List of Dead Gods..

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Kay's picture
Joined: 2006-09-20
List of Dead Gods..

Yeah, I know, this is likely to have been asked at least a thousand times, but are there any lists of dead gods out there? I'm searching for a dead god of Death that isn't Myrkul. I may hardly succeed, but maybe..

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
List of Dead Gods..

You know - that would be really handy. I'll pass it around to some of the folks I know tend to keep lists and see if we can get you that information. A compilation of god-isles is basically what you're looking for.

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
List of Dead Gods..

On Hallowed Ground has a short list of dead gods in the end:

Amaunator --> Sun, Law, Rulership
Aoskar --> Portals
Bane --> Strife, Hatred, Tyrrany
Bhaal --> Murder, Violent death
The Dark God --> Darkness, Cold, Decay
Enki --> Rivers, Oceans
Ibrandul --> Underdark, Caverns
Kiputytto --> Disease
Leira --> Deception, Illusion
Moander --> Corruption, Decay
Myrkul --> The dead, Decay

Other than Myrkul, Bhaal could work but he's been overdone in the Baldur's Gate games. You could interpret Kiputytto as a minor death god as well. He was a Finnish god murdered by Talona because their portfolios were identical. There's a few more dead gods listed in (whoda thunk it Sticking out tongue ) Dead Gods, but depending on whether you've played that adventure they might not be dead yet

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
List of Dead Gods..

Not completely canon, but...

Alalu - Babylonian first king of the gods. Killed by Anu.
Alta Unath - goddess of the hunt, committed suicide
Amauntor - died of neglect; reborn as Lathander
Andurias - nobility and war
Aoskar - god of portals, killed by the Lady of Pain
Apaosha - Persian demon of drought
Apsu - First consort of Tiamat; killed by Ea.
Artha - Takhisis' daughter, slain by Takhisis
Astaroth - Abyssal lord killed by Gargauth
Azrai - dead god of evil
Badir - god of wind and rain, his worshippers slaughtered by Nolites
Baerathanon - God of Field and Farm, killed by his brother Melitorranon, lord of the frozen waste
Basaia - reason
Beherit - Lord of the Sixth killed by the Lord of the Ninth. AKA Lucifer.
Bhaal - killed by Cyric
Brenna - commerce and fortune
Bright Nydra - portfolio claimed by Selune
Bwimb - Baron of Ooze killed by Tenebrous; replaced by his daughter
Callori - forgotten reptilian lord
Camaxtli - Aztec god of fate. Killed by Tenebrous.
Consus - former consort of Ops (a roman earth goddess)
Coyolxauhqui - moon goddess decapitated by Huitzilopochtli
Dahaak - Persian dragon killed by Atar.
Dark God - a body in the Astral, dying, insensate, reborn at the end of all things. An aspect of Tharizdun.
Devourer - abominaton of the Far Shores, shattered into a thousand pieces by the Omarin
Dumuzi - killed by the dao, permanently this time, earning them the undying emnity of Inanna. His portfolio was taken by Adonis.
Enki - Sumerian god killed by Anshar and Nergal of the Babylonians
Eshowdow - Chultian god, subsumed by Shar
Galathak - god of darkness and destruction
Gilgeam - killed by Tiamat.
Gnomish sister gods - cause of death unknown
Gong-gong - Chinese monster god who tore hole in sky
Guroth - goblin mother goddess, died in childbirth
Hun Dun - primal Chinese chaos god killed by Hu and Shu
Ibrandul - killed and subsumed by Shar
Iyachtu Xvim - killed during the resurrection of Bane
Jazirian - killed by Merrshaulk; realm inherited by Tarmuid, First Speaker of the Illumians
Kalzareinad - Evil dragon god of magic, portfolio inherited by Kereska.
Karsus - Attempted to absorb the divinity of Mystryl, but could not handle it. Considered dead but still exists as a bleeding stone statue, red stone butte, and heart.
Khin - Hypothetical name for titanic god whose spine became a yugoloth tower
Kiga - forgotten goddess of wereleopards
Kingu - Son of Tiamat, slain by Marduk
Kiputtyo - Finnish goddess killed by Talona
Kukul - Maztican god of creation, slain by Zaltec
Leira - Killed and subsumed by Cyric
Maanzecorian - killed by Tenebrous
Malyk - dead goddess of wild magic and rebellion
Masela - the sea
Migal - Mentor of the Gods, left behind winged assassins
Moander - killed by Finder
Murdane - god of reason, killed in the Dawn Cataclysm
Myrkhul - survives (in some sense) as the Crown of Horns
Mystra I - Killed by Helm. Replaced by Mystra II
Mystryl - destroyed by Karsus
Ogetsu-no-hime - Japanese grain goddess killed by Susanoo
Old Nareau - Micronesian god of earthly creation, slain by Young Nareau
Omarin - god of the Moshi of the Far Shores, killed by the Devourer
One in the Void - 6-armed goddess upon which Tu'nar'ith is built; former patron of the gith forerunners? killed by Maanzecorian?
Othea - Wife of Annam, poisoned by overzealous son (the progenitor of titans).
Pangu - dead Chinese creator god
Phoenix - god of planewalking, killed by jealous rivals
Primus - killed by Tenebrous. Replaced by a secundus. Probably killed on previous occasions with same result.
Purusha - Pre-Hindu giant sacrificed to create the world
Quirinus - the deified Romulus, forgotten.
Raggara - winged crocodile-headed river goddess
Ranet - Suel goddess of fire, slain by Pyremius.
Ravana - killed by Rama, reincarnated
Ravnost - Orcish demigoddess of understanding, killed by Gruumsh
Re - killed by Gruumsh; portfolio claimed by Horus
Reynir - nature
Shajar - Raggara's hippo-headed mate
Siamorphe - There are many dead gods and goddesses named Siamorphe.
Siemath - killed by assassins of Migal
Sons of Maglubiyet - Two intermediate deities, killed by Maglubiyet
Sscharstrune - naga god of evil, killed by Shekinester
Ss'thansine'ss - serpent deity killed by Talona
Stratis - lost brother of Hextor and Heironeous, apparently killed by mortals
Takhisis - stripped of her divinity and killed by a mortal
Tchazzar - Untheric demigod of war, slain by Tiamat. Resurrected by Tiamat; currently her proxy.
Thereen - mistress of twilight
Theyasmalan - fey goddess
Tiamat - primal goddess killed by Marduk; her name was taken by a child of Io
Tomeri - goddess of love and wisdom killed by Tenebrous
Tyche - broken into two halves (left no corpse)
Uranus - killed by Cronus, corpse buried in Carceri
Varae - destroyed by Merrshaulk
Vorel - First child of Io, killed by Tiamat in an attempt to frame Bahamut.
Vorynn - magic and arcane secrets
Xolotl - slain by Quetzalcoatl
Yam - Ugaritic/Canaanite chaos god killed by Baal.
Yannal - Mistress of Morning
Ymir - killed by Odin, Vili, and Ve
Zandilar the Dancer - Yuir elven god, absorbed by Sharess

Mescalito's picture
Joined: 2006-10-16
List of Dead Gods..

good god hope that wasn't from memory.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
List of Dead Gods..

This is what I gathered from that:

There is an indefinite number of semimechanical Primus corpses littering the astral. That bastard's hard to kill for good.

The idea of a goblin mother goddess dying during childbirth and thereby proving that goblins are a sad sad race makes me giggle uncontrolably and far more than necessary.

Tyche's dead.. in two halves? As in the Greek Tyche? When did that happen!?

There should definately be a division between the histories of 'real life' deities such as the Egyption pantheon, and the Faerunean ones that have similar names and portfolios but drastically different histories.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
List of Dead Gods..

'Iavas' wrote:
There should definately be a division between the histories of 'real life' deities such as the Egyption pantheon, and the Faerunean ones that have similar names and portfolios but drastically different histories.

In most cases, I'd agree but not for this one... there is no distinction for a reason. The Faerunian 'Egyptian' pantheon is the real one. They're noted in FR as 'outsiders from another Prime' - so for FR, they're actually the real deal.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
List of Dead Gods..

'Iavas' wrote:
Tyche's dead.. in two halves? As in the Greek Tyche? When did that happen!?

It happened during (or just before) the Dawn Cataclysm; Tyche was infected with evil by the god Moander (disguised as a flower) and she was split in half in order to prevent her from becoming entirely evil. She's currently two goddesses: Tymora (who lives in Arborea) and her evil twin Beshaba (who lives in the Abyss).

On Hallowed Ground notes this is true in Planescape as well. Hermes is currently searching the planes for Tyche, who has been missing for some time, unaware of the events of the preceding paragraph.

This was best dramatized in the novel Tymora's Luck, which took place in part in Sigil (and even had a cameo by Factol Erin Darkflame Montgomery and the Sensates).

The bit about the goblin mother goddess is something I got from a fansite, and isn't canon.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
List of Dead Gods..

Found another one: Kecuala, the original mate of the lizardfolk deity Semuyana, who split in half due to terminal overthinking (resulting in the modern lizardfolk race, with its two distinct genders). Besides being a good parable for the Transcendent League, Kecuala should count as a dead god. Kecuala was detailed in Dragon #335.

I also found one in Aztec myth: The Well-Beloved.

The Well-Beloved, aztec god-child who died shortly after birth (son of the goddess Precious Flower and a mortal prince). From his hair grew cotton; from his ears, seed-bearing plants; from his nostrils, an herb which is good for cooling fevers; from his fingers, the sweet potato; from his fingernails, maize; and so on until he had produced a thousand varieties of fruit and grain.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
List of Dead Gods..

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
...who split in half due to terminal overthinking. ... From his hair grew cotton; from his ears, seed-bearing plants; from his nostrils, an herb which is good for cooling fevers; from his fingers, the sweet potato; from his fingernails, maize; and so on until he had produced a thousand varieties of fruit and grain.

I'm loving these deific stories. Matron deity dying during childbirth, dieties splitting in half because they thought too hard. I find it all hilarious. Does that mean I'm going to hell when I die? Oh well. And don't get me started on the Norse "rooster of ragnarok". And you know by the end of that Aztec myth, they were going... "Okay, Steve, I'm running out of body parts here. Where should we say the apple tree came from? His uvula? What the hell is that?"

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
List of Dead Gods..

I guess we know why no apple trees grew in the Valley of Mexico. Smiling I think it's funny that Tenebrous killed all these gods, but they were all either ones nobody had heard of, or didn't stay dead anyway. I wish he'd caused more Divine carnage personally. I mean, if half of the elven pantheon disappeared one night, who would even notice? Besides the elves, obviously.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
List of Dead Gods..

'Duckluck' wrote:
I wish he'd caused more Divine carnage personally.

Me too, but I see why that didn't happen. Rather than mess up peoples' campaigns by declaring that a bunch of major, important deities are dead in all future sourcebooks, they leave it to your own campaign if you want to add others. In at least one person's campaign, Tenebrous killed off the entire Norse pantheon.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
List of Dead Gods..

That's a good point. Kind've like how the Fiendish Codex give the Abyssal lords the abosulute weakest stats possible so that DM's will have a base-line to build upon. It still strkes me as hilarious that Orcus, who killed gods in a past incarnation and is worshiped semi-openly on numerous Primes, is now a lower CR than a Solar.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
List of Dead Gods..

That and that whole 'We *meant* those to be avatar stats, not their *actual* stats' thing. Eye-wink Silly book editors.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
List of Dead Gods..

I'm not a big fan of "epic" combat, so maybe it's just me, but I really don't think that Abyssal lords or their equivalents are meant to be fought. They didn't get to where they are by being weak or stupid. And considering they are where they are, they will have anywhere from a small village to a continent of loyal followers at their command. In other words, even if you're a lvl 30 uber pwning ninja wizard of death (aka Elminster), you still shouldn't have a beach ball's chance in Gehenna to directly challenge one of the high ups. So, much like our dear Lady of Pain, the stats for Orcus and friends shouldn't matter to anybody but a clueless sod packing for an expedition (and perhaps the people trying to figure out whether he'll need a box or an urn).

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
List of Dead Gods..

Pretty much, yeah. I think Epic combat has its place. At the end of a campaign. But that doesn't mean the characters have to survive. Smiling Plus, it seems only fair that if a player has had to deal with Orcus' minion for the last twenty levels, they should at least be able to fight an Aspect.

Wait, weren't we talking about dead gods?

Vaevictis Asmadi's picture
Joined: 2006-05-31
List of Dead Gods..

The Faerunian Pantheon entry in the Encyclopedia lists some more dead gods:

* Gilgeam: Battle, Prowess, Strength, Unther
* Karsus: Magic, Hubris
* Ramman: Duty, Order, Vigilance, War
* Tchazzar: Chessenta.
* Iyachtu Xvim: Tyranny, Hatred

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
It happened during (or just before) the Dawn Cataclysm; Tyche was infected with evil by the god Moander (disguised as a flower) and she was split in half in order to prevent her from becoming entirely evil. She's currently two goddesses: Tymora (who lives in Arborea) and her evil twin Beshaba (who lives in the Abyss).

On Hallowed Ground notes this is true in Planescape as well. Hermes is currently searching the planes for Tyche, who has been missing for some time, unaware of the events of the preceding paragraph.

Really? That's pretty funny since Tymora is right there in Arborea. She just can't be bothered to tell Zeus what happened, huh?

Does anybody know where to find a list of the locations of all the known canon divine realms, and maybe the realms' names? Some of the Encyclopedia entries for powers mention where the divine realm is located, but a lot of them don't. The downloadable gods list is really nice but it does not have mention of divine realms in it.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
List of Dead Gods..

The Forgotten Realms Deities article on Wikipedia gives us the following list of dead gods (not counting the Untheric pantheon, who are all still alive in Planescape):
* Amaunator (also called At'ar[5]): Former god of bureaucracy, law, order, the sun. Faded from lack of worship.[9]
* Auppenser: Former god of enlightenment, psionics, serenity. Faded from lack of worship.[9]
* Bhaal: Former god of assassination, murder, violence. Slain by Cyric and Mask.[9]
* Eshowdow: Former god of Chult. Slain by Shar.[5]
* Ibrandul: Former god of Caverns, dungeons, skulks. Slain by Shar.[9]
* Iyachtu Xvim: Former god of tyranny, hatred, fear. Destroyed by Bane during his return.
* Jazirian: Former god of couatls. Slain by Merrshaulk.[8]
* Kalzareinad: Former god of the uncaring, evil, or selfish application of dragon magic. Slain by Kareska.[15]
* Karsus: Former god of magic, hubris. Died following the sacrifice of Mystryl.
* Kiputytto: Former goddess of sickness. Slain by Talona.[24]
* Kukul: Former Maztican god of creation[11]
* Leira: Former goddess of deception, illusion. Slain by Cyric and Mask.[9]
* Moander: Former god of decay, corruption, rot. Slain by Finder Wyvernspur.[9].
* Murdane: Former goddess of reason, pragmatism. Slain during the Dawn Cataclysm.
* Myrkul: Former god of corruption, the dead, death, old age. Slain by Mystra.[9]
* Mystryl: Former goddess of magic, spells, and the Weave. Sacrificed herself to repair the damage caused by Karsus's ascension.
* Othea: Former goddess of giants, motherhood. Slain by Lanaxis, one of her children.
* Ra: Former Mulhorandi god of the sun. Slain by Gruumsh.[9]
* The Seven Lost Gods, all of whom "bowed down before Bane"[25][26] , including:
o Camnod the Unseen
o Borem of the Lake of Boiling Mud: Former god of anger
o Haask, the Voice of Hargut
o Maram of the Great Spear
o Tyranthraxus the Flamed One[27]
* Tyche: Former goddess of luck. Split into Beshaba and Tymora.
* Valigan Thirdborn: Former god of anarchy. Slain by Tyr.
* World Serpent: Former god of scalykind. Fragmented into the deities of the lizarfolk, naga, and yuan-ti.[8]

I'm not certain that the Seven Lost Gods are actually dead, and Auppenser isn't all the way dead (he's only mostly dead).

'Vaevictis Asmadi' wrote:
Really? That's pretty funny since Tymora is right there in Arborea. She just can't be bothered to tell Zeus what happened, huh?

I think she's afraid that if they find out, they'll try to put her back together. This is something she wants to avoid at all costs (Lathander actually captures her and tries to force her back together in the novel Tymora's Luck - she didn't take it well). Zeus isn't known for being understanding.

Does anybody know where to find a list of the locations of all the known canon divine realms, and maybe the realms' names? Some of the Encyclopedia entries for powers mention where the divine realm is located, but a lot of them don't. The downloadable gods list is really nice but it does not have mention of divine realms in it.

Take a look at the Cosmological Tables at A Tiefling's Exultation for all the realms that were named in Planescape. There are some others in Warriors of Heaven, but a lot of them are badly chosen or outright contradict Planescape descriptions of various realms, towns, or sites.

A lot of gods, those that were too obscure to be mentioned in Planescape or that were invented after Planescape, simply don't have canonical realms. The Aztec and North American Indian pantheons don't dwell in the Outer Planes; the former live on the Material Plane, while the latter live in "the Upper and Lower Worlds," which are defined as "demiplanes connected to the Beastlands," whatever that means. The Nehwon and Melnibonean pantheons don't live in the Outer Planes either.

I tried to name a god's realm in all the entries that I wrote, but those other people wrote are sometimes briefer. Perhaps I should go back and add that material when possible.

If you have a specific question about where a god lives, start a thread about it and we'll answer the best we can.

Vaevictis Asmadi's picture
Joined: 2006-05-31
List of Dead Gods..

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
* Ra: Former Mulhorandi god of the sun. Slain by Gruumsh.

RA is dead? Ra the ruler of the Egyptian pantheon? Whatever happened to "lets not mangle a bunch of ongoing campaigns"?

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
I think she's afraid that if they find out, they'll try to put her back together. This is something she wants to avoid at all costs (Lathander actually captures her and tries to force her back together in the novel Tymora's Luck - she didn't take it well). Zeus isn't known for being understanding.

OH man, good point. Although why anybody with an intelligence above 7 would even want to try I don't understand. But I can see Zeus getting the idea in his head.

Take a look at the Cosmological Tables at A Tiefling's Exultation for all the realms that were named in Planescape. There are some others in Warriors of Heaven, but a lot of them are badly chosen or outright contradict Planescape descriptions of various realms, towns, or sites.

Oh, excellent, that's just what I was looking for! Thank you!

I think it sounds like the "Native American Pantheon" (which should probably be a lot of separate pantheons, seriously) just has realms in the Beastlands that some clueless prime mistook for "Upper Planar Demi-Planes".

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
List of Dead Gods..

'Vaevictis Asmadi' wrote:
RA is dead? Ra the ruler of the Egyptian pantheon? Whatever happened to "lets not mangle a bunch of ongoing campaigns"?

That's open to dispute. His aspect in the Forgotten Realms was killed and banished by Gruumsh. He was very much alive in Planescape, but in 3rd edition he's replaced by his great-grandson Horus, as he has been in the Forgotten Realms.

You could conclude from that, as I have, that Gruumsh killed off his "real" self in the Outer Planes as well, or you could just ignore the 3rd edition take and assume he's still alive.

Note that Ramman was still alive in Planescape, too.

I think it sounds like the "Native American Pantheon" (which should probably be a lot of separate pantheons, seriously) just has realms in the Beastlands that some clueless prime mistook for "Upper Planar Demi-Planes".

Could be. The Planescape Campaign Setting boxed set took Legends & Lore literally and listed them as demiplanes. 1st edition scattered them throughout the planes instead, mostly putting them in the Elemental Plane of Air or the Material Plane.

They never actually appeared in any Planescape accessories or adventures, other than the list of gods in the boxed set. On Hallowed Ground didn't mention them at all. For these reasons, but mostly because how they fit into the multiverse is so confusing, I didn't make any articles on them in the Encyclopedia.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
List of Dead Gods..

I forgot about these webpages, which are very useful lists of gods:

Sometimes they contain guesses which aren't completely canon, mind you, but they're certainly good enough.

Vaevictis Asmadi's picture
Joined: 2006-05-31
List of Dead Gods..

But everything in The Cosmological Tables is from Planescape products, right?

Because it looks like, right now, it lists for example some Abyssal Layers (Hollowshell, Awash, Tutiolth) that are listed on Mimir as fan-made. Also the planes Sheol, Nether, Pangea, and so forth are fan-made, I know that.

Is there any way to consistently distinguish the canon material from what is fan-made? That's really what I'm looking for.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
List of Dead Gods..

'Vaevictis Asmadi' wrote:
But everything in The Cosmological Tables is from Planescape products, right?

No, some of it's fan-made. Usually fan-made stuff is identified with a link to its Web source (it'll be hyperlinked, and go to the Mimir or another part of A Tiefling's Exultation).

Vaevictis Asmadi's picture
Joined: 2006-05-31
List of Dead Gods..

OK, cool, just as long as I can tell what's what. I've got it figured out now. Thanks again. Smiling

I do have a question or two, though. The Cosmological Tables list Ro Stau (Seker's realm) in both Amoria and Thalasya.

And the Cosmological Tables list Pelor's realm in Amoria, but the information in the Encyclopedia here puts him in Thalasya.

The Table puts Panzuriel in Pluton, but the Encyclopedia puts his realm in Niflheim.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
List of Dead Gods..

'Vaevictis Asmadi' wrote:
I do have a question or two, though. The Cosmological Tables list Ro Stau (Seker's realm) in both Amoria and Thalasya.

His realm moves between the two layers, wavering back and forth as he desires. In Amoria, his realm is a marble palace in a desert, while in Thalasia, it becomes a pleasure house along the banks of a thundering river.

And the Cosmological Tables list Pelor's realm in Amoria, but the information in the Encyclopedia here puts him in Thalasya.

This is a recent change. Pelor's realm used to be in Amoria, but he moved it to Thalasia between 2nd and 3rd edition.

The Table puts Panzuriel in Pluton, but the Encyclopedia puts his realm in Niflheim.

It should be Niflheim, according to On Hallowed Ground.

Vaevictis Asmadi's picture
Joined: 2006-05-31
List of Dead Gods..

Thank you for your continued help, Ripvanwormer. I really appreciate it. I don't know whether all these questions are annoying or not but I'm glad to be getting help.

The Table raised a few more questions in my mind:

It lists a realm, Prosperity, in Amoria but doesn't say whose realm it is. I'm wondering if you know?

Nature's Rest is given as Erik's realm, but the Encyclopedia assigns it to Geshtai.

There's also a few realms that are given a different name in the Encyclopedia and in the Cosmological Table, I'm hoping you can clear up:
Istus: Loom of Fate vs. Web of Fate
Shinare: House of Wealth vs. Scales of Wealth
Cyric: Shattered Castle vs. Supreme Throne

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
List of Dead Gods..

This is a really useful list, by the way. Can we get this as an article in progress at some point, so it doesn't get lost in the forum. So it's just one big uninterrupted list accessable from one of the little menu thingies on the left of the main page?

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
List of Dead Gods..

'Vaevictis Asmadi' wrote:
It lists a realm, Prosperity, in Amoria but doesn't say whose realm it is. I'm wondering if you know?

Principality, you mean. There's an adventure called The Deva Spark which takes place mostly in that realm, if you want to know more about it. It has petitioners and proxies living there, but no god claims it openly; some people think the god may be missing or hiding, or that it's the realm of the guardinal prince Talisid. Warriors of Heaven placed a couple of gods in various parts of it (the Mystaran gods Rafiel and Ixion, for example), but that makes little sense if you compare the gods in question with the locales The Deva Spark describes (for example, Ixion supposedly lives in a realm called the Nest of the Phoenix which, if you read the adventure, is just an ordinary nest made of sticks and so forth and you'd think it would have been worth mentioning if there was a god hiding in it). Planes of Conflict went to great lengths to say that the power behind Principality was a mystery.

Prosperity is Inari's realm in Bytopia.

Nature's Rest is given as Erik's realm, but the Encyclopedia assigns it to Geshtai.

That's Warriors of Heaven again, which crammed a number of lesser known deities into existing realms. The assumption is that Erik and Geshtai share the realm.

I would have rather that the author had given Geshtai her own realm, but the official line is that she lives with Erik.

Istus: Loom of Fate vs. Web of Fate

It should be the Web of Fate.

Shinare: House of Wealth vs. Scales of Wealth

The Scales of Wealth.

Cyric: Shattered Castle vs. Supreme Throne

When Cyric went mad, he called his new realm in Pandemonium the Supreme Throne because he believed himself to be the supreme power of the multiverse. In reality, it was a ruined, shattered castle. So everyone else called it the Shattered Castle, but Cyric and his followers called it the Supreme Throne.

Eventually Cyric became sane again, and now everyone calls it the Supreme Throne and pretends he wasn't delusional when he named it that.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
List of Dead Gods..

'Iavas' wrote:
This is a really useful list, by the way. Can we get this as an article in progress at some point, so it doesn't get lost in the forum. So it's just one big uninterrupted list accessable from one of the little menu thingies on the left of the main page?

I don't see why not. If I were going to make it a formal article, I'd trim out the unofficial entries. Some of the gods above are from the d20 sourcebook Requiem For a God (by Monte Cook), and some of them are from actual mythology, and some of them are fan-created. I made the list for myself, and wasn't really concerned about what was official and what wasn't. I'd have to add attributions.

Vaevictis Asmadi's picture
Joined: 2006-05-31
List of Dead Gods..

The ones I've gathered from the Encyclopedia and this thread are Anduiras, Aoskar, Azrai, Basaïa, Bhaal, Brenna, Camaxtli, The Dark God, Enki, Gilgeam, Ibrandul, Iyachtu Xvim, Kalzareinad, Karsus the Archwizard, Kecuala, Kiputyttö, Kukul, Leira, Maanzecorian, Masela, Maztica, Moander, Myrkul, Mystryl, One in the Void, Othea, a Primus, Ramman, Ranet, Reynir, Ssharstrune, Sss’thasine’ss, Stratis, Vorel, Vorynn.
But not including those like Tyche who didn't leave a corpse, or Amauntor who some say isn't dead.
Bane came back to life, so I don't think he really counts anymore.

Auppenser and Ulutiu were mentioned in the Encyclopedia as sleeping but not dead yet.

I'm not confident that Wikipedia can be trusted to be fully accurate or canon, but it is still a useful list. Also those three lists that Ripvanwormer listed, although they include totally non-DnD sources like Warcraft (Azeroth) and Exalted. But useful nonetheless.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
List of Dead Gods..

I found another one:

Ka’jik’zxi, the neogi god of creation. I made an article on him in the Encyclopedia.

Alder_Fiter_Galaz's picture
Joined: 2007-03-07
List of Dead Gods..

Iyachtu Xvim, i think he do not count, why?
As I read somewhere, Bane use Xvim as a decoil to pretend to be dead so Ixim is no real god, only an aspect of Bane.
In fact Bane returns by ripping Xvim from the inside out.

Ordbyrht's picture
Joined: 2005-10-13
List of Dead Gods..

'Alder_Fiter_Galaz' wrote:
Iyachtu Xvim, i think he do not count, why?
Iyachtu Xvim is actually the half-demonic son of Bane, not an aspect. Xvim gained part of Bane's portfolio (making him a lesser deity) when it was split between himself and Cyric, after Bane's death at the hands of Torm.

Xvim was killed on Midwinter night, when Bane suddenly burst from his body. I don't remember if it was ever explained how Bane resurrected himself, I always assumed he had hidden a small portion of himself inside his son, for just such an occasion.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
List of Dead Gods..

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
* Mystryl: Former goddess of magic, spells, and the Weave. Sacrificed herself to repair the damage caused by Karsus's ascension.
Actually Mystryl resurrected herself as Mystra, so technically she didn't die (for good) there. However, she did die for good during the Time of Troubles and was replaced by a mortal caster named Midnight who then changed her name to Mystra.


ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
List of Dead Gods..

I'm not sure that Mystryl and Mystra count as the same deity. Some of Mystryl's power fell into a human host, who became Mystra. Mystra had a different alignment (LN instead of CN), home plane, and personality. I would argue that Mystryl would still have left a corpse on the Astral Plane, though admittedly I can't prove it.

However, I don't think there's a substantial difference between the way Mystra I was deified and the way that Midnight was deified. Both were originally mortal women who became deities because they were infused with some of the previous goddess of magic's power.

Alder_Fiter_Galaz's picture
Joined: 2007-03-07
List of Dead Gods..

The explanation is simple

Xvim are not the true son of Bane. Bane pretends that.

Bane create an avatar of him, and pass him at his son. Bane considers that he possible be destroyed in the time of troubles.

When Bane returns, Xvim is destroyed.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
List of Dead Gods..

The relevant quote from the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting is this:

"The highest members of the church speculate that the creation of Xvim had always been part of Bane's plan to thwart his own death. Xvim thought himself an independent being but was actually nothing more than a seed of Bane's power, which finally ripened so that the Black Hand could return." [Page 265]

Faiths and Pantheons said this:

"Bane's church fragmented, with most of the faithful defecting to the clergies of Cyric, who inherited Bane's portfolios, and Iyachtu Xvim, the progeny of Bane's coupling with a powerful demon. Agents of weal and freedom breathed easier in those days, knowing that Toril was rid of perhaps its greatest menace. Those who let down their guard, however, did so rashly, and far too soon. On Midwinter night of 1372 DR, Xvim burst in a conflagration of diabolical green light. From the smoking husk of his remains emerged a newly reinvigorated Bane, his right hand ablaze with green fire. Xvim, it appeared, had been little more than a sentient cocoon, a shell in which grew a festering larva that would, in time, become Bane." [Page 15]

One possible conclusion we might draw from these quotes is that Xvim was really an "avatar" of Bane. However, the problem with that interpretation is that Xvim was a lesser deity, with an independent personality, and Bane's true form grew inside him.

My own interpretation is that Iyachtu Xvim really was the son of Bane and a tanar'ri, but he had been engineered by his father to serve as nothing more than a vessel in which to hold his power if it became necessary. Iyachtu Xvim managed to become a lesser deity in his own right, and perhaps this was what triggered the larva inside him to hatch. I think it was this thing growing inside him that was Bane's avatar, feeding off the increasing divinity of his son. Iyachtu Xvim was the shell that held it. Exactly how he was created, whether through sexual reproduction with a tanar'ri or some other means, is fairly inconsequential.

Ares's picture
Joined: 2004-06-21
List of Dead Gods..

Amazing stuff guys. While we're on the subject, anybody know where the Dragonlance gods lived back in the TSR days? I've always hated the idea of a pantheon being in just one plane of their own design.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
List of Dead Gods..

They should all be listed under the individual god entries in the Krynnish Pantheon entry.

Or just check the cosmological tables.

Ares's picture
Joined: 2004-06-21
List of Dead Gods..

Oh, so it had it's own entry in the encyclopedia...heh, heh....sorry. :oops:

But still, amazing work!

mos_anted's picture
Joined: 2009-11-16
Re: List of Dead Gods..

ripvanwormer wrote:
I forgot about these webpages, which are very useful lists of gods:

Sometimes they contain guesses which aren't completely canon, mind you, but they're certainly good enough.

Sorry to bump, but can someone please repost these files? I'm very interested in them, and the links are dead.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: List of Dead Gods..

Ablach-Re (2) (Badna, Uyness), LE dragon queen of Raam, destruction of orcs.
Prime Material Plane/Athasspace/Athas (The Tablelands)
Andropinis (3) (Albeorn), LE dragon king of Balic, destruction of elves.
Prime Material Plane/Athasspace/Athas (The Tablelands)
Atzetuk, LE dragon king of Draj.
Prime Material Plane/Athasspace/Athas (The Tablelands)
Borys (4) (The Dragon), LE dragon king of Ur Draxa, destruction of dwarves.
Prime Material Plane/Athasspace/Athas (The Tablelands)
Daskinor, LE dragon king of Eldaarich, destruction of goblins.
Prime Material Plane/Athasspace/Athas (The Tablelands)
Dregoth (5) (Guistenal), LE dragon king of Guistenal, the dray, destruction of giants.
Prime Material Plane/Athasspace/Athas (The Tablelands)
Hamanu (Manu), LE dragon king of Urik, destruction of trolls.
Prime Material Plane/Athasspace/Athas (The Tablelands)
Kalak (6), LE dragon king of Tyr, destruction of ogres.
Prime Material Plane/Athasspace/Athas (The Tablelands)
Kalid-Ma (7), LE dragon king of Kalidnay, destruction of tari.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/Ravenloft (Kalidnay).
Lalali-Puy, LE dragon queen of Gulg, destruction of aarakocra.
Prime Material Plane/Athasspace/Athas (The Tablelands)
Nibenay (Gallard), LE dragon king of Nibenay, destruction of gnomes.
Prime Material Plane/Athasspace/Athas (The Tablelands)
Oronis (Cool (Keltis), LG avangion of Kurn, destruction of lizardfolk.
Prime Material Plane/Athasspace/Athas (The Tablelands)
Seilba (9), LE dragon queen of Yaramuke, destruction of pterrans.
Prime Material Plane/Athasspace/Athas (The Tablelands)
Tectukitilay (10), LE dragon king of Draj, destruction of wemics.
Prime Material Plane/Athasspace/Athas (The Tablelands)

(1) The dragon kings (also known as sorcerer kings) of Athas are
near-divine beings who have ascended to immortality, disciples of
the human wizard Rajaat. They have the ability to grant spells to
their servants, divine spellcasters known as templars. Each rules
one city-state. The dragon kings are primarily responsible for the
dearth of civilized races on Athas, since in ancient times they
took it upon themselves to slay all of the world's nonhumans; to
date, only Andropinis, Borys, Dregoth, Lalali-Pui, Oronis, and
Seilba have not been completely successful. Two of Rajaat's
champions, Sacha and Wyan, succeeded in destroying all of Athas's
kobolds and pixies respectively, but never became a dragon king.
The world of Athas itself has an unusual connection to the rest of
the multiverse. Cut off from the rest of the Prime Material Plane
in ancient times, its crystal sphere is impenetrable, and planar
travel is very difficult. The entire crystal sphere of Athasspace
is coterminous with two extremely large demiplanes: the Grey, through
which one must pass to reach the Astral or the Deep Ethereal, and
the Black, which impedes travel to the Plane of Shadow. Instead of
the Outer Planes, the spirits of deceased Athasians wander in the
Black. While travel to the Elemental Planes is not impeded in any
way, access to the Paraelemental Planes is; instead, Athas is
connected to four demiplanes of unknown origin: the Demiplanes of
Magma (fire and earth; not the same place as the Paraelemental
Plane of Magma, but with similar denizens), Silt (earth and water,
replacing ooze), Rain (water and air, replacing ice), and Sun
(air and fire, replacing Smoke). Each has its own paraelemental
(2) Killed by the mortal Sadira.
(3) Imprisoned in the Black by the sorcerer Rajaat, but found his way
back to Athas with an army of maenads in tow.
(4) The most powerful of the dragon kings. Killed by the mortal Rikus.
(5) Became undead after being killed by the forces of the other dragon
kings, led by Ablach-Re.
(6) Killed by the mortals Rikus, Sadira, Neeva, Agis, and Tithian.
(7) Attempted a magical ritual of such great evil that he and the
entire population of Kalidnay were drawn into the Demiplane of
Dread, Ravenloft, where a mirror-image realm of the original
city-state was formed; only blasted ruins remain of the true
Kalidnay on Athas. Kalid-Ma himself has been in a magical coma
since the event that brought Kalidnay to Ravenloft. His ritual was
successful, so that he is now the most powerful of the dragon kings
(now that Borys is dead), but he cannot yet take any action. One
of his templars, Thakok-An (who sacrificed her own family in
Kalid-Ma's ritual) is the actual Darklord of Kalidnay, though that
may change should Kalid-Ma ever awaken.
(Cool Originally one of Rajaat's evil disciples, the lizardfolk Keltis
had an attack of conscience about slaying his kinfolk and denounced
the way of the dragon kings, becoming instead an avangion. Wheras
dragon kings are ascended defilers (wizards who defile vegetation
to fuel their spells) avangions are ascended preservers (wizards
who learn to balance their magic with the ecosystem).
(9) Killed by Hamanu.
(10) Killed by Rajaat and replaced by Atzetuk.

Alexst, demigoddess of red dragons and life.
Prime Material Plane/Azerothspace/Azeroth (Stromwind)
Archimonde (1), NE demigod of demonic military, defilation, conquest and destruction.
Abyss/unknown/Twisting Nether
Avianna, LG demigoddess of ravens, druids.
Region of Dreams/The Emerald Dream
Cenarius (2), NG demigod of night elves, forests, and nature.
Prime Material Plane/Azerothspace/Azeroth or)
Deathwing (3), CE demigod of evil dragons, chaos, and destruction.
Prime Material Plane/Azerothspace/Azeroth (Stromwind)
Elune, LG intermediate goddess of night elves, moon.
Region of Dreams/The Emerald Dream
Kil'jaeden, LE demigod of demonic politics, lies and control.
Abyss/unknown/Twisting Nether
Malygos, LN demigod of blue dragons and magic.
Prime Material Plane/Azerothspace/Azeroth (Northrend)
Mannoroth (2), CE demigod of chaos, orcs and destruction.
Abyss/unknown/Twisting Nether
Neltharion (4), LG demigod of earth and black dragons.
Prime Material Plane/Azerothspace/Azeroth (Stromwind)
Nozdormu (5), LN demigod of bronze dragons and timelessness.
The Sands of Time
Sargeras (6), CE greater god of demons.
Abyss/unknown/Twisting Nether
Titan Overlord* (7), LG overgod of creation, ancient titans.
Prime Material Plane/Azerothspace/Wildspace (The Great Dark Beyond)
Ursal, LG demigod of druids, bears.
Region of Dreams/The Emerald Dream
Ursin, LG demigod of druids, bears.
Region of Dreams/The Emerald Dream
Ysera, NG demigod of green dragons and dreams.
Region of Dreams/The Emerald Dream

(1) Slain at the Battle of Mount Hyjal.
(2) Killed by Grom Hellscream.
(3) All dragons on Azeroth are naturally good aligned; any that are
evil were corrupted by Deathwing.
(4) Neltharion became Deathwing.
(5) Nozdormu dwells in the Sands of Time, a demiplane connected to the
Prime Material Plane.
(6) Killed by Aegwynn.
(7) Although his name is unknown, it is known that the titans that
created Azeroth had some kind of god.

Avani (2) (Avanalae, Lana, Vani), LN greater goddess of sun, reason, magic.
Mechanus/The Gleaming Spire
Azrai (3), NE greater god of battle, fueds, war, winter, monsters.
The Cold Rider (4), NE demigod of undead, shadows, deceit.
The Shadow World/unknown
Cuiraecen (Khirdai, Kirche, Kirken), CG lesser god of battle, storms.
Ysgard/Ysgard/Cuiraecen's Feasthall
Belinik (5) (Alenecht), CE intermediate god of battle, fueds, war.
Pandemonium/Cocytus/The Striving
Eloele (Ela, Elyal), CN lesser goddess of night, darkness, thieves.
Pandemonium/Pandesmos/The Endless Maze
Erik (6) (Aeric, Iraikhan), N greater god of forests, hunting.
Outlands/Nature's Rest
Haelyn (7) (Halaiia, Holn), LG greater god of war, leadership.
Heaven/Mercuria/Honor's Glory
Kreisha (5) (Karesha, Kriestal), LE lesser goddess of winter, monsters.
Hell/Stygia/The Steadfast Chill
Laerme (Ayairda, Lara, Leira), CG lesser goddess of fire, beauty, art.
Nesirie (Cool (Narikja, Nasri, Neira), NG intermediate goddess of seas, grief.
Elysium/Thalasia/The Waves of Grief
Ruornil (9) (Lirorn, Lirovka, Rilni), N lesser god of night, moon, magic.
Outlands/The Silver Lands
Sera (10) (Sarimie, Sarma), N intermediate goddess of wealth, luck.
Outlands/The Marketplace Eternal
Yeenoghu (Ranivorous), CE archfiend of gnolls, ghouls, cannibalism, savagery.
Abyss/422/The Seeping Wode

(1) All of the old human gods of Cerilia (the largest continent of
Aebrynis) perished at the Battle of Mount Deismaar and passed on
their divine power to their mortal champions. The old gods, noted
below, are not listed above because their alignments, portfolios,
and realms are identical to their successors.
(2) Inherited her divinity from Basaia.
(3) Azrai's divinity was passed on to Belinik and Kreisha at Deismaar
Some believe that he survived as a demigod in the demiplane known as
the Shadow World as the Cold Rider.
(4) Possibly an incarnation of Azrai. Others have suggested that the
Cold Rider is merely a very powerful awnsheigh. The Shadow World is
a demiplane coterminous to the Prime Material Plane, the Border
Ethereal Plane, and the Realm of Faerie.
(4) Inherited their divinity from Azrai.
(5) Inherited his divinity from Reynir.
(6) Inherited his divinty from Anduiras.
(7) Inherited her divinity from Masela.
(Cool Inherited his divinity from Vorynn.
(9) Inherited her divinity from Brenna.

Hypnatia*, LN greater goddess of dreams, sleep.
Region of Dreams/The Divine Dream
Phantasia, CG lesser goddess of ideas, invention, imagination.
Region of Dreams/The Divine Dream
Phobetor, CE lesser god of nightmares, insomnia, guilt.
Region of Dreams/The Divine Dream

Arawai (2), NG goddess of fertility, plant life, abundance.
Realm unknown.
Aureon (2), LN god of lore, magic.
Realm unknown.
Balinor (2), N god of hunting, animal life.
Realm unknown.
Boldrei (2), LG goddess of community, hearth.
Realm unknown.
The Devourer (3), NE god of storms, destructive nature, deep water.
Realm unknown.
Dol Arrah (2), LG goddess of honorable combat, self-sacrifice, sunlight.
Realm unknown.
Dol Dorn (2), CG god of war, strength in arms.
Realm unknown.
The Dragon Below, NE god of dragons, madness.
Realm unknown.
The Fury (3), NE goddess of passion driven to madness.
Realm unknown.
The Keeper (3), NE god of death, decay.
Realm unknown.
Kol Karran (2), N god of merchants, traders, thieves, wealth.
Realm unknown.
The Mockery (3), NE god of treachery.
Realm unknown.
Olladra (2), NG goddess of good fortune, plenty.
Realm unknown.
Onatar (2), NG god of crafts, industry, fire.
Realm unknown.
The Shadow (3), CE god of black magic, corruption of nature.
Realm unknown.
The Traveller (3), CN god of cunning, deception.
Realm unknown.

(1) In addition to the deities listed above, religions exist on Eberron
devoted to two abstract forces, the LG Silver Flame and the LN il-
Yannah, as well as to non-divine entities such as the LE lich Vol
and the NG deathless known as the Undying Court.
(2) Member of the Sovereign Host.
(3) Member of the Dark Six.

Ayailla, NG demigoddess of light, celestial radiance, good flying creatures.
Chaav, CG demigod of joy, pleasure, delight.
Estanna, NG demigoddess of hearth, home, family.
Lastai, CG demigoddess of pleasure, love, and passion.
Phieran (1), LG demigod of suffering, endurance, perserverance.
Valarian, NG demigod of forests and good magical beasts.

(1) Phieran is possibly an aspect of Ilmater of the Faerunian pantheon.

Aluvan, NG lesser god of death, guarding and protecting souls, ghosts.
The True Afterlife
Chaniud, LN intermediate goddess of laws, order, structure.
The True Afterlife
Dracanish, LN lesser god of death, endings, finality.
The True Afterlife
Durann, LG lesser god of truth, righteousness, honor.
The True Afterlife
Eanius, NG greater god of growth, life, animals.
The True Afterlife
Galaedros, NG greater god of nature, wood.
The True Afterlife
Khostren, NE demigod of plague, stench, vermin.
The True Afterlife
Nessek, N intermediate goddess of fire, sorcerers, magic.
The True Afterlife
Orcus (2) (Oruguz, Thanatos), CE archfiend of undeath.
Abyss/113/Thanatos, the Belly of Death
Phaant, LE lesser goddess of bad luck, inevitability, oppression.
The True Afterlife
Soggelos, CG lesser god of creativity, water.
The True Afterlife
Tephaneron, CN intermediate god of battle, success, athletes, warriors.
The True Afterlife
Uhanam, LN intermediate goddess of skill, planning, magic.
The True Afterlife
Wyst, CG lesser god of travelers, roads.
The True Afterlife

(1) Most of the Ghostwalk pantheon dwell in the True Afterlife, a large
demiplane coterminous to the Prime Material Plane.
(2) Recently killed by the drow demigoddess Kiaransalee, but
resurrected as Tenebrous. As Tenebrous, Orcus built a citadel on
the Negative Energy Plane named Tcian Sumere, which he abandoned
upon regaining his identity as Orcus.

Artha (1), NE demigoddess of wanton lust, greed.
Prime Material Plane/Krynnspace/Krynn (Ansalon)
Branchala (Astarin, Astra, Bardilun, Bran), CG intermediate god of music, poetry, bards.
Ysgard/Ysgard/The Soul of Music
Chemosh (Aeleth, Chemos Joton, Dron, Khemax, Lifebane, Orkrust), NE intermediate god of death, undead, murder.
Chislev, N intermediate goddess of nature, wilderness, beasts.
Beastlands/Karasuthra/The Forest of Zhan
Gilean, N greater god of balance, knowledge, learning, freedom, watchfulness.
Outlands/The Hidden Vale
Habbakuk, NG intermediate god of animals, water, passion.
Beastlands/Karasuthra/The Forest of Zhan
Hiddukel (Hitax, M'Fistos, Usk-Do), CE intermediate god of wealth, thieves, lies.
Abyss/333rd/Broken Scale
Highgod (High God)*, N overgod of Krynnspace.
Realm unknown.
Kiri-Jolith (Corij, Jolith, Kijo, Qu'ran), LG intermediate god of war, courage, honor.
Bytopia/Shurrock/The Heart of Justice
Lunitari (Luin), N intermediate goddess of neutral magic, arcane knowledge.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/The Lost Citadel of Magic
Majere (Manthus, Mantis, Matheri, Nadir), LG intermediate god of discipline, loyalty.
Mishakal (Ka-Mel-Sha, Meshal, Mesolax, Mishas, Quenesti Pah, Quen Illumini), NG greater goddess of healing, mercy, fertility, beauty.
Elysium/Amoria/Healer's Home
Morgion (Anthrax Goatlord, Gormion, H'rar, Morgax, Morgi, Pestilence), NE god of disease, planning, suffering.
Hades/Oinos/The Fortress of Disease
Nuitari, LE intermediate god of evil magic, arcane knowledge.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/The Lost Citadel of Magic
Paladine (2) (Bah'Mut, Draco Paladin, E'li, Fizban, Thak), LG greater god of good, law, protection, light, good dragons.
Heaven/Solania/The Dome of Creation
Reorx, N greater god of creation, gambling, artisans, engineering.
Arcadia/Abellio/The Anvil of Creation
Sargonnas (Argon, Gonnas, Kinis, Kinthalas, Misal-Lasim, Sargonax), LE god of vengeance, conquest, strength, rage.
Gehenna/Chamada/The Palace of Deception
Shinare, LN intermediate goddess of wealth, commerce, travel.
Outlands/The Marketplace Eternal
Sirrion, CN intermediate god of fire, strength, sun.
Limbo/The Flame Void
Solinari (Solin), LG intermediate god of good magic, arcane knowledge.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/The Lost Citadel of Magic
Takhisis (3) (Mai-tat, Mwarg, Nilat, Tamex, Tii'Mhut), LE greater goddess of evil, hate, darkness, tyranny, evil dragons.
Hell/Avernus/The Abyss of Abthalom
Zeboim (Bhezomiax, Rann, Zebir Jotun, Zyr), CE intermediate goddess of sea, storms, envy.
Zivilyn, N intermediate god of wisdom, foresight, prophecy.
Beastlands/Karasuthra/The Forest of Zhan

(1) Slain by Takhisis.
(2) Possibly an aspect of the draconic god, Bahamut. Gave up his
divinity after Takhisis was killed so as to maintain balance
between good and evil.
(3) Possibly an aspect of the draconic god, Tiamat. Killed during the
War of Souls.

Arioch, CE greater god of warriors, magicians, chaos.
Various planes, simultaneously.
Darnizhaan, NE lesser god of earth.
Prime Material Plane/unknown
Donblas, LG greater god of justice.
Realm unknown.
Fileet, CN demigoddess of birds.
Demiplane of Birds
Grome, N lesser god of earth, stone.
Elemental Earth/unknown
Haaashastaak, N demigod of reptiles.
Demiplane of Reptiles
Kakatal, CN lesser god of fire.
Elemental Fire/unknown
Meerclar, CN demigoddess of cats.
Demiplane of Cats
Misha, N lesser god of air, wind.
Elemental Air/unknown
Nnuuurrrr'c'c', N demigod of insects.
Demiplane of Insects
Nuru-ah, N demigod of cattle.
Demiplane of Cattle
Pyaray, CE lesser god of ocean abysses, secrets.
Prime Material Plane/unknown
Roofdrak, N demigod of dogs.
Demiplane of Dogs
Straasha, N lesser god of water.
Elemental Water/unknown
Xiombarg, CE greater goddess of violence.
Various planes, simultaneously.

Ahmanni Turtlerider (Atruaghin human), celestial of Thought, immortal of the Atruaghin Turtle Clan.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/The Happy Hunting Grounds
Al-Kalim (Suleiman al-Kim) (Ierendi and Ylaruam human), initiate of Time, immortal of preservation, life, growing things.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/Paradise
Alphaks (Thyatis human), empyreal of Entropy, immortal of destruction.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/Doomgaard
Alphatia (Asala) (Alphatia, Bellissaria, Isle of Dawn, and Norwold human), celestial of Energy, immortal of artistry, pacifism.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/Cyprisia
Aphrodite (Venus) (Thyatis human), CG intermediate goddess of love, beauty.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Palace of Aphrodite)
Apollo (Phoebus) (Thyatis human), CG intermediate god of light, prophecy, music, healing.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Temple of Apollo)
Ares (Mars) (Thyatis human), CE intermediate god of war, killing, strife.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Fortress of Apollo)
Asterius (Belnus) (Darokin, Robrenn, and Thyatis human), eternal of Thought, immortal of trade, merchants.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/unknown
Athena (Belisama, Minerva) (Thyatis human), LG greater goddess of wisdom, crafts, civilization, war.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Hall of Athena)
Atruaghin (Atruatzin Quetzalcoatl) (Atruaghin, Azcan, and Oltec human), hierarch of Matter, immortal of fire, truth, peace.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/The Happy Hunting Grounds
Atzanteotl (Atziann, Menlil) (Azcan human, schattenalfen elf, manscorpion), hierarch of Entropy, immortal of corruption.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/unknown
Bagni Gullymaw (troll), hierarch of entropy, immortal of destruction, gluttony.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/unknown
Bartziluth (Hruggek) (bugbear), CE intermediate god of violence, combat.
Benekander (Rheddrain Benekender) (Darokin, Ierendi, Karameikos, and Thyatis human), initiate of Energy, immortal of restraint of immortal excess.
Prime Material Plane/Mystaraspace/Mystara (eastern Brun)
Brissard (widespread), temporal of Entropy, immortal of slavery, defeat, opposition.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/unknown
Calitha Starbrow (Barramundje, Felidae, Tallivai) (Minrothad human, Minrothad elf, rakasta, wallara), celestial of Time, immortal of oceans, sea elves.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/Aquarianus
Chardastes (Achelos) (Traladar human), celestial of Time, immortal of healing, medicine.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/unknown
Chiron (centaur, fey), initiate of Matter, immortal of silvan races.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/unknown
Crakkak (orc, sharkkin), temporal of Matter, immortal of destruction of sea life.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/unknown
Cretia (Ethengar human), celestial of Thought, immortal of tricksters, jokes.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/unknown
Danel Tigerstripes (Atruaghin human), celestial of Entropy, immortal of the Atruaghin Tiger Clan.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/The Happy Hunting Grounds
Demogorgon (Goron), CE archfiend of insanity.
Abyss/88/The Gaping Maw
Diamond (dragon), celestial of Matter, immortal of lawful dragons.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/The Draconic Cluster (The Star Dragon's Realm)
Diullana (Arduinna) (Robrenn and Thyatis human), celestial of Thought, immortal of willpower, determination.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/unknown
Djaea (Neathar human), heirarch of Matter, immortal of worlds, growth.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/unknown
Eiryndul (The Adventurer, Eirys, Shaibuth) (Aeryl, Alphatian, and Eusdrian elf; aranea), empyreal of Energy, immortal of elves, mischief, forest dwellers.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/Elfhome
Faunus (Cernuinn, Pan) (Robrenn and Thyatian human), CN lesser god of nature, passion, shepherds, mountains.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (wanders)
Forsetta (Forseti) (Northern Reaches human), N intermediate god of justice, law.
Ysgard/Ysgard/Asgard (Glitnir)
Frey (Fredar) (Northern Reaches human), NG greater god of agriculture, fertility, harvest, sun.
Ysgard/Ysgard/Vanaheim /// Ysgard/Ysgard/Alfheim
Freya (Fredara, Freyal) (Northern Reaches human), NG intermediate goddess of fertility, love, magic, vanity.
Ysgard/Ysgard/Vanaheim (Sussrumnir) /// Ysgard/Ysgard/Asgard (Gladsheim)
Garl Glittergold (gnome), NG greater god of protection, humor, wit, gemcutting, jewelrymaking.
Bytopia/Dothion/The Golden Hills (Glitterhome)
Gorm (Cyndicean human), empyreal of Energy, immortal of justice, storms, war.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/unknown
Gorrziok (giant), empyreal of Matter, immortal of giants.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/unknown
The Great One (Agundji) (dragon, wallara), eternal of Matter, immortal of dragonkind.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/The Draconic Cluster
Halav (Karameikos, Slagovich, and Thyatis human), celestial of Thought, immortal of weaponsmiths, war, strategy.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/The Hall of Arms
Harrow (diabolus), temporal of Thought, immortal of diabolus.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/The Nightmare Realm
Hattani Stoneclaw (Atruaghin human), celestial of Matter, immortal of the Atruaghin Bear Clan.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/The Happy Hunting Grounds
Hel (Holda, Kala, Nyt) (Northern Reaches and Robrenn human), NE intermediate goddess of death, underworld.
Hera (Juno) (Thyatian human), N greater goddess of marriage, women, intrigue.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Temple of Zeus)
Hermes (Mercury) (Thyatian human), CG intermediate god of travel, trade, theft, gambling, running.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Den of Hermes)
Ilsundal (The Guide, Tiuz) (Aeryl, Alfheim, and Eusdria elf; Eusdria human), hierarch of Energy, immortal of elves, trees, philosophy.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/Elfhome
Ixion (Ayazi, Himayeti, Horon, Idu, Otzitiotl, Tubak, Warruntam) (Azcan, Darokin, Ethengar, Nithian, Savage Baronies, and Sind human; centaur; enduk; manscorpion; wallara), hierarch of Energy, immortal of banishment of darkness, sun, centaurs.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/The Nest of the Phoenix
Jammuradu (Vaprak) (ogre), CE lesser god of combat, greed.
Ka (Genjoo, Ka'ar, Kalaktala) (lizardfolk, wallara), hierarch of Matter, immortal of study, knowledge, preservation, winged serpents.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/The Seeing Glade
Kagyar (Belsamas, Flasheyes, Ka-gar, Ptahr) (Nithia, Robrenn, Savage Baronies, and Thyatis human; dwarf), eternal of Matter, immortal of dwarves, artisans, artistic expression.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/unknown
Kaladan (Alphatian human), initiate of Entropy, immortal of lycanthropy.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/unknown
Karaash (Hong-Tzu, Ilneval) (orc), NE intermediate god of warfare, strategy.
Khorunus (Darokin human), hierarch of Time, immortal of time.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/unknown
Korotiku (Saimpt Renard, Yehm) (aranea, lupin), hierarch of Thought, immortal of mischief, thinking.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/unknown
Korys (Alphatia, Darokin, and Ochalea human), temporal of Thought, immortal of peace, prosperity.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/unknown
Kurtulmak (Kr'tollomoc, Kutul) (cayma, kobold), LE intermediate god of war, mining, trapmaking.
Leptar (Karameikos and Thyatis human), celestial of Entropy, immortal of destruction.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/unknown
Liena (Norwold human), initiate of Time, immortal of Norwold.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/unknown
Lokar (Bozdogan, Loki) (Eusdria, Hule, and Northern Reaches human), CE greater god of thieves, trickery, murder, fire.
Pandemonium/Pandesmos/Winter's Hall /// Ysgard/Ysgard/Asgard (wanders)
Madarua (Cyndicea human), empyreal of Energy, immortal of warrior women.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/unknown
Mahmatti Running Elk (Atruaghin human), celestial of Energy, immortal of the Atruaghin Elk Clan.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/The Happy Hunting Grounds
Malafor (merfolk), celestial of Matter, immortal of dolphins, merfolk.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/unknown
Masauwu (The Ambassador, Enebaan) (Savage Baronies human, aranea), eternal of Entropy, immortal of the sponsorship of new immortals.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/unknown
Mealiden Starwatcher (The Guardian, Milan) (Savage Baronies human, Aeryl and Alfheim elf), empyreal of Energy, immortal of sylvan realms, protection of elves.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/Elfhome
Minroth (Minrothad human, Minrothad elf), temporal of Thought, immortal of the Minrothad guilds.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/unknown
Negyavim (Iliric) (aranea), initiate of Energy, immortal of wizardry, greed, insensitivity.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/unknown
Noumena (Nithia and Thothia human), hierarch of Thought, immortal of tactics, puzzles, games, mysteries.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/unknown
Nyx (2) (Na'al, Nin-Hurabi) (Thyatian human, manscorpion, orc), hierarch of Entropy, immortal of night, darkness, monsters.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/unknown
Odin (Othinus, Taranos, Viuden, Woden) (Darokin, Eusdria, Northern Reaches, Robrenn, and Thyatis human), NG greater god of knowledge, magic, supremacy, war.
Ysgard/Ysgard/Asgard (Gladsheim /// Valaskialf /// Valhalla)
Opal (dragon), celestial of Matter, immortal of neutral dragons.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/The Draconic Cluster (The Sun Dragon's Realm)
Orcus (3) (Oruguz, Tenebrous), CE archfiend of undeath.
Abyss/113/Thanatos, the Belly of Death
Ordana (Breig, Tawnia, Thendera, Ui) (Minrothad and Robrenn human, Minrothad elf, phanaton, rakasta), hierarch of Time, immortal of forests, protection and creation of the elves.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/Elfhome
Osiris (Nithia human), LG greater god of harvest, nature, underworld.
Arcadia/Buxenus/Heliopolis (Memphiria)
Palartarkan (Alphatia human), temporal of Energy, immortal of wizards.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/unknown
Pearl (dragon), temporal of Matter, immortal of chaotic dragons.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/The Draconic Cluster (The Moon Dragon's Realm)
Petra (Karameikos human), celestial of Time, immortal of warpriests, defense.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/The Sentinel's Tower
Pflarr (Nithian human, hutaakan, lupin), eternal of Energy, immortal of the study of magic, the creation of new races, patience.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/The Temple of the Jackal
Polunis (triton), eternal of Matter, immortal of scripture, tritons.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/unknown
Protius (The Old Man of the Sea) (Ierendi and Thyatis human), eternal of Time, immortal of seas, oceans.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/Spuma
Rad (Etienne d'Amberville) (Glantri human), empyreal of Energy, immortal of the Radiance.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/The Pool of Luminescence
Rafiel (shadow elf), empyreal of Energy, immortal of shadow elves, technology.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/Pax Benefice
Ranivorous (Yeenoghu), CE archfiend of gnolls, ghouls, cannibalism, savagery.
Abyss/422/The Seeping Wode
Rathanos (Nithia and Thothia human), eternal of Energy, immortal of energy, fire.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/Njarlok
Razud (Alphatia human), hierarch of Energy, immortal of self-sufficience.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/The Hall of the Granite Tree
Saimpt Clebard (lupin), initiate of Thought, immortal of loyalty, fidelity, family, law, love.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/The Plain of Lilies
Saimpt Loup (lupin), temporal of Thought, immortal of mercy, hunger, destruction, night, winter, weeding out the sick and weak.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/The Wolfwoods
Saimpt Malinois (lupin), celestial of Thought, immortal of hunters, revenge, courage, warriors, blacksmiths, war, glory, conquest against evil.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/The Isle of the Were-Hunters
Saimpt Matin (Brother Shell) (lupin, tortle), temporal of Thought, immortal of fortresses, guards, death in battle, home.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/The Everwatching Keep
Saimpt Ralon (Sister Grain) (lupin, tortle), initiate of Thought, immortal of life, good food, fun, health, wealth, farmers, merchants.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/Les Iles aux Vignes
Sharpcrest Squidslayer (kna), celestial of Time, immortal of kna, commerce, trade.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/unknown
Slizzark (kopru), celestial of Energy, immortal of kopru.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/unknown
Talitha (Ait-tha) (orc), eternal of Entropy, immortal of self-gratification at others' expense.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/unknown
Tahkati Stormtamer (Atruaghin human), celestial of Energy, immortal of the Atruaghin Horse Clan.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/The Happy Hunting Grounds
Tarastia (Pax Bellanica, The Judge) (Savage Baronies and Thyatis human, rakasta), eternal of Energy, immortal of justice, revenge.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/Arvenna
Terra (Cay, Marau-Ixui, Yamgura) (Thyatis human, cayma, phanaton), hierarch of matter, immortal of earth, creation.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/Home
Thanatos (Thyatis human) (Tha-to), hierarch of Entropy, immortal of the end of all life.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/unknown
Thor (Donar, The General, Thunor, Touatis, Tuatis) (Eusdria, Northern Reaches, Savage Baronies, Robrenn, and Thyatis human), CN greater god of storms, thunder, battle.
Ysgard/Ysgard/Asgard (Thrudheim)
The Twelve Watchers (Darokin and Minrothad human), initiates of Matter, immortals of craftsmen.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/unknown
Usamiguras (Cyndicea human), empyreal of Time, immortal of magic, thieves, healing.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/unknown
Valerias (Isiris, Shaya) (Darokin, Savage Baronies, and Thyatis human; aranea), hierarch of Matter, immortal of romance, passion.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/unknown
Vanya (Belbion, Fanha, Fana, The Inquisitor, Matera) (Heldann, Savage Baronies, Thyatis human; rakasta), empyreal of Time, immortal of war, conquest.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/Heldannis
Wogar (Kartahok, Maglubiyet, Wong-Ah) (goblin, orc), LE greater god of war, rulership.
Yagrai (hobgoblin, orc), temporal of Entropy, immortal of vengeance.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/unknown
Yav (Yavdlom human), celestial of Time, immortal of prophecy, divination.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/unknown
Zeus (Jove, Jupiter) (Thyatian humans), CG greater god of sky, air, storms, fate, nobility.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Temple of Zeus)
Zirchev (Leug, Uatuma) (Alphatia, Darokin, Karameikosm and Robrenn human; phanaton), celestial of Energy, immortal of forest folk, hunter.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/Recluse

(1) It is important to stress that although the immortals of Mystara
are divine beings, they are NOT gods -- although they rival the
gods in power and puissance, and grant spells to clerics in the
same manner. For reasons unknown, the sphere of Mystaraspace makes
it possible for mortal beings of sufficient power to trancend the
bounds of humanity and become immortals. The immortals group
themselves into five different Spheres from which they derive their
power -- the Sphere of Matter (the physical world, solidity,
sturdiness, stability, earth), the Sphere of Energy (activity,
transformation, fire, creation, magic), the Sphere of Time
(history, growth, rebirth, water), the Sphere of Thought
(understanding, enlightenment, realization, philosophy, analysis,
air), and the Sphere of Entropy (destruction, disintegration,
death, negative energy); immortals are defined by their sphere more
than by their alignment. Immortals are ranked, from least to
greatest, as follows: initiate, temporal, celestial, empyreal,
eternal, and hierarch. Above even the hierarchs are the nameless
Old Ones, who may be overpowers or something else entirely.
(2) The immortal Nyx has no known connection to the Greek goddess of
the same name.
(3) Recently killed by the drow demigoddess Kiaransalee, but
resurrected as Tenebrous. As Tenebrous, Orcus built a citadel on
the Negative Energy Plane named Tcian Sumere, which he abandoned
upon regaining his identity as Orcus.

Aarth, LN demigod of wizards.
Death, N greater god of death.
Prime Material Plane/Nehwon
The Gods of Lankhmar, NE demigods of the city of Lankhmar.
Prime Material Plane/Nehwon (Lankhmar)
The Gods of Trouble (1), CE demigods of mayhem.
Hate, CE lesser god of hate.
Issek, LG demigod of perseverence.
Kos, N greater god of dooms.
The Nehwon Earth Gods, CE lesser gods of earth.
Prime Material Plane/Nehwon
The Rat God, CE lesser god of fear, rats.
The Red God, N lesser god of warriors.
The Spider God, CE demigod of spiders.
Tyaa, CE lesser goddess of birds.
Votishal, LG demigod of thieves.

(1) The Gods of Trouble are three in number.

Boccob, N greater god of magic, arcane knowledge, foresight, balance.
Outlands/The Library of Lore
Cyndor, LN lesser god of time, infinity, continuity.
Mechanus/The Path of Time
The Earth Dragon, LE demigod of weather, hidden treasures.
Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (The Flanaess)
Ehlonna, NG intermediate goddess of forests, wildlife, fertility.
Beastlands/Krigala/The Grove of the Unicorns
Heward, NG demigod of bards, musicicans.
Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (The Flanaess)
Incabulos, NE greater god of plagues, famine, nightmares, drought, disasters.
Hades/Oinos/Charnel House
Iuz, CE demigod of deceit, pain, oppression, evil.
Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (The Flanaess)
Joramy, N lesser goddess of fire, volcanoes, wrath, anger, quarrels.
Bytopia/wanders /// Elysium/wanders
Kelanen, N demigod of swords, sword skills, balance.
Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (The Flanaess)
Keoghtom, NG demigod of secret pursuits, natural alchemy, extraplanar exploration.
Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (The Flanaess)
Kyuss, NE demigod of creation and mastery of undead.
Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (The Flanaess)
Lirr, CG lesser god of prose, poetry, literature, art.
Mayaheine, LG demigoddess of protection, justice, valor.
Myrhiss, NG lesser goddess of love, romance, beauty.
Elysium/Thalasia/The River Amiel
Olidammara, CN intermediate god of music, revels, wine, rogues, humor, tricks.
Ysgard/Ysgard/The Den of Olidammara
Ralishaz, CN intermediate god of chance, ill luck, misfortune, insanity.
Limbo/The Kiss of Luck
Saint Cuthbert, LN intermediate god of common sense, wisdom, zeal, honesty, truth, discipline.
Arcadia/Abellio/The Basillica of Saint Cuthbert
Tharizdun (1), NE intermediate god of eternal darkness, decay, entropy, malign knowledge, insanity.
The Prison of Tharizdun
Trithereon, CG intermediate god of individualism, liberty, retribution, self-defense.
Arborea/Olympus/The Forking Road
Tsololandril, LN demigod of wave motions.
Ethereal/Border Ethereal/wanders
Ulaa, LG intermediate goddess of hills, mountains, gemstones.
Outlands/The Steel Hills
Vecna (2), NE lesser god of destructive and evil secrets.
Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Citadel Cavitus
Vilp-akf'cho Rentaq (3), NE intermediate god of elemental evil.
The Prison of the Elder Elemental Eye
Wastri, LE demigod of amphibians, bigotry, self-deception.
Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (The Flanaess)
Zagyg, CN demigod of humor, eccentricity, occult lore, unpredictability.

(1) Imprisoned in a demiplane by the other greater gods of Oerth. His
demiplane is believed to be coterminous to each of the four
Elemental Planes, or else in the Deep Ethereal, or at a point not
coterminous to any other point in the multiverse, but this may all
be hearsay. Possibly the same entity as Vilp-akf'cho Rentaq and/or
Ghaunadaur. Although Tharizdun is currently an intermediate god, it
is speculated that if he should escape from hs prison, he would
gain the power of a greater god.
(2) For a time trapped in Ravenloft, the Demiplane of Dread.
(3) The Elder Elemental Eye/God. Possibly an aspect of Tharizdun and/or
Ghaunadaur. His demiplane is coterminous to each of the four
Elemental Planes.

Al'Akbar, LG demigod of guardianship, faithfulness, dignity, duty.
Heaven/Mertion/Soqed Hazi
Azor'alq, NG demigod of light, purity, courage, strength.
Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (The Flanaess)
Daoud, N demigod of humility, clarity, immediacy.
Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (The Flanaess)
Geshtai, N lesser goddess of lakes, rivers, well, streams.
Outlands/Nature's Rest
Istus*, N greater goddess of fate, destiny, divination, future, honesty.
Outlands/The Web of Fate
Mouqol, N lesser god of trade, negotiation, ventures, appraisal, reciprocity.
Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (The Flanaess)
Xan Yae, N lesser goddess of twilight, shadows, stealth, mental power.
Outlands/The Tower of Iron Will
Zuoken, N demigod of physical and mental mastery.
Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (The Flanaess)

Allitur, LG lesser god of ethics, propriety.
Beory, N greater goddess of nature, rain.
Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (The Flanaess)
Berei, NG lesser goddess of home, family, agriculture.
Bleredd, N lesser god of metal, mines, smiths.
Bytopia/Dothion/The Golden Hills
Nerull, NE greater god of death, darkness, murder, underworld.
Obad-hai, N intermediate god of nature, woodland, freedom, hunting, beasts.
Outlands/The Hidden Wood
Pelor, NG greater god of sun, light, strength, healing.
Elysium/Thalasia/The Fortress of the Sun
Rao, LG greater god of peace, reason, serenity.
Celestia/Mercuria/Sweet Reason
Vathris, LN demigod of anguish, lost causes, revenge.
Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (The Flanaess)
Zodal, NG lesser god of mercy, hope, benevolence.

Atroa, NG lesser goddess of spring, east wing, renewal.
Beastlands/Brux/The Grove of Eternal Spring
Celestian (1), N intermediate god of stars, space, wanderers.
Daern, LN demigoddess of defense, fortifications.
Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (The Flanaess)
Delleb, LG lesser god of reason, intellect, study.
Celestia/Solania/The Great Library
Erythnul, CE intermediate god of hate, envy, malice, panic, ugliness, slaughter.
Pandemonium/Phlegethon/The Citadel of Slaughter
Fharlanghn, N intermediate god of horizons, distance, travel, roads.
Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (The Flanaess)
Heironeous, LG intermediate god of chivalry, justice, honor, war, daring, valor.
Heaven/Venya/The Fields of Glory
Hextor, LE intermediate god of war, discord, massacres, confict, firness, tyranny.
Johydee, NG demigod of deception, espionage, protection.
Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (The Flanaess)
Kuroth, CN demigod of theft, treasure-finding.
Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (The Flanaess)
Kurrel, CN demigod of jealousy, revenge, theft.
Pandemonium/Pandesmos/The House of the Bitter Hand
Merikka, LG demigoddess of farming, agriculture, home.
Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (The Flanaess)
Murlynd (2), LG demigod of magical technology.
The Partial Plane
Pholtus, LG intermediate god of light, resolution, law, order, inflexibility, sun, moons.
Mechanus/The Path of Law
Procan, CN intermediate god of seas, sea life, salt, sea weather, navigation.
Rudd, CN demigod of chance, good luck, skill.
Ysgard/Ysgard/The House of Cards
Sotillon, CG lesser goddess of summer, south wind, ease, comfort.
Ysgard/Ysgard/The Green Fields /// Arborea/Olympus/Arvandor (Grandfather Oak)
Stern Alia, LN demigoddess of culture, law, motherhood.
Telchur, CN lesser god of winter, cold, north wind.
Pandemonium/Pandesmos/The Icicle Palace
Velnius, N lesser god of sky, weather.
Wenta, CG lesser goddess of autumn, west wind, harvest, brewing.
Zilchus, LN intermediate god of power, prestige, money, business, influence.
Outlands/The Marketplace Eternal

(1) Has a sizeable following outside Greyspace, throughout arcane
(2) Murlynd dwells on the Partial Plane, a demiplane in the Deep
Ethereal he has created to resemble the landscape in certain works
of fiction of which he is fond. He dresses like a cowboy and owns a

Camazotz (Zotzihala, Zotz), CE lesser god of bats; vampires, underworld (as Zotzihala).
Chitza-Atlan, NE demigod of the dead, underworld.
Huehueteotl, CE intermediate god of fire, motion of time.
House of Maztlan (realm) /// Pandemonium/Pandesmos/Xipetlan (petitioners)
Mictlantecuhtli, LE intermediate god of death.
House of Maztlan (realm) /// Hades/Niflheim/Mictlan (petitioners)
Quetzalcoatl (Kukulcan, Qotal), LG greater god of nobility, air, wisdom.
House of Maztlan (realm) /// Heaven/Jovar/Tlazcautli (petitioners)
Tezcatlipoca (Apocatequil, Tezca), CE greater god of sun, moon, fire, night, betrayal; lightning (as Apocatequil).
Abyss/1st/Teotli Itic (realm) /// Pandemonium/Pandesmos/Xipetlan (petitioners)
Tlaloc (Azul, Chac), LE intermediate god of rain, moisture.
House of Maztlan (realm) /// Arcadia/Abellio/Tlalocan (petitioners)

(1) Note that most Aztec/Maztican/Olman gods reside in the demiplane
known as the House of Maztlan (connected to the Prime Material
Plane) but maintain Outer Planar realms where their petitioners are
sent to dwell. Two realms -- Xibalba on the 7th layer of Hell and
Tlatocalli on the 1st layer of Acheron -- are maintained by the
pantheon as a whole.

Beltar, CE lesser goddess of malice, caves, pits.
Bralm, N lesser god of insects, industriousness.
Acheron/Avalas/The Hive Fortress
Dalt, CG lesser god of portals, doors, enclosures, locks, keys.
Fortubo, LG lesser god of stone, metals, mountains, guardianship.
Celestia/Solania/The Empyrean Delve
Jascar, LG lesser god of hills, mountains.
Kord, CG intermediate god of athletics, sports, brawling, strength, courage.
Ysgard/Ysgard/The Hall of the Valiant
Lendor, LN intermediate god of time, tedium, patience, study.
Mechanus/The Wheel of Time
Llerg, CN lesser god of beasts, strength.
Lydia, NG lesser god of music, knowledge, daylight.
Elysium/Amoria/Release from Care
Norebo, CN lesser god of luck, gambling, risks.
Osprem, LN lesser goddess of sea voyages, ships, sailors.
Elemental Water/Whirlcurrents
Phaulkon, CG lesser god of air, wind, clouds, birds, archery.
Elemental Air/unknown /// Arborea/Olympus/Arvandor /// Arborea/Olympus/Olympus
Phyton, CG lesser god of nature, beauty, farming.
Pyremius, NE lesser god of fire, poison, murder.
Hades/Niflheim/The Black Volcano
Syrul, NE lesser goddess of lies, deceit, treachery, false promises.
Gehenna/Khalas/The Palace of Ugly Truth /// Hades/Oinos/The Fortress of Beautiful Lies
Vatun, CN lesser god of barbarians, cold, winter, arctic beasts.
Wee Jas, LN intermediate goddess of magic, death, vanity, law.
Acheron/Ocanthus/Cabal Macabre
Xerbo, N lesser god of seas, sailing, money, business.

Berna, CN demigoddess of passion, forgiveness.
Breeka, N intermediate goddess of living things.
Damaran, NE demigod of vermin, cowardice.
Katay, LN lesser god of decay, inevitablity, order, time.
Kundo, LG lesser god of building, noise, music, defense.
Meyanok, NE lesser god of serpents, poison, discord, darkenss, famine.
Nola, NG intermediate goddess of sun.
Uvot*, NG greater god of prosperity.
Vara, NE demigoddess of nightmares, fear.
Vogan, CG intermediate god of weather, storms.
Xanag, N lesser goddess of metals, beauty.

Belenus (2), NG false god of sun, heat, life.
No realm.
The Eternal Order (3), NE false gods of death, undeath.
No realm.
Ezra (4), LN false goddess of protection, healing, order.
No realm.
Hala (5), N false goddess of witchcraft.
No realm.
Kali (6), CE false goddess of death, life.
No realm.
The Lawgiver (7), LE false god of strife, hatred, tyranny.
No realm.
The Morninglord (4), CG false god of sun, dawn, kindness.
No realm.
Ra (Cool, LG false god of nobility, sun, supremacy.
No realm.
Osiris (Cool, NG false god of harvest, nature, underworld.
No realm.
Set (Cool, LE false god of darkness, evil, night, desert storms, drought.
No realm.
Tvashtri (6), CG false god of invention, creation.
No realm.
The Wolf God (9), CE false god of beasts, pain, bloodlust.
No realm.
Zhakata (4), LE false god of hunger, gluttony, famine, starvation.
No realm.

(1) It is important to note that all clerics in the Demiplane of Dread,
known as Ravenloft, receive their spells not from any true gods but
from the mysterious Dark Powers which maintain their world; all the
gods listed above are either mere rememberances of true gods from
the Prime Material Plane or truly false gods which have no basis in
(2) Originally a god of the Celtic pantheon.
(3) The Eternal Order consists of an unspecified number of false gods.
(4) False god.
(5) Originally a goddess of an unknown pantheon from the Prime Material
(6) Originally a god of the Vedic pantheon. Other gods of this pantheon
may also be worshiped in Ravenloft.
(7) Aspect of Bane, a god of the Faerunian pantheon from the world of
(Cool Originally a god of the Egyptian pantheon. Other gods of this
pantheon may also be worshiped in Ravenloft.
(9) Possibly an aspect of the werewolf god Daragor.

Hadur, LG lesser god of creation, civilization, crafts, arts.
Jemaika, NG lesser god of hunters, war, wilderness.
Kaltes*, N greater goddess of earth, femininity, creation.
Menur, NG lesser god of animal fertility, sovreignity, war.
Ortriki (Mir-xum), NG intermediate god of tribes, clans, warriors, taltos, druids, bards, knowledge.
Tarem*, LG greater god of sky, masculinity, creation.
Turul, CG lesser god of wind, weather, plant fertility, journeys.
Xoli, NG lesser goddess of women, childbirth, new ventures.
Xul-Ater, LN lesser god of death, underworld.

TORIL -- FAERUN (Common and Miscellaneous)
Akadi, N greater goddess of air.
Elemental Air/The Great Funnel
Amauntor (1), LN greater god of sun, bureaucracy, rulership.
Mechanus/The Keep of the Eternal Sun
Ao*, N overgod of Torilspace.
Realm unknown.
Auril, CE lesser goddess of cold, winter.
Pandemonium/Pandesmos/Winter's Hall
Azuth, LN lesser god of wizards, sorcerers.
Bane (2), LE greater god of strife, hatred, tyranny.
Acheron/Avalas/The Black Bastion
Beshaba (3) (Tyche), NE lesser goddess of bad luck, misfortune, accidents.
Abyss/13th/Blood Tor
Bhaal (4), NE intermediate god of violent or ritual death.
Gehenna/Khalas/The Throne of Blood
Bright Nydra (5), CG demigod of winter moon, hope, renewal.
Prime Material Plane/Torilspace/Abeir-Toril (Faerun)
Chauntea (Chantea), NG greater goddess of agriculture, plants, summer.
Elysium/Eronia/The Great Mother's Garden.
Cyric, CE greater god of murder, lies, deception, illusion.
Pandemonium/Cocytus/The Shattered Castle
Deneir, NG lesser god of images, writing, literature.
Beastlands/Brux/The Library of All Knowledge
Eldath, NG lesser goddess of pools, springs, waterfalls, stillness.
Elysium/Eronia/The True Grove
Finder Wyvernspur, CG demigod of the cycle of life, saurials.
Garagos, CN demigod of war, skill at arms, destruction.
Pandemonium/Pandesmos/Battle Garde
Gargauth (6), LE demigod of betrayal, cruelty, corruption.
Prime Material Plane/Torilspace/Abeir-Toril (Faerun)
Gond (7) (Nebelun), N intermediate god of artifice, crafts, construction, smiths.
Grumbar, N greater god of earth.
Elemental Earth/The Great Mountain
Gwaeron Windstrom, NG demigod of tracking, rangers.
Prime Material Plane/Torilspace/Abeir-Toril (Faerun)
Helm (Helam), LN intermediate god of guardians, protection.
Hoar (Assuran), LN demigod of revenge, retribution, poetic justice.
Ibrandul (Cool, CN god of caverns.
Ilmater, LG intermediate god of endurance, suffering, martyrdom.
Istishia, N greater god of water.
Elemental Water/The Sea of Timelessness
Iyachtu Xvim (9), LE lesser god of tyranny, hatred.
Gehenna/Chamada/The Bastion of Hate
Jergal (10), LN demigod of protection of the dead, fatalism.
Hades/Oinos/The Crystal Spire
Karsus (11), CN demigod of overweening arrogance and ambition, unending hubris.
Prime Material Plane/Torilspace/Abeir-Toril
Kelemvor (12), N greater god of death, the dead.
Hades/Oinos/The Crystal Spire
Kossuth, N greater god of fire.
Elemental Fire/The Crimson Pillar
Lathander, NG greater god of sun, spring, birth, creativity.
Leira (4), CN lesser goddess of illusion, deception.
Limbo/The Courts of Illusion
Llira, CG lesser goddess of joy, dance, festivals, freedom.
Loviatar (13), LE intermediate goddess of pain, torture, suffering, agony.
Lurue, CG demigoddess of talking beasts.
Prime Material Plane/Torilspace/Abeir-Toril (Faerun)
Malar, CE lesser god of hunters, beasts, monsters, blood.
Carceri/Colothys/The Land of the Hunt
Malyk (14), CE demigod of wild magic, evil magic, rebellion.
Mask, NE lesser god of thieves, thievery, shadows.
Hades/Niflheim/The Shadow Keep
Mielikki (15), NG intermediate goddess of forests, hunters, rangers, autumn.
Beastlands/Krigala/The Grove of the Unicorns
Milil, NG lesser god of poetry, song, eloquence.
Beastlands/Brux/The Library of All Knowledge
Moander (16), CE lesser god of rotting death, decay, corruption, parasites.
Murdane (17), LN lesser goddess of reason, pragmatism.
Myrkul (18), greater god of death, decay, corruption, autumn.
Hades/Oinos/The Bone Castle
Mystra (19), NG greater goddess of magic, spells, the Weave.
Elysium/Eronia/The Dweomerheart
Nobanion, LG demigod of lions, wemics, royalty.
Beastlands/Krigala/The Pridelands
Oghma (20), N greater god of knowledge, invention, bards.
Outlands/Tir na Og (The House of Knowledge)
The Red Knight, LN demigoddess of strategy in war, planning, chess.
Prime Material Plane/Torilspace/Abeir-Toril (Faerun)
Savras, LN demigod of divination, fate.
Arcadia/Buxenus/The Eye
Selune, CG intermediate goddess of moon, stars, wanderers.
Ysgard/Ysgard/The Gates of the Moon
Shar, NE greater goddess of dark, night, loss, caverns.
Hades/Niflheim/The Palace of Loss
Sharess (21) (Bast, Zandilar), CG demigoddess of hedonism, lust, brothels, cats.
Arborea/Olympus/Brightwater /// Ysgard/Ysgard/Merratet
Shaundakul, CN lesser god of travel, exploration.
Shiallia, NG demigoddess of woodland glades.
Beastlands/Krigala/The High Glade
Siamorphe (22), LN demigoddess of nobility, royalty.
Prime Material Plane/Torilspace/Abeir-Toril (Faerun)
Silvanus (23), N greater god of wild nature, druids.
Outlands/Tir na Og (Summeroak)
Sune, CG greater goddess of beauty, love, passion.
Talona, CE lesser goddess of disease, poison.
Carceri/Colothys/The Place of Poison Tears
Talos, CE greater god of storms, destruction, earthquakes.
Pandemonium/Pandesmos/The Towers of Ruin
Tempus, CN greater god of war, battle, warriors.
Limbo/Knight's Rest
Torm, LG lesser god of duty, loyalty, obedience, paladins.
Tymora (3) (Tyche), CG intermediate goddess of good luck, victory, adventurers.
Tyr (24) (Tiwaz), LG greater god of justice.
Heaven/Lunia/The Court /// Ysgard/Ysgard/Asgard (Himinborg)
Ulutiu (25), LN demigod of glaciers, frozen seas.
Prime Material Plane/Torilspace/Toril (Faerun)
Umberlee, CE intermediate demigoddess of oceans, currents, waves, sea wings.
Abyss/13th/Blood Tor
Uthgar (26), CN demigod of barbarians, strength.
Valkur, CG demigod sailors, naval combat.
Ysgard/Ysgard/Safe Harbor
Varae (27), CE demigod of snakes, poison.
Prime Material Plane/Torilspace/Toril (Faerun)
Velsharoon (28), NE demigod of necromancy, liches.
Gehenna/Mungoth/Death's Embrace
Waukeen (29), N lesser goddess of trade, money, wealth.
Outlands/The Marketplace Eternal

(1) Perished due to lack of worship; reborn as Lathander.
(2) Killed by Torm but recently resurrected through his son, Iyachtu
(3) The Greek goddess of luck, Tyche, split her Faerunian aspect into
two separate goddesses: Beshaba and Tymora.
(4) Killed by Cyric.
(5) Absorbed by Selune.
(6) An Archdevil who advanced to demigodhood. Known to Faerun's dwarves
as Astaroth, not to be confused with the Demon Prince of the same
(7) Adopted the aspect of the gnome god Nebelun, who is not worshiped
in Torilspace.
(9) Killed by Shar.
(Cool Offspring of Bane and a female archfiend. Killed during his
father's resurrection.
(10) Seceded most of his divinity to Bane, Bhaal, and Myrkul.
(11) Attempted to absorb the divinity of Mystryl, but could not handle
it. Considered dead but still exists as a bleeding stone statue,
red stone butte, and heart.
(12) Bestowed with Myrkul's divinity by Ao following the Time of
(13) Worshiped as a demigoddess by the Finns.
(14) Absorbed by Talos.
(15) Worshiped as a lesser goddess by the Finns.
(16) Killed by Finder Wyvernspur.
(17) Killed during the Dawn Cataclysm.
(18) Killed by the mortal Midnight (later to be the new incarnation of
Mystra). The remainder of Myrkul's essense resides in the artifact
known as the Crown of Horns.
(19) Mystra's first aspect, Mystryl, was killed by Karsus but
resurrected herself as Mystra. This aspect was killed by Helm, and
replaced as Mystra by a mortal named Midnight.
(20) Worshiped as an intermediate god by the Celts.
(21) Sharess is a combined aspect of the Egyptian goddess Bast and the
elf goddess Zandilar.
(22) There have been multiple demigods and demigoddesses named
(23) Worshiped as an intermediate god by the Celts and the Romans.
(24) Worshiped as an intermediate god by the Norse and the Germans.
(25) Forced into slumber by the giant god Annam. Commands the following
quasideities: Clever Oomio, Grandfather Walrus, the Great White
Bear, and Pindalpau-pau.
(26) Commands the following quasideities: the Black Lion, the Black
Raven, the Elk, the Grey Wolf, the Great Worm, the Griffin, the Red
Tiger, the Sky Pony, the Treeghost, and the Thunderbeast.
(27) Killed by Merrshaulk.
(28) Possibly a demigodly aspect of the lesser god Melifleur.
(29) Imprisoned by the Demon Prince Graz'zt, but recently freed.

Eshowdow (1), NE demigod of shadows, destruction, revenge.
Prime Material Plane/Torilspace/Abeir-Toril (Faerun)
Sseth (2), CE intermediate god of poison, somnolence.
Ubtao, N greater god of creation, jungles, life, dinosaurs.
Outlands/The Labyrinth of Life /// Beastlands/Krigala/The Forbidden Plateau

(1) Subsumed by Shar.
(2) Originally an avatar of Merrshaulk, Sseth eventually became a
separate entity in his own right. He is currently imprisoned by
Set, who grants spells in his name.

Anhur, CG lesser god of war, conflict, thunder, rain, storms, physical prowess.
Bast (2) (Sharess, Zandilar), CG demigoddess of hedonism, lust, festhalls, cats.
Arborea/Olympus/Brightwater /// Ysgard/Ysgard/Merratet
Geb, NG god of earth, miners, mines, mineral resources.
Elemental Earth/The Cavern Under the Stars
Hathor, NG lesser goddess of love, music, dance, moon, fate, motherhood.
Horus-Re* (3) (Ra, Re, Re-Horakhty), LG greater god of nobility, sun, supremacy, vengeance.
Arcadia/Buxenus/Heliopolis (Thekele-Re)
Isis, NG greater goddess of fertility, magic, marriage.
Arcadia/Buxenus/Heliopolis (Gizekhtet) /// Elysium/Amoria/Quietude
Osiris, LG greater god of harvest, nature, underworld.
Arcadia/Buxenus/Heliopolis (Memphiria)
Nephthys, CG intermediate goddess of death, grief.
Set (Typhon), LE greater god of darkness, evil, night, desert storms, drought.
Sebek (Sobek), LE demigod of water, river hazards, crocodiles, wetlands.
Prime Material Plane/Torilspace/Toril (Faerun)
Thoth, N intermediate god of knowledge, wisdom, learning.
Outlands/Thoth's Estate

(1) Many of the Egyptian gods joined the Babylonian and Sumerian
pantheons in sending incarnations to Abeir-Toril, becoming the
Mulhorandi pantheon.
(2) Bast's aspect on Toril merged with the elf goddess Zandilar. She is
worshiped in Faerun as Sharess.
(3) When Re, the original head of the pantheon, was mortally wounded by
the orc god Gruumsh, he and Horus merged into a single entity,

Anshar, CE lesser god of darkness, night.
Pandemonium/Pandesmos/The City of Eternal Darkness
Assuran (Hoar), LN demigod of revenge, retribution, poetic justice.
Enlil*, NG greater god of air, war.
Elysium/Eronia/The Great Mountain of the East
Entropy (2), LE lesser god of entropy, death, negative energy.
Hell/Avernus/The Caverns of Greed
Gilgeam (3), LE demigod of strength, athetic prowess, battle, sky, cities.
Girru, LG lesser god of fire.
Heaven/Mercuria/The Undying Flame
Ishtar, NG greater goddess of love, war.
Elysium/Amoria/The City of the Star
Marduk, LN greater god of cities, wind, thunder, storms, rain.
Nergal, NE lesser god of underworld, death.
Ramman, N lesser god of storms, thunder.
Outlands/The Storm Cloud
Tchazzar (4), CE demigod of war.
Prime Material Plane/Torilspace/Abeir-Toril (Faerun)
Tiamat, LE lesser goddess of evil dragons, greed.
Hell/Avernus/The Caverns of Greed

(1) Many of the Babylonian and Sumerian gods joined the Egyptian
pantheon in sending incarnations to Abeir-Toril, becoming the
Untheric pantheon.
(2) Actually an aspect of Tiamat, but with a different portfolio.
(3) Originally the incarnation of the NG hero, Gilgamesh, but turned to
evil. Slain by Tiamat.
(4) The original Tchazzar was a red dragon from Chessenta that attained
godhood, but he was slain, his aspect assumed by Tiamat.

Amaterasu, LG intermediate goddess of light, sun.
Heaven/Mercuria/Radiant Light
Ama-Tsu-Mara, N intermediate god of smithing, weapons.
Bytopia/Dothion/The Golden Hills (The Mithral Forge)
Bishamon, LN demigod of hearing, the north.
Prime Material Plane/Realmspace/Abeir-Toril (Kara-Tur)
Chantea (2) (Chauntea), NG greater goddess of agriculture, plants, summer.
Elysium/Eronia/The Great Mother's Garden.
Chirasu, NE lesser goddess of stealth, thieves, ninja.
Hachiman, LN intermediate god of war.
Inari, NG intermediate goddess of rice.
Izanagi*, LN greater god of creation.
Arcadia/Abellio/Cherry Blossom
Izanami*, LN greater goddess of creation.
Arcadia/Abellio/Cherry Blossom
Jikoku, LN demigod of guardians, the east.
Prime Material Plane/Realmspace/Abeir-Toril (Kara-Tur)
Kishijoten, NG lesser god of luck.
Prime Material Plane/wanders
Komoku, LN demigod of sight, the west.
Prime Material Plane/Realmspace/Abeir-Toril (Kara-Tur)
Kura Okami, CG intermediate god of rain, snow.
Beastlands/Karasuthra/The Misty Valley
Nai No Kami, LN intermediate god of earthquakes.
Mechanus/The Shaking Land
O-Kuni-Nushi, LG intermediate god of medicine, sorcery, land.
O-Wata-Tsu-Mi, NG intermediate god of sea creatures, tides.
Elysium/Thalasia/The Citadel of the Sea
Raiden, CE intermediate god of thunder, fletching.
Carceri/Othrys/The Palace of Thunder
Susanoo, CN intermediate god of storms, chaos.
Limbo/The Globe of Raging Chaos
Tsuki-Yomi, NG intermediate god of time, moon.
Elysium/Eronia/The Mirror of the Moon
Zocho, LN demigod of earth, the south.
Prime Material Plane/Realmspace/Abeir-Toril (Kara-Tur)

(1) The primary religion of Wa and Kozakura is the faith of the Eight
Million Gods, a collective of nature spirits (including the deities
listed above) worshiped by shugenjas. In addition, there is the Way
of Enlightenment, derived from the Shou-ling Tao of Shou Lung. The
Way is divided into three schools of belief: the Toro-dai (LN
philosophy of meditation, enlightenment), the Kanchai (LG
philosophy of spirituality), and Konjo (LN philosophy of
contemplation, truth). The Way of Enlightenment is banned in Wa;
only the Eight Million Gods are tolerated.
(2) Imported from Faerun; now banned in Wa.

Agni, CG greater god of fire, messages.
Brihaspati, LG intermediate god of wisdom, worship.
Heaven/Lunia/Nectar of Life
Garuda, LG lesser god of air, birds, servitude.
Heaven/Mercuria/The Divine Lotus
Indra, CE intermediate god of weather, battle.
Kali, CE intermediate goddess of life, death.
Abyss/643rd/The Caverns of the Skull
Karttikeya, CG demigod of war, warriors.
Ysgard/Ysgard/The Fortunes of War
Lakshmi, CG lesser goddess of fortune.
Heaven/Mercuria/The Divine Lotus
Mitra, LG intermediate god of friendship, contracts, warmth, light, growth.
Puchan, NG intermediate god of relationships, travellers.
Ratri, NE lesser goddess of night, darkness.
Hades/Niflheim/The Dark of Night
Ravana, LE intermediate god of evil spirits.
Acheron/Avalas/The Vault of the Waters
Rudra (2), NE intermediate god of storms, disease.
Mechanus/The Focus of Energy
Savitri, NG intermediate god of life, light.
Elysium/Amoria/The Domain of the Day-Long Sun
Shiva, N greater god of destruction.
Negative Energy/The Vortex
Soma, CG intermediate god of moon, plants, prophecy.
Ysgard/Ysgard/The Gates of the Moon
Surya, LG intermediate god of morning, evening.
Tvashtri, CG demigod of invention, creation.
Outlands/Tvashri's Library
Ushas, LG intermediate of light, dawn, wakefulness, locks.
Varuna, LN intermediate god of cosmic order, dharma.
Mechanus/The Vigilant Eye
Vayu, CN lesser god of wind, life, destruction.
Vishnu, LG greater god of mercy, light.
Heaven/Mercuria/The Divine Lotus
Yama, LN intermediate god of judgement of the dead.

(1) Collectively known as the Lords of Creation.
(2) Formerly Lawful Neutral, but overthrown by a Neutral Evil aspect of himself.

Ai Ch'ing, LG lesser goddess of love, fidelity, marriage.
Mechanus/The Empire of Heaven
The Celestial One* (Yu-Huang-Shang-ti), LN greater god of creation, social order.
Mechanus/The Empire of Heaven (The Jade Palace)
Chan Cheng, LN lesser god of heroes, war, martial arts, combat, bravery.
Mechanus/The Empire of Heaven
Ch'en Hsiang, LN lesser god of poets, poetry, music, literature.
Mechanus/The Empire of Heaven
Chih Shih, LN god of sages, history, lore, tradition.
Mechanus/The Empire of Heaven
Fa Kuan, LN lesser god of law, justice.
Mechanus/The Empire of Heaven
Hsing Yong, LG lesser god of fortune, prosperity.
Mechanus/The Empire of Heaven
Kwan Ying, LG lesser god of compassion, mercy, joy.
Mechanus/The Empire of Heaven
Nung Chiang, LG lesser god of agriculture, fertility.
Mechanus/The Empire of Heaven
Shu Chia, LN lesser god of artifice, art.
Mechanus/The Empire of Heaven

(1) The pantheon includes the Nine Immortals and the Celestial One. The
worship of the pantheon takes three forms. First is the Shou-ling
Tao (Path of Enlightenment), a LG philosophy of nature and
metaphysics which denies that true faith can be taught in books;
second is the Chung Hsiang Tao (the Way), a N philosophy of magic
and mysticism (the Chung-Tao itself is broken down into the NG
Light Way and the NE Dark Way); and third is the faith of the Nine
Travelers, a CG philosophy which shares many of its beliefs with
the Shou-ling. There are also numerous Lesser Immortals (demigods
and quasi-gods): the NG Jade Ladies (who place treasures in the
earth), the NG Rice Spirits (spirits of the harvest), the LN Moon
Women (who maintain the workings of the sun, the moon, and the
stars), the LG Spirit Warriors (bringers of courage to the
fainthearted), the LG Ladies of Compassion (helpers of Kwan Ying),
the LN Lords of Karma (who judge the souls of the dead), the Buddas
(sages of various alignments who have ascended from mortality), the
Ancestors (ancestor spirits of various alignments), and the many
Nature Spirits.

Azul (Chac, Tlaloc), LE intermediate god of rain, moisture.
House of Maztlan (realm) /// Arcadia/Abellio/Tlalocan
Eha (Ehecatl), CN lesser god of air, clouds.
House of Maztlan (realm) /// Limbo/Mayel (petitioners)
Klitzi (Chalchihuitlicue), CG lesser goddess of love, fertility, flowing water, health.
House of Maztlan (realm) /// Arborea/Olympus/Teotecan (petitioners)
Kukul (2), N greater god of creation, sky.
Outlands/Omeyocan (realm) /// Outlands/The Field of Maztlan (petitioners)
Maztica (2), N greater goddess of creation, sky.
Outlands/Omeyocan (realm) /// Outlands/The Field of Maztlan (petitioners)
Nula, CN lesser goddess of animals, hunters.
House of Maztlan (realm) /// Ysgard/Ysgard/Tochitl (petitioners)
Plutoq, LN intermediate god of stone, mountains.
House of Maztlan (realm) /// Mechanus/Itzli (petitioners)
Qotal* (Kukulcan, Quetzalcoatl), LG greater god of nobility, air, wisdom.
House of Maztlan (realm) /// Heaven/Jovar/Tlazcautli (petitioners)
Tezca (Apocatequil, Tezcatlopoca), CE greater god of sun, moon, fire, night, betrayal; lightning (as Apocatequil).
Abyss/1st/Teotli Itic (realm) /// Pandemonium/Pandesmos/Xipetlan (petitioners)
Watil, NG lesser goddess of plants, agriculture.
House of Maztlan (realm) /// Elysium/Thalasia/Xilen (petitioners)
Zaltec*, CE greater god of war, violence.
Abyss/1st/Teotli Itic (realm) /// Carceri/Cathrys/Zompantli (petitioners)

(1) Note that most Aztec/Maztican/Olman gods reside in the demiplane
known as the House of Maztlan (connected to the Prime Material
Plane) but maintain Outer Planar realms where their petitioners are
sent to dwell. Two realms -- Xibalba on the 7th layer of Hell and
Tlatocalli on the 1st layer of Acheron -- are maintained by the
pantheon as a whole.
(2) The Maztican god and goddess Kukul and Maztica may in fact be
aspects of the Aztec god Ometeotl. Ometeotl himself is known as
having two aspects: one (Ometechtli) male and the other
(Omecihuatl) female. Kukul is believed to be dead by the Mazticans,
slain by Zaltec.

Bala, N lesser god of music, dance, free speach.
The Place of Light
Hajama (2), N greater god of bravery, triumph over opposition, self-trust, stoicism, battle.
The Place of Light
Hakiyah, N intermediate goddess of truth, reason, inquisitiveness, meditation.
The Place of Light
Haku, N greater god of personal independence, pride, independence, freedom, self-reliance, protection.
The Place of Light
Jauhar (2), N intermediate goddess of wealth, craftsmanship, trade, industriousness, competition.
The Place of Light
Jisan, N intermediate goddess of fertility, productivity, fruitfulness, hard work, abundance.
The Place of Light
Kor (2), N greater god of wisdom, elders, learning, stability, tradition.
The Place of Light
Najm (2), N intermediate god/dess of adventure, curiosity, impetuousness, achievement.
The Place of Light
Selan (2), N greater goddess of beauty, grace, positivity, kindness.
The Place of Light
Vataqatal, N lesser god of war, duty, strife, servility, determination.
The Place of Light
Zann, N greater god of intelligence, learning, knowledge, study, understanding.
The Place of Light

(1) In addition to having many different gods, Zakharans have many
different sects of priests, as well. There are Clerics of Order
(who may be of any alignment; "order" refers to their religious
heirarchy), who belong to an organized religion, and Free Priests,
who worship on their own. Furthermore, these categories are further
broken down. Among the Clerics of Order are the liberal
pragmatists, the moderate ethoists, and the conservative moralists.
Among the Free Priests are the hakimas (wise women), kahins
(idolatrists, similar to druids), mystics (hermits), and outland
priests (clerics of gods outside the civilized pantheon). In
addition to the named gods, many civilized Zakharans also follow
the Temple of Ten Thousand Gods, an animist religion. All of the
civilized Zakharan gods dwell in the Place of Light, a demiplane
unconnected to any other point in the multiverse. In addition, they
also maintain two other demiplanes, connected to the Astral Plane:
the Garden of Delights, reserved for their good worshipers; and the
Place of Fire, reserved for their evil worshipers.
(2) The five Great Gods of the Pantheon, worshiped by the cities of the
Pantheist League.

Akadi (1), N greater goddess of air.
Elemental Air/The Great Funnel
The Beast (2), CE demigod of death, rage, fanaticism.
Prime Material Plane/Realmspace/Abeir-Toril (Zakhara)
Clang (3) (Clangeddin Silverbeard), LG intermediate god of war, valor, victory, honor.
Arcadia/Abellio/Mount ClangeddinThe Drummer, CN demigod of music, retribution.
The Forgotten God (2) (The Faceless God), NE demigod of evil, control, mysticism.
Elemental Earth/unknown
Gond (3), N intermediate god of artifice, crafts, construction, smiths.
Grumbar (1), N greater god of earth.
Elemental Earth/The Great Mountain
Helam (3) (Helm), LN intermediate god of guardians, protection.
Ishistu (4), N demigod of rats.
Prime Material Plane/Realmspace/Abeir-Toril (Zakhara).
Istishia (1), N greater god of water.
Elemental Water/The Sea of Timelessness
Kiga (4), NE demigoddess of leopards, predators, murder.
Prime Material Plane/Realmspace/Abeir-Toril (Zakhara)
Kar'r'rga (5), CN demigod of crabs, protection.
Kossuth (1), N greater god of fire.
Elemental Fire/The Crimson Pillar
The Lost One (5), N demigod of unknown portfolio.
Prime Material Plane/Realmspace/Abeir-Toril (Zakhara)
Lotha (4) (Araushnee, Lloth, Lolth, Megwandir), CE intermediate goddess of spiders, evil, darkness, chaos.
Abyss/66th/The Demonweb Pits
Migal (4), LE demigod of enforced order, assassins.
Pag (5), NG demigod of nature, bounty, plants.
Prime Material Plane/Realmspace/Abeir-Toril (Zakhara)
Raggara (4) (Ragarra), CE demigoddess of crocodiles, ferocity, violence.
Prime Material Plane/Realmspace/Abeir-Toril (Zakhara)
Shajar (4), CN demigod of hippopotamuses, rivers, floods, life, death, growth, decay.
Prime Material Plane/Realmspace/Abeir-Toril (Zakhara)
Ur (4), N demigod of squid.
Prime Material Plane/Realmspace/Abeir-Toril (Zakhara)

(1) The Cold Gods of the Elements, recognized in civilized lands but
rarely prayed to.
(2) Gods of the barbaric northern hill country
(3) Gods of the "ajami", or outside peoples, whose worship has spread
from Faerun to Zakhara.
(4) The Forgotten Gods, who have few or no worshipers left in Zakhara.
(5) The pagan gods of the Crowded Sea.

Karaan (1), CE lesser god of savage lust, wanton destruction, nature's dark side.
The Patient One, NE lesser god of secrets, destruction, darkness.
Rallaster, CE lesser god of pain, insanity, murder, duplicity, torture.
Scahrossar, LE lesser goddess of pain, domination, perversion, sado-masochism.
The Xammux (2), NE lesser god of immoral rationality, indifference, forbidden knowledge.
Yeathan, NE lesser god of drowning, underwater darkness, malevolent sea life.

(1) Possibly an aspect of the Faerunian god Malar.
(2) Actually a composite of at least six lesser entities.

Altua, LG lesser goddess of honor, nobility.
Konkreth, CN lesser god of brute force.
Halmyr, LN lesser god of strategy, skill in warfare.
Lyris, N lesser goddess of victory, fate.
Nadirech, CE lesser god of cowardice, trickery, luck.
Sulerain, NE lesser goddess of death, slaughter.
Syreth, NG lesser goddess of guardians, protection.
Typhos, LE lesser god of tyranny.
Valkar, CG lesser god of courage.

Aengrist, LG lesser god of protection, winter, order, truth.
Afflux, NE lesser god of inquiry, necromancy, death.
Aoskar (1), N lesser god of doors, magical portals.
Sigil, City of Doors
Badar (2), CG demigod of rain, freedom.
Erbin, NE demigod of beggars.
Evening Glory, N lesser goddess of love, beauty, immortality through undeath.
Hala, N lesser goddess of witchcraft.
Kaelthiere, NE lesser goddess of fire, destruction.
Elemental Fire/unknown
Nol, LE intermediate god of sun, order, tyranny.
Stillsong, NG lesser god of unknown portfolio.
Tomeri (3), NG lesser goddess of love, beauty.
Urbanus, NG lesser god of cities, growth, improvement.
Water Lion, N lesser god of unknown portfolio.
Yrrkol, N intermediate god of knowledge.
Zarus, LE greater god of humankind, domination, perfection.

(1) Aoskar once made his home in the City of Doors, Sigil, but was
destroyed by the Lady of Pain for hubris. Since then, all deities
have been banned from entering Sigil.
(2) Faded away through lack of worship after his worshipers were
eradicated by the followers of his father, Nol.
(3) Recently slain by Orcus, the Demon Prince of the Undead.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: List of Dead Gods..

Coyote, CN lesser god of crafts, thievery, trickery.
The Great Spirit* (Kitcki Manitou, Tirawa), LG greater god of life, creation, nature, light, animals.
Hastseltsi, N lesser god of speed, runners, racing.
Prime Material Plane/wanders
Hastsezini, LE intermediate god of fire, destruction.
Heng (Thunderbird), CG intermediate god of thunder, lightning, good fortune.
Hotoru, CG lesser god of air, wind, weather.
Elemental Air/unknown
Morning Star, LG demigod of life, morning.
Nokomis, NG intermediate goddess of earth, life, nature, good.
Pah, LG intermediate goddess of moon, light, protection, women.
Raven, CG lesser god of trickery, deception.
Shakak, CE intermediate god of winter, cruelty.
Prime Material Plane/wanders
Shakuru, CN intermediate god of sun, light, heat.
Snake, NG lesser god of reptiles, aging.
Tobadszistini, NE lesser god of war.
Prime Material Plane/wanders

(1) This listing includes gods from various different pantheons. Most
of the American Indian gods and their petitioners dwell on
Wenimats, also known as the Upper World, a demiplane linked to the
second layer of the Beastlands. The gods also control another
demiplane called Shipapu or the Lower World, which connects to both
the Beastlands' second layer and the Prime Material Plane, which in
some faiths is the supposed birthplace of humanity.

Camaxtli (2) (Mixcoatl), N greater god of time, fate.
House of Maztlan (realm) /// Outlands/Field of Maztlan (petitioners)
Centeotl, CN intermediate goddess of agriculture, illness, pain.
House of Maztlan (realm) /// Ysgard/Ysgard/Tochitl (petitioners)
Chalchihuitlicue (Klitzi), CG lesser goddess of love, fertility, flowing water, health.
House of Maztlan (realm) /// Arborea/Olympus/Teotecan (petitioners)
Coatlicue, N intermediate goddess of earth, fertility.
House of Maztlan (realm) /// (no petitioners)
Ehecatl (Eha), CN lesser god of air, clouds.
House of Maztlan (realm) /// Limbo/Mayel (petitioners)
Huehueteotl (Huhueteotl), CE intermediate god of fire, motion of time.
House of Maztlan (realm) /// Pandemonium/Pandesmos/Xipetlan (petitioners)
Huitzilopochtli, NE intermediate god of war, light.
House of Maztlan (realm) /// Gehenna/Chamada/Hueiuhcalli (petitioners)
Ixtlilton, LG lesser god of health, medicine.
House of Maztlan (realm) /// Heaven/Jovar/Tlazcautli (petitioners)
Metzli, NG intermediate goddess of night, animal growth.
House of Maztlan (realm) /// Bytopia/Dothion/Catlampa (petitioners)
Mictlantecuhtli, LE intermediate god of death.
House of Maztlan (realm) /// Hades/Niflheim/Mictlan (petitioners)
Ometeotl* (3), N greater god/goddess of creation, duality.
Outlands/Omeyocan (realm) /// Outlands/The Field of Maztlan (petitioners)
Quetzalcoatl (Kukulcan, Qotal), LG greater god of nobility, air, wisdom.
House of Maztlan (realm) /// Heaven/Jovar/Tlazcautli (petitioners)
Tezcatlipoca (Apocatequil, Tezca), CE greater god of sun, moon, fire, night, betrayal; lightning (as Apocatequil).
Abyss/1st/Teotli Itic (realm) /// Pandemonium/Pandesmos/Xipetlan (petitioners)
Tlaloc (Azul, Chac), LE intermediate god of rain, moisture.
House of Maztlan (realm) /// Arcadia/Abellio/Tlalocan (petitioners)
Tlazolteotl, CE intermediate goddess of vice, bodily pleasure, confession.
House of Maztlan (realm) /// Pandemonium/Pandesmos/Xipetlan (petitioners)
Xipe Totec, NE intermediate god of spring, sacrifices, goldsmithing.
Wanders (realm) /// Outlands/The Field of Maztlan (petitioners)
Xiuhtecuhtli (Otontecuhtli), N intermediate god of fire, space-time, opposites, crossroads.
House of Maztlan (realm) /// Outlands/Hueiuhcalli (petitioners)
Xochipilli, N intermediate god of beauty, good and bad luck.
House of Maztlan (realm) /// Arborea/Olympus/Teotecan (petitioners)
Xolotl (4), LE greater god of evil, tyranny, decadence.
House of Maztlan (realm) /// Hell/Maladomini/Xibalba (petitioners)
Xochiquetzal, NG intermediate goddess of love, flowers, celebration.
House of Maztlan (realm) /// Beastlands/Brux/Xitonco (petitioners)

(1) Note that most Aztec/Maztican gods reside in the demiplane known as
the House of Maztlan (connected to the Prime Material Plane) but
maintain Outer Planar realms where their petitioners are sent to
dwell. Two realms -- Xibalba on the 7th layer of Hell and
Tlatocalli on the 1st layer of Acheron -- are maintained by the
pantheon as a whole.
(2) Camaxtli was recently slain by Orcus, the Demon Prince of the
(3) The Maztican god and goddess Kukul and Maztica may in fact be
aspects of the Aztec god Ometeotl. Ometeotl himself is known as
having two aspects: one (Ometechtli) male and the other
(Omecihuatl) female. Kukul is believed to be dead by the Mazticans,
slain by Zaltec.
(4) Slain by Quetzalcoatl. By an agreement with Asmodeus, Xolotl's
realm in Hell is still used as a repository for lawful evil
petitioners of the pantheon, and as the tlachtli court for the gods
of the pantheon.

Alalu (2), LN greater god of unknown portfolio.
Mechanus/Alalu's Way
Anu*, LN greater god of sky.
Mechanus/Anu's Way
Anshar, CE lesser god of darkness, night.
Pandemonium/Pandesmos/The City of Eternal Darkness
Assuran (Hoar), LN demigod of revenge, retribution, poetic justice.
Druaga, LE lesser god of black magic, conjuration.
Hell/Dis/The Retreat of the Fallen
Girru, LG lesser god of fire.
Heaven/Mercuria/The Undying Flame
Ishtar, NG greater goddess of love, war.
Elysium/Amoria/The City of the Star
Marduk, LN greater god of cities, wind, thunder, storms, rain.
Nergal, NE lesser god of underworld, death.
Ramman, N lesser god of storms, thunder.
Outlands/The Storm Cloud
Tiamat, LE lesser goddess of evil dragons, greed.
Hell/Avernus/The Caverns of Greed

(1) Many of the Babylonian gods are aspects of Sumerian gods who became
gods in their own right.
(2) Alalu was slain by Anu. His realm, Alalu's Way, was renamed as
Anu's Way.

Gabija, NG lesser goddess of the hearth and home.
Jurate, CG intermediate goddess of sea.
Lunt-Ater, NG greater god of sun.
Meness, N intermediate god of moon.
Saule, NG lesser goddess of sun, childbirth, weaving, music.

Anath, LN intermediate goddess of fertility, war.
Arcadia/Buxenus/The Palace of Storms
Ashera, LG intermediate goddess of fertility, motherhood.
Bytopia/Dothion/Pastures New
Baal*, LN greater god of storms, fertility.
Arcadia/Buxenus/The Palace of Storms
El, LN greater god of creation, authority.
Nikkal, LG lesser god of moon.
Yam, CE intermediate god of seas, chaos.
Abyss/88th/The Gaping Maw
Yarikh, LG lesser god of moon.

Andraste, N lesser goddess of victory, prowess in battle.
Outlands/Tir na Og (Mount Victory)
Angus mac Og, NG lesser god of youth, time.
Outlands/Tir na Og (Bruig na Boinne)
Arawn, NE intermediate god of life, death.
Belenus (Belenos), NG intermediate god of sun, heat, light.
Elysium/Thalasia/The Isles of the Blessed
Belisama (Athena, Minerva), LG greater goddess of wisdom, crafts, civilization, war.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Hall of Athena)
Brigantia, NG intermediate goddess of rivers, livestock.
Elysium/Thalasia/The Isles of the Blessed
Brigit, N lesser goddess of fire, poetry.
Outlands/Tir na Og
Cairbre, N lesser god of bards.
Outlands/Tir na Og
Ceridwen, N lesser goddess of inspiration.
Outlands/Tir na Og (wanders)
Cernunnos, N greater god of fertility, rivers, hunters.
Cian, N intermediate god of guardians, heroes.
Outlands/Tir na Og
Cu Chulainn, CG demigod of personal combat, challenge.
Outlands/Tir na Og
The Daghdha*, CG greater god of crops, weather, druids.
Outlands/Tir na Og (Mag Mell)
Danann, N greater goddess of magic.
Outlands/Tir na Og (Mag Mell)
Diancecht, LG intermediate god of medicine, healing.
Outlands/Tir na Og (wanders)
Dispater, LE archfiend of corporate corruption, sloth.
Hell/Dis/The Iron Tower
Dunatis, N intermediate god of mountains.
Outlands/Tir na Og (The Pinnacle)
E'pona, N lesser goddess of horses, grooms, saddlers, twins.
Outlands/Tir na Og (Epona's Stable)
Goibhniu, NG intermediate god of smithcraft, healing.
Outlands/Tir na Og (The Great Smithy)
Lugh (Lugus), CN intermediate god of arts, crafts, travel, commerce, war.
Outlands/Tir na Og (wanders)
Manannan mac Lir (Manankharlar), N intermediate god of oceans, sea life.
Outlands/Tir fo Thunn
Math Mathonwy, NE intermediate god of magic.
The Morrigan, CE intermediate goddess of war.
Outlands/Tir na Og (The Bloody Field)
Nehalennia, N intermediate goddess of seafarers.
Nemhain, CE demigoddess of bloodlust, battle, destruction.
Outlands/Tir na Og (The Bloody Field).
Nuada, N intermediate god of soldiers.
Outlands/Tir na Og (Mag Tuireadh)
Oghma (1), N intermediate god of speech, writing.
Outlands/Tir na Og (The House of Knowledge)
Silvanus (1), N intermediate god of wild nature, druids.
Outlands/Tir na Og (Summeroak)
Touatis (Donar, The General, Thunor, Thor, Tuatis), CN intermediate god of storms, battle, warriors.
Ysgard/Ysgard/Asgard (Thrudheim)

(1) Worshipped as greater gods on Abeir-Toril.

Chao Kung Ming, NG demigod of war.
Elemental Air/unknown
Chih-Chiang-Fyu-Ya, LE demigod of archers, punishment, vengeance.
Chih-Nii, CG intermediate goddess of weaving, love.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/The Land of the Immortals
Chih Sung-Tzu, N intermediate god of rain.
Elemental Air/unknown
Chung Kuel, LG intermediate god of truth, testing.
Heaven/Solamnia/The Ministry of Virtue
Fei Lieng and Fien Po, NG demigods of wind.
Elemental Air/unknown
Fu Hsing, CG intermediate god of happiness, joy.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/The Land of the Immortals
Hun Dun (1), CN greater god of chaos.
Kuan-ti (Huan-ti), NG intermediate god of war, peace, diplomacy, protection, fortune-telling.
Kuan Yin (Kwan Ying), LG intermediate goddess of childbirth, mercy.
Heaven/Solania/The Lotus Garden
K'ung Fu-tzu (Confucius), LG lesser god of veneration of the past, social behavior.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/The Land of the Immortals
Lao Tzu, LN lesser god of mystical insight, nature.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/The Land of the Immortals
Lei Kung, LE intermediate god of thunder, vengeance.
Acheron/Avalas/Resounding Thunder
Liu, N intermediate god of crops, food.
Elysium/Eronia/The Great Mother's Garden
Lu Hsing, N intermediate god of bureaucracy, just rewards.
Arcadia/Abellio/The Ministry of Rewards
Lu Yueh, CE lesser god of disease, decay.
Abyss/300/Feng Tu
No Cha, LE demigod of thieves.
Shan Hai Chang, LN intermediate god of wind, seas.
Mechanus/The Empire of Heaven
Shou Hsing, CN intermediate god of long life.
Ysgard/Ysgard/The Orchard of Immortality
Sung Chiang, NE intermediate god of thievery.
Gehenna/Khalas/The Teardrop Palace
Tou Mu, CE lesser goddess of the north star.
Abyss/300/Feng Tu
Wen Chung, CN demigod of thunder.
Elemental Air/unknown
Yen-Wang-Yeh, LN intermediate god of death.
Outlands/The Palace of Judgement
Yu-Huang-Shang-ti* (The Celestial One), LN greater god of creation, social order, sky, agriculture.
Mechanus/The Empire of Heaven (The Jade Palace)

(1) Accidentally slain by his fellow gods.

Agni, CG greater god of fire, messages.
Brahma, N greater god of creation, balance, cycles.
Brihaspati, LG intermediate god of wisdom, worship.
Heaven/Lunia/Nectar of Life
Garuda, LG lesser god of air, birds, servitude.
Heaven/Mercuria/The Divine Lotus
Ganesha (Ganesh), NG lesser god of fortune, friendship, guile, prosperity.
Indra, CE intermediate god of weather, battle.
Parvati (2) (Durga, Lalitha, Kali), N intermediate goddess of love, spirituality, warfare (as Durga); beauty, nobility, perfection (as Lalitha); destruction, power, murder (as Kali).
Arcadia/Buxenus/unknown /// Outlands/wanders /// Abyss/643rd/The Caverns of the Skull
Karttikeya, CG demigod of war, warriors.
Ysgard/Ysgard/The Fortunes of War
Krishna (3), CG demigod of revelry, music, dancing.
Prime Material Plane/wanders
Lakshmi, CG lesser goddess of fortune.
Heaven/Mercuria/The Divine Lotus
Mitra, LG intermediate god of friendship, contracts, warmth, light, growth.
Puchan, NG intermediate god of relationships, travellers.
Ratri, NE lesser goddess of night, darkness.
Hades/Niflheim/The Dark of Night
Ravana, LE intermediate god of evil spirits.
Acheron/Avalas/The Vault of the Waters
Rudra (4), NE intermediate god of storms, disease.
Mechanus/The Focus of Energy
Savitri, NG intermediate god of life, light.
Elysium/Amoria/The Domain of the Day-Long Sun
Sarawathi, LG intermediate goddess of learning, speech, memory, rivers.
Elysium/The River Oceanus
Shiva (Siva), CN greater god of destruction.
Negative Energy/The Vortex
Soma, CG intermediate god of moon, plants, prophecy.
Ysgard/Ysgard/The Gates of the Moon
Surya, LG intermediate god of morning, evening.
Tvashtri, CG demigod of invention, creation.
Outlands/Tvashri's Library
Ushas, LG intermediate of light, dawn, wakefulness, locks.
Varuna, LN intermediate god of cosmic order, dharma.
Mechanus/The Vigilant Eye
Vayu, CN lesser god of wind, life, destruction.
Vishnu (5), LG greater god of mercy, light, preservation.
Heaven/Mercuria/The Divine Lotus
Yama, LN intermediate god of judgement of the dead.

(1) All of the East Indian gods are said to be aspects of an overpower
known as the Brahman.
(2) Parvati has three aspects: Durga, who is Lawful Good; Lalitha, who
is Neutral; and Kali, who is Chaotic Evil. Some argue that all
female members of the East Indian pantheon are indeed her aspects.
(3) Originally an avatar of Vishnu, but was granted autonomous status.
(4) Formerly Lawful Neutral, but overthrown by a Neutral Evil aspect of
(5) Vishnu employs his avatars very rarely; indeed, he has only done so
nine times. His past avatars have been Mastya, a fish; Kurma, a
tortoise; Varaha, a boar; Narasimha, a half-lion/half-human; Vamana,
a dwarf; Parasurama, a human cleric; Rama, a human warrior who; Krishna,
a human bard (who became a demigod in his own right); and Siddhartha
Guatama, the Buddha, a human mystic. He is said to be reserving his
tenth and final avatar, the horseman Kalki, for the end of this era,
when the world shall be destroyed by Shiva so it may be rebuilt by

Amaunet, CN intermediate goddess of paranormal, latent magic, portals, conduits, astral travellers.
Ysgard/Muspelheim/Hermopolis (Whispers in the Shadows)
Amon, CN intermediate god of paranormal, latent magic, portals, conduits, astral travellers.
Ysgard/Muspelheim/Hermopolis (Whispers in the Shadows)
Anhur, CG lesser god of war, conflict, thunder, rain, storms, physical prowess.
Anubis, LN lesser god of judgement, death, embalming, protection of dead gods.
Apshai, N demigod of insects.
Outlands/The Hive
Bast (1), CG lesser goddess of cats, sensuality, vengeance, protection, punishment.
Bes, CN lesser god of luck, music, protection.
Geb, NG lesser god of earth, miners, mines, mineral resources.
Elemental Earth/The Cavern Under the Stars
Hathor, NG lesser goddess of love, music, dance, moon, fate, motherhood.
Heh, CN intermediate god of the concept of infinity.
Ysgard/Muspelheim/Hermopolis (The Steeple of Vision)
Hehet, CN intermediate goddess of the concept of infinity.
Ysgard/Muspelheim/Hermopolis (The Steeple of Vision)
Horus, CG lesser god of vengeance, sun, war.
Arcadia/Buxenus/Heliopolis (wanders)
Imhotep, NG demigod of crafts, medicine.
Elysium/Amoria and Thalasia/Ro Stau
Isis, NG greater goddess of fertility, magic, marriage.
Arcadia/Buxenus/Heliopolis (Gizekhtet) /// Elysium/Amoria/Quietude
Kek, CN intermediate god of darkness.
Ysgard/Muspelheim/Hermopolis (The Dark Side) /// Ysgard/Nidavellir/Pax E Tenebris
Keket, CN intermediate goddess of darkness.
Ysgard/Muspelheim/Hermopolis (The Dark Side) /// Ysgard/Nidavellir/Pax E Tenebris
Nephthys, CG intermediate goddess of death, grief.
Naunet, CG intermediate goddess of water, ocean depths.
Ysgard/Muspelheim/Hermopolis (Coolness) /// Arborea/Ossa/The Primaeval Abyssal
Nun, CG intermediate god of water, ocean depths.
Ysgard/Muspelheim/Hermopolis (Coolness) /// Arborea/Ossa/The Primaeval Abyssal
Nut, NG intermediate goddess of sky, lovers.
Elysium/Belierin/Refuge of Night
Osiris, LG greater god of harvest, nature, underworld.
Arcadia/Buxenus/Heliopolis (Memphiria)
Ptah (2), LN intermediate god of crafts, knowledge, secrets, land travel, space travel.
Ethereal/Border Ethereal/wanders
Ra* (3) (Horus-Re, Re, Re-Horakhty), LG greater god of nobility, sun, supremacy, vengeance.
Arcadia/Buxenus/Heliopolis (Thekele-Re)
Seker, NG lesser god of light.
Elysium/Amoria and Thalasia/Ro Stau
Set (Typhon), LE greater god of darkness, evil, night, desert storms, drought.
Shu, NG intermediate god of sky, winds.
Elemental Air/Desert Wind
Sobek (Sebek), LE demigod of water, river hazards, crocodiles, wetlands.
Prime Material Plane/Realmspace/Abeir-Toril (Faerun)
Tefnut, NG intermediate goddess of storms, rain, dynamic water.
Thoth, N intermediate god of knowledge, wisdom, learning.
Outlands/Thoth's Estate

(1) Bast's aspect on Toril merged with the elven goddess Zandilar to
become the demigoddess Sharess.
(2) Worshiped widely in arcane space as a patron of spelljammers.
(3) On some worlds known as Horus-Re or Re-Horakhty, a combination of
Ra and Horus.

Ahto, NG greater god of seas, water.
Elemental Water/Curling Wave
Hiisi (1), CE greater god of evil.
The Nether Lands
Ilmatar, NG lesser goddess of mothers.
Prime Material Plane/wanders
Kipuytto (2), CE demigoddess of disease.
Loviatar (3), LE demigoddess of pain, torture, suffering, agony.
Mielikki (3), NG lesser goddess of forests, hunters, rangers, autumn.
Beastlands/Krigala/The Grove of the Unicorns
Surma, NE demigod of death, anger.
Tuonetar, CE greater goddess of underworld, the dead.
Tuoni, CN greater god of underworld, the spirit's journey.
Ukko*, NG greater god of sky, air, weather, birds.
Untamo, N lesser god of sleep, dreams.
Outlands/The Sleeping Lands

(1) Hiisi's home, the Nether Lands, is a demiplane which is coexistant
with a number of Prime Material worlds.
(2) Attempted to establish a following on Abeir-Toril, but slain by
(3) Worshiped as intermediate goddesses on Abeir-Toril.

Baldag (Balder), NG intermediate god of beauty, light, music, poetry, rebirth.
Ysgard/Ysgard/Asgard (Breidablik)
Earendel, CG demigod of mariners.
Eostre, NG intermediate goddess of spring, fertility, rebirth.
Fria (Frigga), N greater goddess of birth, fertility, love.
Ysgard/Ysgard/Asgard (Fensalir)
Holda (Hel, Kala), NE intermediate goddess of death, underworld.
Hred, LE lesser goddess of winter.
Ing-Fro (Saxnot), N demigod of sovreignity, peace.
Mannus, N lesser god of humankind, human achievement, creation.
Nerthus*, NG greater goddess of prosperity, peace, earth, harmony.
Thunor (Donar, The General, Thor, Touatis, Tuatis), CN intermediate god of storms, battle, warriors.
Ysgard/Ysgard/Asgard (Thrudheim)
Tiwaz (1) (Tyr), LG intermediate god of justice.
Heaven/Lunia/The Court /// Ysgard/Ysgard/Asgard (Himinborg)
Tuisto, N greater god of creation, humanity, justice.
Urd, N greater goddess of fate.
Outlands/The Well of Urd
Volla (Fulla), NG demigoddess of maidens, stones.
Ysgard/Ysgard/Asgard (Fensalir)
Weyland (Volundr), N lesser god of blacksmiths.
Woden (Odin, Othinus, Viuden), NG greater god of magic, travellers.
Ysgard/Ysgard/Asgard (Gladsheim /// Valaskialf /// Valhalla)

(1) Worshiped as a greater god in Faerun.

Adonis, CG demigod of male beauty, hunting, life cycle.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (wanders)
Amphitrite, CN intermediate goddess of sea, seafarers.
Ananke, N intermediate goddess of fate, necessity, judgement.
Outlands/The Courts of Necessity
Aphrodite (Venus), CG intermediate goddess of love, beauty.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Palace of Aphrodite)
Apollo (Phoebus), CG intermediate god of light, prophecy, music, healing.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Temple of Apollo)
Ares (Mars), CE intermediate god of war, killing, strife.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Fortress of Apollo)
Artemis (Diana), NG intermediate goddess of hunting, wild beasts, childbirth, dance.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (wanders)
Asclepius, NG demigod of healing.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Temple of Apollo)
Astraea, LG lesser goddess of justice, civilization.
Ate, CE demigod of hatred, injustice, crime, insensitivity.
Athena (Belisama, Minerva), LG greater goddess of wisdom, crafts, civilization, war.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Hall of Athena)
Demeter (Ceres), N lesser goddess of agriculture.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Field of Demeter)
Dionysus (Bacchus), CN intermediate god of mirth, madness, wine, fertility, theater.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Vineyard of Demeter)
Eileithyia, CG lesser goddess of childbirth.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Sanctuary of Eileithyia)
Erebus, NE lesser god of darkness, night, deceit, shadows.
Shadow/The Spanning Darkness
Eris (Discordia), CE intermediate goddess of strife, discord, war.
Abyss/unknown/Strife Unforgiving
Eros (Cupid), CG lesser god of love, lust, homosexuality.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Palace of Aphrodite)
The Fates (1), N lesser goddesses of fate, destiny.
Hades/Pluton/The Underworld of Hades
Gaea (Terra), N greater goddess of earth, fertility, health, prophecy.
Prime Material Plane/all worlds
Ganymede, LG demigod of service, duty.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Temple of Zeus)
The Graces (2), CG lesser goddesses of artistic and poetic excellence.
Arborea/Olympus/Mount Helicon
Hades (Pluto), NE greater god of death, underworld, earth, wealth.
Hades/Pluton/The Underworld of Hades
Hebe, CG demigoddess of youth, vigor.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (Hero's Rest)
Hecate, NE intermediate goddess of moon, magic, abundance, undead.
Hades/Pluton/Aeaea /// Hell/Minauros/Aeaea
Helius, N lesser god of sunlight.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Palace of Helius)
Hephaestus (Vulcan), NG intermediate god of smithing, crafts.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Forge of Hephaestus)
Hera (Juno), N greater goddess of marriage, women, intrigue.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Temple of Zeus)
Heracles (Hercules), CG demigod of strength, adventure.
Hermes (Mercury), CG intermediate god of travel, trade, theft, gambling, running.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Den of Hermes)
Hestia (Vesta), NG lesser goddess of home, hearth, family.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Temple of Zeus)
Iris, CG demigoddess of rainbows.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Sanctuary of Eileithyia)
Mors, CE demigod of death, murder.
The Muses (3), CG demigoddesses of the arts, inspiration.
Arborea/Olympus/Mount Helicon
Nike (Victoria), LN demigoddess of victory.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Hall of Athena /// The Fortress of Ares)
Nyx, NE intermediate goddess of night.
Carceri/Agathys/The Deepest Chasm of Night
Pan (Faunus), CN lesser god of nature, passion, shepherds, mountains.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (wanders)
Persephone, NG intermediate goddess of renewal, winter, spring.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Field of Demeter) /// Hades/Pluton/The Underworld of Hades
Poseidon (Neptune), CN greater god of seas, rivers, earthquakes.
Thanatos, N lesser god of death, spirits.
Hades/Pluton/The Underworld of Hades /// Carceri/wanders
Tyche (4) (Beshaba, Fortuna, Tymora), N lesser goddess of luck.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Villa of Tyche)
Ouranous (5) (Uranus), LE greater god of sky.
Whereabouts unknown.
Zeus* (Jove, Jupiter), CG greater god of sky, air, storms, fate, nobility.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Temple of Zeus)

(1) The Fates are three in number: Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos.
(2) The Graces are three in number: Aglaia, Euphrosyne, and Thalia.
(3) The Muses are nine in number and each represents a different arts
or sciences: Klio (history), Melpomene (tragedy, drama), Thalia
(comedy, burlesque), Urania (astronomy), Euterpe (music), Polyhynia
(song, oratory, myths), Erato (love, marriage songs), and
Terpsichore (dancing).
(4) Tyche split her aspect on the world of Toril into two separate
goddesses: Beshaba and Tymora.
(5) Mutilated (and probably slain) by Cronus.

Atlas (2), CE lesser god of strength.
Ethereal Plane/Border Ethereal/The Prison of Atlas
Coeus, NE greater god of fear, animals, weather.
Crius, CE greater god of death, gravity.
Carceri/Othrys/The Temple of Crius
Cronus, LE greater god of time, ignorance, sinister ambition.
Carceri/Othrys/Mount Othrys
Epimetheus (3), NG lesser god of afterthought, folly.
Hyperion, CE greater god of sky, sun.
Carceri/Othrys/Mount Othrys
Iapetus, CE greater god of war.
Carceri/Othrys/Mount Othrys
Mnemosyne, N lesser goddess of knowledge, memory.
Carceri/Othrys/Mount Othrys
Oceanus, CE greater god of oceans, sea life.
Carceri/Porphatys/The Temple of Oceanus
Phoebe, CE greater goddess of light, sun.
Carceri/Othrys/Mount Othrys
Prometheus (4), NG lesser god of forethought, wisdom.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Temple of Zeus)
Rhea (3), NG greater goddess of fertility.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Temple of Zeus)
Saturn (5), NG greater god of agriculture.
Tethys, CE greater goddess of fishing, freshwater.
Carceri/Porphatys/The Temple of Oceanus
Theia, CE greater goddess of darkness, stars, occult lore.
Carceri/Othrys/Mount Othrys
Themis, LN greater goddess of justice.
Carceri/Othrys/Mount Othrys

(1) Most of the titans were cast into Carceri after they made war upon
the Greek pantheon.
(2) For his participation in the war against the gods, Atlas was
sentenced to bear the weight of a world upon his back in his prison
(3) Had no part in the war against the Greek gods and thus spared their
siblings' fates.
(4) Aided the Greek gods in their war against the titans. Later
punished for enlightening mankind against the will of Zeus by being
chained to a mountain to have his ever-regenerating liver torn out
by a great vulture, but after many centuries forgiven and given a
place in Olympus.
(5) Once an aspect of Cronus.

Inti, NG greater god of sun, protection.
Viracocha*, LG greater god of supremacy, storms, sun.

Amishkaupeu, N demigod of beavers, plants.
Prime Material Plane/wanders
Anguta, N greater god of death.
Anikapeu, N demigod of frogs, toads.
Prime Material Plane/wanders
Atshikash-napeu, N demigod of mink, trickery.
Prime Material Plane/wanders
Nisk-napeu, N demigod of geese.
Prime Material Plane/wanders
Eeyeekalduk, NG intermediate god of healing.
Erkilek, NE intermediate god of hunters, archery.
Isitoq, LN intermediate god of law, taboos.
Kakuapeu, N demigod of porcupines, protection.
Prime Material Plane/wanders
Mashku, N lesser god of bears, marmots, skunks.
Prime Material Plane/wanders
Mashkupeu, N demigod of bears, strength.
Prime Material Plane/wanders
Matshishkapeu, N intermediate god of trickery, humor.
Memekueshishkeu, N lesser goddess of hunting and foraging animals.
Prime Material Plane/wanders
Missinaku, N lesser god of aquatic animals, waterfowl.
Prime Material Plane/wanders
Papakashtshihku, N lesser god of caribou, sustenance.
Sedna (Nuliajuk), NE greater goddess of sea, ice, animals.
Sila, N greater goddess of weather, intelligence, air.
Tarqeq, N greater god of hunting, fertility, morality, animals, moon.
Tootega, N intermediate goddess of travellers.
Tornassuk, N intermediate god of war, wrath.
Tshiuetinush, N intermediate god of storms, cold.
Uhuapeu, N demigod of hares, grouse, owls, crows.
Prime Material Plane/wanders
Uapineu-napeu, N demigod of partridge.
Prime Material Plane/wanders
Uapishtan-napeu, N demigod of martins.
Prime Material Plane/wanders

Amaterasu Omikami, LG intermediate goddess of light, sun.
Heaven/Mercuria/Radiant Light
Ama-Tsu-Mara (Amatsu-Mara), N intermediate god of smithing, weapons.
Bytopia/Dothion/The Golden Hills (The Mithral Forge)
Amatsu-Mikaboshi, LE intermediate god of secrets, temptations, betrayals.
Acheron/Ocanthus/The Eye of the Storm
Daikoku, LG demigod of wealth, luck.
Prime Material Plane/wanders
Ebisu, LG demigod of luck through hard work.
Hachiman, LN intermediate god of war.
Ho-Masubi, CN lesser god of flames, self-sufficiency, the dispossessed.
Prime Material Plane/wanders
Inari, NG intermediate goddess of rice.
Izanagi*, LN greater god of creation.
Arcadia/Abellio/Cherry Blossom
Izanami*, LN greater goddess of creation.
Arcadia/Abellio/Cherry Blossom
Kishijoten, NG lesser goddess of luck.
Prime Material Plane/wanders
Kura Okami (Kura-O-Kami), CG intermediate god of rain, snow.
Beastlands/Karasuthra/The Misty Valley
Nai No Kami (Nai-No-Kami), LN intermediate god of earthquakes.
Mechanus/The Shaking Land
Ogestu-no-hine (1), NG intermediate god of food, grain.
Elysium/Amoria/The Gardens of Plenty
O-Kuni-Nushi (Oh-Kuni-Nushi), LG intermediate god of medicine, sorcery, land.
O-Wata-Tsu-Mi (O-Watatsumi), NG intermediate god of sea creatures, tides.
Elysium/Thalasia/The Citadel of the Sea
Raiden, CE intermediate god of thunder, fletching.
Carceri/Othrys/The Palace of Thunder
The Shichifukijin (2), LG lesser gods of happiness.
Heaven/Lunia/The Eight Happinesses
Shina-Tsu-Hiko, CN intermediate god of winds.
Susanoo (Susano-O), CN intermediate god of storms, chaos.
Limbo/The Globe of Raging Chaos
Tsuki-Yomi (Tsukiyomi), NG intermediate god of time, moon.
Elysium/Eronia/The Mirror of the Moon

(1) Slain by Susanoo.
(2) The Shichifukijin are a group of eight lesser gods who preside over
various forms of happiness.

Ahau Kin (1), LN greater god of sun, light, warmth, darkness, night.
Mechanus/The Disc of Day and Night
Camaxtli (2) (Mixcoatl), N greater god of time, fate.
The House of Maztlan (realm) /// Outlands/The Field of Maztlan (petitioners)
Camazotz (Zotzihala, Zotz), CE lesser god of bats; vampires, underworld (as Zotzihala).
Chac (Tlaloc), LE intermediate god of rain, moisture.
House of Maztlan (realm) /// Arcadia/Abellio/Tlalocan
Huracan, CE greater god of wind, storms, fire.
Pandemonium/Pandesmos/The Windswept Floodwaters
Itzamna*, LN greater god of writing, learning, priesthood.
Mechanus/The House of Teaching
Ix Chel, LG greater god of fertility, medicine, weaving.
Mechanus/The Garden of Practicality
Kukulcan (Quetzalcoatl), LN greater god of nobility, air, wisdom.
House of Maztlan (realm) /// Heaven/Jovar/Tlazcautli (petitioners)

(1) Ahau Kin has two aspects, the good Sun God and the evil Jaguar God,
between which he shifts as day becomes night.
(2) Camaxtli was recently slain by Orcus, the Demon Prince of the

Ambat, LG demigod of heroism, crafts.
Prime Material Plane/wanders
Bugal, NG intermediate god of rain, snakes.
Beastlands/Karasuthra/The Bush
Bunosi, CN lesser god of fire, animals, plants.
The Kasa Sona* (1), NG gods of creation.
The Sky World
Marruni, CG lesser god of earthquakes.
Ysgard/Muspelheim/The Isle of Tabar
Nugu (2), CE lesser god of mischief, earth.
Prime Material Plane/wanders
Tudava, NG lesser god of learning, agriculture, magic.
Warger, N intermediate god of rivers, crocodiles.
Beastlands/Karasuthra/The Bush

(1) There are an unspecified number of Kasa Sona, gods of varying power
who each created something important in the world. The most
important are Ipila, a greater god who is said to have created
humanity; Kambel, an intermediate god who created the moon; and
Chel, a lesser god who created rainbows. The Kasa Sona dwell in the
Sky World, a demiplane connected to the Astral.
(2) Nugu was the first sentient creation of the Kasa Sona, but due to
his misbehavior he was cursed to bear the weight of the world on
his shoulders.

Nakaa, NE intermediate god of death, the dead.
Old Nareau (1), N greater god of earthly creation.
Young Nareau*, N greater god of celestial creation.

(1) Killed by Young Nareau

Genghis Khan (Chinggis Khan, Temujin), LN demigod of conquest, military genius, racial pride.

Aegir, NE intermediate god of sea, storms.
Ysgard/Ysgard/Asgard (Hlesvang)
Balder (Baldag), NG intermediate god of beauty, light, music, poetry, rebirth.
Ysgard/Ysgard/Asgard (Breidablik)
Bragi, NG intermediate god of poetry, music.
Elysium/Eronia/Harphearth /// Ysgard/Ysgard/Asgard (Himinborg)
Forseti (Forsetta), N intermediate god of justice, law.
Ysgard/Ysgard/Asgard (Glitnir)
Frey (Fredar), NG greater god of agriculture, fertility, harvest, sun.
Ysgard/Ysgard/Vanaheim /// Ysgard/Ysgard/Alfheim
Freya (Fredara, Freyal), NG intermediate goddess of fertility, love, magic, vanity.
Ysgard/Ysgard/Vanaheim (Sussrumnir) /// Ysgard/Ysgard/Asgard (Gladsheim)
Frigga (Fria), N greater goddess of birth, fertility, love.
Ysgard/Ysgard/Asgard (Fensalir)
Fulla (Volla), NG demigoddess of maidens, stones.
Ysgard/Ysgard/Asgard (Fensalir)
Gefjon, N lesser goddess of virgins, fertility.
Ysgard/Ysgard/Asgard /// Ysgard/Ysgard/Vanaheim
Gerda, NG lesser goddess of agriculture, beauty.
Groa, NG lesser goddess of fertility, divination.
Gullveig, NE lesser goddess of black magic, greed.
Ysgard/Ysgard/Vanaheim /// Gehenna/Mungoth/unknown
Heimdall, LG intermediate god of watchfulness, sight, hearing, loyalty.
Ysgard/Ysgard/Asgard (Himinborg)
Hel (Holda, Kala), NE intermediate goddess of death, underworld.
Hermod, CN demigod of luck, communication, freedom.
Ysgard/Ysgard/Asgard (wanders)
Hod, N lesser god of smithcraft.
Hoenir, CN lesser god of divination, divine magic.
Idun, NG intermediate goddess of youth, spring.
Elysium/Eronia/Harphearth /// Ysgard/Ysgard/Asgard (Himinbord)
Iord, N lesser goddess of earth.
Ysgard/Ysgard/Ysgard (Thrudheim)
Kvasir, N lesser god of knowledge, inspiration, bards.
Ysgard/Ysgard/Ysgard /// Ysgard/Ysgard/Vanaheim
Loki (Bozdogan, Lokar), CE greater god of thieves, trickery, murder, fire.
Pandemonium/Pandesmos/Winter's Hall /// Ysgard/Ysgard/Asgard (wanders)
Lothur, CN lesser god of sight, hearing, speech.
Magni, CG lesser god of strength.
Ysgard/Ysgard/Asgard (Thrudheim)
Mani, NE lesser god of moon.
Mimir, CN greater god of wisdom, knowledge, inland waters.
Modi, CG lesser god of courage, berserk rage.
Ysgard/Ysgard/Asgard (Thrudheim)
Nanna, NG lesser goddess of plants.
Nastrond, CE greater god of Ragnarok.
Abyss/444th/The Abyss of Ragnarok
Njord, NG intermediate god of commerce, sea, wind.
Ysgard/Ysgard/Vanaheim (Noatun)
Odin* (Othinus, Viuden, Woden), NG greater god of knowledge, magic, supremacy, war.
Ysgard/Ysgard/Asgard (Gladsheim /// Valaskialf /// Valhalla)
Odur, CN demigod of travel, smithing.
Ran, CE demigoddess of waves, whirlpools.
Ysgard/Ysgard/Asgard (Hlesvang)
Rind, NE lesser goddess of madness.
Ysgard/Ysgard/Asgard (Gladsheim)
Sif, CG demigoddess of war, dueling.
Ysgard/Ysgard/Asgard (Thrudheim)
Skadi, N lesser goddess of earth, mountains.
Sol, NG lesser god of sun.
Thor (Donar, The General, Thunor, Touatis, Tuatis), CN greater god of storms, thunder, battle.
Ysgard/Ysgard/Asgard (Thrudheim)
Tyr (1) (Tiwaz), LG intermediate god of courage, trust, strategy, tactics, writing.
Heaven/Lunia/The Court /// Ysgard/Ysgard/Asgard (Himinborg)
Uller, CN lesser god of archers, hunting, winter.
Vali, NG lesser god of archers, vengeance.
Vidar, CG lesser god of strength, silence.
Ysgard/Ysgard/Asgard (Vili)
Volundr (Wayland), N demigod of blacksmiths.
Vor, LG lesser goddess of oaths, marriage.

(1) Worshiped as a greater god in Faerun.

Anahita, LG lesser goddess of prosperity, justice, water.
Heaven/Lunia/The Purifying Water
Ahriman (1) (Angra Mainyu, Asmodeus, the Morningstar), LE greater god of creation, evil, tyranny, devils, infernal majesty.
Hell/Nessus/The Serpent's Coil
Apaosha (2), LE demigod of drought.
Mithras, NG intermediate god of sun, light, loyalty, warfare, discipline, truth, celibacy.
Ormahzd (3) (Ahura Mazda, Jazirian), LG greater god/goddess of creation, community, peace, learning, parenthood.
Heaven/Solania/Uroboros, the Gates of Wisdom
Tishtrya, LG lesser god of rain.
Heaven/Lunia/Water from Heaven

(1) Ahriman has convinced the multiverse that he is a mere Archdevil,
Asmodeus. Asmodeus -- actually his avatar -- rules Hell from
Ahriman's second realm, the Fortress Malsheem.
(2) Apaosha was a demigod who served Ahriman; he may or may not have
been of baatezu origin. He was slain by Tishtrya.
(3) It is believed by the sarrukh that Ormahzd is an aspect of the
World Serpent.

Bacchus (Dionysus), CN intermediate god of mirth, madness, wine, fertility, theater.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Vineyard of Demeter)
Ceres (Demeter), N lesser goddess of agriculture.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Field of Demeter)
Cybelle, NG lesser goddess of earth, fertility, untamed nature.
Elemental Earth/unknown
Cupid (Eros), CG lesser god of love, lust, homosexuality.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Palace of Aphrodite)
Diana (Artemis), NG intermediate goddess of hunting, wild beasts, childbirth, dance.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (wanders)
Discordia (Eris), CE intermediate goddess of strife, discord, war.
Abyss/unknown/Strife Unforgiving
The Divis Imperator (1), (various alignments) demigods of (various).
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Senate)
Faunus (Pan), CN lesser god of nature, passion, shepherds, mountains.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (wanders)
Fortuna (2) (Beshaba, Tyche, Tymora), N lesser goddess of luck.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Villa of Tyche)
Janus, LG lesser god of gates, gateways, doors.
Juno (Hera), N greater goddess of marriage, women, intrigue.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Temple of Zeus)
Jupiter* (Jove, Zeus), CG greater god of sky, air, storms, fate, nobility.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Temple of Zeus)
Hercules (Heracles), CG demigod of strength, adventure.
Phoebus (Apollo), CG intermediate god of light, prophecy, music, healing.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Temple of Apollo)
Mars (Ares), CE intermediate god of war, killing, strife.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Fortress of Apollo)
Mercury (Hermes), CG intermediate god of travel, trade, theft, gambling, running.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Den of Hermes)
Minerva (Athena, Belisama), LG greater goddess of wisdom, crafts, civilization, war.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Hall of Athena)
Mithras, NG intermediate god of sun, light, loyalty, warfare, discipline, truth, celibacy.
Neptune (Poseidon), CN greater god of seas, rivers, earthquakes.
Pluto (Hades), NE greater god of death, underworld, earth, wealth.
Hades/Pluton/The Underworld of Hades
Serapis, NG intermediate god of healing, fertility, underworld.
Silvanus (3), N intermediate god of wild nature, druids.
Outlands/Tir na Og (Summeroak)
Terra (Gaea), N greater goddess of earth, fertility, health, prophecy.
Prime Material Plane/all worlds
Uranus (4) (Ouranous), LE greater god of sky.
Whereabouts unknown.
Venus (Aphrodite), CG intermediate goddess of love, beauty.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Palace of Aphrodite)
Vesta (Hestia), NG lesser goddess of home, hearth, family.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Temple of Zeus)
Victoria (Nike), LN demigoddess of victory.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Hall of Athena /// The Fortress of Ares)
Vulcan (Hephaestus), NG intermediate god of smithing, crafts.
Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (The Forge of Hephaestus)

(1) The Divis Imperator include a variety of once-mortal demigods who
encompass an array of state-related portfolios: Augustus
(emperors), Caligula (insanity, evil, murderers, poison), Claudius
(sages, history, historians, husbands), Vespasian (generals,
armies, military matters), Antonius Pius (peace, good order,
beneficient rulers), Hadrian (travellers), and others.
(2) Fortuna split her aspect on the world of Toril into two separate
goddesses: Beshaba and Tymora.
(3) Worshiped as a greater god on Toril.
(4) Mutilated (and probably slain) by Cronus.

Baba Yaga (1), NE demigoddess of witchcraft.
Dazhbog, NG intermediate god of sun, plenty.
Quasielemental Radiance/Eastern Splendor /// Elysium/Eronia/Eastern Bounty
The Death Crone, NE greater goddess of death.
Jarilo, CN lesser god of physical love, fertility.
Khors, NG intermediate god of sun.
Makosh, NG intermediate goddess of fertility, moisture, maidens.
Quasielemental Mist/Blessed Dew /// Elysium/Amoria/Rippling Rills
Perun, N intermediate god of thunder, war.
Quasielemental Lightning/Storm Castle /// Outlands/The Mountain of Thunder
Rod, NG intermediate god of light, fertility, ancestors.
Quasielemental Radiance/Starlight Palace /// Bytopia/Dothion/Rod's Vineyard
Simargl, LN intermediate god of protection.
Stribog, NE lesser god of wind.
Elemental Air/The Tornado of Torment /// Carceri/Colothys/The Paths of Fear
Svantovit, N intermediate god of soothsayers, divination, strength, war.
Elemental Water/In Aqua Veritas /// Outlands/Four Doors
Svarog*, N greater god of fire, sky.
Elemental Fire/The Gates of Power
Svarozhich, N lesser god of fire.
Elemental Fire/The Gates of Power
Volos, NG intermediate god of farming, trade, the dead.
Elemental Earth/The Catacombs of Volos /// Bytopia/Shurrock/The Kingdom of Volos

(1) Possibly an aspect of the Death Crone. Wanders the planes in the
Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga.

Enlil*, NG greater god of air, war.
Elysium/Eronia/The Great Mountain of the East
Enki (1), LN greater god of rivers, oceans.
Mechanus/The Water Wheel
Inanna, LE greater goddess of love, war.
Hell/Phlegethos/The Jealous Heart
Ki, N greater god of nature.
Elysium/Eronia/The Great Mountain of the East
Nanna-Sin, CG lesser goddess of moon.
Elysium/Eronia/The Great Mountain of the East
Nin-Hursag, N lesser goddess of earth.
Elysium/Eronia/The Great Mountain of the East
Utu, CG greater god of sun.
Arborea/Olympus/The Absorbing Light

(1) Slain by the Babylonian deities Anshar and Nergal

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: List of Dead Gods..

K'ooriall, CG lesser god of ???.
Krocaa, NG lesser god of sky, air.
Elemental Air/unknown
Syranita, NG intermediate goddess of protection, watchfulness.

Piscaethces, LE intermediate goddess of domination, oppression.

Sekolah, LE intermediate god of plunder, hunting, tyranny.

Barachiel, LG celestial paragon of messengers, heralds.
Heaven/Lunia/The Citadel of Stars
Domiel, LG celestial paragon of protection, slayers.
Heaven/Mercuria/The Golden Spire of Aurilon
Erathaol, LG celestial paragon of prophets, seers, knowledge.
Pistis Sophia, LG celestial paragon of truth, harmony, serenity.
Raziel, LG celestial paragon of crusaders.
Heaven/Mertion/Empyrea, the City of Tempered Souls
Sealtiel, LG celestial paragon of defenders.
Heaven/Jovar/Pax Exaltea
Zaphkiel*, LG celestial paragon of wisdom, perfection.

(1) The patrons of the archons are known collectively as the Celestial
Hebdomad or the Tome Archons.

Merrshaulk (1), CE intermediate god of poison, somnolence.
Semuanya (1), N lesser god of survival, propigation.
Outlands/Semuanya's Bog

(1) According to the sarrukh, these gods are aspects of the abstract
divine entity known as the World Serpent.

The Great Mother, CE greater goddess of magic, fertility, tyranny.
Abyss/6th/The Realm of a Million Eyes
Gzemnid, CE lesser god of gasses, deception.
Outlands/Gzemnid's Realm

Dar-Marn-Camac, N lesser god of ???.
Prime Material Plane/unknown

(1) Not to be confused with the undead known as bodaks.

Grankhul, CE lesser god of hunting, senses, surprise.
Hruggek* (Bartziluth), CE intermediate god of violence, combat.
Skiggaret, CE demigod of fear.

Ggorulluzg, CE demigod of ???.
Negative Energy/unknown
Ramenos, CE lesser god of somnolence, intoxication, decay.

Brilos, CG demigod of strength.
Beastlands/Krigala/Skerrit's Glade
Fanthros, CG demigod of sky, weather.
Beastlands/Krigala/Skerrit's Glade
Linroth, CG demigoddess of speed.
Beastlands/Krigala/Skerrit's Glade
Naharra, CG demigoddess of fertility, love.
Beastlands/Krigala/Skerrit's Glade
Skerrit*, CG lesser god of community, nature.
Beastlands/Krigala/Skerrit's Glade

Torazon, CE archfiend of combat, territory.
Abyss/unknown/Heart's Rending

T'Ka-Boolk'na, N demigod of ???.

Jazirian (1) (Ahura Mazda, Ormahzd), LG greater god/goddess of creation, community,
peace, learning, parenthood.
Heaven/Solania/Uroboros, the Gates of Wisdom

(1) It is believed by the sarrukh that Jazirian is an aspect of the
World Serpent.

Alvarez, CE archfiend of torture.
Abyss/57/Tortuous Truth
Alzrius, CE archfiend of abyssal light.
Baphomet, CE archfiend of mazes.
Abyss/600/The Endless Maze
Demogorgon (Goron), CE archfiend of insanity.
Abyss/88/The Gaping Maw
Firffuffl'nb, CE archfiend of norkers.
Fraz-Urb'luu (2), CE archfiend of duplicity.
Abyss/176/Hollow's Heart
Graz'zt, CE archfiend of base instinct, lust, seduction.
Abyss/45, 46, and 47/The Triple Realm of Azzagrat (The Argent Palace)
Juiblex (Jubilex), CE archfiend of ooze, slime.
Abyss/222/The Slime Pits of Shedaklah
Kostchtchie, CE archfiend of frost.
Abyss/23/The Iron Wastes
Lissa'aere, CE archfiend of noxious gas.
Lupercio, CE archfiend of sloth.
Abyss/128/The Slugbed
Lynkhab, CE archfiend of desire.
Abyss/297/The Sighing Cliffs
Orcus (3) (Oruguz, Tenebrous), CE archfiend of undeath.
Abyss/113/Thanatos, the Belly of Death.
Pazuzu (Pazrael, Pazuzeus), CE archfiend of air, pestilence.
Sess'inek, CE archfiend of lizards, ascent from barbarism.
Abyss/7/The Phantom Plane
Torazon, CE archfiend of combat, territory.
Abyss/unknown/Heart's Rending
Vukarik, CE archfiend of violent overthrow
Yeenoghu (Ranivorous), CE archfiend of gnolls, ghouls, cannibalism, savagery.
Abyss/422/The Seeping Wode
Zanassu (4), CE archfiend of spiders.
Zuggtmoy (5), CE archfiend of fungus, rot, decay.
Abyss/222/The Slime Pits of Shedaklah

(1) The patrons of the demons are known collectively as Demon Lords or
Demon Princes.
(2) Imprisoned beneath Castle Greyhawk by the demigod Zagyg, but
recently freed.
(3) Recently killed by the drow demigoddess Kiaransalee, but
resurrected as Tenebrous. As Tenebrous, Orcus built a citadel on
the Negative Energy Plane named Tcian Sumere, which he abandoned
upon regaining his identity as Orcus.
(4) Slain by Selvetarm.
(5) Recently imprisoned beneath the Temple of Elemental Evil on Oerth,
but since freed.

Diinkarazan, CE demigod of madness, vengeance.
Abyss/586th/The Prison of the Mad God
Diirinka, CE intermediate god of cruelty, magic, knowledge.
Pandemonium/Phlegethon/Hidden Betrayal

Muadar Ul-Shada, CG lesser god of ???.

Vesparian, NG lesser god of bats, sound.

Asmodeus* (2) (Ahriman, Angra Mainyu, the Morningstar), LE greater god of creation, evil, tyranny, devils, infernal majesty.
Hell/Nessus/The Serpent's Coil
Baalzebul (Beelzebub, Triel), LE archfiend of lies, secrets.
Bel, LE archfiend of unjust war.
Hell/Avernus/The Bronze Citadel
Belial, LE archfiend of physical oppression, carnal lust.
Dispater, LE archfiend of corporate corruption, sloth.
Hell/Dis/The Iron Tower
The Hag Countess (Lilith, Malagard), LE archfiend of destruction of nature.
Levistus (Leviathan), LE archfiend of betrayal.
Hell/Stygia/The Icy Prison of Levistus
Mammon (Minauros), LE archfiend of greed.
Hell/Minauros/Sinking Minauros
Mephistopheles (Mephisto, Molikroth), LE archfiend of forbidden knowledge, infernal pacts.
Hell/Cania/Citadel Mephistar

(1) The patrons of the devils are known collectively as the Lords of
the Nine.
(2) Ahriman has convinced the multiverse that he is a mere cosmic
entity, the archdevil Asmodeus. Asmodeus -- actually his avatar --
rules Hell from Ahriman's second realm, the Fortress Malsheem.

Phraarkillorm, NE demigod of ???.

Aasternian, CN lesser goddess of learning, invention.
Astilabor, CN intermediate goddess of aquisitiveness.
Bahamut, LG lesser god of good dragons, enlightened justice, wisdom.
Heaven/wanders/The Palace of the Four Winds
Chronepsis, N intermediate god of fate, death, judgement.
Outlands/The Mausoleum of Chronepsis
Falazure, NE lesser god of undeath, decay, exhaustion.
Carceri/Minethys/The Mausoleum of Pain
Garyx, CE intermediate god of fire, purification.
Hlal, CG lesser goddess of humor, play, pleasure.
Io* (2) (Asgorath), greater god of dragonkind, creation.
Realm unknown.
Kereska, CN intermediate goddess of magic, creativity.
Lendys, LN intermediate god of balance, justice.
Null, NE god of death, the dead, energy draining, fatalism, necromancy.
Sardior (3), N lesser god of neutral dragons, psionics.
The Ruby Palace
Tamara, NG intermediate goddess of life, mercy, forgiveness, light.
Task, CE lesser god of greed, selfishness.
Tiamat, LE lesser goddess of evil dragons, greed.
Hell/Avernus/The Caverns of Greed
Xymor, LG lesser god of justice, mercy.
Zorquan, N intermediate god of "draconicness".

(1) The draconic pantheon is known collectively as the Children of Io.
(2) Io encompasses all nine alignments.
(3) Sardior dwells in a wandering demiplane, the Ruby Palace.

Abbathor, NE intermediate god of greed, wealth.
Hades/Oinos/The Glitterhell
Berronar Truesilver, LG intermediate goddess of safety, truth, home, family, community, marriage, love.
Clangeddin Silverbeard (Clang), LG intermediate god of war, valor, victory, honor.
Arcadia/Abellio/Mount Clangeddin
Dennari, CG lesser goddess of earth, liberation, suffering.
Prime Material Plane/unknown
Dugmaren Brightmantle, NG lesser god of scholarship, discovery, invention.
Outlands/The Dwarven Mountain (Soot Hall)
Dumathoin, N intermediate god of earthly riches, mining, exploration, protection of the dead.
Outlands/The Dwarven Mountain (Deepshaft Hall)
Gendwar Argrim, N demigod of fatalism, obsession.
Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (The Flanaess)
Gorm Gulthryn, LG lesser god of guardians, protection, defense.
Bytopia/Shurrock/The Watchkeep
Haela Brightaxe, CG demigoddess of luck in battle.
Beastlands/Brux/Findar Endar
Hanseath, CN lesser god of war, carousing, alcohol.
Marthamor Duin (Muamman Duathal), CG lesser god of adventurers, wanderers, travellers, lightning.
Ysgard/Nidavellir/The Cavern of Rest
Laduguer, LE intermediate god of oppression, crafts, magic, artisans.
Moradin*, LG greater god of creation, smithing, crafts, war, protection.
Mya, NG greater goddess of clan, family, wisdom.
Roknar, NE lesser god of intrigue, lies, wealth.
Sharindlar, CG intermediate goddess of healing, mercy, moon, love, fertility, dancing.
Ysgard/Nidavellir/The Merciful Court
Thard Harr, CG lesser god of survival, hunting.
Beastlands/Krigala/The Forbidden Plateau
Tharmekhul, N demigod of forge, fire, warfare.
Thautam, N intermediate god of magic, darkness.
Valkauna, LN intermediate goddess of oaths, death, birth.
Vergadain, CN intermediate god of wealth, luck, merchants, thieves.
Outlands/The Dwarven Mountain (Strongale Hall)

(1) The dwarven pantheon is known collectively as the Morndinsamman.

Deep Duerra, LE demigoddess of psionics, expansion, psychic warriors.
Acheron/Thuldannin/The Citadel of Thought
Laduguer*, LE intermediate god of oppression, crafts, magic, artisans.

Faerinall, CG celestial paragon of liberation, warriors.
The Court of Stars
Gwynarwhyf, CG celestial paragon of righteous fury, noble barbarians.
The Court of Stars
Morwel, CG celestial paragon of freedom, grace
The Court of Stars
Vaeros (2), CG celestial paragon of liberation, warriors.
The Court of Stars

(1) The patrons of the eladrins, known collectively as the Court of
Stars, reside in the Court of Stars, a demiplane connected to all
three layers of Arborea.
(2) Killed by demons.

Akadi, N greater goddess of air.
Elemental Air/The Great Funnel
Ben-Hadar, NG archomental of good water creatures.
Elemental Water/Ssesurgass
Chan, NG archomental of good air creatures.
Elemental Air/The Palace of Unseen Contemplation
Cryonax, NE archomental of evil ice creatures.
Paraelemental Ice/The Chiseled Estate
Crystalle, N archomental of minerals, crystals.
Quasielemental Mineral/unknown
Grumbar, N greater god of earth.
Elemental Earth/The Great Mountain
Imix, NE archomental of evil fire creatures.
Elemental Fire/The Basalt Fortress
Istishia, N greater god of water.
Elemental Water/The Sea of Timelessness
Kossuth, N greater god of fire.
Elemental Fire/The Crimson Pillar
Ogremoch, NE archomental of evil earth creatures.
Elemental Earth/Stonemire
Olhydra, NE archomental of evil water creatures.
Elemental Water/The Citadel of Black Coral
Sunnis, NG archomental of good earth creatures.
Elemental Earth/The Sandfall
Yan-C-Bin, NE archomental of evil air creatures.
Elemental Air/The Palace of Windswept Debris
Zamman Rul, NG archomental of good fire creatures.
Elemental Fire/The Plains of Burnt Dreams

ELF (1)
Aerdrie Faenya, CG intermediate goddess of air, weather, birds, rain, fertility.
Arborea/Olympus/Arvandor (The Floating Palace of Aerdrie) /// Ysgard/Ysgard/Alfheim
Alobar Lorfiril, CG demigod of hedonism, mirth, magic, trickery.
Angharradh (2), CG greater goddess of fertility, birth, defense, wisdom.
Arborea/Olympus/Arvandor (Gwyllachaightaeryll the Many-Splendored)
Alathrien Druanna, N demigoddess of conjuration, rune magic, geometric magic.
Outlands/The Spiral Castle
Araleth Letheranil, CG lesser goddess of light, starlight, twilight.
Arborea/Olympus/Arvandor (The House of Glowing Stars)
Corellon Larethian*, CG greater god of arts, crafts, magic, music, war.
Arborea/Olympus/Arvandor (Gwyllachaightaeryll the Many-Splendored)
Darahl Firecloak (3) (Tilvenar), N lesser god of earth, fire, elemental magic.
Earth/The Twin Towers
Deep Sashelas, CG intermediate god of creation, knowledge, beauty, water magic, seas.
Arborea/Ossa/Elavandor /// Arborea/Olympus/Arvandor (The Sparkling Sea)
Elebrin Liothel, CG intermediate goddess of nature, guardians, orchards, harvest.
Erevan Ilesere, CN intermediate god of mischief, change, rogues.
Arborea/Olympus/Arvandor (The Shifting Palace of Erevan)
Fenmarel Mestarine, CN lesser god of outcasts, scapegoats.
Gadhelyn, CN demigod of independence, outlawry, feasting, hunting.
Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (The Flanaess)
Hanali Celanil, CG intermediate goddess of love, beauty, art.
Arborea/Olympus/Arvandor (The Crystal Palace of Hanali)
Kirith Sotheril, NG lesser god of divination, enchantment.
Labelas Enoreth, CG intermediate god of time, longevity, history.
Arborea/Olympus/Arvandor (The Vanishing Tower of Labelas)
Melira Taralen, CG lesser goddess of bards, songs.
Arborea/Olympus/Arvandor (The Crystal Palace of Hanali)
Mythrian Sarath, CG demigoddess of protection, abjuration.
Arborea/Olympus/Arvandor (Mythralan)
Naralis Analor, NG demigod of healing, death.
Elysium/Amoria/The Healing Glade
Rellavar Danuvien, NG lesser god of cold, protection from the elements.
Beastlands/Karasuthra/The Ice Plains
Rillifane Rallathil, CG intermediate god of woodlands, nature, druids.
Arborea/Olympus/Arvandor (Grandfather Oak)
Sarula Illiene, CG lesser goddess of lakes, streams, water magic.
Arborea/Olympus/Arvandor (The Brythanion)
Sehanine Moonbow, CG intermediate goddess of mysticism, dreams, death, moon, stars, heavens.
Arborea/Olympus/Arvandor (Gwyllachaightaeryll the Many-Splendored)
Shevarash, CN demigod of loss, vengeance, crusades, hatred of the drow.
Arborea/Olympus/Arvandor /// Limbo (Fennimar)
Solonor Thelandira, CG intermediate god of archery, hunting, wilderness, survival.
Arborea/Olympus/Arvandor (The Pale Tree)
Tarsellis Menniduin, CN intermediate god of mountains, rivers, wilderness.
Ysgard/Ysgard/The Wild Hunt
Tethrin Veralde, NG demigod of bladesingers, swordsmanship.
Trishina, NG lesser goddess of love, fidelity, play, dolphins.
Elysium/Thalasia/wanders /// Heaven/Lunia/wanders
Vandria Gilmadrith, LN intermediate goddess of war, guardianship, grief, vigilance, decision.
Ye'Cind, CG demigod of music, songs.
Zandilar (4), CG lesser goddess of lust, sensuality.

(1) The elven pantheon is known collectively as the Seldarine.
(2) Composite aspect of Aerdrie Faenya, Hanali Celanil, and Sehanine
Moonbow worshiped by the moon elves of Abeir-Toril.
(3) Originally known as Tilvenar. After touching the Kyrashar Rose, an
evil artifact created by Lolth and the Queen of Air and Darkness,
one of Tilvenar's avatars became evil and insane, wreaking havoc
among his worshipers. Tilvenar eventually cured his avatar's madness,
but to regain the trust of his followers, he reinvented himself as
Darahl Firecloak.
(3) Zandilar's aspect on Abeir-Toril merged with the Egyptian goddess
Bast to become Sharess.

ELF -- DROW (1)
Eilistraee, CG lesser goddess of song, dance, swordwork, hunting, moon.
Keptolo, CE demigod of males, flattery, intoxication, rumor, opportunism.
Abyss/66th/The Demonweb Pits
Kiaransalee (2), CE lesser goddess of undead, vengeance.
Whereabouts unknown.
Ghaunadaur (3), CE lesser god of ooze, rebels, caves, madness.
Ooze/The Cauldron of Slime
Laveth, CE demigoddess of darkness.
Abyss/66th/The Demonweb Pits
Lolth* (Araushnee, Lloth, Lotha, Megwandir), CE intermediate goddess of spiders, evil, darkness, chaos.
Abyss/66th/The Demonweb Pits
Selvetarm, CE demigod of warriors.
Abyss/66th/The Demonweb Pits
Vhaeruan, NE lesser god of thieves, territory.
Zinzerena, CN demigoddess of assassins.
Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (The Flanaess)

(1) Lolth, the most powerful member of the loose drow pantheon, was at
one time an intermediate deity, but became a demon following her
expulsion from the elf pantheon. She commands the service of
Selvetarm (formerly a good entity, but became evil upon absorbing
the essence of the Demon Lord of Spiders, Zanassu), Laveth (the
daughter of Lolth), and Keptolo.
(2) Kiaransalee's aspect on Oerth (known as Kiaransali) has been
subsumed by Lolth.
(3) The Elder Elemental Eye/God. Possibly an aspect of Tharizdun and/or
Vilp-akf'cho Rentaq.

Galtha, CN demigoddess of winter, survival.

Caomhin, N demigod of killmoulies, food, friendship.
Faerie/The Seelie Court
Damh, CN lesser god of korreds, atomies, satyrs, song, dance.
Faerie/The Seelie Court
Eachthighern, CG lesser god of unicorns, pegasi, healing, loyalty, protection.
Faerie/The Seelie Court
Emmantiensien, CG intermediate god of treants, trees, magic.
Faerie/The Seelie Court
Fionnghuala, NG demigoddess of swanmays, communication, sorority.
Faerie/The Seelie Court
Hlied (1), NG lesser goddess of uldras, animals, cold magic.
Iborighu, CE lesser god of uldras, cold, destruction
Nathair Sgiathach, CG intermediate god of fairy dragons, pseudodragons, mischief.
Faerie/The Seelie Court
Oberon (Auberon), NG lesser god of hunters, animals, the supernatural world.
Faerie/The Seelie Court
The Queen of Air and Darkness, CE intermediate goddess of magic, darkness, murder.
Faerie/The Unseelie Court
Squelaiche, CN demigod of leprechauns, pixies, sprites, trickery, illusion.
Faerie/The Seelie Court
Tapann, CN lesser god of korreds, wilderness, dance.
Faerie/The Seelie Court
Titania (Rhiannon), CG greater goddess of magic, beauty, the natural world.
Faerie/The Seelie Court
Verenestra, N lesser goddess of druids, nymphs, sylphs, charm, beauty.
Faerie/The Seelie Court

(1) Struck down in centuries past by her half-brother Iborighu and now
recovering. Much of the essence that she lost in that battle is now
contained within rimefire eidolons.

Grond Peaksmasher, N demigod of firbolgs.
Prime Material Plane/Torilspace/Abeir-Toril (Faerun)
Hiatea, NG greater goddess of nature, agriculture, hunting, community.

Hrusiall'k, NE lesser god of ???.
Elemental Fire/unknown
Kossuth, N greater god of fire.
Elemental Fire/The Crimson Pillar

Ssrpt'ck, LN lesser god of ???.

Karontor, NE lesser god of deformity, hatred, beasts.
Carceri/Minethys/The Rack

Swulljagoor, CE demigod of ???.

Kraada, LE demigod of ???.
Negative Energy/unknown

GENIE -- DAO (1)
The Forgotten God, (The Faceless God) NE demigod of evil, control, mysticism.
Elemental Earth/unknown
Grumbar, N greater god of earth.
Elemental Earth/The Great Mountain
Jauhar, N intermediate goddess of wealth, craftsmanship, trade, industriousness, competition.
The Place of Light
Jisan, N intermediate goddess of fertility, productivity, fruitfulness, hard work, abundance.
The Place of Light
Leira (2), CN lesser goddess of illusion, deception.
Limbo/The Courts of Illusion
Ogremoch, NE archomental of evil earth creatures.
Elemental Earth/Stonemire
Vergadain, CN intermediate god of wealth, luck, merchants, thieves.
Outlands/The Dwarven Mountain (Strongale Hall)
Waukeen (3), N lesser goddess of trade, money, wealth.
Outlands/The Marketplace Eternal

(1) The dao are ruled by Kabril Khan Ali al-Sara al-Zalazil.
(2) Killed by Cyric.
(3) Imprisoned by the Demon Prince Graz'zt, but recently freed.

Aerdrie Faenya, CG intermediate goddess of air, weather, birds, rain, fertility.
Arborea/Olympus/Arvandor (The Floating Palace of Aerdrie) /// Ysgard/Ysgard/Alfheim
Akadi, N greater goddess of air.
Elemental Air/The Great Funnel
Chan, NG archomental of good air creatures.
Elemental Air/The Palace of Unseen Contemplation
Hakiyah, N intermediate goddess of truth, reason, inquisitiveness, meditation.
The Place of Light
Haku, N greater god of personal independence, pride, independence, freedom, self-reliance, protection.
The Place of Light
Heng (Thunderbird), CG intermediate god of thunder, lightning, good fortune.
Hotoru, CG lesser god of air, wind, weather.
Elemental Air/unknown
Remnis, N lesser god of sky, service, eagles.

(1) The djinn are ruled by Caliph Husam al-Balil ben Nafhat al-Yugayyim.

Agni, CG greater god of fire, messages.
Freyal (Fredara, Freya), NG intermediate goddess of fertility, love, magic, vanity.
Ysgard/Ysgard/Vanaheim (Sussrumnir) /// Ysgard/Ysgard/Asgard (Gladsheim)
Hastsezini, LE intermediate god of fire, destruction.
Imix, NE archomental of evil fire creatures.
Elemental Fire/The Basalt Fortress
Kossuth, N greater god of fire.
Elemental Fire/The Crimson Pillar

(1) The efreet are ruled by Sultan Marrake al-Sidan al-Hariq ben Lazan.

Ahto, NG greater god of seas, water.
Elemental Water/Curling Wave
Ben-Hadar, NG archomental of good water creatures.
Elemental Water/Ssesurgass
Blibdoolpoolp, NE intermediate goddess of darkness, insanity, revenge.
Elemental Water/The Murky Depths
Eadro (2), N intermediate god of water.
Elemental Water/Shelluria
Istishia, N greater god of water.
Elemental Water/The Sea of Timelessness
Kar'r'rga, CN demigod of crabs, protection.
Manankharlar (Manannan mac Lir), N intermediate god of oceans, sea life.
Outlands/Tir fo Thunn
Olhydra, NE archomental of evil water creatures.
Elemental Water/The Citadel of Black Coral
Persana, N intermediate god of justice, architecture.
Elemental Water/Shelluria
Sekolah, LE intermediate god of plunder, hunting, tyranny.
Tefnut, NG intermediate goddess of storms, rain, dynamic water.

(1) The marid are ruled by Padishah Kalbari al-Durrat al-Amwaj ibn Jari.
(2) Eadro has been missing for a little over a decade, but he is
believed to still be alive, because his clerics still receive their
spells. His realm is being maintained in his absence by Persana,
the patron of the tritons.

Annam* (2), N greater god of magic, knowledge, fertility, philosophy.
Ysgard/Ysgard/Gundheim /// Outlands/The Hidden Realm
Diancastra, CN demigoddess of trickery, wit, impudence, pleasure.
Grolantor, CE intermediate god of hill giants, mountain giants, ettins, hunting, combat, gluttony.
Carceri/Cathrys/The Steading
Hiatea, NG greater goddess of nature, agriculture, hunting, community.
Iallanis, CG lesser goddess of love, mercy, beauty.
Kostchtchie, CE archfiend of frost, frost giants, ice giants.
Abyss/23/The Iron Wastes
Memnor, NE intermediate god of cloud giants, fog giants, pride, mental prowess, control.
Othea (3), N demigoddess of fertility, earth, mountains.
Prime Material Plane/Realmspace/Abeir-Toril (Faerun)
Skoraeus Stonebones, N intermediate god of stone giants, earth, arts.
Stronmaus, CG greater god of storm giants, cloud giants, fog giants, sun, sky, weather, joy.
Surtur (Surt, Surtr), LE intermediate god of fire giants, fire, war.
Thrym, CE intermediate god of frost giants, war, cold.
Zrunta Mountainheart, CN lesser god of mountain giants.

(1) The giant pantheon is known collectively as the Ordning. According
to the myths of the giants of Faerun, the Ordning are the offspring
of Annam and an unknown sky goddess. In addition, Annam is said to
have fathered the quasideific ancestors of the giant races with
Othea: Ruk of the hill and mountain giants, Obadai of the stone
giants, Ottar of the frost giants, Masud of the fire giants,
Nicias of the storm giants, Vilmos of the cloud giants, Lanaxis of
the titans, and Arlojulian of the ettins. Othea gave birth to
Dunmore, the ancestor of the voadkyn, with the human god Ulutiu, but
passed him off as Annam's son.
(2) Annam is said by his worshipers to be the offspring of the forces
of Law and Chaos. He is currently in self-enforced exile from his
realm on Ysgard. His eldest son, Stronmaus, rules the Ordning in
his stead.
(3) Killed by her son, Lanaxis, for her dalliances with the human god

Remnis, N lesser god of sky, service, eagles.

Gorellik, CE demigod of hunting, hyenas, hyenadons.
Abyss/wanders /// Pandemonium/wanders
Yeenoghu (Ranivorous), CE archfiend of gnolls, ghouls, cannibalism, savagery.
Abyss/422/The Seeping Wode

Baervan Wildwanderer, NG intermediate god of forests, nature, travel.
Bytopia/Dothion/The Golden Hills (Whisperleaf)
Baravar Cloakshadow, NG lesser god of illusion, protection, deception.
Bytopia/Dothion/The Golden Hills (The Hidden Knoll)
Callarduran Smoothhands, NG intermediate god of earth, caves, mining, stone.
Flandal Steelskin, NG intermediate god of mining, smithing, fitness.
Bytopia/Dothion/The Golden Hills (The Mithral Forge)
Gaerdal Ironhand, LG lesser god of protection, vigilance, combat.
Bytopia/Dothion/The Golden Hills (Stronghaven)
Garl Glittergold*, NG greater god of protection, humor, wit, gemcutting, jewelrymaking.
Bytopia/Dothion/The Golden Hills (Glitterhome)
Gelf Darkhearth, CN intermediate god of entropy, revenge.
The Glutton, CE lesser god of disaster, greed.
Nebelun, CG lesser god of invention, good luck.
Bytopia/Dothion/The Golden Hills (The Workshop)
Rarnssass Rockshaper, N demigod of mines, caves, underground exploration.
Rill Cleverthrush, LN lesser god of invention, creation, sky.
Roykyn, NE demigoddess of cruelty.
Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (The Flanaess)
Segojan Earthcaller, NG intermediate god of earth, nature.
Bytopia/Dothion/The Golden Hills (The Gemstone Burrow)
Sheyanna Flaxenstrand, CG intermediate goddess of love, beauty, passion.
Urdlen, CE intermediate god of greed, bloodlust, evil, hatred, blind destruction.
Abyss/399th/The Worm Realm

(1) The gnome pantheon is known collectively as the Lords of the Golden

Bargrivyek, LE lesser god of cooperation, territory.
Hell/Avernus/The Peaceable Lands
Khurgorbaeyag, NE lesser god of goblins, slavery, oppression, morale.
Maglubiyet (Kartahok, Wogar, Wong-ah)*, LE greater god of war, rulership.
Stalker, NE demigod of hate, death, cold.
Prime Material Plane/wanders

Kavaki*, N greater god of honor, guidance, competition.
Kuliak, N demigoddess of the dead, exiles.
Manethak, N intermediate god of hunting, knowledge.
Naki-Uthai, N lesser god of mountains, climbing, bravery.
Theleya, N intermediate goddess of fertility, growth.
Vanua, N lesser god of natural disasters, misfortune.

Carratriatuh, N demigod of ???.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/unknown

Klagg (1), NE demigod of ???.

(1) Klagg is a yugoloth who attained divinity.

Bharrai (Callisto), NG celestial paragon of ursinals, harmony, mysticism.
Elysium/Eronia/The Lodge of Bharrai
Hwynn (2), NG celestial paragon of equinals.
Kharash (Lucan), NG celestial paragon of lupinals, hunters, wilderness.
Manath, NG celestial paragon of cervidals, might, humor.
Rhanok (2), NG celestial paragon of cervidals.
Sathia (Zwestra), NG celestial paragon of avorals, the arts.
Talisid*, NG celestial paragon of leonals, nobility.
Vhara, NG celestial paragon of equinals, bounty, generosity.
Elysium/Amoria/Sienna Rise
Windheir (2), NG celestial paragon of avorals.

(1) The patrons of the guardinals are collectively known as the
Companions of Talisid.
(2) Retired.

Cegilune, NE lesser goddess of moon, witchcraft.

Arvoreen, LG intermediate god of martial defense, vigilance, duty, warriors.
Heaven/Venya/Green Fields
Brandobaris, N lesser god of stealth, thievery, adventure, rogues.
Charmlaine, N demigoddess of keen senses, narrow escapes.
Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (The Flanaess)
Cyrollalee, LG intermediate goddess of friendship, trust, home, hearth, honesty, hospitality, crafts.
Heaven/Venya/Green Fields
Dallah Thaun (2), CN intermediate goddess of secrets, guile, thieves, rogues, aquisition, death.
Sheela Peryroyl, N intermediate goddess of nature, agriculture, song, dance, beauty, love.
Outlands/The Flowering Hill
Urogalan, LN demigod of earth, death, protection of the dead.
Yondalla*, LG greater goddess of protection, fertility, wisdom, family, community, prosperity.
Heaven/Venya/Green Fields

(1) The halfling pantheon is known collectively as the Children of
(2) Dallah is an aspect of Yondalla that has taken on a personality
of her own.

Pazuzu (Pazrael, Pazuzeus), CE demon prince of air, pestilence.

Bargrivyek, LE lesser god of cooperation, territory.
Hell/Avernus/The Peaceable Lands
Maglubiyet (Kartahok, Wogar, Wong-ah)*, LE greater god of war, rulership.
Nomog-Geaya, LE lesser god of hobgoblins, war, authority.
Stalker, NE demigod of hate, death, cold.
Prime Material Plane/wanders

Ilsensine, LE greater god of mental domination, psionics.
Outlands/The Caverns of Thought
Maanzecorian (1), LE intermediate god of knowledge.

(1) Slain by Orcus, the Demon Prince of the Undead.

Alausha (1), LG demigoddess of learning, books, grief.
Shadow/Elirhondas (The Castle of the Infinite Sigil)
Glautru, N demigod of prophecy, fate, life, death.
Elemental Fire/The Fiery Maze of Contemplation
Soorinek, LE demigoddess of intrigue, secrets, betrayal.
Negative Energy/The Orb of Doubt
Syeret, CG demigod of inspiration, light, creativity.
Tarmuid*, LN demigod of illumians, magic, languages.
Shadow/Elirhondas (The Castle of the Infinite Sigil)
Wathaku, NE demigod of entropy, wrath, endings.
Prime Material Plane/wanders.

(1) Alausha's realm was originally the Library of the Sublime on the
Astral Plane, but it was destroyed by the githyanki.

Demogorgon (Goron), CE demon prince of insanity.
Abyss/88/The Gaping Maw

Ilxendren, CE lesser god of cruelty, mutation, vampirism.

Pyremius, NE lesser god of fire, poison, murder.
Hades/Niflheim/The Black Volcano

Quorlinn, N lesser god of trickery, disguise, thievery.

Koriel, LG intermediate god of learning, protection, vigilance against evil.

Dakarnok, LE demigod of war, bandits.
Gaknulak, LE demigod of protection, stealth, trickery.
Kurtulmak (Kr'tollomoc, Kutul)*, LE intermediate god of war, mining, trapmaking.

Panzuriel, NE intermediate god of murder, confusion, subversion.

Blibdoolpoolp, NE intermediate goddess of darkness, insanity, revenge.
Elemental Water/The Murky Depths

Halnass, N demigod of ???.
Elemental Fire/unknown
Quorggg, N demigoddess of ???.
Elemental Earth/unknown

Eq'aa, NG demigod of unification, togetherness.

Essyllis (1), N demigod of lizards.
Outlands/Semuanya's Bog
Semuanya (1), N lesser god of survival, propigation.
Outlands/Semuanya's Bog
Sess'inek, CE demon prince of lizards, ascent from barbarism.
Abyss/7/The Phantom Plane

(1) According to the sarrukh, these gods are aspects of the abstract
divine entity known as the World Serpent.

Eadro (1), N intermediate god of water.
Elemental Water/Shelluria

(1) Eadro has been missing for a little over a decade, but he is
believed to still be alive, because his clerics still receive their
spells. His realm is being maintained in his absence by Persana,
the patron of the tritons.

Balador, CG lesser god of werebears, protection, fraternity.
Daragor, CE lesser god of werewolves, seawolves, beasts, pain, bloodlust.
Eshebala, CE lesser goddess of werefoxes, wolfweres, vanity, charm, cunning, greed.
Ferrix, N lesser goddess of weretigers, play, curiosity, hunting.
Squerrik, LE lesser god of wererats, thievery, concealment.

Shekinester (1) (2), N greater goddess of greed, hoarding, wisdom, mercy, protection, curiosity, invention, destruction.
Outlands/The Court of Light

(1) According to the sarrukh, Shekinester is an aspect of the
abstract divine entity known as the World Serpent.
(2) Shekinester has five different aspects: the Acquirer (Lawful Evil;
portfolio: greed, hoarding), the Empowerer (Lawful Good; portfolio:
wisdom, mercy), the Preserver (Neutral; portfolio: protection),
the Seeker (Chaotic Good; portfolio: curiosity, invention), and the
Weaver (Chaotic Evil; portfolio: destruction), each of which is
revered by a different variety of naga. She fractured into these
aspects when she absorbed Ssharstrune.

Eadro (1), N intermediate god of water.
Elemental Water/Shelluria

(1) Eadro has been missing for a little over a decade, but he is
believed to still be alive, because his clerics still receive their
spells. His realm is being maintained in his absence by Persana,
the patron of the tritons.

Panzuriel, NE intermediate god of murder, confusion, subversion.

Baphomet, CE demon lord of mazes.
Abyss/600/The Endless Maze

Primus (1), LN lesser god of law, order.

(1) Primus was recently slain by Orcus, the Demon Prince of the Undead,
but he was replaced by one of his secundi.

Meriadar, LN intermediate god of patience, meditation, tolerance, arts, crafts.
Arcadia/Buxenus/The Hand of Peace

Psilofyr, LN intermediate god of community, healing.

Parrafaire, CN demigod of guardianship.
Carceri/Minethys/Trickster's Delight
Shekinester (1) (2), N greater goddess of greed, hoarding, wisdom, mercy, protection, curiosity, invention, destruction.
Outlands/The Court of Light
Ssharstrune (1) (3), NE lesser god of acquisition, power.

(1) According to the sarrukh, these gods are aspects of the abstract
divine entity known as the World Serpent.
(2) Shekinester has five different aspects: the Acquirer (Lawful Evil;
portfolio: greed, hoarding), the Empowerer (Lawful Good; portfolio:
wisdom, mercy), the Preserver (Neutral; portfolio: protection),
the Seeker (Chaotic Good; portfolio: curiosity, invention), and the
Weaver (Chaotic Evil; portfolio: destruction), each of which is
revered by a different variety of naga. She fractured into these
aspects when she absorbed Ssharstrune.
(3) Absorbed by Shekinester.

Kil'lix, CE lesser god of death, murder, poison.
Kr'tx, CE lesser god of war, brutality, strength.
P'kk, LE lesser god of fear, tyranny.
Thrag'ki, NE lesser god of envy, jealousy, mating.
T'zen'kil, NE lesser god of torture, pain, suffering.

Firffuffl'nb, CE archfiend of norkers.

Vaprak (Jammuradu), CE lesser god of combat, greed.

Merrshaulk (1), CE intermediate god of poison, somnolence.
Set (Typhon), LE greater god of darkness, evil, night, desert
storms, drought. Hell/Stygia/Ankhwugat
Sseth (2), CE intermediate god of poison, somnolence.
Abyss/74th/The Viper Pit
Varae (3), CN demigod of snakes, venom.
Prime Material Plane/Torilspace/Toril (Faerun)

(1) According to the sarrukh, these gods are aspects of the abstract
divine entity known as the World Serpent.
(2) Originally an avatar of Merrshaulk, Sseth eventually became a
separate entity in his own right. He is currently imprisoned by
Set, who grants spells in his name.
(3) Killed by Sseth.

Baghtru, CE intermediate god of strength, combat.
Gruumsh*, CE greater god of war, territory.
Ilneval (Hong-Tzu, Karaash), NE intermediate god of warfare, strategy.
Luthic, NE lesser goddess of fertility, medicine, servitude.
Nazarn, N demigod of formal and public combat.
Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (The Flanaess)
Shargaas, NE intermediate god of darkness, thieves.
Gehenna/Krangath/The Night Below
Yurtrus, NE intermediate god of death, disease.

Dukagsh, LE demigod of warfare, excellence.
Prime Material Plane/Dukagshspace/Dukagsh

Shekinester (1) (2), N greater goddess of greed, hoarding, wisdom, mercy, protection, curiosity, invention, destruction.
Outlands/The Court of Light

(1) According to the sarrukh, Shekinester is an aspect of the
abstract divine entity known as the World Serpent.
(2) Shekinester has five different aspects: the Acquirer (Lawful Evil;
portfolio: greed, hoarding), the Empowerer (Lawful Good; portfolio:
wisdom, mercy), the Preserver (Neutral; portfolio: protection),
the Seeker (Chaotic Good; portfolio: curiosity, invention), and the
Weaver (Chaotic Evil; portfolio: destruction), each of which is
revered by a different variety of naga. She fractured into these
aspects when she absorbed Ssharstrune.

Duthila, N lesser goddess of autumn, hunting, abundance.
Elemental Air/unknown
Kithin, N lesser god of winter, the dead and dying, barrenness, paucity.
Elemental Air/unknown
Lliendil, CN intermediate god of weather, rain, storms, sun, wind, change, trickery.
Elemental Air/unknown
Nilthina, N lesser god of summer, abundance, warmth, growth, lore.
Elemental Air/unknown
Tuilviel Glithien, CG greater goddess of night, birds, stars, moon.
Elemental Air/unknown
Ventila, N lesser goddess of spring, fertility, growth, love.
Elemental Air/unknown

Sekolah, LE intermediate god of plunder, hunting, tyranny.

M'daess (1), NG lesser god of purification, young snakes and serpentfolk.
Set (Typhon), LE greater god of darkness, evil, night, desert storms, drought.
Sseth (2), CE intermediate god of poison, somnolence.
Abyss/74th/The Viper Pit

(1) According to the sarrukh, M'daess is an aspect of the abstract
divine entity known as the World Serpent.
(2) Originally an avatar of Merrshaulk, Sseth eventually became a
separate entity in his own right. He is currently imprisoned by
Set, who grants spells in his name.

Panzuriel, NE intermediate god of murder, confusion, subversion.

Surminare, NG lesser goddess of beauty, peace.
Elysium/Thalassia/The Selkies' Grotto

Syrul, NE lesser goddess of lies, deceit, treachery, false promises.
Gehenna/Khalas/The Palace of Ugly Truth /// Hades/Oinos/The Fortress of Beautiful Lies
Ullathimon, CE demigod of ???.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/unknown

Chourst, CN slaad lord of randomness.
Renbuu, CN slaad lord of colors.
Ssendam, CN slaad lord of the insane.
Ygorl, CN slaad lord of entropy.

Persana, N intermediate god of justice, architecture.
Elemental Water/Shelluria

Laogzed, CE demigod of gluttony.
Abyss/181st/The Rotting Plain

The Earth Mother, CE demigoddess of earth, chaos.
Vaprak (Jammuradu), CE lesser god of combat, greed.

Doresain (Mormo), CE demigod of ghouls, necromancy.
Abyss/unknown/The White Kingdom
Kanchelsis (Maastracht), CE intermediate god of vampires, blood, magic.
Abyss/487th/The Lair of the Beast and the Mansion of the Rake
Mellifleur (1) (Melif), NE lesser god of lichdom, magic.
Gehenna/Mungoth/Death's Embrace

(1) Mellifleur may be an aspect of the Faerunian demigod Velsharoon.

Kuraulyek, NE demigod of bats, hiding, cowardice.

Karontor, NE lesser god of deformity, hatred, beasts.
Carceri/Minethys/The Rack

Hiatea, NG greater goddess of nature, agriculture, hunting, community.

Sixin, LE lesser god of war, intrigue, deception.
Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/unknown

A'Gallamiull, CE lesser god of ???.
Pandemonium/Pandesmos/The Black Sewers
Raxivort, CE lesser god of rats, bats.
Pandemonium/Pandesmos/The Black Sewers

The Forgotten God, (The Faceless God) NE demigod of evil, control, mysticism.
Elemental Earth/unknown

Merrshaulk (1), CE intermediate god of poison, somnolence.
Set (Typhon), LE greater god of darkness, evil, night, desert
storms, drought. Hell/Stygia/Ankhwugat
Sseth (2), CE intermediate god of poison, somnolence.
Abyss/74th/The Viper Pit
Sss'thasine'ss (1) (3), CE lesser god of venemous creatures.
Varae (4), CN demigod of snakes, venom.
Prime Material Plane/Realmspace/Toril (Faerun)

(1) According to the sarrukh, these gods are aspects of the abstract
divine entity known as the World Serpent.
(2) Originally an avatar of Merrshaulk, Sseth eventually became a
separate entity in his own right. He is currently imprisoned by
Set, who grants spells in his name.
(3) Killed by one of the elf pantheon; the spells granted to his
clerics now come from Talona.
(4) Killed by Sseth.

mos_anted's picture
Joined: 2009-11-16
Re: List of Dead Gods..

Wow! Thanks a lot!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: List of Dead Gods..

Can anybody remind me what the book is called that makes a hypothesis about Sumerian and such gods, 3,5 book.

Its not from the complete series or something..and its not On Hallowed Ground, but similar sounding...


mos_anted's picture
Joined: 2009-11-16
Re: List of Dead Gods..

If I'm not mistaken, you're talking about Sandstorm. They present a couple of pantheons dealing with desert-themed campaign, including the egyptian and mesopotamian pantheons. It appears the version of the pantheon presented is based on a merger of the 1st ed. deities & demigods sumerian and babylonian pantheons, ignoring some obviously redundant gods (i.e. Ishtar and not Inanna). Mind you, there's only a table with the names of the powers, alignments, domains and favoured weapons. There's also a more complete treatise in the dragon magazine #329 article Mesopotamian Mythos, which is a take on the gods as presented in the Epic of Gilgamesh.

Speaking of which, I've been toying with the idea of unifying the sumerian and babylonian pantheons into a coherent whole (never been to keen in their division as presented in AD&D/planescape canon). Can we discuss this here, or should I start a new thread?

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: List of Dead Gods..

Thanks for the reference, yea, that was it, although i thought it would have been much more extensive information-wise, guess not Sad
Sumerian and Babylonian Pantheons arent the same, not even R.L. anyway Sticking out tongue

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: List of Dead Gods..

The Sumerian and Babylonian pantheons aren't contemporary, but they're largely the same, except for some name-changes and new myths that emerged in Babylonian times (and there are other differences, but I think local variation was as much of an issue even within the same time period). The division between the two was exaggerated in 1st edition Deities & Demigods and, for On Hallowed Ground, Colin McComb made the decision not to mess with the 1st edition god interpretations at all, for reasons having to do with time constraints and not wanting to tick off 1st-editioners.

A new thread on the subject would make sense.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: List of Dead Gods..

I should note that in contemporary mythology, Nyx and Ratri are considered identical, so Nyx would simply by the Mystaran aspect of Ratri; certainly both goddesses fit each other in their respective materials (for instance, Ratri is a chaotic neutral night goddess of the Grey Waste, which is exactly what Nyx would be in the D&D cosmology)

As for the Raptoran deities, based on their portfolios and servants, I would place most of them at various parts of the Inner Planes (but not all Elemental Air), while a couple are on the Outer Planes.

Duthila, N lesser goddess of autumn, hunting, abundance.
This one's weird. She's neutral, but her allies are celestials.
Kithin, N lesser god of winter, the dead and dying, barrenness, paucity.
Quasielemental Ash/unknown
Lliendil, CN intermediate god of weather, rain, storms, sun, wind, change, trickery.
Elemental Air/unknown (would be in an area with a huge Water Elemental pocket, probably towards the border with Ice)
Nilthina, N lesser god of summer, abundance, warmth, growth, lore.
Elemental Air/unknown (she might possibly live in Paraelemental Smoke, with her realm being full of purified air)
Tuilviel Glithien, CG greater goddess of night, birds, stars, moon.
Elemental Air/unknown (most likely a realm of eternal twilight or night, with a lush forest growing on a massive Earth pocket)
Ventila, N lesser goddess of spring, fertility, growth, love.
Quasielemental Steam/unknown

Obviously, this also changes their allies as listed in Races of the Wild.

Kithin: Ash quasielementals rather than fire elementals.
Lliendil: same, but might also have some Ice paraelemental and steam quasielemental servants.
Ventila: steam quasielementals rather than water elementals (though she may have some of those, too)

Evil's picture
Joined: 2005-11-12
Re: List of Dead Gods..

mos_anted wrote:

Speaking of which, I've been toying with the idea of unifying the sumerian and babylonian pantheons into a coherent whole (never been to keen in their division as presented in AD&D/planescape canon). Can we discuss this here, or should I start a new thread?

I agree on this, and would try to help you if you started said thread.

Also, I think that humans get extra special treatment when it comes to Powers. I think that either the divine rank of human gods should be lowered, or the deities of supposedly much older (dragons, elves, dwarves, orcs, giants) or more numerous (goblins, kobolds) races get a divine rank boost to show that they have not been lesiuring around all that time they spent as gods. Think about it, here you have the Finnish pantheon that has FIVE Greater powers listed. I look at the elvish list and there is only ONE greater power. Same with dwarves or even DRAGONS. Sorry, but thats just silly. Sure, the Finnish Myth may dictate that their powers are all incredibly powerful, but come on... Powers and clerics exaggerate all the time.
So what I suggest is either decrease the divine rank of most human deities to intermediate and lesser with the exception of pantheon chief, and/or increase the non human powers to a well deserved higher status. I think that deities like Io, Moradin, Corellan, Gruumsh, Shekinester, Ilsensine, Great Mother, Annam, etc, belong to a rank higher than greater, they can said to be "elder powers".
Sorry if the post was irrelevant. The lists above are great Rip. You are unbeliavable.

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