this nonexistence, though only Nothing should.

Between the Nothing and the city streets, equally impossibly, are clouds and (during the day) light, which come in through portals in the air. There is very often rain (also from portals) and, when it's not raining, smog. Clear days are very rare.

Sword_of_Geddon's picture
Joined: 2004-11-29
Looking out into the void from Sigil

I was always under the impression that the void was actually the Far Realm

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Looking out into the void from Sigil

If it is, it emits no Far Realm radiations, and Far Realm predators seem to leave the borders of Sigil alone. The Lady of Pain is a convenient explanation for this, of course.

I'd say the idea that Sigil exists within the Far Realm is as workable a rumor as any of the other of the hundreds of wild hypotheses about the City of Doors. There's no evidence for it, but there's no proof against it either.

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Looking out into the void from Sigil

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
If it is, it emits no Far Realm radiations, and Far Realm predators seem to leave the borders of Sigil alone. The Lady of Pain is a convenient explanation for this, of course.
Could Far Realm creatures use their strange abilities to bend the Lady's sanction that bars such powerful entities from entering Sigil though?

I wouldn't think it would be that simple, for the most part. The fact is, there is a connection between the Cage and the Lady that creates the barrier preventing entities of awesome power from waltzing into Sigil. To undermine that... is to undermine the secret that is both Sigil and the Lady of Pain and perhaps void their existence altogether.

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
Looking out into the void from Sigil

'Fell' wrote:
Could Far Realm creatures use their strange abilities to bend the Lady's sanction that bars such powerful entities from entering Sigil though?
If they could, they don't. Trust me, wandering brain collectors and marauding packs of pseudochuul would be noticed even in Sigil. =p

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Looking out into the void from Sigil

The two directions in Sigil could probably be described as longitude (the long circle) and latitude (the hemicircles, interrupted by Sigil's two edges).

Anyway, I was reading the story The Music of Erich Zann by H.P. Lovecraft and I was struck by the similarity to Sigil. The protagonist stumbles on to a bridge across a dark, odorous river similar to the Ditch in a smoggy industrial district similar to the Lower Ward - across the river is a street called the Rue d'Auseil. The road is shadowy with tall buildings that often nearly meet one another and high connective bridges, so that it's impossible to see any other part of the city from that street, and difficult even to see the sky.

In fact, the street doesn't seem to be part of the city at all, instead existing on some other plane of existence. There's only one place on the street where it's possible to see over the "edge" where the rest of the city ought to be, a window in the highest story of a building at the very end of the street. The protagonist finally, at the climax, gets a chance to peak through.

"I saw no city spread below, and no friendly lights gleamed from remembered streets, but only the blackness of space illimitable; unimagined space alive with motion and music, and having no semblance of anything on earth."

So okay, I wouldn't be averse to saying that the Rue d'Auseil is in Sigil, and that's exactly what you see looking into the void beyond Sigil's edge.

Andyr's picture
Joined: 2005-08-21
Looking out into the void from Sigil

That's a good story. Smiling

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