Looking for games to play

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2kdav's picture
Joined: 2006-11-26
Looking for games to play

Well, Hello!
I'm new to these forums and new to Planescape in general (though I have been roleplaying for about 7 years). I've just finished playing PS:T, and now I just have to play more in this world.

So, I found this website, but it seems that there are no games looking for players. This fact is what leads me to the following question- is there anyone looking to open a game?

I am very interested in playing, and I know that with a little help I'll be able to make a fine character (even though I am new to PS)


Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Looking for games to play

Well, it's sort of a game, sort of ongoing, but check out "Devious Machinations". Its a freeform, meaning you don't have to have a character with stats or anything, just write a post to advance the story a little farther. Anybody can join in, add a character or two, move the narative a little further, and let the creative juices flow!

2kdav's picture
Joined: 2006-11-26
Looking for games to play

Oh, cool... I think I'll join.
I'll just think of a character first.

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