Known Loopholes

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Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Known Loopholes

Seeking instances of loopholes canonically known to or researched by Guvners.  I have the following, but only from the Factol's Manifesto:

Hashkar has 5 loopholes, of which three are known: instantly finding a gate to the Negative Energy Plane within 60 feet; traveling forward in time, "skipping" as much as 10 minutes; and summoning up to 10 monodrone modrons to his aid instantly.  Interestingly, he's used at least one of these unconsciously, thereby surviving an attempt on his life!  (The timeskip seems to be the most likely candidate for an ability useful while unconscious.)

A generic Guvner is given as an example with the ability to cast flame blade; another example is teleport via shadow.

Calmar's picture
Joined: 2006-06-07
You could let the guvners

You could let the guvners 'cast' arcane and divine spells (or mayhab even psionic powers) as if they had a caster level that more or less equals their character levels.


"La la la, I'm a girl, I'm a pretty little girl!"

--Bel the Pit Fiend, Lord of the First (in a quiet hour of privacy)

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Mechanics I got (it's

Mechanics I got (it's character level as caster level, for a spell-like ability, found with the spell research rules).  I was just seeking flavor.

My Guvner's actually seeking four loopholes in a set that will span the Inner Planes: e.g., Lightning, Vacuum, Magma, and Ooze.  Magma + Ooze = (Fire + Earth)/2 + (Earth + Water)/2 = Earth; Lightning - Vacuum = (Air + Positive)/2 - (Air + Negative)/2 = Positive, etc.  Then, having gotten all of these, he plans to develop a method of tying them all together, thus finding a systemic loophole around everything, because everything's made up of the elements, and using it to transcend.  As plans for godhood go, not bad, don't you think?  :^)

'course, if he does it wrong, I'm a little worried that he might just accidently rip a hole in reality and let Tharizdun out or the Far Realm in or something.  We're gonna try to make sure that doesn't happen.... 

link_the_hero's picture
Joined: 2006-06-28
Re: Known Loopholes

nice equations but i think that it just work on primes worlds that are made of matter, is no the case of outers that are made of belief, your ecuation is not unificated Eye-wink

int check
I rolled 1d12, the result is 2 = 2.
ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: Known Loopholes

Well, they're loopholes. So they might easily ignore the standard planar relationships.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: Known Loopholes

Jem wrote:

My Guvner's actually seeking four loopholes in a set that will span the Inner Planes: e.g., Lightning, Vacuum, Magma, and Ooze. Magma + Ooze = (Fire + Earth)/2 + (Earth + Water)/2 = Earth; Lightning - Vacuum = (Air + Positive)/2 - (Air + Negative)/2 = Positive, etc. Then, having gotten all of these, he plans to develop a method of tying them all together, thus finding a systemic loophole around everything, because everything's made up of the elements, and using it to transcend. As plans for godhood go, not bad, don't you think? :^)

'course, if he does it wrong, I'm a little worried that he might just accidently rip a hole in reality and let Tharizdun out or the Far Realm in or something. We're gonna try to make sure that doesn't happen....

LOL, at least this is a funny concept to use for
a characters theoretical future achievements...

Btw, this makes makes me think of a previous game I used to play, Dark Sun, where (in 2nd ed, mind you) we were allowed in the storyline to do adventures based on each school of magic, and if we completed any of them, we would be allowed a wish in line with the school of magic we did, and at a strength of the grade we did it in, (easy, medium, hard).
We, when we unfortunately stopped the campaign, had so far done 5 or so of them, and the effects were quite fun...

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Known Loopholes

Hey, thread necromancy.

Just for kicks, status update on the ascension plan: the GM has ruled that he can only get three, so I've decided thematically that the loopholes a Guvner finds say something about him personally. As he's an air genasi, I've mapped out the loopholes required as Lightning, Vacuum, and Ice, which require some negatives and doubles to span the Inner Planes (for instance, Earth = -(Lightning + Vacuum)), but are still sufficient for the plan. He has two of them so far, and is currently ECL 14. They are:

Vacuum welding: All air escapes from between the joints of the subject's metal armor or the metal pieces of a construct, instantly welding them together. The subject's movement is hampered: Dex penalty equal to the armor bonus or natural armor of the subject, movement rate decreases, abilities that require light or no armor no longer function, etc.

Bioelectricity: As cure moderate wounds on a living being, which must have an anatomy reasonably "standard" (we picked the criterion that they were subject to critical hits). Itches a bit, since the method is that he senses and restores the target's natural bioelectrical pathways.

The ice loophole will probably be something involving an ice double, though it isn't worked out yet.

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