Looking for DM for an online (OpenRPG) Sigil-based game

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Aegir's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Looking for DM for an online (OpenRPG) Sigil-based game

My apologizes if this is the wrong place to put something like this, but I was unable to find any FAQ stating where, or even if, this sort of thing is frowned upon. I'm working on putting together a game involving multiple DMs based in Sigil, largely for the multiverse-spanning potential the City of Doors offers. I, however, am not terribly versed in Planescape or Sigil for that matter, so I'm looking for someone interested. A description of the world follows below.

The basic idea of the game is fairly simple: multiple DMs running within the same game, running 1-2 session mini-quests or larger storylines consisting of interconnected short quests. The game would likely run several times/week (depending largely on player interest and DM availability), and DMs are fully capible of playing when not DMing. DMs would also likely earn XP for the PC of their choice from running sessions.

The game itself is located in Sigil; partially because Sigil is cool, but also because it lets the DM go anyplace with a story, be it Faerun, Eberron, Greyhawk, a homebrew world, anywhere, and always has a large, established pool of characters to draw from. The characters exist in the game, not the individual DMs campaign, so once a DMs game is done, they simply come back next session and get involved again. It allows for characters to exist for large amounts of time and develop over several campaigns, and in this case, through several worlds.

Right now, what I'm looking for is someone willing to DM the Planescape aspect, and assist me as I attempt to bring Sigil to life for the game. I'm fairly experienced with 3.5E and have just come off my first time DMing, which can best be described as a learning experience. I've got several people interested in the game both for DMing and playing, but with Sigil likely to be such a large part of the game, I'd like someone with more experience in the world then me.

Anyway, if you have any interest, please IM or PM me, and I can explain the game in better detail, as well as your possible role.

Also; if this sounds like a game you'd like to play in, feel free to IM or PM me also, and I'll be sure to keep you posted as the game nears its start.

simmo's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Looking for DM for an online (OpenRPG) Sigil-based game

It sounds a fairly ambitious project and I wish you well in it.

Unforutnately I am rather time-constrained at the moment and being based in GMT timezone probably means that the sessions will take place too late in the evening for me, even if I could set aside time for it.

Have fun Laughing out loud

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Looking for DM for an online (OpenRPG) Sigil-based game

I'm already running two Planescape games, and that's quite enough for me. I wish you luck in your endeavour, though, as it sounds like a really cool idea.


Pants of the North!

Aegir's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Looking for DM for an online (OpenRPG) Sigil-based game

I did have a few people express interest in this from here, so I figured I'd mention it: I've managed to get things together enough to start accepting players and get this game started, so if anyone was interested in playing, the rules for character creation can be found at:


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