List of Portals / Destinations / Keys / Etc.

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glaucusrex's picture
Joined: 2004-12-02
List of Portals / Destinations / Keys / Etc.

I am looking for a listing of portals/destinations/keys in the Planes.

I have sought this Rosetta Stone of Planar travel for some time without success.

Hasn't someone even made a partial listing of the portals connecting Sigil, the Prime Material, the Outlands, the whole thing?

I have started to review my Manual of the Planes, Forgotten Realms and Planescape materials for such known portals. Surely someone else has done this.

For example, I see there is a Lissandra the Gateseeker discussed on this site. She makes a list of portals. So, where is the list? I'd like to know where things are as a DM. My players, of course, would have to discover it themselves.

Personally, I like a defined geography for my players to discover. I don't like the capricious/arbitrary approach of gates/portals appearing just where needed to save the players. Nor do I like portals forcing players on to the next adventure at the whim of the DM. I like the players to choose where they will go. I like them to know they can discover things that play fair, that won't disappear when they need them. Also, that they won't be rescued if they take the wrong portal to the wrong place.

The Planes should be dangerous, but fair.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
List of Portals / Destinations / Keys / Etc.

Hon, we're *working* on it... only so many fingers to go around, really. Eye-wink

I'd suggest asking on the forums about known portals from the books (which duh, you just did), the folks here tend to know far far far too much about everything planar. They'll be most able to help you.

glaucusrex's picture
Joined: 2004-12-02
No Worries

Thanks so much for the reply.

I surely don't mean to hurry those who are working on it, but glad to hear that someone is doing so.

I'm just surprised no one else has.

I have started my catalog by searching Volo's Guides to Cormyr and the Dalelands. Most of these portals, however, have both ends within Faerun.

The notable exception seems to be the World Serpent Inn.

I will add to my list as I encounter portals, hopefully expanding on connections to the planes.

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Re: List of Portals / Destinations / Keys / Etc.

"glaucusrex" wrote:
I am looking for a listing of portals/destinations/keys in the Planes.

Right here:

It's a very useful site. Which, I've just realized, is part of Zak's Planescape Index. Zak's site was, for those historians among you, the first Planescape website ever. It's currently being hosted by the old version of the Mimir, which still has many things the newer Mimir does not, Zak's site among them.

Also see the Prime World registry thread at the Bone-Box Rattler.

glaucusrex's picture
Joined: 2004-12-02
Perfect, but...

That is exactly the type of information that I am looking for.

One question though...

The portals that I can view have portal numbers up to 500 and more. But I do not see anywhere near 500 portals. I also cannot exist the numerical listing within this site.

Any ideas?



glaucusrex's picture
Joined: 2004-12-02
English Please

Geez, you'd think I can't even speak English...bad early morning editing.

What I meant to say was:

I cannot view the numerical listing within this portal listing site.

Any help?

glaucusrex's picture
Joined: 2004-12-02
30 Portals or 617?

So, I went into this URL:

...and found 30 portals including gatetowns, though some of the portals were numbered as high as 617!

So, where are the rest of the portals?

Would really love to find out because this is exactly what I have been looking for.



Ohtar Turinson's picture
Joined: 2004-06-01
List of Portals / Destinations / Keys / Etc.

On page 39 of The Planewalker's Handbook I found a list of portal keys and locations through out the planes. Only 3 in Sigil though.

glaucusrex's picture
Joined: 2004-12-02
Thanks for the Portals

Thanks for the reference. I just downloaded the Planewalker's Handbook and found the list of portals you mentioned. That's a good start. Thanks.

I also found a chart of portals from Sigil in In the Cage: A Guide to Sigil.

I've also found the World Serpent Inn in Arabel, Cormyr, Faerun has portals to the Planes.

Also, the module For Duty and Deity takes adventurers from Athkatla, Amn, Faerun to the Planes on the Infinite Staircase.

So, I am gradually discovering the geography of portals to the planes.

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Re: 30 Portals or 617?

"glaucusrex" wrote:
So, I went into this URL:

...and found 30 portals including gatetowns, though some of the portals were numbered as high as 617!

So, where are the rest of the portals?

It's a writer's trick: add some high numbers, it makes it look like there's a master list somewhere "off screen." It gives the illusion of a world beyond the few sketches put in internetland.

But there really isn't.

Also you should remember that portals shift and change; they're not always constant. Portal #617 might be destroyed by vandals tomorrow, or the building it's in might merge with another for reasons known only to the Lady of Pain. Or it might lead somewhere else entirely.

Usually portals follow patterns whose shifts can be predicted, but accidents happen. The planes aren't entirely orderly.

The Dragon Magazine Annual #1 had an article on portals and keys in Sigil, though. Maybe later I'll sum up some of the info.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
List of Portals / Destinations / Keys / Etc.

Soon....soon, your wish shall be granted. Lissandra is working on it.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
List of Portals / Destinations / Keys / Etc.

*slips a little piece of paper reading: New Portal Form to Krypter*

aka - we can start taking info about gates and portals now. Eye-wink

glaucusrex's picture
Joined: 2004-12-02
Portals to the Planes Only?

Do you want only portals to the planes or would you want portals within prime material worlds? I have a listing of a few of these that I could share.



Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
List of Portals / Destinations / Keys / Etc.

If you could post it here or send it to me via private message, that would be great. I think we'd only be interested in inter-planar portals at this moment, from/to points in the inner, outer and transitive planes. Portals from places like Sigil to some prime world are fine.

There are far too many portals in places like Faerun, and we're mostly focused on Planescape, not other campaign worlds.



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