Looking for Lost Article "Elves Don't Dream"

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Vaevictis Asmadi's picture
Joined: 2006-05-31
Looking for Lost Article "Elves Don't Dream"

Hello peoples,

Ever since the Planewalker website, urls, and forum were completely changed, I haven't been able to find some of the old articles that used to be on the website.

The faceted search is not helping me at all: it will not let me use quotes, and deletes the last 1 or 2 letters of nearly every word I search for, so that searching for Elves and Faeries returns a search for nonexistent Elv and Faeri.

The article I am trying to find was a fiction story about the origin of the Elvish races, the Night Hags, and the Seldarine gods from exiled Fey creatures. That's all I remember about it.

Any help will be appreciated.

EDIT: Found out the name of the article: Elves Don't Dream

Birdy's picture
Joined: 2008-11-02
Re: Looking for Lost Article About Elvish Origins

Is this it...?


"A wise dragon once told me to aim high in life and watch out for flying boxes."

Vaevictis Asmadi's picture
Joined: 2006-05-31
Re: Looking for Lost Article About Elvish Origins

Thanks, but that isn't the article I'm looking for. The article I remember involved both elves and hags as exiled dream-fey instead of fiends, and had some specific reason that elves are all insomniacs, something about nightmares or venegeful fey-gods waiting to punish them in the Ethereal.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Looking for Lost Article About Elvish Origins

These are the closest I've been able to find so far:



The reason the search is clipping the ends of words is that it reads those as plural words, and is trying to widen your search - since the search is a partial word match, elves and faeries should still match. You may want to try 'elf' and 'faery' as well.

Since the night hag and sleep thing seem to be more specific to the story I've been doing searches for those but I'm coming up dry there as well. Are you sure this one on Planewalker and not Mimir?

Vaevictis Asmadi's picture
Joined: 2006-05-31
Re: Looking for Lost Article "Elves Don't Dream"

Thanks, Clueless. I had forgotten about the Silent Forest, that's a great article.

I'm pretty certain this article was part of Planewalker, because the old (broken) url is a Planewalker url:
If it was a Mimir article, then that url must have had somebody posting a link to Mimir instead.

EDIT: I followed your advice and added "dream" and "hag" to my search, and found my own post mentioning it by name:
"There's an article called Elves Don't Dream that in my opinion, is a perfect explanation for the origin of elves and, as the title says, also explains why they don't dream. It's archived on the PW website."

Unfortunately, the search for "Elves Don't Dream" brings up nothing. Even when I use the "With the exact phrase" option in the advanced search, it still insists on searching for the nonexistent words "Elv Don T Dream," which doesn't even find my post quoted above.

Tangent: It's really too bad that the Mimir went down.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Looking for Lost Article "Elves Don't Dream"

hm ok - give me a moment here to track it in the database. I'm sure it's still in here somewhere.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Looking for Lost Article "Elves Don't Dream"

For some reason the story was set to unpublished. Hence it wasn't showing up in the system!


Vaevictis Asmadi's picture
Joined: 2006-05-31
Re: Looking for Lost Article "Elves Don't Dream"

Yays, that's the one! You rescued it. Thanks Clueless.

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