Living Sigil

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Caladors's picture
Joined: 2006-08-31
Living Sigil

it's most proberly been brought up before but I am unsure so I am going to bring it up.

Has it ever been brought up about doing a living Sigil in the same way there doing living grey hawk.
Now i can't say that I know a huge ammount about the living grey hawk seris, what i do know is that it is all of the info that you do in your campagins effects the rest of the system or something to that effect.

Now I think living planescape would be kind of silly as we could be in different planes and never effect anything in any kind of way.
Anyway basicly the idea is that if you have a whole lot of people just gaming enjoying the game the place will grow naturally obiously someone would have to over see what is yes and what is no in regards to things happening and what is seen fit to record.

but anywho basicly this idea comes from the idea that I had an area where there was an isolated half elf community in Sigil i mean a whole lot of places these people seem to be on the boarder of socitiy so why wouldn't they isolate themsleves if they had the choice to be with people whom have shared simliar experinces.
Also it seems that Sigil would be a natural gathering point for them.

But anywho my point is that this was just some fluff for an adventure I had but if you know someone puts up a map of little Athas or Toril Town.
it's just somewher else that people would be able to get hooks from.

Just some thougths anywho thanks for your time.
(sorry will spellcheck in morning must sleep Sad )

Jack of tears's picture
Joined: 2005-12-13

I have a problem seeing much reason for racial isolation in Planescape. Considering the very bizarre nature of the planes, and the fairly open minded nature of cagers, it is a rare thing to see biase against others based upon race - belief is the issue here: you can be a half-elf, kobald or tanar'ri and won't get much of a second look in Sigil, but if you go around spouting Xaositech screed you're going to get some hard greetings.

Caladors's picture
Joined: 2006-08-31
Living Sigil

Well comparing to real life, I know here where I live and in the captial cities alot people of whatever background tend to keep to people of a simlar background.
Not true of all but some.
I mean look how sigil is broken up the people that are similar live together.
It would be unsuprising that a certain people would stick to themseleves.
The Tieflings and Aasimar seem to completely different in the regard to how elves consider half blood and how humans.
Also one would think across the planes that there would be more half elves and that the situation would be simlar.

Tieflings seem to be loners from the start.
Where as Half-Elves try and fit into X side and they feel very different.
Where as with Tielfings they instinctively get it me thinks also I would see less born in setting simlar to that of the half elf.

Kind of like the outsider is his own man but the omgea is the runt of the pack.

Anywho I would say I am far from a pych major but I think there is a completely different way of thinking.

And despite its melting pot status i still think there is hate in Sigil look at the way Tiefling and Aasimar are discribed in the books.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Living Sigil

I think there is some truth in your words, and I can't see why there wouldn't be a small community of half-elves somewhere in the cage, there's already a neighborhood for elves. As for the Living Planescape idea, that's sort of what we have here on Planewalker. People put up articles on stuff they brewed up, and then DMs decide whether or not they want to incorporate those ideas into their game.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Living Sigil

The Sandstone District in Sigil is already 'tiefer town.' You would probably see a tendency (not always, mind you) for people of not only similar species to live in the same communities, but for Cagers to prefer to live near their faction mates. (If you were a Hardhead, you wouldn't be happy about a bunch of Chaosmen moving in across the street, would you?)


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Jack of tears's picture
Joined: 2005-12-13

>>If you were a Hardhead, you wouldn't be happy about a bunch of Chaosmen moving in across the street, would you?<<

I do believe I mentioned that very thing in my response.

As for the issue of race, I just don't see half-elves being treated the same way in PS that they are one the prime worlds. In the Planes, where you can see Baatezu and Celestials arguing philosophy on the steps of the Hall of Speakers, human-elf hybrids simply aren't that remarkable, nor offensive. The closest thing to the half-elf in PS is the tiefling, which may be considered untrustworthy and worthy of disdain by some, but are nonetheless a very integrated part of planer society.

Considering so little is what it appears to be in the planes, physicallity is the least common means by which creatures are going to judge one another - much more important are your beliefs and what you do to defend/spread them.

Caladors's picture
Joined: 2006-08-31
Living Sigil

yeah they are unremarkable but that doesn't mean a thing for primes.
I think in all regards to what you are saying is correct for there planar counter parts.
See look at the primes they still think even when they come here that Toril or Krynn or wherever is the center of the universe.
Well for there first part of the stay.
Anywho I think regardless of where you are there is still going to be a level of predudace against them.
Like I said before the Tieflings are on the outer to begin with where as the Half Elves are just in.

Anywho I could very much see these people banding together when someone of a strong mind talks to them.
And we all know that you don't have to be good to be popular aka Hitler (ok there was a bit more to it than just him being charasimatic)

Anywho, basicly I can see someone whom has been going from community to community (cause thats what half elves do) and from both sides your treated poorly you fit in but kind of not.
The humans fear/evey you because of your long age and fine features the elves loath/pity you.

Now imagine enduring that for however long and then some one says there is a place for people like you and me.
It would be like a massive releif, simlar to how people feel after ... and how there is a massive release of endorphans and estrogen (for men at least and am unsure about the policies but i thought i would play it safe)

You would see the world in a whole new way.
You would no longer be the traveller with stories of far away you could do anythinng you wanted.
You would be with people whom share simlar experinces and background to your own.

Anywho enough about my thoughts in why this place would be created.

Basicly what I am saying is that you know we could just via osmosis create a vast living Sigil.
Just by writing down that tavern you made (though that could get tiresome, cause everyone makes up taverns and lots of them)
or whatever basicly just by doing what you do normally but taking the resources that were provided in your adventure and putting them in the general knowledge pool collectively increases the ammount of resources avaliable to said group.

Hmm sounds like I am selling a pyramid scam....
Well this pryamid has three sides we all know how you love that rule of three thing.... ok I'll stop.
Anywho i think it's something to consider.

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