Learning black magic at a school in Sigil?

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Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Learning black magic at a school in Sigil?

What magical academies are there out there in Sigil? I vaguely remembered one connected to the Fated...

However I'm trying to come with ideas for one that would teach a daughter of a rich family such as Annaerlitha Bharvatlan in the dark arts and necromancy, a girl who comes from a family that sort of resembles Vampire: the Masquerade's Giovanni and Lasombra clans. Somehow I sort of see a bit of her schooling experience as being almost like a twisted version of Hogwarts with Emily Strange going there.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Learning black magic at a school in Sigil?

'Kobold Avenger' wrote:
What magical academies are there out there in Sigil? I vaguely remembered one connected to the Fated...

The Hall of Records used to be a magical academy, but hasn't been since the Fated seized it centuries ago.

Magical societies in Sigil include the Society of the Luminiferous Aether in the Lower Ward (who are very unlikely to accept commissions from The Lady's Ward).

An appropriate tutor for dark magic would by Tyrashyk of the Broken Wand in the Clerk's Ward. See Faction War, page 17. Apparently he captures people to sacrifice to some dark god of magic in the middle of the night, but hasn't yet been caught at it.

If you want a twisted version of Hogwart's in Sigil, you'll have to invent it yourself. Perhaps Tyrashyk could be a teacher there.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Learning black magic at a school in Sigil?

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
If you want a twisted version of Hogwart's in Sigil, you'll have to invent it yourself. Perhaps Tyrashyk could be a teacher there.
Yeah, I suspected I'd have to make something up. I think a lot of magic schools would sort of come and go in Sigil, though one that appeals to students from the Lady's Ward would certainly have no problem staying around, unless there was some sort of power struggle between those supporting it, and another rising up in its place...

But then again maybe such a richly funded Sigilian school would have rivalries with schools from other cities like Union, The Rock of Bral, Shrakt'lor, Aggrazat or wherever.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Learning black magic at a school in Sigil?

Possibly. Though I'll admit that the traditional way of teaching magic I'm familiar with in the Planescape setting is more of a Master-Apprentice thing. Aka, One on One teaching as opposed to a full school.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Learning black magic at a school in Sigil?

Then there's the Fraternity of Order. I'd be surprised if they didn't have a magic school somewhere, even if it's back on Mechanus.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Learning black magic at a school in Sigil?

I suspect many of the factions might have their own schools, possibly ones being based off planes. Though it's likely that Ciphers are more likely to teach psionics since I feel it may fit their philosophy better (of course it doesn't exclude them from magic, and other factions from psionics either).

Though I can see that some really wealthy independant schools might also be built around a permanant portal to some demiplane, that makes the school bigger on the inside than on the outside.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Learning black magic at a school in Sigil?

Hmm...The Bleak Cabal School of Magic, anyone?

"So no one finished the assignment? eh, whatever..."

simmo's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Learning black magic at a school in Sigil?

Since the study and practise of magic is often referred to as the Craft or as the Art, it does not lend itself so well to being studied in a college-style environment in my opinion.

Traditionally wizards (and even sorcerers) take on apprentices that they train. Some take only only one at a time, whilst others take on many.

That's not to say that you cannot invent a college or two where magic is taught. The question I'd ask is: why would someone want to set one up? If it's for jinks, then surely they can earn that in other ways by creating/selling items, casting spells for a fee, etc.

Berks are generally motivated by selfish reasons. Having numerous powerful spell-casters around can be dangerous to one's health. Apprentices you can reasonably keep an eye on. If you have lots of students in a College, it gets harder to keep tabs on what each is up to.

Those who have power often seek to maintain its uses under their control.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Learning black magic at a school in Sigil?

My own home game, one of the PCs fromt he previosu game did set one up. For personal reasons actually - as a Choosen of Mystra his 'job' so to speak was to spread magic. Eye-wink What better way to do it than through a school?

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