A BBS style forum is all well and good (don't get me wrong here, I like the forums), but it isn't everything.
Perhaps I don't have a life. Maybe I'm desperate for attention. Hell, I could be a lunatic and nobody here would either a) question it, or b) would never have guessed. But why is it that I've never seen a live chat room for Planescape? I've seen live chats for RPGs in general, but nothing for this setting. Posting letters is fine, but why should we have to wait for an answer through a posting system that requires us to refresh every so often to know if anything's been done when we could also have a live chat to help people work stuff out on the fly?
Doesn't it make sense as a community to have an area for rapid discussion for idea development that can be used as a sounding board for nebulous ideas rather than posting a draft and having someone tell you it's crap, or lacks balance after the fact?
What's the purpose of writing something out in detail only to have to scrap parts of it if you can have a sounding board of peers to help you cut out the chaff before ideas have any fruition. After all, you don't grow prize gardens without weeding and careful planning before hand.
I think the idea is interesting