Lady of Pain loopholes?

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Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Lady of Pain loopholes?

Now, I know that the Lady of Pain is completly of Limits, But in a campaign im designing, The arch villian positive lich entity makes a play for sigil. Now, I could just let him do it and have my players watch him get his ass handed to him, but where is the fun in that? No real build up. And for the amount of chaos he would unleash, its sure to catch the Lady's attention.
So, what im asking is... how can i have the lady of Pain neutralized for any lenght of time? In the end, I fully plan on either a) the players destroying whatever is keeping the Lady of Pain prisoner, set her free, and watch the show or b) the Lady getting out of it her own damn self while the party tries a few futile things to help her. But either way, I need a way of immobilizing her without hurting her.

I Now fold into a fetal position and wait for the ensuing lynch mob that is sure to come after this post. All I ask of you is that you make it quick and painless. :cry:

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Lady of Pain loopholes?

Check out the module Harbinger House.

ceratus's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Lady of Pain loopholes?

I haven't got Harbringer House (which disturbs me, since I could have sworn I had it somewhere), so please excuse any repetition of that module's contents in any part Eye-wink

Don't worry, we only lynch people who use the new cosmology...and people who don't vote for the githzerai on the poll :twisted:

So could make the Lady not care for a while, and have some minor villain trick the PCs into believing that she's been imprisoned, and send them on some wild goose chase trying to "free her". Then after a while, the Lady may get tired of having her city blown up by some undead creep, and decide to open a can of to speak.
You could either tell the PCs through an NPC that they were tricked, and had nothing to do with releasing the Lady, or her appearance could coincide with the PCs finishing what was needed to "free her", and so make them believe that they were the ones who freed her.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Lady of Pain loopholes?

"ceratus" wrote:
I haven't got Harbringer House (which disturbs me, since I could have sworn I had it somewhere), so please excuse any repetition of that module's contents in any part Eye-wink
Thats ok - neither do I - I just know it'll probably have some Darks that would be useful to this question. Eye-wink

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Lady of Pain loopholes?

Not that it would help, but I remember the "pages of pain" novel where the lady mentioned that she doesn't see or feel events in sigil that don't involve pain

Anarch's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Lady of Pain loopholes?

One fun thing I'd considered but never fully developed: What if the Lady of Pain mazed herself?

ceratus's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Lady of Pain loopholes?

A thought springs to mind....Why?
I kinda doubt she'd do something like that on accident...I mean...she *has* retained control of Sigil for a while now...and people who maze themselves tend to be overthrown pretty quickly... :roll:
Now....someone else mazing her...somehow stealing her powers for a very short amount of time and imprisoning her in that way, and in a maze where she can't use her powers to get out...hmm....(diabolic plot springs to mind)...
As for the pain thing...I'm pretty sure that a rampaging lich causes quite a bit of pain. Unless he specifically tried to avoid it....

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Lady of Pain loopholes?

Now theres a thought. What if the Lich is, yes destroying Sigil, but insted of killing the inhabitants using spells to immobilize them, freeze them, or trap them in that fashion? He could freeze all of sigil, transport them away, and move his forces in to take over the place without so much as a stubbed toe. the plot thickens....

in fact, its getting downright hard to stir

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Lady of Pain loopholes?

Wait a sec...
Is the Lady of Pain sensitive to pain being dealt to everyone in Sigil? or just the residents?

What I mean is... say the Lich brings in a swarm of Trelons after removing everyone else in Sigil. If The PC's attack and kill the Trelons, will that alert the Lady? and If so, will she care?

ceratus's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Lady of Pain loopholes?

Well...doing that to *everyone* would be...what's the word...hmmm...downright impossible. A lot of sods in the cage would dislike being frozen/stunned/whatever, and not a few of them are pretty powerful in their own right. Getting them out of the cage would also be kinda hard, since they all have to be thrown into portals...
You also have to take the dabus into account, since they're likely to inform the Lady of what's happening.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Lady of Pain loopholes?

damn, your right. The dabus throw the whole idea out the window. I dont suppose theres a way to cut the Dabus off from The Lady are there?
and another though: even if you managed to drag away even the most powerful of the Sigilian residents ( aka Lothar ) theres no way you could stop the flow ofpeople coming in Sigil through all the portals, Unless you closed the portals, which is impossible in its own right. So, back to square one.

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Lady of Pain loopholes?

Fidrikon wrote:
Wait a sec...
Is the Lady of Pain sensitive to pain being dealt to everyone in Sigil? or just the residents?

Everyone. Then again, it's a ps novel, so the writer probably just made that up. But, like that planescape faq said, the DM's primary rule is "if you don't know it, make it up" Laughing out loud

Anarch's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Lady of Pain loopholes?

A thought springs to mind....Why?

Any of a number of reasons. Perhaps she's fooled into mazing herself. Perhaps a power has figured out how to reflect her ability back onto herself. She's charged with protecting Sigil; perhaps she finds herself to be a threat. It could be a defensive gesture, her way of pulling the hole in after her.

Or maybe she's just bored. She's the Lady of Pain, berk, and she don't need no reason Eye-wink

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Lady of Pain loopholes?

"Almighty Watashi"]
Fidrikon wrote:
Wait a sec... Is the Lady of Pain sensitive to pain being dealt to everyone in Sigil? or just the residents?[quote wrote:

Everyone. Then again, it's a ps novel, so the writer probably just made that up. But, like that planescape faq said, the DM's primary rule is "if you don't know it, make it up" Laughing out loud

Pages of Pain is not canon.

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Lady of Pain loopholes?

cannon? :oops:

ceratus's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Lady of Pain loopholes?

Official. What really (well not really, but you get the point) happened in the Planescape setting. For example...Fire and Dust is not canon...(so all the things that the author wrote about in that book, didn't happen as far as the official ps setting is concerned), whereas Faction war *is* canon.

And that's odd...I've always thought "Pages of Pain" and those other two were canon.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Lady of Pain loopholes?

I've heard about pages of pain, where might I find it? for free if possible.

also, back to the origanl thread: okay, assuming that the lady of pain has accidently mazed herself, how could she be freed?

On that note, how does anyone get out of a maze? I know they all have an exit, but seriosly.

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Lady of Pain loopholes?

I found pages of pain with eMule, but i think i'll invest my next paycheck in the real thing because i hate reading books off screen Smiling

About leaving the maze, try to find faces of sigil (book of NPC-s). There was that dude who sells (mostly fake) maps of lady's mazes. He also likes to make people do something to upset the lady and when the victim ends up in a maze, he scrys them (or whatever) and goes there to kill them or use them to map some more mazes :twisted:

i don't remember the exact details, but i can look it up when i get home Smiling

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Lady of Pain loopholes?

She. She's a gith in the Indeps - I want to say githyanki. And they aren't fakes. Eye-wink At least unless she doesn't like you. She's got a bit part in Shemmie's storyhour (that's the gith we dealt with to get out of our brief Maze ventures.)

Baernoloth's picture
Joined: 2004-05-24
Lady of Pain loopholes?

Her name was Djekhnlarr. Please don't ask me where the apostrophe's go. Smiling And yeah she was a Githyanki.

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