Limiting player races?

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bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Limiting player races?

Just to preference this I am pretty new to 3rd edition and have only run as a player in 2-3 sessions and one improntu as a DM (I however have more than 6 years experience as a 2nd edition DM).

Well anyway I am going to Buy Savage Species and maybe the Player's guide to the Planes soon. I want to know what you think would be a good idea in terms of limiting charcter creation. The only 2 players I have so far are very new to roleplaying in general but more experienced players are likly to get involved. What are your thoughts?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Limiting player races?

I'd personally limit it based on what you had in mind for your game. Get a grip on the game idea and derive your restrictions from that - there's no reason to shoehorn a character into the plot when you could have just said from the beginning "Please don't play an X..."

I'd use the following questions to make my decision:

1) How high a level will the game be? (aka, no celestials at level 1)

2) What bad guys will be involved? (aka, if a player wouldn't fight the bad guys due to race - take that into account)

3) Are your players experienced in the planes or not? (If not - primes may be better choices for them to play before they learn the setting.)

4) Account for modes of travel. An all winged party will handle things differently than quad or bipedal. (Same goes for special abilities.)

and last but not least

5) Account for inter party incompatibility. Githyanki + githzeri = BAD.

If you're looking for completely generic advice? #3 is your most valuable one. If the players are new to RP, keep them with something humanoid unless they're really picking it up quickly. If new to the planes - keep them mortal for the same reason. The gith races would probably be the furthest out I'd get for new players - simply because there's so much background to the species it may be overwhelming.

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Limiting player races?

All great advice #1 of course is a little new to me being new to 3rd edition so good to reinforce that. The rest was a good refresher for me and thigns I have handled before I guess in more general terms. I mean while I have never dmed the planes other groups have done some werid crap....

I guess I was wondering if there were any pitfalls in the book itself I should look out for? Things that are too powerful or cause headaches in the middle of the game? Races or powers that might be complicated for new players that sort of thing...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Limiting player races?

Bards in a heavy combat game = toasty bard?
I'll see if I can't think of some more things to watch out for...

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Limiting player races?

I would try to encourage players to pick classic Planescape races, as they have a great Planescape "feel". Look on the Planewalker website's release section if you don't already have them. For example, players may be excited about playing obscure subraces straight out of their Player's Guide to Faerun, but characters being interesting is much more important.

Furzum Hades's picture
Joined: 2004-08-24
Limiting player races?

Darn it, Then i guess i cant play my character ...i dont even know if its a legal race .. plz tell me so ! even if i never played with this char in ANY games yet Cool

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Limiting player races?

Eh? I'd think it'd be legal if your GM allowed it...what race are you talking about??

Furzum Hades's picture
Joined: 2004-08-24
Limiting player races?

Well a fire elemental, an Harginn :roll:

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