Koo'laidman, the Blood God

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Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Koo'laidman, the Blood God

Koo'laidman, the Blood God
Minor Diety
Alignment: CE
Portfolio: Oozes, blood, death, slavery, wealth, trade, and the destruction of walls.
Domains: Death, destruction, wealth, trade, chaos, evil, ooze and blood
Holy Symbol: A small paper envelope filled with fruit-flavored powder or an empty glass flask or jug.
Koo'laidman has few worshipers but supports the ones he does have very well, appearing when-ever called in his destructive avatar by bursting through and destroying the nearest solid wall. The avatar is a huge crystalline sphere with its top open and a snearing face molded out of it on the surface. When he appears he will immediately attack anyone within twenty feet by spilling his vile blood on them. The blood itself when expelled forms into a small ooze moves on its own for ten rounds and will try to force its way into a victim's mouth with an opposed grapple check it makes with a +12 to its roll. Once inside the ooze will compel the victim to dance as otto's irresistible dance and the victim will take 1d6 points of intelligence damage each round (Fort save DC 20 negates, each round). When all intelligence is lost the victim becomes the bloodgod's mindless slave oozing droplets of blood from its mouth.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Koo'laidman, the Blood God

Frightening, truely frightening

crazyfool's picture
Joined: 2005-05-16
Koo'laidman, the Blood God

ooo, bursting through walls!!! my diety, i wants it!

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Koo'laidman, the Blood God

not bad, but that is SO not a minor deity. as to the wall breaking... the buildings in his domain must be really dangerous to be inside by now...

SinisterSeraph's picture
Joined: 2005-11-20
Koo'laidman, the Blood God

OH YEAH!!! Laughing out loud

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Koo'laidman, the Blood God

'Sarrin' wrote:
not bad, but that is SO not a minor deity...

I agree... that is really not a minor deity, give 'em more credit :gear_wink: . But other than that I like... I like very much.

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