Looking for an artist

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JellyPooga's picture
Joined: 2007-04-02
Looking for an artist

It's been a while since I last visited the forum here, but I remember getting some good results when I last did.

 I'm looking for an artist to draw a portrait of a character for me. I'd like a full shot (head to foot) as well as a smaller 'icon' that I can use on RPoL (just a head and shoulders shot should do). The 'icon' has to follow the following rules:

a) 100x100 pixels (or greater), preferably jpeg b) No names on the image unless it's the artist's mark c) Must have permission to use d) It must be a clear image

The 'full' can be whatever size, type whatever. I'm not fussy about the medium, but I'm looking for a 'realisitc' style (not cartoon or anime or similar) and preferably in colour (but I'd be happy with a good b&w). Anyway, here's the characters' description (btw, for reference he's technically a Tiefling, but he was originally going to be a Tuladhara and as such, his appearance is based on that of a Tuladhara more than a Tiefer...oh and his Character Class is Monk):

Dressed in loose flowing robes the colour of summer grass and trimmed in golden yellow, Vaeran makes no attempt to hide his brassy coloured skin which obviously marks him as touched by the planes. His large eyes have no pupil and are a deep opalescant brown. The small ridges that adorn his forehead are somewhat disguised by the arcane black tattoos that adorn his face, neck and shoulders. His hair is long and chestnut brown, kept in a tight braid that snakes down his back, tied at the end with a green ribbon bordered with black runic script. His figure is lithe, but well muscled; an athletes build and his stance is one of great confidance. He carries a long staff, clearly a weapon and well used, of wood so dark it's almost ebon. Tied at one end, about a foot from the tip, is a blood red ribbon.

I'd appreciate any help you can give me.





Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I realize this is over a

I realize this is over a month since your post (and I am bad for not paying attention to these forums better), but are you looking to buy a commission or are you seeking free work?


http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

http://www.planescapemetamorphosis.com/ -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

JellyPooga's picture
Joined: 2007-04-02
If I could afford for a paid

If I could afford for a paid commission, then I would gladly pay, but I am alas, not that wealthy! So yeah, I'm looking for free work. I appreciate that it limits the field somewhat, but as I say, I'm just looking for a favour rather than professional work. Said favour would gladly be repaid if I have the means to (I'm no artist, but I'm an amateur-looking-to-go-pro games-designer and have a fair tongue for fiction), but I can't afford to pay otherwise.



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