Looking for 'Loth Info

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The_Basilisk's picture
Joined: 2008-01-04
Looking for 'Loth Info

           For a while now I've been very interested in the Yugoloths and think they need to make a mark in my PS campaign soon. I'm having a bit of trouble finding all the info I can on them however. Can anyone tell me where the best info on these masters of evil are? What's the Yugoloths motivations other than evil for the sake of evil? How do they manipulate the Blood War? What interest do they have in mortals, or immortals for that matter? Can anyone give me some direction?

Evil's picture
Joined: 2005-11-12
hmmm They manipulate the


They manipulate the blood war by hiring their services as mercenaries and spies. Being 'loths, they are the last people you could trust, but still, each side keeps using them to stop the other side from doing so - at least temporarily. It is also quite possible that they keep the war aflame by covert moves. By doing so they are probably keeping both sides on check, not letting them to gain the upper hand for long.  Just why do they keep the war in a status quo, no one knows.Its gotta be something more thanprofit, thats for sure.

They are also supposed to be the ones who removed the fiends ability to teleport without error, which brought a huge change.

As every other exemplar race out there, their main interest in mortals is their belief. They want as many mortals as possible to succumb to their evil.  These poor souls will than form as petitioners in one of the lower planes where yugoloths are dominant. Note that yugoloths are located primarily in Gehenna, but their plane of origin is Gray waste, so they have no use for the petitioners in gehenna.

 For more info you I think should check out Hellbound the Blood War and Planes of Conflict.

The_Basilisk's picture
Joined: 2008-01-04
Thanks Evil! Hmm,

Thanks Evil! Hmm, appropriate that the person who replies is named 'Evil'

Idran's picture
Joined: 2007-06-10
I don't have much to add to

I don't have much to add to Evil's comments, except you'll probably also want to check Faces of Evil; it's the definitive PS work on all the fiendish races.

Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
If you are playing 2E, you

If you are playing 2E, you want to get the Planescape Apendix I and II (III is mostly inner plane monsters... useful, but no Yugoloths there). Faces of Evil is a great resorce on fiend psycology, including Yugoloths. The Planescape Campaign setting booklet has the Marenoloth, and the Planes of Conflict monster booklet has the Baernaloth. If you have 3E, You will want the Manual of the Planes and Monster Manual II to get all the 'loths from that edition. 3.5E added some 'loths in later books like Fiend Folio, but I'm not sure which books have what 'loths... 4E currectly has only one 'loth, the Mezoloth, and it's classified as a DEMON... I presume more 4E 'loths are coming, but that's all for now.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Also - have you looked at

Also - have you looked at our Encyclopedia on the site? /encyclopedia/yugoloth

The_Basilisk's picture
Joined: 2008-01-04
Thanks Clueless   I

Thanks Clueless Smiling


I did check it out though, The Encyclopedia is usually my first source of PS info. This site is truly a gem!

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