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Bujio's picture
Joined: 2008-04-01


I am finding it very very difficult to respond to that topic for some reason, and because I'm so frustrated I decided to give up and make a new topic to say what I wanted to say.

It was mentioned that Kender might well be used as slaves throughout the planes. While I see where people could think that and come up with that idea, I tend to believe that Kender make really really terrible material for slaves. For one, slavers tend to boost Kender economy exponentially. Those trying to enslave the Kender will find it's too much of a problem for them to keep the little buggers under control.

Kenders have no fear of anything, which means that if the Kenders do decide to fight, for freedom, uprising, whatever, they are going to be really really freakng fierce as only someone who fears nothing can be. A little guy that can make anything into a creative and destructive weapon who has no fear of you even if you are the biggest baddy in Hell...I would be crapping myself and running.

Do to the fact that Kender aren't found (naturally) on very many primes, it's likely that there aren't very many Kenders compared to other races, but because the planes are infinite and so the Kenders will never run out of places to explore, I think it's probably one of those places that Kender would seek out.

Also, just off topic, the Kender view of hell is a room with no way out and nothing to occupy their mind. I think we could call this realm "Boredom" and should actually assign it a place on the great wheel, just for kicks.

Also, in my campaign Twinkies are a delicacy that everyone loves no matter what their race...but in a twisted sense of Irony can only be made by Kenders in the same way that Elven Chain can only be made by Elves. There has evolved a patron goddess of Twinkies that some Kenders revere known only as "The Hostess". Smiling Thought it was good for a laugh.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05

Strangely, kender were mentioned specifically in the 1st edition Manual of the Planes as one of the petitioner races in Acheron.

Bujio's picture
Joined: 2008-04-01

I'll have to take a look at that.


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