Keepers and mysteries (spoilers?)

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Corian's picture
Joined: 2007-09-22
Keepers and mysteries (spoilers?)

Reading the Ecology of the Keeper article from Dragon 353, I find myself eager to use the Critters in Black for my upcoming Ethereal/Inner Planar campaign. So, in this article are names of various bands of Keepers, likely secrets that band was set to watch over. These are: the Apotheosis, the Draeden, the Final Gate, the Iron Flask, the Maze, the Mists, the Gray Path, the Seven Parts, the Ur-Fiend, the Unliving God, and the example character's grouping: the Colorless Pool.

I have a good idea about what a number of those refer to, but I am curious to see what we can figure out about them. I do realize that this might be uncharted lands, but all ideas are welcome. And if you can figure out a reference or something like that, so much the better.

Anyone interested?

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
Keepers and mysteries (spoilers?)

Well, here are my guesses for as many as I can figure out.

Iron Flask: The Iron Flask of Tueny the Merciless. Nasty little artifact that can trap a huge number of fiends, or one Abyssal Lord

The Maze: Possibly a reference to the Lady's Mazes

The Mists: Ravenloft, and possibly the Dark Powers that preside over it

The Seven Parts: The Rod of Seven Parts. Another artifact

The Ur-Fiend: Possibly Asmodeus, in reference to what's at the bottom of Nessus

The Unliving God: Almost certainly Tenebrous/Orcus

As for the others, no idea at all. Hope it was some help

Kay's picture
Joined: 2006-09-20
Keepers and mysteries (spoilers?)

the Final Gate: Escape from the dying multiverse?

Btw: What in heavens' name are you talking about?
Or wait, I should rather read the Dragon article before asing any stupid questions. Then, I don't have any Dragon.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Keepers and mysteries (spoilers?)

The Dreaden were the beings created before the gods (check the encyclopedia here for more info)

Corian's picture
Joined: 2007-09-22
Keepers and mysteries (spoilers?)

My idea was that these keeper groups keep track of (and silence) knowledge pertaining to certain mysteries. So... I agree that the Rod of Seven Parts is the likely object of the Seven Parts group, but the question is what the keepers are protecting. After all, the existence of the artifact is common knowledge. It could possibly be the locations of its pieces... but I wouldn't think so, on account of them disappearing and moving every so often. Rather, if there is a mystery attached to it, what is it? It was used to defeat Miska the Wolf-Spider... does his essence remain within it? Is there a pattern to where they disappear to? If they show up when Oerth is threatened (like in the Age of Worms AP), does this also apply to other planes/worlds? The Wind Dukes who created it were beings of Air... is there something there that could divulge a secret about the Rod?

Does this make things clearer? I would prefer ideas of what the groups are keeping secret, references to canon if possible, and theories/suggestions/speculations on how these secrets work and could be used in playing, but every speculation is welcome.

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