Just how important are the standard D&D Races to Planescape?

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Mississippi Bennu's picture
Joined: 2013-11-23
Just how important are the standard D&D Races to Planescape?

Planescape has always struck me as a kind of funny evolution from standard D&D, especially in regards to the races. Of course humans, the Gith, Planetouched, some of the rarer humanoids from across the planes, and your given Rogue Modron are all pretty indispensable to the setting.

However, after those just how important are the various kinds of regular D&D races to Planescape? If we remove dwarves, elves, halflings, gnomes and the various demi-humans from the setting would anyone really notice?

I ask because I'm beginning to plan a Planescape via Fate game and am pondering leaving out the less planar-themed races. Would I be missing anything too drastic?

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Just how important are the standard D&D Races to Planescape?

I'm not even sure why you need humans? Because a few factols are of that lesser, belligerent race? Eye-wink

Seriously though, leaving out some of the demihumans may shift things in terms of planar politics given the prominence of those races' deities in certain aspects of planar interaction.

It may also make Sigil feel less like a cosmopolitan fantasy rather than a galactic hub. Having the archetypal fantasy races with varied cultures/religions/fashions/temperaments is a nice way to get across the potential diversity of the planes.

That said I think you can pretty much cut out a lot of races from Planescape without too much trouble as there's an infinity out there to make up the difference.


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cromlich's picture
Joined: 2012-09-13
Re: Just how important are the standard D&D Races to Planescape?

In my games elves and dwarves are half important cause they play a part in some big mythologies. Other standard races not so much. Planes being infinite you can increase/decrease the importance of any race you want.

KnightOfDecay's picture
Joined: 2013-02-14
Re: Just how important are the standard D&D Races to Planescape?

Having planar versions of the standard D&D races can indeed be a nice way to
diversify the usual stereotypes, especially if it's based on an actual mythological background.
e.g. the Ysgardian elves from Alfheim are a great opportunity to make them appear more like uncouth (and glowing) fey creatures instead of the wise/responsible standard/LOTR elves.

If you leave out the standard races this would probably also limit your players choice in PC-races (or make them very unique if they belong to one of them).

Another option would be to use them only as petitioners.

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