Looking for an artiste...

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JellyPooga's picture
Joined: 2007-04-02
Looking for an artiste...

Hey y'all.

I am absolutely useless at any form of freeform art. Give me a colour by numbers and i'll rock your world. Give me a miniature to paint and I'll astound your eyes. But give me a blank sheet of paper and...well, to be honest, I'm crap. As such, I rely on other people to bring my imagination into the real world and I thought I'd bring this particular project to the good people who inhabit this board.

So, what I'm looking for is someone who's not afraid of the slightly bizarre, 'cos this requires a rather vivvid imagination to picture and I imagine is somewhat of a challenge for any aspiring artist (I know it's frickin' impossible for me to draw). Just a point of interest, this is a character I'm writing into a short story, which is based on a D&D-esque setting (well, I tell a lie, it is based on D&D, specifically the Planescape setting), so if you're not into the whole fantasy thing, you can probably stop reading.

Medium is not an issue; pencil sketch, watercolour, computer image, whatever, I'm not fussy. I'd just like to see this 'in-the-flesh' so to speak.

So, here it is; I'll describe it as best I can to evoke what, exactly, I have in mind. As it's based on d&d, I'll describe it in terms that are applicable to it.

1)Imagine a Catfolk (from Races of the Wild). If you're not familiar with RotW, imagine a humanoid with cat-like features (think Thundercats).

2)Give him staring larger than normal eyes and a really wide mouth.

3)Make him very muscular.

4)Remove all his fur and replace his skin with lizard-like scales.

5)Give him a very long, snake-like tongue.

6)Turn his flesh into living stone.

7)Take away his shadow, but surround him with darkness (as if magically created by the spell).

8)Make his skin Chameleonic (as in; like a chameleons).

9)Clothe him in nothing but a rather skimpy pair of shorts (probably better described as hot-pants) and a bandoleer (with a variety of pockets and pouches).

If you're familiar with Races of the Wild, the Planescape setting and the Forgotten Realms books: Underdark and Unapproachable East, this character is basically a Planetouched (Chaond) Chameleonic Catfolk Shadow-Walker Mineral Warrior...I created him in an exercise to see how many templates I could apply to a single character, but as soon as I got that far I thought "hey, that's kind of cool for an idea I had", the idea being "a character that's the result of both magical and racial experimentation"...aside from the Planetouched bit (using the 'Templated Planetouched' varient), which is strictly unofficial, the application of the Chameleonic, Shadow-Walker and Mineral Walker templates to a Catfolk is technically a legal build and very few of the abilities overlap or contradict each other.

If you were interested in his actual character (rather than just his appearance), I dunno, for a bit of inspiration or whatever; he is in fact the result of genetic and magical experimentation. His 'creator' has been trying to create a breed of 'super-soldier'...fast, strong, tough, matures quickly (this character is fully grown and only 8 years of age), etc. This particular character was the latest 'success' and as such was trained in the arts of assassination (and all that accompanies that profession). Unfortunatly for the 'creator', the training was a bit too good and the subject (this character) escaped, destroying all the research he had done up to date in the process. Fleeing from his captivity, this character eventually came across, and was taken in by, a particularly friendly member of the Transcendent Order and, liking the ideals that particular Faction advocates, 'joined up'. The story I'm writing takes place shortly after this character joined the Transcendent Order.

Personality-wise, this character is extremely introverted - he says very little and dislikes social situations, preferring to lurk in shadows and dark corners to hide his freakish appearance. His history has made him very cold-hearted and he has few qualms about killing, though he never kills without a good reason. He takes his initiation into the Transcendent Order very seriously and does his best to uphold the ideals of the Faction. To him, this mostly means following the guy who took him in to the Faction and helping him in his work. As he's not particularly smart, this makes him seem to act a bit dog-like or servile at times, in that he follows his mentor around doing his bidding.

Anyways, I hope that someone can help me out with this and I look forward to seeing any renditions. Ta-ta.



Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Looking for an artiste...

Well this remind´s me of 14CR fiendish, lycantropic, vampiric, half-troll, half-dragon slug from order of stick comic (tremble at his illogical glory).

But idea seems chalenging, and I would not call myself an artist if I would not accepted it. I´ll do it when I will have a bit more time on hands.

Sorry about 14CR fiendish, lycantropic, vampiric, half-troll, half-dragon slug joke. :oops:


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Swiftbow's picture
Joined: 2005-08-27
Looking for an artiste...

Hm... I'm afraid I fall into the school of people who believe men should never, ever wear hot pants.

However, it is an interesting racial description. I will give it some thought as to a drawing of some kind.


Bagoly's picture
Joined: 2007-06-08
Looking for an artiste...

I believe it's time for the cheesy PS manipulation that's bound to pop up at a request like this.
I forewarn you that:

1. It keeps it's tounge in it's damn mouth. I just couldn't make it good enough.
2. No hot pants. Sorry. Yuu get a fur-shirt instead.

Meh... 7/9 ain't bad.
Where can I submit? How?

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Looking for an artiste...

Hi, JellyPooga. First pics in pencil are finished. Since I´m bit short of time (and I dont have scaner), I will post picture here next (or if you´d preffer I mail it to you) time I visit my friend. Then see if you like it and tell me if you would like them made in color and ink.
Oh, and would resolution 300 would be ok.

Woot, I´m Namer now.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

JellyPooga's picture
Joined: 2007-04-02
Looking for an artiste...

Coo, thanks guys. I wasn't expecting responses so quickly.

Swiftbow: You should give it a try, you might find it...liberating. Puzzled

Bagoly: 7/9 is pretty damn good, if you ask me (that's what 75% -ish?). Either you can send the pic to my e-mail address, or if you have an online art account (like photobucket), just post it here.

Squaff: Posted here or e-mailed is fine, as is 300 res.

Looking forward to what you got guys. Thanks! Laughing out loud



Bagoly's picture
Joined: 2007-06-08
Looking for an artiste...


Let us converge in silent prayer and utter praises to the wonder that is deviantart.
As I said, cheesy. Sticking out tongue

JellyPooga's picture
Joined: 2007-04-02
Looking for an artiste...

coo...not exactly what I was after...he looks a bit more like a pimp than a freakish genetically/magically enhanced super-soldier (maybe he's a freakish genetically/magically enhanced super-pimp...hmm, I have an idea for a spoof of my own short story...)

edit: hey! when did I get upgraded to Cager? I liked being Clueless... Sad



Bagoly's picture
Joined: 2007-06-08
Looking for an artiste...

Ahhh! So he wanted a Soldier, not a Pimp!
The only warlike thing I saw in the description was "muscular"!
Sticking out tongue What's the problem with pimps anyway? That's a wonderful looking fur jacket considering it's 100% texture.

Duster's picture
Joined: 2006-06-14
Looking for an artiste...

I've scanned the Squaff's colored version of your(or someone elses) character, but it would give him more character in this thread if he had a name or a description to be called after it.

This is LAzer Ninja(for now, until you give him a name):

Enjoy .

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Looking for an artiste...

Here is a bit of explaining to do:
Like I said, I dont have scanner (and skill in posting pictures on internet for that matter), so my friend Duster scanned and posted it.

As of creative procces: Ideas came in this order: living stone=gargoyle (I even wanted to add vegestial wings but then I shaped the darkness in wing like shape), as of chameleon I had to put those 3 horns they have (+ large eyes and long tounge) and you will notice color shift at his feet. As of scales and size I thougt of bulky slaad or lizardfolk.
One final detail: since he is experimental creature I added an metal plug on his chest (through wich all kind of chemicals, DNA, serums or potions were poured in his body).

One final thing: why Duster called it "LAser ninja" I will never know (it does have ring in it though). Anyways as author of picture I hope the customer is pleased. Enjoy.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

JellyPooga's picture
Joined: 2007-04-02
Looking for an artiste...

Cooo...the customer is pleased indeed.

I didn't really have a name for him to be honest. Simply for the purpose of making notes, I've been calling him Spectre (cos he's supposed to use his 'shadow powers' to keep himself concealed whilst he does his killing...all ghosty and mysterious), but I should come up with something better really.

I really like the idea about the metal plug...really fits the idea of all the tests he's been through. I especially like the way you've portrayed his 'shadow powers', kind of oozing from him to form a gloopy darkness.

Thanks Squaff, I'm impressed with your artistic talent and ability to realise another persons imagination; it's all but exactly what I had in my head (and thanks to Duster too; for scanning and posting the pic). I may well come to you for other characters I have in mind... Laughing out loud



Duster's picture
Joined: 2006-06-14
Looking for an artiste...

I re-uploaded the picture(just punch in Ctrl+F5 and you'll see the difference), because it needed a little bit of cleaning and I had to angle it by 0.5 degrees to the left, because it was not balanced.

My forum nick is Duster and that is exactly what I do for the time, before I get to my drawing again.

There are three more Squaff's pictures to cleen before I upload them and post them here, I thinke everyone will like them.

aXos's picture
Joined: 2007-02-14
Looking for an artiste...

yesterday at night i was wandering by the forum and found this thread. pretty late, i know, but the description of that character is interesting, and my head started to come up with things to draw. therefore i made some quick sketches, don't know if you need it, but just in case i uploaded them

p.s: cool pic squaff

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Looking for an artiste...

@ aXos:
Skeches are great, they remind me of some researcher scrapbook.
Are you planning to do full version? I vould like to see it, becaouse it is never too late for a good art: no mater what the description of picture is the final art is always different depending of artist and that is true beauty of drawing. Smiling

Thing that bothers me is: why in D&D books once when is something is drawn than all other artist imitate the same drawing (they tried to imitate Ditrelizzi in later PS products), best example are fiends, "in all suplements we can see almost indentical copies of babau (and minotaurs, and gnolls and whatnot, they even have same equipment :shock: ) from MM". Like they are cloned or something. :x
Maybe they do this to avoid confusion. (this should be another thread).


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

JellyPooga's picture
Joined: 2007-04-02
Looking for an artiste...

aXos; I'm glad to have inspired you. As Squaff said, it's never too late for good art. I too would be interested in seeing more, whether it be more sketches or a 'complete' rendition (though I've always liked the 'sketch-book' style of drawing).

In regards to the sketches you're already posted, I especially like the profile one and the way you've made his upper torso look really out of proportion with his lower body; scrawny little legs, but a powerful upper body - kind of freakish (I don't mean to be insulting if that was unintentional, but it does fit the idea I was after).



aXos's picture
Joined: 2007-02-14
Looking for an artiste...

@squaff thx for the comment. my original plan was to make a color version but the truth is that i suck coloring my drawings. i've been doing sketches for years, but i'm really new with the color, a year or so...
about the d&d drawings... i don't know xD but the truth is that diterlizzi's style is just perfect for the planescape mood

@jellypooga i've continued studying expressions and such, don't know if i will complete one, but at least i quick-shaded one in photoshop. and the profile one... well, i made his torso big, but just in case, i cut his leg for the lack of space (the drawing ends up almost in the knee) and his left hand too @@

well, this is what i've done. if i come up with a color version, i'll post it, but... is unlikely, i'm not too confident about that issue (my lack of skills).



thx again for the comments Smiling

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